diff --git a/translations/gifd_d4_core.js b/translations/gifd_d4_core.js
index ea8f830..6f5cdf9 100644
--- a/translations/gifd_d4_core.js
+++ b/translations/gifd_d4_core.js
@@ -30,175 +30,175 @@
gifd = {
- // ##### Start of the xxToOsmxx Block #####
- applyToOsmPreProcessing: function(attrs, layerName, geometryType)
+ // ##### Start of the xxToOsmxx Block #####
+ applyToOsmPreProcessing: function(attrs, layerName, geometryType)
+ {
+ // #####
+ // This is from MGCP & some TDS
+ // #####
+ // Drop the FCSUBTYPE since we don't use it
+ if (attrs.FCSUBTYPE) delete attrs.FCSUBTYPE;
+ // List of data values to drop/ignore
+ var ignoreList = { '-32765.0':1, '-32767':1, 'noinformation':1, 'unk':1, 'unknown':1, '997':1 };
+ // This is a handy loop. We use it to:
+ // 1) Remove all of the "No Information" and -999999 fields
+ // 2) Convert all of the Attrs to uppercase - if needed
+ for (var col in attrs)
- // #####
- // This is from MGCP & some TDS
- // #####
+ // slightly ugly but we would like to account for: 'No Information', 'noInformation' etc
+ // First, push to lowercase
+ var attrValue = attrs[col].toString().toLowerCase();
+ // Get rid of the spaces in the text
+ attrValue = attrValue.replace(/\s/g, '');
+ // Wipe out the useless values
+ if (attrs[col] == '' || attrValue in ignoreList || attrs[col] in ignoreList)
+ {
+ delete attrs[col]; // debug: Comment this out to leave all of the No Info stuff in for testing
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Push the attribute to upper case - if needed
+ var c = col.toUpperCase();
+ if (c !== col)
+ {
+ attrs[c] = attrs[col];
+ delete attrs[col];
+ col = c; // For the rest of this loop iteration
+ }
+ } // End in attrs loop
+ // Now find an F_CODE
+ if (attrs.F_CODE)
+ {
+ // Drop the the "Not Found" F_CODE. This is from the UI
+ if (attrs.F_CODE == 'Not found') delete attrs.F_CODE;
+ }
+ else if (attrs.FCODE)
+ {
+ attrs.F_CODE = attrs.FCODE;
+ delete attrs.FCODE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Time to find an FCODE based on the filename
+ var fCodeMap = [
+ ['AF010', ['af010','smokestack_p']], // Smokestack
+ ['AH025', ['ah025','engineered_earthwork_s','engineered_earthwork_p']], // Engineered Earthwork
+ ['AH060', ['ah060','underground_bunker_s','underground_bunker_p']], // Underground Bunker
+ ['AL010', ['al010','facility_s','facility_p']], // Facility
+ ['AL013', ['al013','building_s','building_p']], // Building
+ ['AL018', ['al018','building_superstructure_s','building_superstructure_c','building_superstructure_p']], // Building Superstructure
+ ['AL020', ['al020','built-up_area_s','built-up_area_p']], // Built up area
+ ['AL030', ['al030','cemetery_s','cemetery_p']], // Cemetary
+ ['AL070', ['al070','fence_c']], // Fence
+ ['AL099', ['al099','hut_p']], // Hut
+ ['AL105', ['al105','settlement_s','settlement_p']], // Settlement
+ ['AL130', ['al130','memorial_monument_s','memorial_monument_p']], // Memorial Monument
+ ['AL200', ['al200','ruins_s','ruins_p']], // Ruins
+ ['AL208', ['al208','shanty_town_s','shanty_town_p']], // Shanty Town
+ ['AL241', ['al241','tower_s','tower_p']], // Tower
+ ['AL260', ['al260','wall_c']], // Wall
+ ['AM080', ['am080','water_tower_p','water_tower_s']], // Water Tower
+ ['AN010', ['an010','railway_c']], // Railway
+ ['AN050', ['an050','railway_sidetrack_c']], // Railway Sidetrack
+ ['AN060', ['an060','railway_yard_s']], // Railway Yard
+ ['AN075', ['an075','railway_turntable_p','railway_turntable_p']], // Railway Turntable
+ ['AN076', ['an076','roundhouse_s','roundhouse_p']], // Roundhouse
+ ['AP010', ['ap010','cart_track_c']], // Cart Track
+ ['AP020', ['ap020','road_interchange_p']], // Interchange
+ ['AP030', ['ap030','road_c']], // Road
+ ['AP040', ['ap040','gate_c','gate_p']], // Gate
+ ['AP041', ['ap041','vehicle_barrier_c','vehicle_barrier_p']], // Vehicle Barrier
+ ['AP050', ['ap050','trail_c']], // Trail
+ ['AQ040', ['aq040','bridge_c','bridge_p']], // Bridge
+ ['AQ045', ['aq045','bridge_span_c','bridge_span_p']], // Bridge Span
+ ['AQ065', ['aq065','culvert_c','culvert_p']], // Culvert
+ ['AQ070', ['aq070','ferry_crossing_c']], // Ferry Crossing
+ ['AQ095', ['aq095','tunnel_mouth_p']], // Tunnel Mouth
+ ['AQ113', ['aq113','pipeline_c']], // Pipeline
+ ['AQ125', ['aq125','transportation_station_s','transportation_station_p']], // Transportation Station
+ ['AQ130', ['aq130','tunnel_c']], // Tunnel
+ ['AQ140', ['aq140','vehicle_lot_s']], // Vehicle Lot
+ ['AQ141', ['aq141','parking_garage_s','parking_garage_p']], // Parking Garage
+ ['AQ170', ['aq170','motor_vehicle_station_s','motor_vehicle_station_p']], // Motor Vehicle Station
+ ['AT010', ['at010','dish_aerial_p']], // Dish Aerial
+ ['AT042', ['at042','pylon_p']], // Pylon
+ ['BH010', ['bh010','aqueduct_s','aqueduct_c']], // Aqueduct
+ ['BH020', ['bh020','canal_s','canal_c']], // Canal
+ ['BH030', ['bh030','ditch_s','ditch_c']], // Ditch
+ ['BH070', ['bh070','ford_c','ford_p']], // Ford
+ ['BH082', ['bh082','inland_waterbody_s','inland_waterbody_p']], // Inland Waterbody
+ ['BH140', ['bh140', 'river_s','river_c']], // River
+ ['BH170', ['bh170','natural_pool_p']], // Natural Pool
+ ['BH230', ['bh230', 'water_well_p','water_well_s']], // Water Well
+ ['BI010', ['bi010', 'cistern_p']], // Cistern
+ ['DB070', ['db070','cut_c']], // Cut
+ ['DB150', ['db150','mountain_pass_p']], // Mountain Pass
+ ['GB050', ['gb050','aircraft_revetment_c']], // Aircraft Revetment
+ ['ZD040', ['zd040','named_location_s','named_location_c','named_location_p']], // Named Location
+ ['ZD045', ['zd045','annotated_location_s','annotated_location_c','annotated_location_p']], // Named Location
+ ];
+ // Funky but it makes life easier
+ var llayerName = layerName.toString().toLowerCase();
+ for (var row in fCodeMap)
+ {
+ for (var val in fCodeMap[row][1])
+ {
+ if (llayerName == fCodeMap[row][1][val])
+ {
+ attrs.F_CODE = fCodeMap[row][0];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } // End of Find an FCode
- // Drop the FCSUBTYPE since we don't use it
- if (attrs.FCSUBTYPE) delete attrs.FCSUBTYPE;
+ // The FCODE for Buildings is different. TDS uses AL013
+ if (attrs.F_CODE == 'AL015') attrs.F_CODE = 'AL013';
- // List of data values to drop/ignore
- var ignoreList = { '-32765.0':1, '-32767':1, 'noinformation':1, 'unk':1, 'unknown':1, '997':1 };
+ }, // End of applyToOsmPreProcessing
- // This is a handy loop. We use it to:
- // 1) Remove all of the "No Information" and -999999 fields
- // 2) Convert all of the Attrs to uppercase - if needed
- for (var col in attrs)
- {
- // slightly ugly but we would like to account for: 'No Information', 'noInformation' etc
- // First, push to lowercase
- var attrValue = attrs[col].toString().toLowerCase();
- // Get rid of the spaces in the text
- attrValue = attrValue.replace(/\s/g, '');
- // Wipe out the useless values
- if (attrs[col] == '' || attrValue in ignoreList || attrs[col] in ignoreList)
- {
- delete attrs[col]; // debug: Comment this out to leave all of the No Info stuff in for testing
- continue;
- }
- // Push the attribute to upper case - if needed
- var c = col.toUpperCase();
- if (c !== col)
- {
- attrs[c] = attrs[col];
- delete attrs[col];
- col = c; // For the rest of this loop iteration
- }
- } // End in attrs loop
- // Now find an F_CODE
- if (attrs.F_CODE)
- {
- // Drop the the "Not Found" F_CODE. This is from the UI
- if (attrs.F_CODE == 'Not found') delete attrs.F_CODE;
- }
- else if (attrs.FCODE)
- {
- attrs.F_CODE = attrs.FCODE;
- delete attrs.FCODE;
- }
- else
- {
- // Time to find an FCODE based on the filename
- var fCodeMap = [
- ['AF010', ['af010','smokestack_p']], // Smokestack
- ['AH025', ['ah025','engineered_earthwork_s','engineered_earthwork_p']], // Engineered Earthwork
- ['AH060', ['ah060','underground_bunker_s','underground_bunker_p']], // Underground Bunker
- ['AL010', ['al010','facility_s','facility_p']], // Facility
- ['AL013', ['al013','building_s','building_p']], // Building
- ['AL018', ['al018','building_superstructure_s','building_superstructure_c','building_superstructure_p']], // Building Superstructure
- ['AL020', ['al020','built-up_area_s','built-up_area_p']], // Built up area
- ['AL030', ['al030','cemetery_s','cemetery_p']], // Cemetary
- ['AL070', ['al070','fence_c']], // Fence
- ['AL099', ['al099','hut_p']], // Hut
- ['AL105', ['al105','settlement_s','settlement_p']], // Settlement
- ['AL130', ['al130','memorial_monument_s','memorial_monument_p']], // Memorial Monument
- ['AL200', ['al200','ruins_s','ruins_p']], // Ruins
- ['AL208', ['al208','shanty_town_s','shanty_town_p']], // Shanty Town
- ['AL241', ['al241','tower_s','tower_p']], // Tower
- ['AL260', ['al260','wall_c']], // Wall
- ['AM080', ['am080','water_tower_p','water_tower_s']], // Water Tower
- ['AN010', ['an010','railway_c']], // Railway
- ['AN050', ['an050','railway_sidetrack_c']], // Railway Sidetrack
- ['AN060', ['an060','railway_yard_s']], // Railway Yard
- ['AN075', ['an075','railway_turntable_p','railway_turntable_p']], // Railway Turntable
- ['AN076', ['an076','roundhouse_s','roundhouse_p']], // Roundhouse
- ['AP010', ['ap010','cart_track_c']], // Cart Track
- ['AP020', ['ap020','road_interchange_p']], // Interchange
- ['AP030', ['ap030','road_c']], // Road
- ['AP040', ['ap040','gate_c','gate_p']], // Gate
- ['AP041', ['ap041','vehicle_barrier_c','vehicle_barrier_p']], // Vehicle Barrier
- ['AP050', ['ap050','trail_c']], // Trail
- ['AQ040', ['aq040','bridge_c','bridge_p']], // Bridge
- ['AQ045', ['aq045','bridge_span_c','bridge_span_p']], // Bridge Span
- ['AQ065', ['aq065','culvert_c','culvert_p']], // Culvert
- ['AQ070', ['aq070','ferry_crossing_c']], // Ferry Crossing
- ['AQ095', ['aq095','tunnel_mouth_p']], // Tunnel Mouth
- ['AQ113', ['aq113','pipeline_c']], // Pipeline
- ['AQ125', ['aq125','transportation_station_s','transportation_station_p']], // Transportation Station
- ['AQ130', ['aq130','tunnel_c']], // Tunnel
- ['AQ140', ['aq140','vehicle_lot_s']], // Vehicle Lot
- ['AQ141', ['aq141','parking_garage_s','parking_garage_p']], // Parking Garage
- ['AQ170', ['aq170','motor_vehicle_station_s','motor_vehicle_station_p']], // Motor Vehicle Station
- ['AT010', ['at010','dish_aerial_p']], // Dish Aerial
- ['AT042', ['at042','pylon_p']], // Pylon
- ['BH010', ['bh010','aqueduct_s','aqueduct_c']], // Aqueduct
- ['BH020', ['bh020','canal_s','canal_c']], // Canal
- ['BH030', ['bh030','ditch_s','ditch_c']], // Ditch
- ['BH070', ['bh070','ford_c','ford_p']], // Ford
- ['BH082', ['bh082','inland_waterbody_s','inland_waterbody_p']], // Inland Waterbody
- ['BH140', ['bh140', 'river_s','river_c']], // River
- ['BH170', ['bh170','natural_pool_p']], // Natural Pool
- ['BH230', ['bh230', 'water_well_p','water_well_s']], // Water Well
- ['BI010', ['bi010', 'cistern_p']], // Cistern
- ['DB070', ['db070','cut_c']], // Cut
- ['DB150', ['db150','mountain_pass_p']], // Mountain Pass
- ['GB050', ['gb050','aircraft_revetment_c']], // Aircraft Revetment
- ['ZD040', ['zd040','named_location_s','named_location_c','named_location_p']], // Named Location
- ['ZD045', ['zd045','annotated_location_s','annotated_location_c','annotated_location_p']], // Named Location
- ];
- // Funky but it makes life easier
- var llayerName = layerName.toString().toLowerCase();
- for (var row in fCodeMap)
- {
- for (var val in fCodeMap[row][1])
- {
- if (llayerName == fCodeMap[row][1][val])
- {
- attrs.F_CODE = fCodeMap[row][0];
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- } // End of Find an FCode
- // The FCODE for Buildings is different. TDS uses AL013
- if (attrs.F_CODE == 'AL015') attrs.F_CODE = 'AL013';
- }, // End of applyToOsmPreProcessing
-// #####################################################################################################
- applyToOsmPostProcessing : function (attrs, tags, layerName, geometryType)
+ // #####################################################################################################
+ applyToOsmPostProcessing : function (attrs, tags, layerName, geometryType)
+ {
+ // #####
+ // This is from MGCP & some TDS
+ // #####
+ if (attrs.HWT && attrs.HWT !== '0')
- // #####
- // This is from MGCP & some TDS
- // #####
- if (attrs.HWT && attrs.HWT !== '0')
+ tags.amenity = 'place_of_worship';
+ if (tags.building)
+ {
+ switch (tags.building)
- tags.amenity = 'place_of_worship';
- if (tags.building)
- {
- switch (tags.building)
- {
- case 'cathedral':
- case 'chapel':
- case 'church':
- tags.religion = 'christian';
- break;
- case 'marabout':
- case 'mosque':
- tags.religion = 'muslim';
- break;
- case 'synagogue':
- tags.religion = 'jewish';
- break;
- case 'stupa':
- religion = 'buddhist';
- break;
+ case 'cathedral':
+ case 'chapel':
+ case 'church':
+ tags.religion = 'christian';
+ break;
+ case 'marabout':
+ case 'mosque':
+ tags.religion = 'muslim';
+ break;
+ case 'synagogue':
+ tags.religion = 'jewish';
+ break;
+ case 'stupa':
+ religion = 'buddhist';
+ break;
// In the spec, these don't specify a religion.
// case 'religious_community':
@@ -206,347 +206,347 @@ gifd = {
// case 'shrine':
// case 'tabernacle':
// case 'temple':
- } // End switch
- }
+ } // End switch
+ }
- if (tags['tower:type'] == 'minaret')
- {
- tags.religion = 'muslim';
- }
- } // End HWT
+ if (tags['tower:type'] == 'minaret')
+ {
+ tags.religion = 'muslim';
+ }
+ } // End HWT
- // Add the LayerName to the source
- if ((! tags.source) && layerName !== '') tags.source = 'gifd_d4:' + layerName.toLowerCase();
+ // Add the LayerName to the source
+ if ((! tags.source) && layerName !== '') tags.source = 'gifd_d4:' + layerName.toLowerCase();
- if (attrs.UID)
- {
- tags.uuid = '{' + attrs['UID'].toString().toLowerCase() + '}';
- }
- else
- {
- if (gifd.configIn.OgrAddUuid == 'true') tags.uuid = createUuid();
- }
+ if (attrs.UID)
+ {
+ tags.uuid = '{' + attrs['UID'].toString().toLowerCase() + '}';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (gifd.configIn.OgrAddUuid == 'true') tags.uuid = createUuid();
+ }
- if (gifd.osmPostRules == undefined)
+ if (gifd.osmPostRules == undefined)
+ {
+ // ##############
+ // A "new" way of specifying rules. Jason came up with this while playing around with NodeJs
+ //
+ // Rules format: ["test expression","output result"];
+ // Note: t = tags, a = attrs and attrs can only be on the RHS
+ var rulesList = [
+ ['t[\'bridge:movable\'] && t[\'bridge:movable\'] !== \'no\' && t[\'bridge:movable\'] !== \'unknown\'','t.bridge = \'movable\''],
+ ['t.navigationaid && !(t.aeroway)','t.aeroway = \'navigationaid\''],
+ ['t.amenity == \'stop\' && t[\'transport:type\'] == \'bus\'','t.highway = \'bus_stop\''],
+ ['t.diplomatic && !(t.amenity)','t.amenity = \'embassy\''],
+ ['t.boundary == \'protected_area\' && !(t.protect_class)','t.protect_class = \'4\''],
+ ['t.bunker_type && !(t.military)','t.military = \'bunker\''],
+ ['t.control_tower == \'yes\' && t.use == \'air_traffic_control\'','t[\'tower:type\'] = \'observation\''],
+ ['t.crossing == \'tank\'','t.highway = \'crossing\''],
+ ['t.desert_surface','t.surface = t.desert_surface; delete t.desert_surface'],
+ ['t.dock && !(t.waterway)','t.waterway = \'dock\''],
+ ['t.drive_in == \'yes\'','t.amenity = \'cinema\''],
+ ['t[\'generator:source\']','t.power = \'generator\''],
+ ['t[\'glacier:type\'] == \'icecap\' && t.natural == \'glacier\'','delete t.natural'],
+ ['t.golf == \'driving_range\' && !(t.leisure)','t.leisure = \'golf_course\''],
+ ['t.historic == \'castle\' && !(t.ruins) && !(t.building)','t.building = \'yes\''],
+ ['t.in_tunnel == \'yes\' && !(t.tunnel)','t.tunnel = \'yes\'; delete t.in_tunnel'],
+ ['t.industrial && !(t.landuse)','t.landuse = \'industrial\''],
+ ['(t.landuse == \'built_up_area\' || t.place == \'settlement\') && t.building','t[\'settlement:type\'] = t.building; delete t.building'],
+ ['t.leisure == \'stadium\'','t.building = \'yes\''],
+ ['t[\'material:vertical\']','t.material = t[\'material:vertical\']; delete t[\'material:vertical\']'],
+ ['t[\'monitoring:weather\'] == \'yes\'','t.man_made = \'monitoring_station\''],
+ ['t.on_bridge == \'yes\' && !(t.bridge)','t.bridge = \'yes\'; delete t.on_bridge'],
+ ['t.public_transport == \'station\' && t[\'transport:type\'] == \'railway\'','t.railway = \'station\''],
+ ['t.public_transport == \'station\' && t[\'transport:type\'] == \'bus\'','t.bus = \'yes\''],
+ ['t.protect_class && !(t.boundary)','t.boundary = \'protected_area\''],
+ ['t.pylon ==\'yes\' && t[\'cable:type\'] == \'cableway\'',' t.aerialway = \'pylon\''],
+ ['t.pylon ==\'yes\' && t[\'cable:type\'] == \'power\'',' t.power = \'tower\''],
+ ['t.sidetrack && !(t.railway)','t.railway = \'rail\''],
+ ['t.sidetrack && !(t.service)','t.service = \'siding\''],
+ ['t.social_facility','t.amenity = \'social_facility\'; t[\'social_facility:for\'] = t.social_facility; t.social_facility = \'shelter\''],
+ ['t[\'theatre:type\'] && !(t.amenity)','t.amenity = \'theatre\''],
+ ['t[\'tower:material\']','t.material = t[\'tower:material\']; delete t[\'tower:material\']'],
+ ['t[\'tower:type\'] && !(t.man_made)','t.man_made = \'tower\''],
+ ['t.use == \'islamic_prayer_hall\' && !(t.amenity)','t.amenity = \'place_of_worship\''],
+ ['t.water || t.landuse == \'basin\'','t.natural = \'water\''],
+ ['t.waterway == \'flow_control\'','t.flow_control = \'sluice_gate\''],
+ ['t.wetland && !(t.natural)','t.natural = \'wetland\''],
+ ['t[\'width:minimum_traveled_way\'] && !(t.width)','t.width = t[\'width:minimum_traveled_way\']']
+ ];
+ gifd.osmPostRules = translate.buildComplexRules(rulesList);
+ }
+ // translate.applyComplexRules(tags,attrs,rulesList);
+ translate.applyComplexRules(tags,attrs,gifd.osmPostRules);
+ // ##############
+ // Lifecycle tags
+ if (tags.condition)
+ {
+ if (tags.condition == 'construction')
+ {
+ // if (tags.highway && attrs.F_CODE == 'AP030')
+ if (tags.highway)
- // ##############
- // A "new" way of specifying rules. Jason came up with this while playing around with NodeJs
- //
- // Rules format: ["test expression","output result"];
- // Note: t = tags, a = attrs and attrs can only be on the RHS
- var rulesList = [
- ["t['bridge:movable'] && t['bridge:movable'] !== 'no' && t['bridge:movable'] !== 'unknown'","t.bridge = 'movable'"],
- ["t.navigationaid && !(t.aeroway)","t.aeroway = 'navigationaid'"],
- ["t.amenity == 'stop' && t['transport:type'] == 'bus'","t.highway = 'bus_stop'"],
- ["t.diplomatic && !(t.amenity)","t.amenity = 'embassy'"],
- ["t.boundary == 'protected_area' && !(t.protect_class)","t.protect_class = '4'"],
- ["t.bunker_type && !(t.military)","t.military = 'bunker'"],
- ["t.control_tower == 'yes' && t.use == 'air_traffic_control'","t['tower:type'] = 'observation'"],
- ["t.crossing == 'tank'","t.highway = 'crossing'"],
- ["t.desert_surface","t.surface = t.desert_surface; delete t.desert_surface"],
- ["t.dock && !(t.waterway)","t.waterway = 'dock'"],
- ["t.drive_in == 'yes'","t.amenity = 'cinema'"],
- ["t['generator:source']","t.power = 'generator'"],
- ["t['glacier:type'] == 'icecap' && t.natural == 'glacier'","delete t.natural"],
- ["t.golf == 'driving_range' && !(t.leisure)","t.leisure = 'golf_course'"],
- ["t.historic == 'castle' && !(t.ruins) && !(t.building)","t.building = 'yes'"],
- ["t.in_tunnel == 'yes' && !(t.tunnel)","t.tunnel = 'yes'; delete t.in_tunnel"],
- ["t.industrial && !(t.landuse)","t.landuse = 'industrial'"],
- ["(t.landuse == 'built_up_area' || t.place == 'settlement') && t.building","t['settlement:type'] = t.building; delete t.building"],
- ["t.leisure == 'stadium'","t.building = 'yes'"],
- ["t['material:vertical']","t.material = t['material:vertical']; delete t['material:vertical']"],
- ["t['monitoring:weather'] == 'yes'","t.man_made = 'monitoring_station'"],
- ["t.on_bridge == 'yes' && !(t.bridge)","t.bridge = 'yes'; delete t.on_bridge"],
- ["t.public_transport == 'station' && t['transport:type'] == 'railway'","t.railway = 'station'"],
- ["t.public_transport == 'station' && t['transport:type'] == 'bus'","t.bus = 'yes'"],
- ["t.protect_class && !(t.boundary)","t.boundary = 'protected_area'"],
- ["t.pylon =='yes' && t['cable:type'] == 'cableway'"," t.aerialway = 'pylon'"],
- ["t.pylon =='yes' && t['cable:type'] == 'power'"," t.power = 'tower'"],
- ["t.sidetrack && !(t.railway)","t.railway = 'rail'"],
- ["t.sidetrack && !(t.service)","t.service = 'siding'"],
- ["t.social_facility","t.amenity = 'social_facility'; t['social_facility:for'] = t.social_facility; t.social_facility = 'shelter'"],
- ["t['theatre:type'] && !(t.amenity)","t.amenity = 'theatre'"],
- ["t['tower:material']","t.material = t['tower:material']; delete t['tower:material']"],
- ["t['tower:type'] && !(t.man_made)","t.man_made = 'tower'"],
- ["t.use == 'islamic_prayer_hall' && !(t.amenity)","t.amenity = 'place_of_worship'"],
- ["t.water || t.landuse == 'basin'","t.natural = 'water'"],
- ["t.waterway == 'flow_control'","t.flow_control = 'sluice_gate'"],
- ["t.wetland && !(t.natural)","t.natural = 'wetland'"],
- ["t['width:minimum_traveled_way'] && !(t.width)","t.width = t['width:minimum_traveled_way']"]
- ];
- gifd.osmPostRules = translate.buildComplexRules(rulesList);
+ tags.construction = tags.highway;
+ tags.highway = 'construction';
+ delete tags.condition;
- // translate.applyComplexRules(tags,attrs,rulesList);
- translate.applyComplexRules(tags,attrs,gifd.osmPostRules);
- // ##############
- // Lifecycle tags
- if (tags.condition)
- {
- if (tags.condition == 'construction')
- {
-// if (tags.highway && attrs.F_CODE == 'AP030')
- if (tags.highway)
- {
- tags.construction = tags.highway;
- tags.highway = 'construction';
- delete tags.condition;
- }
- else if (tags.railway)
- {
- tags.construction = tags.railway;
- tags.railway = 'construction';
- delete tags.condition;
- }
- } // End Construction
- } // End Condition tags
- // // Add 'building = yes' to amenities if we don't already have one
- // if (tags.amenity && !tags.building)
- // {
- // // Debug:
- // // print('Added building');
- // // Don't add building=yes to built up areas!
- // if (!tags.place) tags.building = 'yes';
- // }
- // Add 'building = yes' to military if it isn't a range
- if (tags.military && !tags.building)
+ else if (tags.railway)
- // Debug:
- // print('Added building to military');
- if (tags.military !== 'range' && tags.military !== 'installation' ) tags.building = 'yes';
+ tags.construction = tags.railway;
+ tags.railway = 'construction';
+ delete tags.condition;
+ } // End Construction
- // if (tags.building == 'train_station' && !tags.railway) tags.railway = 'station';
- // if ('ford' in tags && !tags.highway) tags.highway = 'road';
+ } // End Condition tags
- // Some FCODE specific rules
- switch (attrs.F_CODE)
- {
- case undefined: // Break early if no value
- break;
+ // // Add 'building = yes' to amenities if we don't already have one
+ // if (tags.amenity && !tags.building)
+ // {
+ // // Debug:
+ // // print('Added building');
+ // // Don't add building=yes to built up areas!
+ // if (!tags.place) tags.building = 'yes';
+ // }
- case 'AF030': // Cooling Tower
- if (!tags['tower:type']) tags['tower:type'] = 'cooling';
- break;
+ // Add 'building = yes' to military if it isn't a range
+ if (tags.military && !tags.building)
+ {
+ // Debug:
+ // print('Added building to military');
+ if (tags.military !== 'range' && tags.military !== 'installation' ) tags.building = 'yes';
+ }
- case 'AL013': // Building NOTE this is the TDS F_CODE for Building. This was swapped during pre-processing
- if (tags.surface == 'unknown') delete tags.surface;
- break;
+ // if (tags.building == 'train_station' && !tags.railway) tags.railway = 'station';
+ // if ('ford' in tags && !tags.highway) tags.highway = 'road';
- case 'AL020': // AL020 (Built-up Area) should become a Place. NOTE: This is a bit vague...
- tags.place = 'yes'; // Catch All
+ // Some FCODE specific rules
+ switch (attrs.F_CODE)
+ {
+ case undefined: // Break early if no value
+ break;
- switch (tags['place:importance'])
- {
- case undefined: // Break early if no value
- break;
+ case 'AF030': // Cooling Tower
+ if (!tags['tower:type']) tags['tower:type'] = 'cooling';
+ break;
- case 'first':
- tags.place = 'city';
- tags.capital = 'yes'
- break;
+ case 'AL013': // Building NOTE this is the TDS F_CODE for Building. This was swapped during pre-processing
+ if (tags.surface == 'unknown') delete tags.surface;
+ break;
- case 'second':
- tags.place = 'city';
- break;
+ case 'AL020': // AL020 (Built-up Area) should become a Place. NOTE: This is a bit vague...
+ tags.place = 'yes'; // Catch All
- case 'third':
- case 'fourth':
- tags.place = 'town';
- break;
+ switch (tags['place:importance'])
+ {
+ case undefined: // Break early if no value
+ break;
- case 'fifth':
- tags.place = 'village';
- break;
+ case 'first':
+ tags.place = 'city';
+ tags.capital = 'yes';
+ break;
- case 'sixth':
- tags.place = 'hamlet';
- break;
- } // End switch
+ case 'second':
+ tags.place = 'city';
+ break;
- switch (tags.use) // Fixup the landuse tags
- {
- case undefined: // Break early if no value
- break;
+ case 'third':
+ case 'fourth':
+ tags.place = 'town';
+ break;
- case 'industrial':
- tags.landuse = 'industrial';
- delete tags.use;
- break;
+ case 'fifth':
+ tags.place = 'village';
+ break;
- case 'commercial':
- tags.landuse = 'commercial';
- delete tags.use;
- break;
+ case 'sixth':
+ tags.place = 'hamlet';
+ break;
+ } // End switch
- case 'residential':
- tags.landuse = 'residential';
- delete tags.use;
- break;
- } // End switch
+ switch (tags.use) // Fixup the landuse tags
+ {
+ case undefined: // Break early if no value
+ break;
- break;
+ case 'industrial':
+ tags.landuse = 'industrial';
+ delete tags.use;
+ break;
- case 'AL045': // Complex Outline. Going with landuse for this
- if (tags.building = 'residential') delete tags.building; // Goes with landuse == residential
+ case 'commercial':
+ tags.landuse = 'commercial';
+ delete tags.use;
+ break;
- break;
+ case 'residential':
+ tags.landuse = 'residential';
+ delete tags.use;
+ break;
+ } // End switch
- case 'BH070': // Ford
- // Fords are also supposed to be roads.
- if (geometryType == 'Line' && !tags.highway) tags.highway = 'road';
- break;
+ break;
- } // End switch FCODE
+ case 'AL045': // Complex Outline. Going with landuse for this
+ if (tags.building = 'residential') delete tags.building; // Goes with landuse == residential
- // Sort out TRS (Transport Type)
- switch (attrs.TRS)
- {
- case undefined:
- break;
- case '9': // Pedestrian
- // NOTE: This _might_ be a path: AP050 (Trail)
- if (!tags.highway) tags.highway = 'track';
- break;
- case '12': // Railway
- if (!tags.railway) tags.railway = 'rail';
- break;
- case '3': // TRD3 'Automotive'
- case '4': // Bus
- case '13': // Road
- if (!tags.highway) tags.highway = 'road';
- break;
- case '14': // Road and Railway. This might be ugly....
- if (!tags.highway) tags.highway = 'road';
- if (!tags.railway) tags.railway = 'rail';
- break;
- } // End switch TRS
- // AC000 (Processing Facility) vs AL010 (Facility)
- // In TDS, this is just AL010. Therefore, make it AL010 and use a custom rule if we are exporting
- // We are assumeing that it should produce something.
- if (tags.facility == 'processing')
- {
- if (! tags.product) tags.product = 'unknown';
- tags.facility = 'yes';
- }
- }, // End of applyToOsmPostProcessing
+ break;
- // ##### End of the xxToOsmxx Block #####
+ case 'BH070': // Ford
+ // Fords are also supposed to be roads.
+ if (geometryType == 'Line' && !tags.highway) tags.highway = 'road';
+ break;
-// #####################################################################################################
+ } // End switch FCODE
- // toOsm - Translate Attrs to Tags
- // This is the main routine to convert _TO_ OSM
- toOsm : function(attrs, layerName, geometryType)
+ // Sort out TRS (Transport Type)
+ switch (attrs.TRS)
- tags = {}; // The final output Tag list
- // Setup config variables. We could do this in initialize() but some things don't call it :-(
- // Doing this so we don't have to keep calling into Hoot core
- if (gifd.configIn == undefined)
- {
- gifd.configIn = {};
- gifd.configIn.OgrDebugAddfcode = config.getOgrDebugAddfcode();
- gifd.configIn.OgrDebugDumptags = config.getOgrDebugDumptags();
- gifd.configIn.OgrAddUuid = config.getOgrAddUuid();
- // Get any changes
- gifd.toChange = hoot.Settings.get("schema.translation.override");
- }
- // Debug:
- if (gifd.configIn.OgrDebugDumptags == 'true') translate.debugOutput(attrs,layerName,geometryType,'','In attrs: ');
- // Set up the fcode translation rules. We need this due to clashes between the one2one and
- // the fcode one2one rules
- if (gifd.fcodeLookup == undefined)
- {
- // Add the FCODE rules for Import
- fcodeCommon.one2one.push.apply(fcodeCommon.one2one,gifd.rules.fcodeOne2oneIn);
- gifd.fcodeLookup = translate.createLookup(fcodeCommon.one2one);
- // translate.dumpOne2OneLookup(gifd.fcodeLookup);
- }
+ case undefined:
+ break;
+ case '9': // Pedestrian
+ // NOTE: This _might_ be a path: AP050 (Trail)
+ if (!tags.highway) tags.highway = 'track';
+ break;
+ case '12': // Railway
+ if (!tags.railway) tags.railway = 'rail';
+ break;
+ case '3': // TRD3 'Automotive'
+ case '4': // Bus
+ case '13': // Road
+ if (!tags.highway) tags.highway = 'road';
+ break;
+ case '14': // Road and Railway. This might be ugly....
+ if (!tags.highway) tags.highway = 'road';
+ if (!tags.railway) tags.railway = 'rail';
+ break;
+ } // End switch TRS
+ // AC000 (Processing Facility) vs AL010 (Facility)
+ // In TDS, this is just AL010. Therefore, make it AL010 and use a custom rule if we are exporting
+ // We are assumeing that it should produce something.
+ if (tags.facility == 'processing')
+ {
+ if (! tags.product) tags.product = 'unknown';
+ tags.facility = 'yes';
+ }
- if (gifd.lookup == undefined)
- {
- // Setup lookup tables to make translation easier. I'm assumeing that since this is not set, the
- // other tables are not set either.
+ }, // End of applyToOsmPostProcessing
- // Support Import Only attributes
- gifd.rules.one2one.push.apply(gifd.rules.one2one,gifd.rules.one2oneIn);
+ // ##### End of the xxToOsmxx Block #####
- gifd.lookup = translate.createLookup(gifd.rules.one2one);
- }
+ // #####################################################################################################
- // pre processing
- gifd.applyToOsmPreProcessing(attrs, layerName, geometryType);
+ // toOsm - Translate Attrs to Tags
+ // This is the main routine to convert _TO_ OSM
+ toOsm : function(attrs, layerName, geometryType)
+ {
+ tags = {}; // The final output Tag list
- // Use the FCODE to add some tags.
- if (attrs.F_CODE)
- {
- var ftag = gifd.fcodeLookup['F_CODE'][attrs.F_CODE];
- if (ftag)
- {
- tags[ftag[0]] = ftag[1];
- // Debug: Dump out the tags from the FCODE
- // print('FCODE: ' + attrs.F_CODE + ' tag=' + ftag[0] + ' value=' + ftag[1]);
- }
- else
- {
- hoot.logVerbose('Translation for F_CODE ' + attrs.F_CODE + ' not found');
- }
- }
+ // Setup config variables. We could do this in initialize() but some things don't call it :-(
+ // Doing this so we don't have to keep calling into Hoot core
+ if (gifd.configIn == undefined)
+ {
+ gifd.configIn = {};
+ gifd.configIn.OgrDebugAddfcode = config.getOgrDebugAddfcode();
+ gifd.configIn.OgrDebugDumptags = config.getOgrDebugDumptags();
+ gifd.configIn.OgrAddUuid = config.getOgrAddUuid();
- // Make a copy of the input attributes so we can remove them as they get translated. Looking at what
- // isn't used in the translation - this should end up empty.
- // not in v8 yet: // var tTags = Object.assign({},tags);
- var notUsedAttrs = (JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(attrs)));
- delete notUsedAttrs.F_CODE;
+ // Get any changes
+ gifd.toChange = hoot.Settings.get('schema.translation.override');
+ }
- // apply the simple number and text biased rules
- // NOTE: We are not using the intList paramater for applySimpleNumBiased when going to OSM.
- translate.applySimpleNumBiased(notUsedAttrs, tags, gifd.rules.numBiased, 'forward',[]);
- translate.applySimpleTxtBiased(notUsedAttrs, tags, gifd.rules.txtBiased, 'forward');
+ // Debug:
+ if (gifd.configIn.OgrDebugDumptags == 'true') translate.debugOutput(attrs,layerName,geometryType,'','In attrs: ');
- // one 2 one
- translate.applyOne2One(notUsedAttrs, tags, gifd.lookup, {'k':'v'});
+ // Set up the fcode translation rules. We need this due to clashes between the one2one and
+ // the fcode one2one rules
+ if (gifd.fcodeLookup == undefined)
+ {
+ // Add the FCODE rules for Import
+ fcodeCommon.one2one.push.apply(fcodeCommon.one2one,gifd.rules.fcodeOne2oneIn);
- // Crack open the OTH field and populate the appropriate attributes
- if (attrs.OTH) translate.processOTH(attrs, tags, gifd.lookup);
+ gifd.fcodeLookup = translate.createLookup(fcodeCommon.one2one);
+ // translate.dumpOne2OneLookup(gifd.fcodeLookup);
+ }
- // post processing
- gifd.applyToOsmPostProcessing(attrs, tags, layerName, geometryType);
+ if (gifd.lookup == undefined)
+ {
+ // Setup lookup tables to make translation easier. I'm assumeing that since this is not set, the
+ // other tables are not set either.
- // Debug
- for (var i in notUsedAttrs) print('NotUsed: ' + i + ': :' + notUsedAttrs[i] + ':');
+ // Support Import Only attributes
+ gifd.rules.one2one.push.apply(gifd.rules.one2one,gifd.rules.one2oneIn);
- // Debug: Add the FCODE to the tags
- if (gifd.configIn.OgrDebugAddfcode == 'true') tags['raw:debugFcode'] = attrs.F_CODE;
+ gifd.lookup = translate.createLookup(gifd.rules.one2one);
+ }
- // Override tag values if appropriate
- translate.overrideValues(tags,gifd.toChange);
+ // pre processing
+ gifd.applyToOsmPreProcessing(attrs, layerName, geometryType);
- // Debug:
- if (gifd.configIn.OgrDebugDumptags == 'true')
- {
- translate.debugOutput(tags,layerName,geometryType,'','Out tags: ');
- print('');
- }
+ // Use the FCODE to add some tags.
+ if (attrs.F_CODE)
+ {
+ var ftag = gifd.fcodeLookup['F_CODE'][attrs.F_CODE];
+ if (ftag)
+ {
+ tags[ftag[0]] = ftag[1];
+ // Debug: Dump out the tags from the FCODE
+ // print('FCODE: ' + attrs.F_CODE + ' tag=' + ftag[0] + ' value=' + ftag[1]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hoot.logVerbose('Translation for F_CODE ' + attrs.F_CODE + ' not found');
+ }
+ }
+ // Make a copy of the input attributes so we can remove them as they get translated. Looking at what
+ // isn't used in the translation - this should end up empty.
+ // not in v8 yet: // var tTags = Object.assign({},tags);
+ var notUsedAttrs = (JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(attrs)));
+ delete notUsedAttrs.F_CODE;
+ // apply the simple number and text biased rules
+ // NOTE: We are not using the intList paramater for applySimpleNumBiased when going to OSM.
+ translate.applySimpleNumBiased(notUsedAttrs, tags, gifd.rules.numBiased, 'forward',[]);
+ translate.applySimpleTxtBiased(notUsedAttrs, tags, gifd.rules.txtBiased, 'forward');
+ // one 2 one
+ translate.applyOne2One(notUsedAttrs, tags, gifd.lookup, {'k':'v'});
+ // Crack open the OTH field and populate the appropriate attributes
+ if (attrs.OTH) translate.processOTH(attrs, tags, gifd.lookup);
+ // post processing
+ gifd.applyToOsmPostProcessing(attrs, tags, layerName, geometryType);
+ // Debug
+ for (var i in notUsedAttrs) print('NotUsed: ' + i + ': :' + notUsedAttrs[i] + ':');
+ // Debug: Add the FCODE to the tags
+ if (gifd.configIn.OgrDebugAddfcode == 'true') tags['raw:debugFcode'] = attrs.F_CODE;
+ // Override tag values if appropriate
+ translate.overrideValues(tags,gifd.toChange);
+ // Debug:
+ if (gifd.configIn.OgrDebugDumptags == 'true')
+ {
+ translate.debugOutput(tags,layerName,geometryType,'','Out tags: ');
+ print('');
+ }
- return tags;
- }, // End of toOsm
+ return tags;
+ }, // End of toOsm
-} // End of gifd
+}; // End of gifd