New Project - nhan/ios_guides GitHub Wiki

Starting a New Project in Xcode

1. Create the Project

Click on File -> New -> Project and create a "Single View" project, and click Next. You'll be presented with a number of options.

  • Product Name - The product name is just the name of your app, e.g., "MyProject"
  • Organization Name - This is the name of your company, e.g. "Acme"
  • Company Identifier - With the above values, this becomes com.acme. By convention, iOS uses reverse domain name notation for identifiers.
  • Devices - This determines if your app is for the iPhone, iPad, or Universal (both). Use Universal.
  • Language - Use Swift.
  • Use Core Data - It will add the boilerplate Core Data setup code for you. Leave it unchecked.

When you click Next, you'll be prompted for a location to save it. Enable "Create a Git respository."

2. Add .gitignores


.DS_Store files are used by OS X to remember information about the current folder's window location.

The xcuserdata folder stores you local Xcode data, such as the breakpoints you've set.

3. Use a shared scheme

As you change build configurations, you want those changes shared with your team. Click the Application icon drop-down, and choose Manage Schemes.

In the new window, there is one scheme bundled with your app. Check the Shared box.

You will now have an MyProjectName.xcodeproj/xcshareddata folder in your app. Add this file to git.