Database Schema - nhucleus/stumblr-app GitHub Wiki

Schema for PostgresQL using Sequelize ORM.


Column Name Data Type Details
id integer not null, primary key
firstName string not null
lastName string not null
username string not null, indexed, foreign key
email string not null, indexed, foreign key
avatar string no constraints
hashedPassword string not null
createdAt datetime not null
updatedAt datetime not null
  • unique username
  • unique email
  • avatar will be URL to picture using AWS


Column Name Data Type Details
id integer not null, primary key
userId integer not null, foreign key
title string no constraints
body text no constraints
urlContent string no constraints
type ENUM values: 'text', 'image', 'audio'
tags string no constraints
  • Unique index on userId


Column Name Data Type Details
id integer not null, primary key
userId integer not null, foreign key
postId integer not null, foreign key
  • Unique index on userId and postId


Column Name Data Type Details
id integer not null, primary key
userId integer not null, foreign key
postId integer not null, foreign key
text text not null
  • Unique index on postId