Using Navigation Controllers - nhan/ios_guides GitHub Wiki

Push/pop navigation is one of the common types of navigation in iPhone apps, and it is easy to set up. A navigation controller manages a stack of view controllers. It is always initialized with a view controller and view controllers can be pushed onto the stack or removed from the stack.

Follow the steps below to set up a navigation controller using both Storyboard and programatically.

Using Navigation Controllers in Storyboard

Step 1: Embed a View Controller in a Navigation Controller

Embed in Navigation|600

Step 2: Create push segues to any view controller

Creating a push segue|600

Step 3: Popping a View Controller

By default, navigation controllers provide a navigation bar with a back button. If you want to go back to the previous view controller using code, then you can call the popViewControllerAnimated method, as shown below.
