Week 24 - ngetachew/Portfolio GitHub Wiki

This week our group started by testing out the ODrive Board with the three motors. We used the ODrive_ease_lib library, a file created by Blake to make it easier to control the motors. When we tested this on the two smaller motors, things were working. However, when we tested out the larger motor, it would begin to spin uncontrollably fast no matter how small the speed was set to. We found that this was because the transmission on the motor was messed up, so manufacturing took it and will deliver a better version to us in the future. We tried changing the power supply and using more and less current, but nothing seemed to work. We even had the whole system shut off while pulling too much current, so we had to switch to a new power supply. We ordered a new board that will have special connectors for our project, so we just have to wait until next week.

Concurrently, I was able to get some testing done with the point plotting program we made with matplotlib. Now we are able to create a spiral out of any shape and have it be graphed on the plot. My next goal is to have an interface where the user can draw a design in one quadrant, press a button, and have it mirrored in all the quadrants. I'm using matplotlib for this, but it's still a work in progress.

In all honesty, when I wasn't doing these two things, I was either browsing the ODrive code so I could understand it or I'd look through the ODrive Forums.