diff --git a/test-files/cases/reference/unifying/poi-polygon/poi-polygon-street-num-1/Input2.osm b/test-files/cases/reference/unifying/poi-polygon/poi-polygon-street-num-1/Input2.osm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f596d09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-files/cases/reference/unifying/poi-polygon/poi-polygon-street-num-1/Input2.osm
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
+<osm version='0.6' generator='JOSM'>
+ <node id='-101920078' action='modify' visible='true' lat='17.1575713' lon='-89.0700457'>
+ <tag k='addr:full' v='Hudson Street, San Ignacio, Belize' />
+ <tag k='amenity' v='clinic' />
+ <tag k='building' v='yes' />
+ <tag k='city' v='San Ignacio' />
+ <tag k='condition' v='functional' />
+ <tag k='feature:description' v='A healthcare facility that is primarily focused on the care of outpatients and typically cover the primary healthcare needs of populations in local communities' />
+ <tag k='feature:name' v='Vida Pharmacy & Clinic' />
+ <tag k='is_in:country' v='Belize' />
+ <tag k='latitude' v='17.157571300000029' />
+ <tag k='location:confidence' v='medium' />
+ <tag k='longitude' v='-89.07004569999998' />
+ <tag k='name:type' v='unverified_name' />
+ <tag k='opening_hours' v='8 AM - 10 PM' />
+ <tag k='phone' v='+501 804-4878' />
+ <tag k='poi:first-order_administrative_division' v='Cayo' />
+ <tag k='use' v='out-patient_care' />
+ </node>
+ <node id='-101920079' action='modify' visible='true' lat='17.15765316' lon='-89.070191856'>
+ <tag k='addr:full' v='Hudson Street, San Ignacio, Belize' />
+ <tag k='amenity' v='clinic' />
+ <tag k='building' v='yes' />
+ <tag k='city' v='San Ignacio' />
+ <tag k='condition' v='functional' />
+ <tag k='feature:description' v='A healthcare facility that is primarily focused on the care of outpatients and typically cover the primary healthcare needs of populations in local communities' />
+ <tag k='feature:name' v='Dr. Jorge Garcia Clínica Medica & Pharmacy' />
+ <tag k='imagery_confirmed' v='no' />
+ <tag k='information_confidence' v='medium' />
+ <tag k='is_in:country' v='Belize' />
+ <tag k='latitude' v='17.157653160000052' />
+ <tag k='location:confidence' v='medium' />
+ <tag k='longitude' v='-89.070191855999951' />
+ <tag k='name:type' v='unverified_name' />
+ <tag k='poi:first-order_administrative_division' v='Cayo' />
+ <tag k='use' v='out-patient_care' />
+ </node>