Git Flow - nhaLeO/calendar GitHub Wiki

  1. Developers create a branch for every task.
  2. Before pushing codes to this branch, they need to check their codes by static analysis.
  3. After they test, they can push this branch to a remote repository and make a "Merge Request".
  4. Leaders review codes and merge it to a suitable branch, most cases it's "develop".
  5. Leaders merge "develop" codes to "master" for released codes.

We will get many small branches for this operation, so you can delete those branches after merged with PL's directions.

branch naming rule

Git 命名規則 / Git Naming Rule

1. master

命名規則 Naming rule

  • 出荷されうる完全な品質を保証する。

2. feature

命名規則 Naming rule

feature/<summary>/r<redmine ticket number>
  • 1機能ごとのブランチ。粒度はRedmine等チケット単位
  • Create a branch for each function.
$ git checkout master
$ git checkout -b feature/login/r9999

3. fix

命名規則 Naming rule

fix/<summary>/r<redmine ticket number>
  • 試験などで見つかった不具合修正ブランチ。粒度はRedmineチケット単位
  • Create a branch for each bugs.
$ git checkout master
$ git checkout -b fix/user-name-validation/r9999

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