NI DAQMX Scale Attributes - ni/grpc-device GitHub Wiki

Scale Attributes

See how to get and set attributes.


Data Type: char*
Description: Specifies a description for the scale.

You can get/set this attribute using:   DAQmxGetScaleAttribute   DAQmxSetScaleAttribute


Data Type: char*
Description: Specifies the units to use for scaled values. You can use an arbitrary string.

You can get/set this attribute using:   DAQmxGetScaleAttribute   DAQmxSetScaleAttribute


Data Type: int32
Description: Specifies the units of the values that you want to scale.

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_Volts 10348 Volts.
DAQmx_Val_Amps 10342 Amperes.
DAQmx_Val_DegF 10144 Degrees Fahrenheit.
DAQmx_Val_DegC 10143 Degrees Celsius.
DAQmx_Val_DegR 10145 Degrees Rankine.
DAQmx_Val_Kelvins 10325 Kelvins.
DAQmx_Val_Strain 10299 Strain.
DAQmx_Val_Ohms 10384 Ohms.
DAQmx_Val_Hz 10373 Hertz.
DAQmx_Val_Seconds 10364 Seconds.
DAQmx_Val_Meters 10219 Meters.
DAQmx_Val_Inches 10379 Inches.
DAQmx_Val_Degrees 10146 Degrees.
DAQmx_Val_Radians 10273 Radians.
DAQmx_Val_Ticks 10304 Ticks.
DAQmx_Val_RPM 16080 Revolutions per minute.
DAQmx_Val_RadiansPerSecond 16081 Radians per second.
DAQmx_Val_DegreesPerSecond 16082 Degrees per second.
DAQmx_Val_g 10186 1 g is approximately equal to 9.81 m/s/s.
DAQmx_Val_MetersPerSecondSquared 12470 Meters per second per second.
DAQmx_Val_InchesPerSecondSquared 12471 Inches per second per second.
DAQmx_Val_MetersPerSecond 15959 Meters per second.
DAQmx_Val_InchesPerSecond 15960 Inches per second.
DAQmx_Val_Pascals 10081 Pascals.
DAQmx_Val_Newtons 15875 Newtons.
DAQmx_Val_Pounds 15876 Pounds.
DAQmx_Val_KilogramForce 15877 Kilograms-force.
DAQmx_Val_PoundsPerSquareInch 15879 Pounds per square inch.
DAQmx_Val_Bar 15880 Bar.
DAQmx_Val_NewtonMeters 15881 Newton meters.
DAQmx_Val_InchOunces 15882 Ounce-inches.
DAQmx_Val_InchPounds 15883 Pound-inches.
DAQmx_Val_FootPounds 15884 Pound-feet.
DAQmx_Val_VoltsPerVolt 15896 Volts per volt.
DAQmx_Val_mVoltsPerVolt 15897 Millivolts per volt.
DAQmx_Val_Coulombs 16102 Coulombs.
DAQmx_Val_PicoCoulombs 16103 PicoCoulombs.
DAQmx_Val_FromTEDS 12516 Units defined by TEDS information associated with the channel.

You can get/set this attribute using:   DAQmxGetScaleAttribute   DAQmxSetScaleAttribute


Data Type: int32
Description: Indicates the method or equation form that the custom scale uses.
Restrictions: Not Settable

Valid values

DAQmx_Val_Linear 10447 Scale values by using the equation y=mx+b, where x is a prescaled value and y is a scaled value.
DAQmx_Val_MapRanges 10448 Scale values proportionally from a range of pre-scaled values to a range of scaled values.
DAQmx_Val_Polynomial 10449 Scale values by using an Nth order polynomial equation.
DAQmx_Val_Table 10450 Map an array of pre-scaled values to an array of corresponding scaled values, with all other values scaled proportionally.

You can get this attribute using:   DAQmxGetScaleAttribute



Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies the slope, m, in the equation y=mx+b.

You can get/set this attribute using:   DAQmxGetScaleAttribute   DAQmxSetScaleAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies the y-intercept, b, in the equation y=mx+b.

You can get/set this attribute using:   DAQmxGetScaleAttribute   DAQmxSetScaleAttribute



Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies the largest value in the range of scaled values. NI-DAQmx maps this value to DAQmx_Scale_Map_PreScaledMax. Reads coerce samples that are larger than this value to match this value. Writes generate errors for samples that are larger than this value.

You can get/set this attribute using:   DAQmxGetScaleAttribute   DAQmxSetScaleAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies the largest value in the range of pre-scaled values. NI-DAQmx maps this value to DAQmx_Scale_Map_ScaledMax.

You can get/set this attribute using:   DAQmxGetScaleAttribute   DAQmxSetScaleAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies the smallest value in the range of scaled values. NI-DAQmx maps this value to DAQmx_Scale_Map_PreScaledMin. Reads coerce samples that are smaller than this value to match this value. Writes generate errors for samples that are smaller than this value.

You can get/set this attribute using:   DAQmxGetScaleAttribute   DAQmxSetScaleAttribute


Data Type: float64
Description: Specifies the smallest value in the range of pre-scaled values. NI-DAQmx maps this value to DAQmx_Scale_Map_ScaledMin.

You can get/set this attribute using:   DAQmxGetScaleAttribute   DAQmxSetScaleAttribute



Data Type: float64*
Description: Specifies an array of coefficients for the polynomial that converts pre-scaled values to scaled values. Each element of the array corresponds to a term of the equation. For example, if index three of the array is 9, the fourth term of the equation is 9x^3.

You can get/set this attribute using:   DAQmxGetScaleAttribute   DAQmxSetScaleAttribute


Data Type: float64*
Description: Specifies an array of coefficients for the polynomial that converts scaled values to pre-scaled values. Each element of the array corresponds to a term of the equation. For example, if index three of the array is 9, the fourth term of the equation is 9y^3.

You can get/set this attribute using:   DAQmxGetScaleAttribute   DAQmxSetScaleAttribute



Data Type: float64*
Description: Specifies an array of scaled values. These values map directly to the values in DAQmx_Scale_Table_PreScaledVals.

You can get/set this attribute using:   DAQmxGetScaleAttribute   DAQmxSetScaleAttribute


Data Type: float64*
Description: Specifies an array of pre-scaled values. These values map directly to the values in DAQmx_Scale_Table_ScaledVals.

You can get/set this attribute using:   DAQmxGetScaleAttribute   DAQmxSetScaleAttribute

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