v0.2.54..v0.2.55 changeset ServiceOsmApiDbHootApiDbConflate.sh - ngageoint/hootenanny GitHub Wiki

diff --git a/scripts/core/archive/ServiceOsmApiDbHootApiDbConflate.sh b/scripts/core/archive/ServiceOsmApiDbHootApiDbConflate.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b10fed7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/core/archive/ServiceOsmApiDbHootApiDbConflate.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+set -e
+# This is a base test script for conflating datasets where one dataset comes from an osm api database and the other 
+# from a hoot api database.  It simulates end to end at the command line level what one possible conflation workflow 
+# with OSM API database data looks like (aka Holy Grail).  See ServiceOsmApiDbHootApiDbAllDataTypesConflateTest.sh for an 
+# example of how to call this script.
+# This script:
+#   - writes two datasets, one to an OSM API database and one to a Hoot API database; assumes the two have overlapping aoi's 
+#   - reads in the same subset AOI from each dataset
+#   - conflates the data together and writes the result to a Hoot API database
+#   - writes out a sql changeset file that is the difference between the original OSM API database reference dataset and the conflated output in the Hoot API database
+#   - executes the changeset file SQL against the OSM API database
+#   - reads out the entire contents of the OSM API database and verifies it
+# If you pass "generate-random" in place of an actual AOI, then tiles-calculate will be used to randomly generate 
+# usable AOI's, one of which will be selected.  If you pass "generate-random;<integer>" in place of an actual AOI, then 
+# the behavior is the same as previous described except the random AOI selection is seeded for reproducible results.  
+# This feature is useful in exploring potential issues using this workflow with various datasets.
+# If we add xml changeset apply capabilities, then this script will need to take in a test type param and run twice
+# for each test, once for sql and once for xml OR create two completely separate scripts, one for sql changeset derivation 
+# and one for xml changeset derivation.
+AOI=$3 # leave blank to select a random AOI
+#AOI=-180,-90,180,90 # for debugging
+#'unifying' or 'network'
+echo "reference dataset: " $REF_DATASET
+echo "secondary dataset: " $SEC_DATASET
+echo "AOI: " $AOI
+# set to false for testing only
+[email protected]
+source conf/database/DatabaseConfig.sh
+# generic debugging options applicable to multiple commands
+HOOT_OPTS="--warn -D uuid.helper.repeatable=true -D writer.include.debug.tags=true"
+if [ "$CONFLATION_TYPE" == "network" ]; then
+  HOOT_OPTS=$HOOT_OPTS" -D match.creators=hoot::NetworkMatchCreator -D merger.creators=hoot::NetworkMergerCreator -D network.matcher=hoot::ConflictsNetworkMatcher -D conflate.match.highway.classifier=hoot::HighwayExpertClassifier -D way.subline.matcher=hoot::MaximalSublineMatcher -D rubber.sheet.minimum.ties=4 -D rubber.sheet.ref=true"
+rm -rf $OUTPUT_DIR/*
+mkdir -p $OUTPUT_DIR
+if [ "$SELECT_RANDOM_AOI" == "true" ]; then
+  echo ""
+  echo "STEP 0: Calculating tiles and selecting one at random as the conflate AOI..."
+  echo ""
+  hoot tiles-calculate-random $HOOT_OPTS "$REF_DATASET;$SEC_DATASET" $OUTPUT_DIR/tile.geojson $RANDOM_SEED 10000 0.001
+  AOI=`hoot extent --error $OUTPUT_DIR/tile.geojson false`
+  echo "AOI: " $AOI
+if [ "$LOAD_REF_DATA" == "true" ]; then
+  echo ""
+  echo "STEP 1: Cleaning out the osm api db and initializing it for use..."
+  echo ""
+  scripts/database/CleanAndInitializeOsmApiDb.sh
+  echo ""
+  echo "STEP 2: Writing the complete reference dataset to the osm api db..."
+  echo ""
+  if [[ $REF_DATASET == *"pbf"* ]]; then
+    #we want this in .osm format to be able to examine it for debugging purposes anyway
+    hoot convert $HOOT_OPTS $REF_DATASET $OUTPUT_DIR/2-ref-raw-complete.osm
+  else
+    cp $REF_DATASET $OUTPUT_DIR/2-ref-raw-complete.osm
+  fi 
+  hoot convert $HOOT_OPTS -D reader.add.source.datetime=false -D reader.preserve.all.tags=true -D api.db.email=$HOOT_EMAIL -D changeset.user.id=1 -D apidb.bulk.inserter.validate.data=true -D osmapidb.bulk.inserter.reserve.record.ids.before.writing.data=true -D apidb.bulk.inserter.output.files.copy.location=$OUTPUT_DIR/2-ref-raw-complete.sql $OUTPUT_DIR/2-ref-raw-complete.osm $OSM_API_DB_URL
+if [ "$RUN_DEBUG_STEPS" == "true" ]; then
+  echo ""
+  echo "STEP 3: Reading the complete reference dataset out of the osm api db and writing it into a file (debug)..."
+  echo ""
+  hoot convert $HOOT_OPTS -D reader.add.source.datetime=false -D reader.preserve.all.tags=true -D writer.include.circular.error.tags=false $OSM_API_DB_URL $OUTPUT_DIR/3-ref-complete-PulledFromOsmApiDb.osm
+if [ "$RUN_DEBUG_STEPS" == "true" ]; then
+  echo ""
+  echo "STEP 4: Reading the subset AOI reference dataset out of the osm api db and writing it into a file (debug)..."
+  echo ""
+  hoot convert $HOOT_OPTS -D reader.add.source.datetime=false -D reader.preserve.all.tags=true -D convert.bounding.box=$AOI -D writer.include.circular.error.tags=false $OSM_API_DB_URL $OUTPUT_DIR/4-ref-subset-PulledFromOsmApiDb.osm
+if [ "$LOAD_SEC_DATA" == "true" ]; then
+  echo ""
+  echo "STEP 5: Writing the complete secondary dataset to the hoot api db..."
+  echo ""
+  if [[ $SEC_DATASET == *"pbf"* ]]; then
+    #we want this in .osm format to be able to examine it for debugging purposes anyway
+    hoot convert $HOOT_OPTS -D reader.add.source.datetime=false -D reader.preserve.all.tags=true $SEC_DATASET $OUTPUT_DIR/5-secondary-raw-complete.osm
+  else
+    cp $SEC_DATASET $OUTPUT_DIR/5-secondary-raw-complete.osm
+  fi
+  hoot convert $HOOT_OPTS -D reader.add.source.datetime=false -D reader.preserve.all.tags=true -D api.db.email=$HOOT_EMAIL -D hootapi.db.writer.create.user=true -D hootapi.db.writer.overwrite.map=true $OUTPUT_DIR/5-secondary-raw-complete.osm "$HOOT_DB_URL/5-secondary-complete-$TEST_NAME"
+if [ "$RUN_DEBUG_STEPS" == "true" ]; then
+  echo ""
+  echo "STEP 6: Reading the complete secondary dataset out of the hoot api db and writing it into a file (debug)..."
+  echo ""
+  hoot convert $HOOT_OPTS -D reader.add.source.datetime=false -D reader.preserve.all.tags=true -D api.db.email=$HOOT_EMAIL -D hootapi.db.writer.create.user=true -D hootapi.db.writer.overwrite.map=true "$HOOT_DB_URL/5-secondary-complete-$TEST_NAME" $OUTPUT_DIR/6-secondary-complete-PulledFromHootApiDb.osm
+if [ "$RUN_DEBUG_STEPS" == "true" ]; then
+  echo ""
+  echo "STEP 7: Reading the subset AOI secondary dataset out of the hoot api db and writing it into a file (debug)..."
+  echo ""
+  hoot convert $HOOT_OPTS -D reader.add.source.datetime=false -D reader.preserve.all.tags=true -D api.db.email=$HOOT_EMAIL -D hootapi.db.writer.create.user=true -D hootapi.db.writer.overwrite.map=true -D convert.bounding.box=$AOI "$HOOT_DB_URL/5-secondary-complete-$TEST_NAME" $OUTPUT_DIR/7-secondary-subset-PulledFromHootApiDb.osm
+if [ "$CONFLATE_DATA" == "true" ]; then
+  # We're writing the output to the hoot api db first here, rather than directly to the osm api db, b/c if there are reviews 
+  # we want to give the user a chance to review them.  That can only happen when the output is stored in a hoot api db.
+  echo ""
+  echo "STEP 8a: Conflating the two datasets over the specified AOI with the SQL changeset workflow..."
+  echo ""
+  hoot conflate $HOOT_OPTS -D reader.add.source.datetime=false -D reader.preserve.all.tags=true -D hootapi.db.writer.create.user=true -D hootapi.db.writer.overwrite.map=true -D api.db.email=$HOOT_EMAIL -D convert.bounding.box=$AOI -D conflate.use.data.source.ids.2=true -D osm.map.reader.factory.reader=hoot::OsmApiDbAwareHootApiDbReader -D osm.map.writer.factory.writer=hoot::OsmApiDbAwareHootApiDbWriter -D osmapidb.id.aware.url=$OSM_API_DB_URL $OSM_API_DB_URL "$HOOT_DB_URL/5-secondary-complete-$TEST_NAME" "$HOOT_DB_URL/8a-conflated-$TEST_NAME"
+  echo ""
+  echo "STEP 8b: Conflating the two datasets over the specified AOI with the XML changeset workflow..."
+  echo ""
+  # How is this working w/o conflate.use.data.source.ids.2=true? How can changeset derivation work if not all IDs are preserved?
+  hoot conflate $HOOT_OPTS -D reader.add.source.datetime=false -D reader.preserve.all.tags=true -D hootapi.db.writer.create.user=true -D hootapi.db.writer.overwrite.map=true -D api.db.email=$HOOT_EMAIL -D convert.bounding.box=$AOI -D id.generator=hoot::PositiveIdGenerator -D osm.map.writer.factory.writer=hoot::NonIdRemappingHootApiDbWriter $OSM_API_DB_URL "$HOOT_DB_URL/5-secondary-complete-$TEST_NAME" "$HOOT_DB_URL/8b-conflated-$TEST_NAME"
+if [ "$RUN_DEBUG_STEPS" == "true" ]; then
+  echo ""
+  echo "STEP 9a: Reading the complete conflated dataset with the SQL changeset workflow out of the hoot api db and writing it into a file (debug)..."
+  echo ""
+  hoot convert $HOOT_OPTS -D reader.add.source.datetime=false -D reader.preserve.all.tags=true -D reader.use.file.status=true -D reader.keep.status.tag=true -D api.db.email=$HOOT_EMAIL -D writer.include.circular.error.tags=false "$HOOT_DB_URL/8a-conflated-$TEST_NAME" $OUTPUT_DIR/9a-conflated-complete-PulledFromHootApiDb.osm
+  echo ""
+  echo "STEP 9b: Reading the complete conflated dataset with the XML changeset workflow out of the hoot api db and writing it into a file (debug)..."
+  echo ""
+  hoot convert $HOOT_OPTS -D reader.add.source.datetime=false -D reader.preserve.all.tags=true -D reader.use.file.status=true -D reader.keep.status.tag=true -D api.db.email=$HOOT_EMAIL -D writer.include.circular.error.tags=false "$HOOT_DB_URL/8b-conflated-$TEST_NAME" $OUTPUT_DIR/9b-conflated-complete-PulledFromHootApiDb.osm
+if [ "$RUN_DEBUG_STEPS" == "true" ]; then
+  echo ""
+  echo "STEP 10a: Reading the subset AOI conflated dataset with the SQL changeset workflow out of the hoot api db and writing it into a file (debug)..."
+  echo ""
+  hoot convert $HOOT_OPTS -D reader.add.source.datetime=false -D reader.preserve.all.tags=true -D reader.use.file.status=true -D reader.keep.status.tag=true -D api.db.email=$HOOT_EMAIL -D writer.include.circular.error.tags=false "$HOOT_DB_URL/8a-conflated-$TEST_NAME" $OUTPUT_DIR/10a-conflated-subset-PulledFromHootApiDb.osm
+  echo ""
+  echo "STEP 10b: Reading the subset AOI conflated dataset with the XML changeset workflow out of the hoot api db and writing it into a file (debug)..."
+  echo ""
+  hoot convert $HOOT_OPTS -D reader.add.source.datetime=false -D reader.preserve.all.tags=true -D reader.use.file.status=true -D reader.keep.status.tag=true -D api.db.email=$HOOT_EMAIL -D writer.include.circular.error.tags=false "$HOOT_DB_URL/8b-conflated-$TEST_NAME" $OUTPUT_DIR/10b-conflated-subset-PulledFromHootApiDb.osm
+echo ""
+echo "STEP 11a: Writing a SQL changeset file that is the difference between the cropped reference input dataset specified AOI and the conflated output specified AOI..."
+echo ""
+hoot changeset-derive $HOOT_OPTS -D reader.add.source.datetime=false -D reader.preserve.all.tags=true -D api.db.email=$HOOT_EMAIL -D reader.use.file.status=true -D reader.keep.status.tag=true -D changeset.user.id=1 -D convert.bounding.box=$AOI -D changeset.buffer=0.001 -D changeset.allow.deleting.reference.features=false $OSM_API_DB_URL "$HOOT_DB_URL/8a-conflated-$TEST_NAME" $OUTPUT_DIR/11a-conflated-changeset-ToBeAppliedToOsmApiDb.osc.sql $OSM_API_DB_URL
+echo ""
+echo "STEP 11b: Writing an XML changeset file that is the difference between the cropped reference input dataset specified AOI and the conflated output specified AOI..."
+echo ""
+# changeset.xml.writer.add.timestamp should only be set false for this test's purposes; leave it set to the default value of
+# true for production purposes
+hoot changeset-derive $HOOT_OPTS -D reader.add.source.datetime=false -D reader.preserve.all.tags=true -D api.db.email=$HOOT_EMAIL -D reader.use.file.status=true -D reader.keep.status.tag=true -D changeset.user.id=1 -D convert.bounding.box=$AOI -D changeset.buffer=0.001 -D changeset.allow.deleting.reference.features=false -D changeset.xml.writer.add.timestamp=false $OSM_API_DB_URL "$HOOT_DB_URL/8b-conflated-$TEST_NAME" $OUTPUT_DIR/11b-conflated-changeset-ToBeAppliedToOsmApiDb.osc
+echo ""
+echo "STEP 12: Executing the SQL changeset on the osm api db..."
+echo ""
+hoot changeset-apply $HOOT_OPTS $OUTPUT_DIR/11a-conflated-changeset-ToBeAppliedToOsmApiDb.osc.sql $OSM_API_DB_URL
+# no way to apply xml changesets without a rails port instance in place
+if [ "$RUN_DEBUG_STEPS" == "true" ]; then
+  echo ""
+  echo "STEP 13: Reading the contents of the osm api db for the specified aoi, for the SQL changeset workflow, writing it into a file, and verifying it (debug)..."
+  echo ""
+  hoot convert $HOOT_OPTS -D reader.add.source.datetime=false -D reader.preserve.all.tags=true -D reader.use.file.status=true -D reader.keep.status.tag=true -D writer.include.circular.error.tags=false -D convert.bounding.box=$AOI $OSM_API_DB_URL $OUTPUT_DIR/13-subset-output-PulledFromOsmApiDb.osm
+echo ""
+echo "STEP 14: Reading the entire contents of the osm api db, for the SQL changeset workflow, writing it into a file, and verifying the data..."
+echo ""
+hoot convert $HOOT_OPTS -D reader.add.source.datetime=false -D reader.preserve.all.tags=true -D reader.use.file.status=true -D reader.keep.status.tag=true -D writer.include.circular.error.tags=false $OSM_API_DB_URL $OUTPUT_DIR/14-complete-output-PulledFromOsmApiDb.osm
+hoot diff $HOOT_OPTS $REF_DIR/output.osm $OUTPUT_DIR/14-complete-output-PulledFromOsmApiDb.osm
+# The map comparison, step 14, should be enough to check the state of the changeset write.  Due to node coordinate
+# precision differences between Ubuntu and CentOS, we'd need the equivalent of the diff command for changesets
+# to do a valid changeset comparison.
+#echo ""
+#echo "STEP 15a: Verifying the SQL changeset..."
+#echo ""
+#diff $REF_DIR/output.osc.sql $OUTPUT_DIR/11a-conflated-changeset-ToBeAppliedToOsmApiDb.osc.sql
+#echo ""
+#echo "STEP 15b: Verifying the XML changeset..."
+#echo ""
+#diff $REF_DIR/output.osc $OUTPUT_DIR/11b-conflated-changeset-ToBeAppliedToOsmApiDb.osc
+echo ""
+echo "STEP 15: Cleaning up database..."
+echo ""
+if [ "$LOAD_SEC_DATA" == "true" ]; then
+  hoot db-delete-map -D api.db.email=$HOOT_EMAIL "$HOOT_DB_URL/5-secondary-complete-$TEST_NAME"
+if [ "$CONFLATE_DATA" == "true" ]; then
+  hoot db-delete-map -D api.db.email=$HOOT_EMAIL "$HOOT_DB_URL/8a-conflated-$TEST_NAME"
+  hoot db-delete-map -D api.db.email=$HOOT_EMAIL "$HOOT_DB_URL/8b-conflated-$TEST_NAME"
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