Some important classes for extending in Astor - ngocpq/astor GitHub Wiki

Model classes

1. SuspiciousModificationPoint
2. ProgramVariant
	a. List<ModificationPoint> modificationPoints
		i. a list of "Gen", which represents all program locations (i.e., statements) that can be modified for that variant during evolution process.
	b. Map<Integer, List<OperatorInstance>> operations
		i. contain a Map "operations" that tracks the history of all modification applied to each "gen"
3. OperatorSpace:
4. AstorOperator: 
	a. applyChangesInModel(OperatorInstance, ProgramVariant)
	b. undoChangesInModel(OperatorInstance, ProgramVariant)
	c. updateProgramVariant(OperatorInstance, ProgramVariant): some operator add or remove modification points from a program variant
	d. List<OperatorInstance> createOperatorInstance(SuspiciousModificationPoint): create a list of operator instance from this mdp
5. IngredientSpace: the space of all possible program elements that can be used to generate patch
	a. void defineSpace(ProgramVariant variant): create space using classes from a variant
	b. List<ingredients> getIngredients(elementToModify)
	c. List<ingredients> getIngredients(elementToModify, type)

Extension points: ExtensionPoints

1. PopulationController:
	a. List<ProgramVariant>  selectProgramVariantsForNextGeneration(parentVariants, childVariants, maxNumberInstances, variantFactory, originalVariant, generation)
2. SuspiciousNavigationStrategy		
3. OperatorSelectionStrategy
	a. OperatorSelectionStrategy(OperatorSpace) constructor
	b. AstorOperator  getNextOperator()
	c. AstorOperator  getNextOperator(SuspiciousModificationPoint)

Genetic operation implementation classes

1. Overall algorithm:
	a. AstorCoreEngine
2. Fitness function: 
	a. FitnessFunction
	b. ProgramVariantValidator
3. Selection: 
	a. PopulationController
4. Mutation
	a. SuspiciousNavigationStrategy: ranking the modification points
	b. OperatorSelectionStrategy:
	c. IngredientSearchStrategy
	d. IngredientTransformationStrategy: generate a set of fix space for a modification point given an ingredient
		i. public  List<Ingredient> transform(ModificationPoint modificationPoint, Ingredient ingredient);
5. Crossover:
	a. do not have a separate class
	b. implemented in the method JGenProg.applyCrossover(), which is called in the prepareNextGeneration( …) method.
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