diff --git a/test-files/cmd/slow/ConflateNoInfoTest.sh.stdout b/test-files/cmd/slow/ConflateNoInfoTest.sh.stdout
index 0acaed8..2a6fd4a 100644
--- a/test-files/cmd/slow/ConflateNoInfoTest.sh.stdout
+++ b/test-files/cmd/slow/ConflateNoInfoTest.sh.stdout
@@ -1,73 +1,138 @@
-14:52:57.476 INFO .../hoot/core/cmd/ConflateCmd.cpp( 189) Conflating uo/hoot-release-1/hoot/test-files/NoInfoInput1.osm with uo/hoot-release-1/hoot/test-files/NoInfoInput2.osm and writing the output to d/slow/ConflateNoInfoTest/ConflateNoInfoOutput.osm
-14:52:57.483 INFO ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 183) Loading map from uo/hoot-release-1/hoot/test-files/NoInfoInput1.osm...
-14:52:57.737 INFO ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 183) Loading map from uo/hoot-release-1/hoot/test-files/NoInfoInput2.osm...
-14:52:57.774 INFO .../hoot/core/cmd/ConflateCmd.cpp( 253) Applying pre-conflation operations...
-14:52:57.774 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 81) Removing outlines around buildings...
-14:52:57.774 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 100) Removed 0 building outlines in 00:00
-14:52:57.774 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 85) Applying operation: hoot::MapCleaner
-14:52:57.774 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 85) Applying operation: hoot::ReprojectToPlanarOp
-14:52:57.845 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 81) Removing duplicate ways...
-14:52:57.852 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 81) Removing superfluous ways...
-14:52:57.852 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 100) Removed 0 superfluous ways in 00:00
-14:52:57.852 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 81) Splitting road intersections...
-14:52:57.858 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 100) Split 0 road intersections in 00:00
-14:52:57.858 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 81) Removing unlikely intersections...
-14:52:57.864 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 100) Removed 0 unlikely intersections in 00:00
-14:52:57.864 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 81) Splitting divided highways into two one way streets...
-14:52:57.868 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 100) Split 0 divided highways in 00:00
-14:52:57.868 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 81) Marking road sections that appear to be divided highways...
-14:52:57.872 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 100) Marked 0 road sections as divided highways in 00:00
-14:52:57.872 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 81) Removing duplicate name tags...
-14:52:57.875 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 100) Removed 0 duplicate name tags in 00:00
-14:52:57.875 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 81) Merging very small ways...
-14:52:57.877 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 100) Merged 0 very small ways in 00:00
-14:52:57.877 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 112) Removing empty areas...
-14:52:57.894 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 132) Removed 0 empty areas in 00:00
-14:52:57.894 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 112) Removing duplicate areas...
-14:52:57.914 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 132) Removed 0 duplicate areas in 00:00
-14:52:57.914 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 81) Removing elements with no information tags...
-14:52:57.925 INFO ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 128) Applying pre-unifying conflation operations...
-14:52:57.925 INFO ...late/matching/MatchFactory.cpp( 75) Launching match creator 1 / 4...
-14:52:57.925 INFO ...ighway/HighwayMatchCreator.cpp( 303) Creating matches with: hoot::HighwayMatchCreator...
-14:52:57.926 INFO ...ighway/HighwayMatchCreator.cpp( 212) Processed 1000 / 2635 elements.
14:52:57.927 INFO ...ighway/HighwayMatchCreator.cpp( 212) Processed 2000 / 2635 elements.
14:52:57.927 INFO ...late/matching/MatchFactory.cpp( 75) Launching match creator 2 / 4...
-14:52:57.928 INFO ...lygon/BuildingMatchCreator.cpp( 310) Creating matches with: hoot::BuildingMatchCreator...
-14:52:58.580 INFO ...lygon/BuildingMatchCreator.cpp( 217) Processed 1000 / 2635 elements.
14:52:58.581 INFO ...lygon/BuildingMatchCreator.cpp( 217) Processed 2000 / 2635 elements.
14:52:58.586 INFO ...late/matching/MatchFactory.cpp( 75) Launching match creator 3 / 4...
-14:52:58.586 INFO ...late/js/ScriptMatchCreator.cpp( 549) Creating matches with: hoot::ScriptMatchCreator; rules: PoiGeneric.js...
-14:52:58.606 INFO ...late/js/ScriptMatchCreator.cpp( 437) Processed 1000 / 2635 elements.
14:52:58.624 INFO ...late/js/ScriptMatchCreator.cpp( 437) Processed 2000 / 2635 elements.
14:52:58.634 INFO ...late/matching/MatchFactory.cpp( 75) Launching match creator 4 / 4...
-14:52:58.636 INFO .../hoot/rules/LinearWaterway.js"( 30) "Calculating search radius for waterway conflation..."
-14:52:58.726 INFO ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 434) Skipping rubbersheeting due to not finding enough tie points. The minimum allowable tie points configured is 5 and 0 tie points were found.
-14:52:58.726 INFO ...ate/SearchRadiusCalculator.cpp( 156) Unable to automatically calculate search radius. Not enough tie points. Using default search radius value = 15
-14:52:58.728 INFO ...late/js/ScriptMatchCreator.cpp( 549) Creating matches with: hoot::ScriptMatchCreator; rules: LinearWaterway.js...
-14:52:58.749 INFO ...late/js/ScriptMatchCreator.cpp( 437) Processed 1000 / 2635 elements.
14:52:58.766 INFO ...late/js/ScriptMatchCreator.cpp( 437) Processed 2000 / 2635 elements.
14:52:58.792 INFO ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 230) Match count: 0
-14:52:58.792 INFO ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 247) Creating mergers...
-14:52:58.792 INFO ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 264) Applying 0 mergers...
-14:52:58.793 INFO ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 280) Mergers applied
-14:52:58.793 INFO ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 297) Applying post-unifying conflation operations...
-14:52:58.793 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 85) Applying operation: hoot::SuperfluousNodeRemover
-14:52:58.799 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 81) Merging very small ways...
-14:52:58.800 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 100) Merged 0 very small ways in 00:00
-14:52:58.800 INFO .../hoot/core/cmd/ConflateCmd.cpp( 293) Applying post-conflation operations...
-14:52:58.800 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 81) Replacing roundabouts with simple intersections...
-14:52:58.800 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 112) Removing references to elements that do not exist...
-14:52:58.802 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 132) Removed 0 missing elements in 00:00
-14:52:58.802 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 112) Removing review relations with no members...
-14:52:58.803 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 132) Removed 0 empty review relations in 00:00
-14:52:58.803 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 81) Removing duplicate review relations...
-14:52:58.803 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 81) Updating building outlines that changed during conflation...
-14:52:58.803 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 85) Applying operation: hoot::WayJoinerOp
-14:52:58.804 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 112) Removing invalid and multiline string relations...
-14:52:58.805 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 132) Removed 0 relation members and 0 relations in 00:00
-14:52:58.805 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 112) Removing invalid multiline string relation members...
-14:52:58.806 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 81) Removing superfluous ways...
-14:52:58.806 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 100) Removed 0 superfluous ways in 00:00
-14:52:58.806 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 112) Removing duplicate way nodes...
-14:52:58.807 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 132) Removed 0 duplicate way nodes in 00:00
-14:52:58.807 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 81) Removing empty relations...
-14:52:58.808 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 100) Removed 0 empty relations in 00:00
-14:52:58.808 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 81) Adding geospatial sorting tags to review relations...
-14:52:58.808 INFO .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 100) Added 0 sorting tags in 00:00
-14:52:58.810 INFO ...ore/io/OsmMapWriterFactory.cpp( 141) Writing map to /fouo/hoot-release-1/hoot/test-output/cmd/slow/ConflateNoInfoTest/ConflateNoInfoOutput.osm...
-14:52:58.888 INFO .../hoot/core/cmd/ConflateCmd.cpp( 432) Conflation job completed.
-14:52:59.217 INFO ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 183) Loading map from /test-files/cmd/slow/ConflateNoInfoTest/output.osm...
-14:52:59.316 INFO ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 183) Loading map from d/slow/ConflateNoInfoTest/ConflateNoInfoOutput.osm...
+16:42:36.833 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 85) Conflate (0%): Conflating ot/test-files/NoInfoInput1.osm with ot/test-files/NoInfoInput2.osm and writing the output to oTest/ConflateNoInfoOutput.osm
+16:42:36.839 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 85) Conflate (0%): Loading reference map: ...ot/test-files/NoInfoInput1.osm...
+16:42:36.843 INFO ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 171) Loading map from .../ramdisk/hoot/test-files/NoInfoInput1.osm...
+16:42:36.887 INFO .../hoot/core/io/OsmXmlReader.cpp( 476) Reporting missing elements...
+16:42:36.887 STATUS ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 207) Read 1,706 elements from input in: 00:00.
+16:42:36.888 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 85) Conflate (14%): Loading secondary map: ...ot/test-files/NoInfoInput2.osm...
+16:42:36.888 INFO ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 171) Loading map from .../ramdisk/hoot/test-files/NoInfoInput2.osm...
+16:42:36.909 INFO .../hoot/core/io/OsmXmlReader.cpp( 476) Reporting missing elements...
+16:42:36.910 STATUS ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 207) Read 2,635 elements from input in: 00:00.
+16:42:36.910 STATUS .../hoot/core/cmd/ConflateCmd.cpp( 386) Conflating map with 2,635 elements...
+16:42:36.913 STATUS .../hoot/core/cmd/ConflateCmd.cpp( 432) Running pre-conflate operations...
+16:42:36.913 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (28%): Removing references to elements that do not exist...
+16:42:36.914 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Removed 0 missing element child references in 00:00
+16:42:36.914 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (29%): Removing outlines around buildings...
+16:42:36.914 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Removed 0 building outlines in 00:00
+16:42:36.914 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (30%): Removing road roundabouts...
+16:42:36.954 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Removed 0 road roundabouts in 00:00
+16:42:36.954 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (30%): Reprojecting map to planar coordinates...
+16:42:36.954 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Reprojected map to planar coordinates in 00:00
+16:42:36.954 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (31%): Removing duplicate ways...
+16:42:36.958 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Removed 44 duplicate ways in 00:00
+16:42:36.958 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (32%): Removing superfluous ways...
+16:42:36.958 INFO .../ops/SuperfluousWayRemover.cpp( 53) Removing superfluous ways...
+16:42:36.958 INFO .../ops/SuperfluousWayRemover.cpp( 55) Removed 0 superfluous ways
+16:42:36.958 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Removed 0 superfluous ways in 00:00
+16:42:36.958 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (33%): Splitting linear intersections...
+16:42:36.960 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Split 0 linear intersections in 00:00
+16:42:36.960 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (34%): Removing unlikely intersections...
+16:42:36.963 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Removed 0 unlikely intersections in 00:00
+16:42:36.963 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (34%): Splitting divided highways into two one way streets...
+16:42:36.971 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Split 0 divided highways in 00:00
+16:42:36.971 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (35%): Marking road sections that appear to be divided highways...
+16:42:36.978 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Marked 0 road sections as divided highways in 00:00
+16:42:36.978 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (36%): Removing duplicate name tags...
+16:42:36.981 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Removed 0 duplicate name tags in 00:00
+16:42:36.981 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (37%): Merging very small roads...
+16:42:36.983 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Merged 0 very small roads in 00:00
+16:42:36.983 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (38%): Removing empty areas...
+16:42:36.989 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Removed 0 empty areas in 00:00
+16:42:36.989 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (38%): Removing duplicate areas...
+16:42:36.995 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Removed 0 duplicate areas in 00:00
+16:42:36.995 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (39%): Removing elements with no information tags...
+16:42:37.000 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Removed 0 elements with no information tags in 00:00
+16:42:37.000 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (40%): Splitting sharp road corners...
+16:42:37.002 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Split 0 road corners in 00:00
+16:42:37.002 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (41%): Removing review relations with no members...
+16:42:37.003 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Removed 0 empty review relations in 00:00
+16:42:37.003 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (42%): Rubbersheeting data...
+16:42:37.022 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Rubbersheeted 0 / 490 linear features. in 00:00
+16:42:37.022 STATUS .../hoot/core/cmd/ConflateCmd.cpp( 446) Conflate pre-operations ran in 00:00 total.
+16:42:37.029 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (42%): Matching features...
+16:42:37.029 STATUS ...late/matching/MatchFactory.cpp( 80) Launching matcher: 1 / 4: hoot::HighwayMatchCreator...
+16:42:37.029 STATUS ...ighway/HighwayMatchCreator.cpp( 378) Looking for matches with: hoot::HighwayMatchCreator within a feature dependent search radius...
+16:42:37.030 STATUS ...ighway/HighwayMatchCreator.cpp( 393) Found 0 highway match candidates and 0 total matches in: 00:00.
+16:42:37.030 STATUS ...late/matching/MatchFactory.cpp( 80) Launching matcher: 2 / 4: hoot::BuildingMatchCreator...
+16:42:37.030 STATUS ...lygon/BuildingMatchCreator.cpp( 453) Looking for matches with: hoot::BuildingMatchCreator within a feature dependent search radius...
+16:42:37.480 STATUS ...lygon/BuildingMatchCreator.cpp( 466) Found 0 building match candidates and 0 total matches in: 00:00.
+16:42:37.480 STATUS ...late/matching/MatchFactory.cpp( 80) Launching matcher: 3 / 4: hoot::ScriptMatchCreator;Poi.js...
+16:42:37.481 STATUS ...atching/ScriptMatchCreator.cpp( 825) Looking for matches with: Poi.js within a function calculated search radius...
+16:42:37.501 STATUS ...atching/ScriptMatchCreator.cpp( 872) Found 0 POI match candidates and 0 total matches in: 00:00.
+16:42:37.501 STATUS ...late/matching/MatchFactory.cpp( 80) Launching matcher: 4 / 4: hoot::ScriptMatchCreator;River.js...
+16:42:37.508 INFO /ramdisk/hoot/rules/River.js( 60) "Calculating search radius for waterway conflation..."
+16:42:37.512 INFO ...ops/SearchRadiusCalculator.cpp( 74) Unable to automatically calculate search radius. All input features have been filtered out. Using default search radius value = 15
+16:42:37.512 STATUS ...atching/ScriptMatchCreator.cpp( 825) Looking for matches with: River.js within a search radius of 15 meters...
+16:42:37.522 STATUS ...atching/ScriptMatchCreator.cpp( 872) Found 0 Waterway match candidates and 0 total matches in: 00:00.
+16:42:37.522 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (47%): Optimizing feature matches...
+16:42:37.523 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (52%): Merging feature matches...
+16:42:37.523 INFO ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 328) Applying 0 mergers...
+16:42:37.523 INFO ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 377) Applied 0 mergers in 00:00.
+16:42:37.523 STATUS .../hoot/core/cmd/ConflateCmd.cpp( 480) Running post-conflate operations...
+16:42:37.523 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (57%): Removing references to elements that do not exist...
+16:42:37.524 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Removed 0 missing element child references in 00:00
+16:42:37.524 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (57%): Removing invalid POIs from reviews...
+16:42:37.524 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Removed 0 invalid reviewable POIs and 0 reviews in 00:00
+16:42:37.524 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (58%): Removing superfluous nodes...
+16:42:37.525 INFO ...ops/SuperfluousNodeRemover.cpp( 107) Exempted 1,964 nodes from removal after processing 3,000 total elements.
+16:42:37.525 INFO ...ops/SuperfluousNodeRemover.cpp( 145) Exempted 2,154 nodes from removal after processing 4,000 total elements.
+16:42:37.526 INFO ...ops/SuperfluousNodeRemover.cpp( 145) Exempted 2,154 nodes from removal after processing 5,000 total elements.
+16:42:37.533 INFO ...ops/SuperfluousNodeRemover.cpp( 203) Processed 1,000 nodes / 2,154 total nodes.
+16:42:37.534 INFO ...ops/SuperfluousNodeRemover.cpp( 203) Processed 2,000 nodes / 2,154 total nodes.
+16:42:37.534 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Removed 0 superfluous nodes in 00:00
+16:42:37.534 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (59%): Merging very small roads...
+16:42:37.536 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Merged 0 very small roads in 00:00
+16:42:37.536 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (60%): Replacing road roundabouts with simple intersections...
+16:42:37.538 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Replaced 0 road roundabouts in 00:00
+16:42:37.538 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (60%): Removing references to elements that do not exist...
+16:42:37.538 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Removed 0 missing element child references in 00:00
+16:42:37.538 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (61%): Removing review relations with no members...
+16:42:37.539 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Removed 0 empty review relations in 00:00
+16:42:37.539 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (62%): Removing duplicate conflation review relations...
+16:42:37.539 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Removed 0 duplicate conflation review relations in 00:00
+16:42:37.539 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (63%): Updating building outlines...
+16:42:37.539 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Updated 0 building outlines in 00:00
+16:42:37.539 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (63%): Rejoining ways split during conflation...
+16:42:37.539 INFO .../core/algorithms/WayJoiner.cpp( 86) Joining parent ways to children...
+16:42:37.541 INFO .../core/algorithms/WayJoiner.cpp( 122) Joining way siblings...
+16:42:37.542 INFO .../core/algorithms/WayJoiner.cpp( 86) Joining parent ways to children...
+16:42:37.542 INFO .../core/algorithms/WayJoiner.cpp( 157) Joining ways at shared nodes...
+16:42:37.542 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Rejoined 11 pairs of ways in 00:00
+16:42:37.542 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (64%): Removing invalid and multiline string relations...
+16:42:37.543 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Removed 0 relation members and 0 relations in 00:00
+16:42:37.543 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (65%): Removing invalid multiline string relation members...
+16:42:37.543 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Removed 0 invalid relations / 0 total relations. in 00:00
+16:42:37.544 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (66%): Removing superfluous ways...
+16:42:37.544 INFO .../ops/SuperfluousWayRemover.cpp( 53) Removing superfluous ways...
+16:42:37.544 INFO .../ops/SuperfluousWayRemover.cpp( 55) Removed 0 superfluous ways
+16:42:37.544 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Removed 0 superfluous ways in 00:00
+16:42:37.544 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (66%): Removing duplicate way nodes...
+16:42:37.544 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Removed 0 duplicate way nodes in 00:00
+16:42:37.545 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (67%): Removing duplicate ways...
+16:42:37.546 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Removed 4 duplicate ways in 00:00
+16:42:37.546 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (68%): Removing duplicate relation members...
+16:42:37.547 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Removed 0 duplicate relation members in 00:00
+16:42:37.547 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (69%): Removing empty relations...
+16:42:37.547 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Removed 0 empty relations in 00:00
+16:42:37.547 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (69%): Marking roads crossing polygons for review...
+16:42:37.547 STATUS ...ghway/RoadCrossingPolyRule.cpp( 299) Creating roads crossing polys index for rule: buildings...
+16:42:37.551 STATUS ...ghway/RoadCrossingPolyRule.cpp( 322) Roads crossing polys feature index for rule: buildings created with 0 elements.
+16:42:37.551 STATUS ...ghway/RoadCrossingPolyRule.cpp( 299) Creating roads crossing polys index for rule: parking...
+16:42:37.556 STATUS ...ghway/RoadCrossingPolyRule.cpp( 322) Roads crossing polys feature index for rule: parking created with 0 elements.
+16:42:37.558 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Marked 0 roads crossing polygons out of 0 total roads . in 00:00
+16:42:37.558 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (70%): Adding geospatial sorting tags to review relations...
+16:42:37.558 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 167) Added 0 sorting tags in 00:00
+16:42:37.558 STATUS .../hoot/core/cmd/ConflateCmd.cpp( 494) Conflate post-operations ran in 00:00 total.
+16:42:37.558 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 85) Conflate (71%): Counting feature reviews...
+16:42:37.559 INFO .../hoot/core/cmd/ConflateCmd.cpp( 503) Generated 0 feature reviews.
+16:42:37.560 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 85) Conflate (85%): Writing conflated output: ...oTest/ConflateNoInfoOutput.osm...
+16:42:37.560 INFO ...ore/io/OsmMapWriterFactory.cpp( 136) Writing map to /ramdisk/hoot/test-output/cmd/slow/ConflateNoInfoTest/ConflateNoInfoOutput.osm...
+16:42:37.603 STATUS ...ore/io/OsmMapWriterFactory.cpp( 153) Wrote 2,634 elements to output in: 00:00.
+16:42:37.603 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 85) Conflate (100%): Conflation job completed in 00:00 for reference map: ...ot/test-files/NoInfoInput1.osm and secondary map: ...ot/test-files/NoInfoInput2.osm and written to output: ...oTest/ConflateNoInfoOutput.osm
+16:42:38.049 INFO ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 171) Loading map from .../test-files/cmd/slow/ConflateNoInfoTest/output.osm...
+16:42:38.117 INFO .../hoot/core/io/OsmXmlReader.cpp( 476) Reporting missing elements...
+16:42:38.118 STATUS ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 207) Read 2,634 elements from input in: 00:00.
+16:42:38.118 INFO ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 171) Loading map from ...d/slow/ConflateNoInfoTest/ConflateNoInfoOutput.osm...
+16:42:38.181 INFO .../hoot/core/io/OsmXmlReader.cpp( 476) Reporting missing elements...
+16:42:38.182 STATUS ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 207) Read 2,634 elements from input in: 00:00.
+16:42:38.196 STATUS .../cpp/hoot/core/cmd/DiffCmd.cpp( 145) Map difference calculated in 00:00 total.
Test Complete