ingest_voxel_globe.json - ngageoint/voxel-globe GitHub Wiki


Dataset ingestion of numerous formats often leads to holes in important information. For example, the VXL KRT format does not store the origin of the coordinate system for all the cameras.

Another difficult problem is determining which metadata file goes with which payload data. This is further complicated when one metadata goes with multiple payload data files, or vice versa. When automatic matching fails, ingest_voxel_globe.json can fill in the gaps. An example of that is payload data/metadata matching.

The ingest_voxel_globe.json format is very young and likely to change over the next few years. Backwards compatibility will be attempted when possible, but is not guaranteed.

ingest_voxel_globe.json can also be used to override any value that is normally parsed from uploaded metadata/payload data. It’s best to specify values only when you need to.


ingest_voxel_globe.json is a JSON formatted file. With all key/value pairs optional (defined in the schema)

  • origin – Defines the origin used for ingested camera. VXL KRT cameras are with respect to a common origin. This can be used to define that origin.
  • bbox – The bounding box used to determine the default size when processing the data, such as building a voxel world. Units in meters in an LVCS about origin_xyz.
  • gsd – The average gsd of the payload data. This is used to determine cell sizes, such as the voxel world cell size.
  • date – The date associated with the data collection. The data is useful metadata added to titles. Date format is YYYY-MM-DD
  • time_of_day – The time of day when the data was collected. Time format is HH:MM:SS
  • image_camera_match – Key/value pairs matching image file names with metadata file names, e.g.
  "image_camera_match": {
    "frame_00008.png": "frame_00001.txt",
    "frame_00019.png": "frame_00002.txt",
    "frame_00022.png": "frame_00003.txt"
  • position_error – Key/value pairs matching image file names with positional error in meters, used as the standard deviation for calculating the covariance matrix in the LE/CE calculation when generating a point cloud with error statistics, e.g.
  "position_error": {
    "frame_00008.png": 1.253,
    "frame_00019.png": 1.225,
    "frame_00022.png": 1.788
  • orientataion_error – Key/value pairs matching image file names with orientation error in de-grees, used as the standard deviation for calculating the covariance matrix in the LE/CE calcula-tion when generating a point cloud with error statistics, e.g.
  "orientation_error": {
    "frame_00008.png": 0.253,
    "frame_00019.png": 0.225,
    "frame_00022.png": 0.788