User Stories - nhucleus/stumblr-app GitHub Wiki


As an unauthorized user, I want to be able to login to the website via a form, so that I can access my private information.


  • Will the user enter a username or an email address to login?
    • User will login via email or username with a secured password
  • What routes should we use for login?
    • User will login via /login route
  • Where should the user be redirected after login?
    • User will be redirected to a page displaying all blog posts published by bloggers that they follow
  • What happens if the user doesn't exist yet?
    • Display an error message Invalid Login. Please try again.
  • What happens if the user enters the wrong password?
    • Display an error message Invalid Login. Please try again.
  • What happens if the user with the username or email already exists?
    • The user will not be able to create a new account without a unique email or username
    • Display an error message User with email and/or username already exists.
  • Should this story include allowing a user to reset their password?
    • Not yet -- maybe in a future story
  • Should logging in use session-based or use token-based authentication?
    • We will use token-based auth for now

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Given that I'm a logged-out user and
    • When I'm on the /login route
    • Then there will be a login form with an email and password field and a "Login" button to submit the form.
  2. When I try to fill out the form with an invalid email and password combination and press Enter or press the "Login" button
    • Then at the top of the form, I will see a red message, Invalid Login. Please try again.
  3. When I try to fill out the form with an email that doesn't exist in the system and press Enter or press the "Login" button
    • Then at the top of the form, I will see a red message, Invalid Login. Please try again.
  4. When I try to fill out the form with a valid email and password and press press Enter or press the "Login" button
    • Then I will be redirected to the previous page they were on
  5. Given that I am a logged-in user
    • When I refresh the homepage at the / route
    • Then I will still be logged in
  6. Given that I am a logged-out user
    • I'm unable to publish blog posts, reblog other postings, or edit my blog posts.

Sign Up

As an unauthorized user, I want to be able to sign up for the website via a signup form, so that I can access Kawaii.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Given that I'm a user who has not signed up yet and
    • When I'm on the /signup route
    • Then there will be a signup form with an email, username, and password field and a "Sign Up" button to submit the form.
  2. When I try to fill out the form with an email or username that already exists with a valid password and press Enter or press the "Sign Up" button
    • Then at the top of the form, I will see a red message User with that email or username already exists.
  3. When I try to fill out the form with a password shorter than 8 characters and press Enter or press the "Sign Up" button
    • Then at the top of the form, I will see a red message Password must be at least 8 characters long.
  4. When I try to fill out the form with a valid email, username, and password and press Enter or press the "Sign Up" button
    • Then I will be redirected to the homepage at the / route.
  5. Given that I am a user that just signed up
    • When I refresh the homepage at the / route
    • Then I will still be logged in


As a logged-in user, I want to logout via a button on the navigation bar, so that I can hide my account information to the rest of the users on this device.

Publish Blog Posts

As a logged-in user, I want to publish blog posts, so that I can allow others to view my creation or share my interests with others alike.