Deliverable 1 - nguyen-michael/corn-notes GitHub Wiki

Deliverable #1

By EOD June 17, 2017 you must submit a detailed plan of action for your project. In this plan, you will include:

An overview of the intended application and WHY you feel it’s valuable.

We will be creating a digital note taking assistant. This will be based on cornell notes and aid students and teachers to grasp concepts and take more efficent notes.

We plan to have a mobile designed website that will allow a user to create an account and save their notes. They will also be able to join ‘classes’. A class can provide some direction in the notes.

A set of DETAILED screen-by-screen design layouts with annotations describing all UI/UX components and all data relevant to the screen.

A breakdown of roles by group member.

Mike: “Back-end” ‘King’
Tim: Front-end ‘Wizard’
Kyle: Project designing ‘Paragon’

A schedule for completion of various tasks.

This will be added later and updated.

A screenshot of your Jira, Trello, or Project Management Board that shows breakdown of tasks – assigned to group members with a schedule