diff --git a/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/conflate/address/Address.cpp b/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/conflate/address/Address.cpp
index 17a7477..daadc3e 100644
--- a/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/conflate/address/Address.cpp
+++ b/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/conflate/address/Address.cpp
@@ -22,27 +22,80 @@
* This will properly maintain the copyright information. DigitalGlobe
* copyrights will be updated automatically.
- * @copyright Copyright (C) 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 DigitalGlobe (http://www.digitalglobe.com/)
+ * @copyright Copyright (C) 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 DigitalGlobe (http://www.digitalglobe.com/)
#include "Address.h"
// hoot
#include <hoot/core/util/Log.h>
#include <hoot/core/conflate/address/AddressParser.h>
+#include <hoot/core/util/FileUtils.h>
+#include <hoot/core/util/StringUtils.h>
+#include <hoot/core/util/Factory.h>
+#include <hoot/core/algorithms/string/StringDistanceConsumer.h>
+#include <hoot/core/algorithms/string/LevenshteinDistance.h>
namespace hoot
+QSet<QString> Address::_streetTypes;
+QMap<QString, QString> Address::_streetFullTypesToTypeAbbreviations;
+QMap<QString, QString> Address::_streetTypeAbbreviationsToFullTypes;
+StringDistancePtr Address::_stringComp;
Address::Address() :
+ if (!_stringComp)
+ {
+ _initializeStringComparator();
+ }
Address::Address(const QString& address, const bool allowLenientHouseNumberMatching) :
+ if (!_stringComp)
+ {
+ _initializeStringComparator();
+ }
+void Address::_initializeStringComparator()
+ const QString stringCompClassName = ConfigOptions().getAddressStringComparer().trimmed();
+ if (stringCompClassName.isEmpty())
+ {
+ throw IllegalArgumentException(
+ "No address string comparer specified (must implement StringDistance).");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _stringComp =
+ StringDistancePtr(
+ Factory::getInstance().constructObject<StringDistance>(stringCompClassName));
+ if (!_stringComp)
+ {
+ throw IllegalArgumentException(
+ "Invalid address string comparer (must implement StringDistance): " +
+ stringCompClassName);
+ }
+ std::shared_ptr<StringDistanceConsumer> strDistConsumer =
+ std::dynamic_pointer_cast<StringDistanceConsumer>(_stringComp);
+ if (strDistConsumer)
+ {
+ strDistConsumer->setStringDistance(
+ StringDistancePtr(new LevenshteinDistance(ConfigOptions().getLevenshteinDistanceAlpha())));
+ }
+ }
bool Address::operator==(const Address& address) const
@@ -52,9 +105,173 @@ bool Address::operator==(const Address& address) const
!_address.isEmpty() &&
- (_addrComp.compare(_address, address._address) == 1.0 ||
+ (_stringComp->compare(_address, address._address) == 1.0 ||
(_allowLenientHouseNumberMatching &&
+ // don't do subletter matching on an intersection, as it won't have house numbers
+ !isStreetIntersectionAddress(_address, !_parsedFromAddressTag) &&
AddressParser::addressesMatchDespiteSubletterDiffs(_address, address._address)));
+QList<QRegExp> Address::getIntersectionSplitTokens()
+ QList<QRegExp> intersectionSplitTokens;
+ intersectionSplitTokens.append(QRegExp("\\s+and\\s+", Qt::CaseInsensitive));
+ intersectionSplitTokens.append(QRegExp("\\s+&\\s+", Qt::CaseInsensitive));
+ intersectionSplitTokens.append(QRegExp("\\s+&\\s+", Qt::CaseInsensitive));
+ return intersectionSplitTokens;
+QSet<QString> Address::getStreetTypes(const bool includeAbbreviations)
+ if (_streetTypes.isEmpty())
+ {
+ const QStringList streetTypesRaw =
+ FileUtils::readFileToList(ConfigOptions().getStreetTypesFile());
+ // This list could be expanded. See the note in the associated config file.
+ for (int i = 0; i < streetTypesRaw.size(); i++)
+ {
+ const QString streetTypeEntry = streetTypesRaw.at(i);
+ const QStringList streetTypeEntryParts = streetTypeEntry.split("\t");
+ if (streetTypeEntryParts.size() != 2)
+ {
+ throw HootException("Invalid street type entry: " + streetTypeEntry);
+ }
+ _streetTypes.insert(streetTypeEntryParts.at(0).toLower());
+ if (includeAbbreviations)
+ {
+ _streetTypes.insert(streetTypeEntryParts.at(1).toLower());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return _streetTypes;
+QMap<QString, QString> Address::getStreetFullTypesToTypeAbbreviations()
+ if (_streetFullTypesToTypeAbbreviations.isEmpty())
+ {
+ const QStringList streetTypesRaw =
+ FileUtils::readFileToList(ConfigOptions().getStreetTypesFile());
+ // This list could be expanded. See the note in the associated config file.
+ for (int i = 0; i < streetTypesRaw.size(); i++)
+ {
+ const QString streetTypeEntry = streetTypesRaw.at(i);
+ const QStringList streetTypeEntryParts = streetTypeEntry.split("\t");
+ if (streetTypeEntryParts.size() != 2)
+ {
+ throw HootException("Invalid street type entry: " + streetTypeEntry);
+ }
+ _streetFullTypesToTypeAbbreviations[streetTypeEntryParts.at(0).toLower()] =
+ streetTypeEntryParts.at(1).toLower();
+ }
+ }
+ return _streetFullTypesToTypeAbbreviations;
+QMap<QString, QString> Address::getStreetTypeAbbreviationsToFullTypes()
+ if (_streetTypeAbbreviationsToFullTypes.isEmpty())
+ {
+ const QStringList streetTypesRaw =
+ FileUtils::readFileToList(ConfigOptions().getStreetTypesFile());
+ // This list could be expanded. See the note in the associated config file.
+ for (int i = 0; i < streetTypesRaw.size(); i++)
+ {
+ const QString streetTypeEntry = streetTypesRaw.at(i);
+ const QStringList streetTypeEntryParts = streetTypeEntry.split("\t");
+ if (streetTypeEntryParts.size() != 2)
+ {
+ throw HootException("Invalid street type entry: " + streetTypeEntry);
+ }
+ _streetTypeAbbreviationsToFullTypes[streetTypeEntryParts.at(1).toLower()] =
+ streetTypeEntryParts.at(0).toLower();
+ }
+ }
+ return _streetTypeAbbreviationsToFullTypes;
+QStringList Address::getIntersectionParts() const
+ return _address.split("and");
+bool Address::isStreetIntersectionAddress(const QString& addressStr,
+ const bool requireStreetTypeInIntersection)
+ if (addressStr.trimmed().isEmpty())
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // libpostal doesn't recognize intersections correctly, so doing it with some very simple custom
+ // logic. Not even using a regex here, b/c our definition of an intersection is very loose. We
+ // tighten it up some with 'requireStreetTypeInIntersection', which is meant to be used when an
+ // address is parsed from a non-address tag (name, etc.). Our definition of an intersection
+ // address is likely not foolproof.
+ if (requireStreetTypeInIntersection &&
+ !StringUtils::endsWithAny(addressStr, getStreetTypes().toList()))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return StringUtils::bisectsAny(addressStr, getIntersectionSplitTokens());
+bool Address::isStreetIntersectionAddress(const Address& address,
+ const bool requireStreetTypeInIntersection)
+ return isStreetIntersectionAddress(address._address, requireStreetTypeInIntersection);
+void Address::removeStreetTypes()
+ LOG_TRACE(_address);
+ if (!isStreetIntersectionAddress(_address, !_parsedFromAddressTag))
+ {
+ // If its a non-intersection, just remove the last street type token. We're assuming its at the
+ // end, which may not be alway true.
+ StringUtils::removeLastIndexOf(_address, _streetTypes.toList());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If we have an intersection address, split it into its two parts and remove street type tokens
+ // from the end of each.
+ QStringList addressParts = StringUtils::splitOnAny(_address, getIntersectionSplitTokens(), 2);
+ assert(addressParts.size() == 2);
+ const QStringList streetTypes = getStreetTypes().toList();
+ QString firstIntersectionPart = addressParts[0].trimmed();
+ StringUtils::removeLastIndexOf(firstIntersectionPart, streetTypes);
+ QString secondIntersectionPart = addressParts[1].trimmed();
+ StringUtils::removeLastIndexOf(secondIntersectionPart, streetTypes);
+ _address = firstIntersectionPart.trimmed() + " and " + secondIntersectionPart.trimmed();
+ }
+ LOG_VART(_address);
+QString Address::getHouseNumber() const
+ if (!isStreetIntersectionAddress(_address, false))
+ {
+ return StringUtils::splitAndGetAtIndex(_address, QRegExp("\\s+"), 0);
+ }
+ return "";
+void Address::removeHouseNumber()
+ LOG_VART(_address);
+ if (!isStreetIntersectionAddress(_address, false))
+ {
+ // house num should be the first token on a non-intersection address, so remove it
+ StringUtils::splitAndRemoveAtIndex(_address, QRegExp("\\s+"), 0);
+ }
+ LOG_VART(_address);