v0.2.54..v0.2.55 changeset PrintOsmDocs.js - ngageoint/hootenanny GitHub Wiki

diff --git a/translations/PrintOsmDocs.js b/translations/PrintOsmDocs.js
index bd61f4b..6e27bdf 100644
--- a/translations/PrintOsmDocs.js
+++ b/translations/PrintOsmDocs.js
@@ -36,26 +36,26 @@
 // Set up stubs for the namespaces.
 // If we don't do this, v8 complains about "xx.rules"
-tds40 = {}
-tds61 = {}
-mgcp = {}
-ggdm30 = {}
-geonames = {}
+tds40 = {};
+tds61 = {};
+mgcp = {};
+ggdm30 = {};
+geonames = {};
 // ufd = {}
 // dnc = {}
 // utp = {}
 // Grab all of the init and rules files so we have somthing to work with
 // hoot.require('ufd_rules')
 // The initialize function gets called once BEFORE the translateToXXX functions
@@ -103,162 +103,162 @@ function initialize()
-    var tagList = {} // Final list of tags
-    // Standard one2one rules
-    createLookup(tagList, ggdm30.rules.one2one, 'GGDM30');
-    createLookup(tagList, ggdm30.rules.one2oneIn, 'GGDM30');
-    createLookup(tagList, tds40.rules.one2one, 'TDS40');
-    createLookup(tagList, tds40.rules.one2oneIn, 'TDS40');
-    createLookup(tagList, tds61.rules.one2one, 'TDS61');
-    createLookup(tagList, tds61.rules.one2oneIn, 'TDS61');
-    createLookup(tagList, mgcp.rules.one2one, 'MGCP');
-    createLookup(tagList, mgcp.rules.one2oneIn, 'MGCP');
-    createLookup(tagList, geonames.rules.one2one, 'GeoNames');
-    // createLookup(tagList, ufd.rules.one2one, 'UFD');
-    // createLookup(tagList, utp.rules.one2one, 'UTP');
-    // createLookup(tagList, dnc.rules.one2one, 'DNC');
-    // createLookup(tagList, navteq.rules.one2one, 'NAVTEQ');
-    // Add in the Biased rules
-    createBiasedLookup(tagList, ggdm30.rules.txtBiased, 'GGDM30');
-    createBiasedLookup(tagList, ggdm30.rules.numBiased, 'GGDM30');
-    createBiasedLookup(tagList, tds40.rules.txtBiased, 'TDS40');
-    createBiasedLookup(tagList, tds40.rules.numBiased, 'TDS40');
-    createBiasedLookup(tagList, tds61.rules.txtBiased, 'TDS61');
-    createBiasedLookup(tagList, tds61.rules.numBiased, 'TDS61');
-    createBiasedLookup(tagList, mgcp.rules.txtBiased, 'MGCP');
-    createBiasedLookup(tagList, mgcp.rules.numBiased, 'MGCP');
-    // createBiasedLookup(tagList, ufd.rules.numBiased, 'UFD');
-    // createBiasedLookup(tagList, ufd.rules.txtBiased, 'UFD');
-    // createBiasedLookup(tagList, utp.rules.numBiased, 'UTP');
-    // createBiasedLookup(tagList, utp.rules.txtBiased, 'UTP');
-    // createBiasedLookup(tagList, dnc.rules.numBiased, 'DNC');
-    // createBiasedLookup(tagList, dnc.rules.txtBiased, 'DNC');
-    // createBiasedLookup(tagList, NAVTEQ.rules.txtBiased, 'NAVTEQ');
-    // F_CODE one2one rules
-    createLookup(tagList, fcodeCommon.one2one, 'NFDD');
-    createLookup(tagList, ggdm30.rules.fcodeOne2oneIn, 'GGDM30');
-    createLookup(tagList, tds40.rules.fcodeOne2oneIn, 'TDS40');
-    createLookup(tagList, tds61.rules.fcodeOne2oneIn, 'TDS61');
-    createLookup(tagList, mgcp.rules.fcodeOne2oneIn, 'MGCP');
-    // createLookup(tagList, ufd.rules.fcodeOne2oneIn, 'UFD');
-    // createLookup(tagList, utp.rules.fcodeOne2oneIn, 'UTP');
-    // createLookup(tagList, dnc.rules.fcodeOne2oneIn, 'DNC');
-    // Print the tagList
-    switch (config.getTagPrintingFormat())
-    {
-        case 'html':
-            dumpHtmlTags(tagList);
-            break;
-        case 'json':
-            dumpJsonTags(tagList);
-            break;
-        case 'csv':
-            dumpCsvTags(tagList);
-            break;
-        case 'redmine':
-            dumpRedmineTags(tagList);
-            break;
-        case 'asciidoc':
-        default:
-            dumpAsciidocTags(tagList);
-            break;
-    }
-    return null;
+  var tagList = {}; // Final list of tags
+  // Standard one2one rules
+  createLookup(tagList, ggdm30.rules.one2one, 'GGDM30');
+  createLookup(tagList, ggdm30.rules.one2oneIn, 'GGDM30');
+  createLookup(tagList, tds40.rules.one2one, 'TDS40');
+  createLookup(tagList, tds40.rules.one2oneIn, 'TDS40');
+  createLookup(tagList, tds61.rules.one2one, 'TDS61');
+  createLookup(tagList, tds61.rules.one2oneIn, 'TDS61');
+  createLookup(tagList, mgcp.rules.one2one, 'MGCP');
+  createLookup(tagList, mgcp.rules.one2oneIn, 'MGCP');
+  createLookup(tagList, geonames.rules.one2one, 'GeoNames');
+  // createLookup(tagList, ufd.rules.one2one, 'UFD');
+  // createLookup(tagList, utp.rules.one2one, 'UTP');
+  // createLookup(tagList, dnc.rules.one2one, 'DNC');
+  // createLookup(tagList, navteq.rules.one2one, 'NAVTEQ');
+  // Add in the Biased rules
+  createBiasedLookup(tagList, ggdm30.rules.txtBiased, 'GGDM30');
+  createBiasedLookup(tagList, ggdm30.rules.numBiased, 'GGDM30');
+  createBiasedLookup(tagList, tds40.rules.txtBiased, 'TDS40');
+  createBiasedLookup(tagList, tds40.rules.numBiased, 'TDS40');
+  createBiasedLookup(tagList, tds61.rules.txtBiased, 'TDS61');
+  createBiasedLookup(tagList, tds61.rules.numBiased, 'TDS61');
+  createBiasedLookup(tagList, mgcp.rules.txtBiased, 'MGCP');
+  createBiasedLookup(tagList, mgcp.rules.numBiased, 'MGCP');
+  // createBiasedLookup(tagList, ufd.rules.numBiased, 'UFD');
+  // createBiasedLookup(tagList, ufd.rules.txtBiased, 'UFD');
+  // createBiasedLookup(tagList, utp.rules.numBiased, 'UTP');
+  // createBiasedLookup(tagList, utp.rules.txtBiased, 'UTP');
+  // createBiasedLookup(tagList, dnc.rules.numBiased, 'DNC');
+  // createBiasedLookup(tagList, dnc.rules.txtBiased, 'DNC');
+  // createBiasedLookup(tagList, NAVTEQ.rules.txtBiased, 'NAVTEQ');
+  // F_CODE one2one rules
+  createLookup(tagList, fcodeCommon.one2one, 'NFDD');
+  createLookup(tagList, ggdm30.rules.fcodeOne2oneIn, 'GGDM30');
+  createLookup(tagList, tds40.rules.fcodeOne2oneIn, 'TDS40');
+  createLookup(tagList, tds61.rules.fcodeOne2oneIn, 'TDS61');
+  createLookup(tagList, mgcp.rules.fcodeOne2oneIn, 'MGCP');
+  // createLookup(tagList, ufd.rules.fcodeOne2oneIn, 'UFD');
+  // createLookup(tagList, utp.rules.fcodeOne2oneIn, 'UTP');
+  // createLookup(tagList, dnc.rules.fcodeOne2oneIn, 'DNC');
+  // Print the tagList
+  switch (config.getTagPrintingFormat())
+  {
+  case 'html':
+    dumpHtmlTags(tagList);
+    break;
+  case 'json':
+    dumpJsonTags(tagList);
+    break;
+  case 'csv':
+    dumpCsvTags(tagList);
+    break;
+  case 'redmine':
+    dumpRedmineTags(tagList);
+    break;
+  case 'asciidoc':
+  default:
+    dumpAsciidocTags(tagList);
+    break;
+  }
+  return null;
 } // end Initialize
 // The finalize function gets called once AFTER the translateToXXX functions
 function finalize()
-    // print('In the finalize function');
+  // print('In the finalize function');
 // We are not using this any more.
 function translateToOsm(attrs, layerName, geometryType)
-    return null;
+  return null;
 // Adds values to the tagList lookup table
 function createLookup(tagList, one2one, source)
-    var nlist = [];
-    var tagShort = '';
-    var hValue = '';
-    var desc = '';
-    var tsrc = '';
-    // Grab the lookup table for the attr values
-    var attrList = attrLookupTable();
-    for (var r in one2one)
+  var nlist = [];
+  var tagShort = '';
+  var hValue = '';
+  var desc = '';
+  var tsrc = '';
+  // Grab the lookup table for the attr values
+  var attrList = attrLookupTable();
+  for (var r in one2one)
+  {
+    var row = one2one[r];
+    // row[0] = Attribute
+    // row[1] = Attribute value
+    // row[2] = OSM+ tag
+    // row[3] = OSM+ Tag value
+    if (row[2]) // Make sure it isn't 'undefined'
-        var row = one2one[r];
-        // row[0] = Attribute
-        // row[1] = Attribute value
-        // row[2] = OSM+ tag
-        // row[3] = OSM+ Tag value
-        if (row[2]) // Make sure it isn't 'undefined'
+      nList = row[2].split(':');
+      tagShort = nList[0];
+      // This should make a unique Hash Value: Tag Name + Tag value
+      hValue = row[2] + '_' + row[3];
+      desc = attrList[row[0]];
+      if (row[0] == 'F_CODE') desc = 'Feature Code ' + row[1];
+      if (!desc) desc = '##### Text or number value';
+      // New tag value
+      if (!(tagShort in tagList))
+      {
+        tagList[tagShort] = {};
+        tsrc = row[0] + ':' + source;
+        if (row[0] == 'F_CODE') tsrc = row[1] + ':' + source;
+        // tagList[tagShort][hValue] = { 'tag': row[2], 'value':row[3], 'attr':row[0], 'desc':desc, 'src':tsrc }
+        tagList[tagShort][hValue] = { 'tag': row[2], 'value':row[3], 'desc':desc, 'src':tsrc };
+        continue;
+      }
+      // We have the shortTag _and_ a value for it
+      if (tagList[tagShort][hValue])
+      {
+        // Same tag and attribute so update the source of the tag
+        if (tagList[tagShort][hValue]['src'].indexOf(source) == -1 || tagList[tagShort][hValue]['src'].indexOf(row[0]) == -1)  
-            nList = row[2].split(':');
-            tagShort = nList[0];
-            // This should make a unique Hash Value: Tag Name + Tag value
-            hValue = row[2] + '_' + row[3];
-            desc = attrList[row[0]];
-            if (row[0] == 'F_CODE') desc = 'Feature Code ' + row[1];
-            if (!desc) desc = '##### Text or number value';
-            // New tag value
-            if (!(tagShort in tagList))
-            {
-                tagList[tagShort] = {};
-                tsrc = row[0] + ':' + source;
-                if (row[0] == 'F_CODE') tsrc = row[1] + ':' + source;
-                // tagList[tagShort][hValue] = { 'tag': row[2], 'value':row[3], 'attr':row[0], 'desc':desc, 'src':tsrc }
-                tagList[tagShort][hValue] = { 'tag': row[2], 'value':row[3], 'desc':desc, 'src':tsrc }
-                continue;
-            }
-            // We have the shortTag _and_ a value for it
-            if (tagList[tagShort][hValue])
-            {
-                // Same tag and attribute so update the source of the tag
-                if (tagList[tagShort][hValue]['src'].indexOf(source) == -1 || tagList[tagShort][hValue]['src'].indexOf(row[0]) == -1)  
-                {
-                    tsrc = tagList[tagShort][hValue]['src'] + ', ' + row[1] + ':' + source;
-                    if (row[0] !== 'F_CODE') 
-                    {
-                        tsrc = tagList[tagShort][hValue]['src'] + ', ' + row[0] + ':' + source;
-                        tagList[tagShort][hValue]['desc'] = desc;
-                    }
-                    tagList[tagShort][hValue]['src'] = tsrc;
-                }
-                continue;
-            }
-            // We have a shortTag but havent seen _this_ value for it.
-            tsrc = row[0] + ':' + source;
-            if (row[0] == 'F_CODE') tsrc = row[1] + ':' + source;
-            // tagList[tagShort][hValue] = { 'tag':row[2], 'value':row[3], 'attr':row[0], 'desc':desc, 'src':tsrc }
-            tagList[tagShort][hValue] = { 'tag':row[2], 'value':row[3], 'desc':desc, 'src':tsrc }
+          tsrc = tagList[tagShort][hValue]['src'] + ', ' + row[1] + ':' + source;
+          if (row[0] !== 'F_CODE') 
+          {
+            tsrc = tagList[tagShort][hValue]['src'] + ', ' + row[0] + ':' + source;
+            tagList[tagShort][hValue]['desc'] = desc;
+          }
+          tagList[tagShort][hValue]['src'] = tsrc;
+        continue;
+      }
+      // We have a shortTag but havent seen _this_ value for it.
+      tsrc = row[0] + ':' + source;
+      if (row[0] == 'F_CODE') tsrc = row[1] + ':' + source;
+      // tagList[tagShort][hValue] = { 'tag':row[2], 'value':row[3], 'attr':row[0], 'desc':desc, 'src':tsrc }
+      tagList[tagShort][hValue] = { 'tag':row[2], 'value':row[3], 'desc':desc, 'src':tsrc };
+  }
 } // End createLookup
@@ -266,113 +266,113 @@ function createLookup(tagList, one2one, source)
 // Same code as the "standard" createLookup() function
 function createBiasedLookup(tagList, one2one, source)
-    var desc = '';
-    var hValue = '';
-    var nList = [];
-    var tag = '';
-    var tagShort = '';
-    var tsrc = '';
+  var desc = '';
+  var hValue = '';
+  var nList = [];
+  var tag = '';
+  var tagShort = '';
+  var tsrc = '';
-    // Grab the lookup table for the attr values
-    var attrList = attrLookupTable();
+  // Grab the lookup table for the attr values
+  var attrList = attrLookupTable();
-    for (var attr in one2one)
-    {
-        tag = one2one[attr];
+  for (var attr in one2one)
+  {
+    tag = one2one[attr];
-        nList = tag.split(':');
-        tagShort = nList[0];
+    nList = tag.split(':');
+    tagShort = nList[0];
-        desc = attrList[attr];
-        if (!desc) desc = '';
+    desc = attrList[attr];
+    if (!desc) desc = '';
-        // Not great but OK hash value. We are not expecting any clashes.....
-        hValue = tag + '_';
+    // Not great but OK hash value. We are not expecting any clashes.....
+    hValue = tag + '_';
-        if (!(tagShort in tagList))
-        {
-            tagList[tagShort] = {};
-            tsrc = attr + ':' + source;
-            tagList[tagShort][hValue] = { 'tag': tag, 'value':'Text or number value', 'desc':desc, 'src':tsrc }
-            continue;
-        }
-        if (tagList[tagShort][hValue])
-        {
-            if (tagList[tagShort][hValue]['src'].indexOf(source) == -1 || tagList[tagShort][hValue]['src'].indexOf(attr) == -1)  
-            {
-                tsrc = tagList[tagShort][hValue]['src'] + ', ' + attr + ':' + source;
-                tagList[tagShort][hValue]['src'] = tsrc;
-            }
-            continue;
-        }
+    if (!(tagShort in tagList))
+    {
+      tagList[tagShort] = {};
+      tsrc = attr + ':' + source;
+      tagList[tagShort][hValue] = { 'tag': tag, 'value':'Text or number value', 'desc':desc, 'src':tsrc };
+      continue;
+    }
-        tsrc = attr + ':' + source;
-        tagList[tagShort][hValue] = { 'tag': tag, 'value':'Text or number value', 'desc':desc, 'src':tsrc }
+    if (tagList[tagShort][hValue])
+    {
+      if (tagList[tagShort][hValue]['src'].indexOf(source) == -1 || tagList[tagShort][hValue]['src'].indexOf(attr) == -1)  
+      {
+        tsrc = tagList[tagShort][hValue]['src'] + ', ' + attr + ':' + source;
+        tagList[tagShort][hValue]['src'] = tsrc;
+      }
+      continue;
+    tsrc = attr + ':' + source;
+    tagList[tagShort][hValue] = { 'tag': tag, 'value':'Text or number value', 'desc':desc, 'src':tsrc };
+  }
 } // End createBiasedLookup
 // Dump the tagList out in HTML format.
 function dumpHtmlTags(tagList)
-    var desc = '';
-    var shortTag = '';
-    var source = '';
-    var tag = '';
-    var val = '';
-    var value = '';
-    var shortKeys = Object.keys(tagList);
-    shortKeys.sort();
-    // Start the HTML document
-    print('<html>');
-    print('<head>');
-    print('<title>Hootennanny OSM+ Tags</title>');
-    print('</head>');
-    print('<style>');
-    print('table,th,td { border:1px solid black; border-collapse:collapse; padding-left:5px; padding-right:5px; }');
-    print('caption { text-align:left; font-weight:bold;}');
-    print('</style>');
-    print('<body>');
-    print('<h2 align=center>Hootennanny OSM+ Tags</h2>');
-    print('<p>Generated: ' + Date() + '</p>');
-    for (var i = 0, tlen = shortKeys.length; i < tlen; i++)
+  var desc = '';
+  var shortTag = '';
+  var source = '';
+  var tag = '';
+  var val = '';
+  var value = '';
+  var shortKeys = Object.keys(tagList);
+  shortKeys.sort();
+  // Start the HTML document
+  print('<html>');
+  print('<head>');
+  print('<title>Hootennanny OSM+ Tags</title>');
+  print('</head>');
+  print('<style>');
+  print('table,th,td { border:1px solid black; border-collapse:collapse; padding-left:5px; padding-right:5px; }');
+  print('caption { text-align:left; font-weight:bold;}');
+  print('</style>');
+  print('<body>');
+  print('<h2 align=center>Hootennanny OSM+ Tags</h2>');
+  print('<p>Generated: ' + Date() + '</p>');
+  for (var i = 0, tlen = shortKeys.length; i < tlen; i++)
+  {
+    shortTag = shortKeys[i];
+    print('<table>');
+    print('<caption>' + shortTag + '<caption>');
+    print('<tr>');
+    print('<th>Key</th><th>Value</th><th>Comment</th><th>Source</th>');
+    print('</tr>');
+    var extraKeys = Object.keys(tagList[shortTag]);
+    extraKeys.sort();
+    for (var j = 0, elen = extraKeys.length; j < elen; j++)
-        shortTag = shortKeys[i];
-        print('<table>');
-        print('<caption>' + shortTag + '<caption>');
-        print('<tr>');
-        print('<th>Key</th><th>Value</th><th>Comment</th><th>Source</th>');
-        print('</tr>');
-        var extraKeys = Object.keys(tagList[shortTag]);
-        extraKeys.sort();
-        for (var j = 0, elen = extraKeys.length; j < elen; j++)
-        {
-            val = extraKeys[j];
+      val = extraKeys[j];
-            // Just to make things a bit clearer while building the print statement
-            desc = tagList[shortTag][val]['desc'];
-            source = tagList[shortTag][val]['src'];
-            tag = tagList[shortTag][val]['tag'];
-            value = tagList[shortTag][val]['value'];
+      // Just to make things a bit clearer while building the print statement
+      desc = tagList[shortTag][val]['desc'];
+      source = tagList[shortTag][val]['src'];
+      tag = tagList[shortTag][val]['tag'];
+      value = tagList[shortTag][val]['value'];
-            print('<tr>');
-            print('<td>' + tag + '</td><td>' + value + '</td><td>' + desc + '</td><td>' + source + '</td>');
-            print('</tr>');
-        }
-        print('</table>');
-        print('<br>');
-        print('<br>');
+      print('<tr>');
+      print('<td>' + tag + '</td><td>' + value + '</td><td>' + desc + '</td><td>' + source + '</td>');
+      print('</tr>');
+    print('</table>');
+    print('<br>');
+    print('<br>');
+  }
-    // End the HTML document
-    print('</body>');
-    print('</html>');
+  // End the HTML document
+  print('</body>');
+  print('</html>');
 } // End dumpHtmlTags
@@ -380,1381 +380,1381 @@ function dumpHtmlTags(tagList)
 // Dump the tagList out in asciidoc format.
 function dumpAsciidocTags(tagList)
-    var desc = '';
-    var shortTag = '';
-    var source = '';
-    var tag = '';
-    var val = '';
-    var value = '';
-    var shortKeys = Object.keys(tagList);
-    shortKeys.sort();
-    print('Hootennanny OSM+ Tags');
-    print('=====================');
-    print('Generated: ' + Date());
-    print('');
-    for (var i = 0, tlen = shortKeys.length; i < tlen; i++)
+  var desc = '';
+  var shortTag = '';
+  var source = '';
+  var tag = '';
+  var val = '';
+  var value = '';
+  var shortKeys = Object.keys(tagList);
+  shortKeys.sort();
+  print('Hootennanny OSM+ Tags');
+  print('=====================');
+  print('Generated: ' + Date());
+  print('');
+  for (var i = 0, tlen = shortKeys.length; i < tlen; i++)
+  {
+    shortTag = shortKeys[i];
+    // print('.An ' + shortTag);
+    print('.' + shortTag);
+    print('[options="header"]');
+    print('|==========');
+    print('| Key | Value | Comment | Source');
+    var extraKeys = Object.keys(tagList[shortTag]);
+    extraKeys.sort();
+    for (var j = 0, elen = extraKeys.length; j < elen; j++)
-        shortTag = shortKeys[i];
+      val = extraKeys[j];
-        // print('.An ' + shortTag);
-        print('.' + shortTag);
-        print('[options="header"]');
-        print('|==========');
-        print('| Key | Value | Comment | Source');
-        var extraKeys = Object.keys(tagList[shortTag]);
-        extraKeys.sort();
-        for (var j = 0, elen = extraKeys.length; j < elen; j++)
-        {
-            val = extraKeys[j];
+      // Just to make things a bit clearer while building the print statement
+      desc = tagList[shortTag][val]['desc'];
+      source = tagList[shortTag][val]['src'];
+      tag = tagList[shortTag][val]['tag'];
+      value = tagList[shortTag][val]['value'];
-            // Just to make things a bit clearer while building the print statement
-            desc = tagList[shortTag][val]['desc'];
-            source = tagList[shortTag][val]['src'];
-            tag = tagList[shortTag][val]['tag'];
-            value = tagList[shortTag][val]['value'];
-            print('| ' + tag + ' | ' + value + ' | ' + desc + ' | ' + source);
-        }
-        print('|==========');
-        print('');
-        print('');
+      print('| ' + tag + ' | ' + value + ' | ' + desc + ' | ' + source);
+    print('|==========');
+    print('');
+    print('');
+  }
 } // End dumpAsciidocTags
 // Dump the tagList out in Redmine format.
 function dumpRedmineTags(tagList)
-    var desc = '';
-    var shortTag = '';
-    var source = '';
-    var tag = '';
-    var val = '';
-    var value = '';
-    var shortKeys = Object.keys(tagList);
-    shortKeys.sort();
-    print('h1. Hootennanny OSM+ Tags');
-    print('');
-    print('Generated: ' + Date());
-    print('');
-    print('----');
+  var desc = '';
+  var shortTag = '';
+  var source = '';
+  var tag = '';
+  var val = '';
+  var value = '';
+  var shortKeys = Object.keys(tagList);
+  shortKeys.sort();
+  print('h1. Hootennanny OSM+ Tags');
+  print('');
+  print('Generated: ' + Date());
+  print('');
+  print('----');
+  print('');
+  for (var i = 0, tlen = shortKeys.length; i < tlen; i++)
+  {
+    shortTag = shortKeys[i];
+    print('h2. ' + shortTag);
+    print('|_.Key| _.Value|_.Comment|_.Source|');
-    for (var i = 0, tlen = shortKeys.length; i < tlen; i++)
-    {
-        shortTag = shortKeys[i];
-        print('h2. ' + shortTag);
-        print('');
-        print('|_.Key| _.Value|_.Comment|_.Source|');
-        var extraKeys = Object.keys(tagList[shortTag]);
-        extraKeys.sort();
+    var extraKeys = Object.keys(tagList[shortTag]);
+    extraKeys.sort();
-        for (var j = 0, elen = extraKeys.length; j < elen; j++)
-        {
-            val = extraKeys[j];
-            // Just to make things a bit clearer while building the print statement
-            desc = tagList[shortTag][val]['desc'];
-            source = tagList[shortTag][val]['src'];
-            tag = tagList[shortTag][val]['tag'];
-            value = tagList[shortTag][val]['value'];
+    for (var j = 0, elen = extraKeys.length; j < elen; j++)
+    {
+      val = extraKeys[j];
-            print('| ' + tag + ' | ' + value + ' | ' + desc + ' | ' + source + ' |');
-        }
+      // Just to make things a bit clearer while building the print statement
+      desc = tagList[shortTag][val]['desc'];
+      source = tagList[shortTag][val]['src'];
+      tag = tagList[shortTag][val]['tag'];
+      value = tagList[shortTag][val]['value'];
-        print('');
-        print('----');
-        print('');
+      print('| ' + tag + ' | ' + value + ' | ' + desc + ' | ' + source + ' |');
+    print('');
+    print('----');
+    print('');
+  }
 } // End dumpRedmineTags
 // Dump the tagList out as a Large Ugly JSON Blob.
 function dumpJsonTags(tagList)
-    print('JSON format is not working yet');
-    print(tagList.toString());
+  print('JSON format is not working yet');
+  print(tagList.toString());
 } // End dumpJsonTags
 // Dump the tagList out in CSV format.
 function dumpCsvTags(tagList)
-    var desc = '';
-    var shortTag = '';
-    var tag = '';
-    var val = '';
-    var value = '';
+  var desc = '';
+  var shortTag = '';
+  var tag = '';
+  var val = '';
+  var value = '';
-    var shortKeys = Object.keys(tagList);
-    shortKeys.sort();
+  var shortKeys = Object.keys(tagList);
+  shortKeys.sort();
-    print('"Tag","Value","Tag_Description","Tag_Source"');
+  print('"Tag","Value","Tag_Description","Tag_Source"');
-    for (var i = 0, tlen = shortKeys.length; i < tlen; i++)
-    {
-        shortTag = shortKeys[i];
+  for (var i = 0, tlen = shortKeys.length; i < tlen; i++)
+  {
+    shortTag = shortKeys[i];
-        var extraKeys = Object.keys(tagList[shortTag]);
-        extraKeys.sort();
+    var extraKeys = Object.keys(tagList[shortTag]);
+    extraKeys.sort();
-        for (var j = 0, elen = extraKeys.length; j < elen; j++)
-        {
-            val = extraKeys[j];
+    for (var j = 0, elen = extraKeys.length; j < elen; j++)
+    {
+      val = extraKeys[j];
-            // Just to make things a bit clearer while building the print statement
-            tag = tagList[shortTag][val]['tag'];
-            value = tagList[shortTag][val]['value'];
-            desc = tagList[shortTag][val]['desc'];
-            source = tagList[shortTag][val]['src'].replace(/,/g,";");
+      // Just to make things a bit clearer while building the print statement
+      tag = tagList[shortTag][val]['tag'];
+      value = tagList[shortTag][val]['value'];
+      desc = tagList[shortTag][val]['desc'];
+      source = tagList[shortTag][val]['src'].replace(/,/g,';');
-            print('"' + tag + '","' + value + '","' + desc + '","' + source + '"');
-        }
+      print('"' + tag + '","' + value + '","' + desc + '","' + source + '"');
+  }
 } // End dumpCsvTags
 function attrLookupTable()
-    // This is a list of the text descriptions for each of the Attribute values
-    return {
-'ACC':'Accuracy Category/Horizontal Accuracy Category',
-'ACE':'Absolute Circular Error/Absolute Horizontal Accuracy',
-'ACE_EVAL':'Absolute Horizontal Accuracy Evaluation Method',
-'ACE_EVAL_METHOD_CD':'Absolute Circular Error Evaluation Method',
-'ACH':'Anchorage Type',
-'ACS':'Accessibility Status',
-'ADI':'Administrative Division',
-'ADUR':'Average Water Supply Duration',
-'AFA':'Available Small Craft Service/Available Vessel Service',
-'AFC':'Agricultural Facility Type',
-'AHA':'Absolute Horizontal Accuracy (90%)',
-'AHC':'Associated Hydrographic Category',
-'ALE':'Absolute Linear Error/Absolute Vertical Accuracy',
-'ALE_EVAL':'Absolute Vertical Accuracy Evaluation Method',
-'ALE_EVAL_METHOD_CD':'Absolute Linear Error Evaluation Method',
-'AMA':'Amusement Attraction Type',
-'AMB':'Special Administrative Unit',
-'ANFL':'Annual Flow Rate',
-'AOO':'Angle of Orientation',
-'APT':'Airfield Type / Airfield Use',
-'APT2':'Airfield Use [2]',
-'APT3':'Airfield Use [3]',
-'APU':'Apron Usage',
-'APU2':'Apron Usage [2]',
-'APU3':'Apron Usage [3]',
-'APY':'Apron Type',
-'AQF':'Aquaculture Facility Type',
-'AQN':'Aquifer Name',
-'AQO':'Aquifer Overburden',
-'AQO1':'Aquifer Overburden [1]',
-'AQO2':'Aquifer Overburden [2]',
-'AQO3':'Aquifer Overburden [3]',
-'AQP':'Aquifer Composition',
-'AQP2':'Aquifer Composition [2]',
-'AQP3':'Aquifer Composition [3]',
-'AQT':'Aquifer Thickness',
-'AQTC':'Aquifer Thickness <interval closure>',
-'AQTL':'Aquifer Thickness <lower value>',
-'AQTU':'Aquifer Thickness <upper value>',
-'ART':'Aeronautical Route Category',
-'ASO':'Aeronautical Service Operational Status',
-'ASU':'Aerodrome Movement Area Surface Composition',
-'ASU1':'Aerodrome Movement Area Surface Composition [1]',
-'ASU2':'Aerodrome Movement Area Surface Composition [2]',
-'ASU3':'Aerodrome Movement Area Surface Composition [3]',
-'ASY':'Airfield Symbol Type',
-'AT005_CAB':'Cable : Cable Type',
-'AT005_CAB1':'Cable : Cable Type [1]',
-'AT005_CAB2':'Cable : Cable Type [2]',
-'AT005_CAB3':'Cable : Cable Type [3]',
-'ATB':'Attached Building',
-'ATC':'Aqueduct Type',
-'ATN':'Aids to Navigation',
-'AVA':'Absolute Vertical Accuracy (90%)',
-'AWP':'Aeronautical Obstacle Light Present',
-'AXS':'Aerodrome Surface Status',
-'AYR':'Aquifer Yield Rating',
-'AYRC':'Aquifer Yield Rating <interval closure>',
-'AYRL':'Aquifer Yield Rating <lower value>',
-'AYRU':'Aquifer Yield Rating <upper value>',
-'BA000_VDC':'Water Line : Sounding Datum',
-'BA000_VDR':'Water Line : Sounding Datum Name',
-'BAC':'Built-Up Area Classification/ Built-up Area Density Category',
-'BAL':'BGN Administrative Level',
-'BAT':'Barrier Top Type',
-'BBMCA':'Wtrbdy Bank (1) : Bottom Material Type (first bank)',
-'BBMCA2':'Wtrbdy Bank (1) : Bottom Material Type (first bank) [2]',
-'BBMCA3':'Wtrbdy Bank (1) : Bottom Material Type (first bank) [3]',
-'BBMCB':'Wtrbdy Bank (2) : Bottom Material Type (second bank)',
-'BBMCB2':'Wtrbdy Bank (2) : Bottom Material Type (second bank) [2]',
-'BBMCB3':'Wtrbdy Bank (2) : Bottom Material Type (second bank) [3]',
-'BC010_REF':'Maritime Navigation Beacon : Radar Reflector Present',
-'BC010_TZP':'Maritime Navigation Beacon : Topmark Shape',
-'BC034_BRF':'Maritime Radiobeacon : Broadcast Frequency',
-'BC034_BRF2':'Maritime Radiobeacon : Broadcast Frequency [2]',
-'BC034_MRT':'Maritime Radiobeacon : Maritime Radiobeacon Type',
-'BC034_MRT2':'Maritime Radiobeacon : Maritime Radiobeacon Type [2]',
-'BC034_MRT3':'Maritime Radiobeacon : Maritime Radiobeacon Type [3]',
-'BC040_CAA':'Maritime Navigation Light : Controlling Authority',
-'BC040_COL':'Maritime Navigation Light : Character of Light',
-'BC040_EOL':'Maritime Navigation Light : Light Elevation',
-'BC040_LCN':'Maritime Navigation Light : Light Characteristic Number',
-'BC040_LVN':'Maritime Navigation Light : Nominal Range',
-'BC040_MLR':'Mar Nav Lt : Multiple Light Ranges',
-'BC040_PER':'Maritime Navigation Light : Period of Light',
-'BC040_ZVH':'Maritime Navigation Light : Highest Elevation',
-'BC101_SST':'Fog Signal : Fog Signal Type',
-'BCC':'Bypass Condition Category/Bypass Condition',
-'BE_NUMBER':'Basic Encyclopedia Number',
-'BEL':'Base Elevation',
-'BEN':'Basic Encyclopedia (BE) Number',
-'BER':'Berth Identifier',
-'BET':'Maritime Navigation Beacon Type',
-'BFC':'Building Function Category',
-'BGT':'Basin Gate Type',
-'BH010_CAA':'Aqueduct : Controlling Authority',
-'BH141_AWBA':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Above Water Bank Slope (first bank)',
-'BH141_AWBB':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Above Water Bank Slope (second bank)',
-'BH141_IBOA':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Bank Orientation (first bank)',
-'BH141_IBOB':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Bank Orientation (second bank)',
-'BH141_SHDA':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Shoreline Delineated (first bank)',
-'BH141_SHDB':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Shoreline Delineated (second bank)',
-'BH141_SLTA':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Shoreline Type (first bank)',
-'BH141_SLTB':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Shoreline Type (second bank)',
-'BH141_WBHA':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Waterbody Bank Height (first bank)',
-'BH141_WBHB':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Waterbody Bank Height (second bank)',
-'BMC':'Bottom Material Type',
-'BMC1':'Bottom Material Type [1]',
-'BMC2':'Bottom Material Type [2]',
-'BMC3':'Bottom Material Type [3]',
-'BNF':'Floor Count',
-'BOC':'Bog Type',
-'BOT':'Bridge Opening Type',
-'BPWHAC':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Predominant Waterbody Bank Height (first bank) <interval closure>',
-'BPWHAL':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Predominant Waterbody Bank Height (first bank) <lower value>',
-'BPWHAU':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Predominant Waterbody Bank Height (first bank) <upper value>',
-'BPWHBC':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Predominant Waterbody Bank Height (second bank) <interval closure>',
-'BPWHBL':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Predominant Waterbody Bank Height (second bank) <lower value>',
-'BPWHBU':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Predominant Waterbody Bank Height (second bank) <upper value>',
-'BPWSAC':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Predominant Waterbody Bank Slope (first bank) <interval closure>',
-'BPWSAL':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Predominant Waterbody Bank Slope (first bank) <lower value>',
-'BPWSAU':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Predominant Waterbody Bank Slope (first bank) <upper value>',
-'BPWSBC':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Predominant Waterbody Bank Slope (second bank) <interval closure>',
-'BPWSBL':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Predominant Waterbody Bank Slope (second bank) <lower value>',
-'BPWSBU':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Predominant Waterbody Bank Slope (second bank) <upper value>',
-'BR2':'Broadcast Frequency 2',
-'BRF':'Broadcast Frequency',
-'BRF2':'Broadcast Frequency [2]',
-'BRG':'Bearing of Object',
-'BRN':'Bridge Reference Number',
-'BRR':'Bearing and Reciprocal Category',
-'BRS':'Bearing from Seaward',
-'BSC':'Bridge/Bridge Superstructure Category',
-'BSC1':'Bridge Structure Type [1]',
-'BSC2':'Bridge Structure Type [2]',
-'BSC3':'Bridge Structure Type [3]',
-'BSM':'Bridge Span Mobility Type',
-'BSS':'Building Superstructure Type',
-'BST':'Boundary Status/Boundary Status Type',
-'BSU':'Building Superstructure Type',
-'BTC':'Buoy Type Category',
-'BUD':'Brush/Undergrowth Density Code',
-'BUS':'Buoy Shape',
-'BUT':'Buoy Type',
-'BWVCAC':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Waterbody Bank Vegetation Cover (first bank) <interval closure>',
-'BWVCAL':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Waterbody Bank Vegetation Cover (first bank) <lower value>',
-'BWVCAU':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Waterbody Bank Vegetation Cover (first bank) <upper value>',
-'BWVCBC':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Waterbody Bank Vegetation Cover (second bank) <interval closure>',
-'BWVCBL':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Waterbody Bank Vegetation Cover (second bank) <lower value>',
-'BWVCBU':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Waterbody Bank Vegetation Cover (second bank) <upper value>',
-'C35':'Tidal Current Speed 5 Hours Before',
-'C36':'Tidal Current Speed 4 Hours Before',
-'C37':'Tidal Current Speed 3 Hours Before',
-'C38':'Tidal Current Speed 2 Hours Before',
-'C39':'Tidal Current Speed 1 Hour Before',
-'C40':'Tidal Current Speed',
-'C41':'Tidal Current Speed 1 Hour After',
-'C42':'Tidal Current Speed 2 Hours After',
-'C43':'Tidal Current Speed 3 Hours After',
-'C44':'Tidal Current Speed 4 Hours After',
-'C45':'Tidal Current Speed 5 Hours After',
-'C46':'Tidal Current Speed 6 Hours After',
-'C80':'Rate of Current',
-'C81':'Rate of Current',
-'C82':'Rate of Current',
-'C83':'Rate of Current',
-'C84':'Rate of Current',
-'C85':'Rate of Current',
-'C86':'Rate of Current',
-'C87':'Rate of Current',
-'C88':'Rate of Current',
-'C89':'Rate of Current',
-'C90':'Rate of Current',
-'C91':'Rate of Current',
-'CAA':'Controlling Authority',
-'CAB':'Cable Classification/Cable Type',
-'CAB1':'Cable Type [1]',
-'CAB2':'Cable Type [2]',
-'CAB3':'Cable Type [3]',
-'CAM':'Conservation Area Management Category',
-'CAT':'Cableway Type',
-'CBP':'Containment Berm Present',
-'CCC':'Color Code Category',
-'CCG':'Military Environmental Hazard Category',
-'CCN':'Commercial Copyright Notice',
-'CCR':'Colour of Navigation Mark Description',
-'CCT':'Cover Closure Type',
-'CDA':'Covered Drain',
-'CDI':'Casing Diameter',
-'CDL':'Covered Drain Length',
-'CDM':'Cadastral Source Measurement',
-'CDR':'Commercial Distribution Restriction',
-'CDY':'Cadastral Source Type',
-'CEF':'Cultural Facility Type',
-'CET':'Cut/Embankment Type Category/Grading Type',
-'CFC':'Corrections Facility Type',
-'CFT':'Boundary Determination Method',
-'CHA':'Light Characteristic Category / Navigation Light Characteristic',
-'CID':'Cell Identifier',
-'CIT':'Commercial Facility Type',
-'CITY':'City Name',
-'CIW':'Closed in Winter',
-'CLI':'Isolated Communication Line',
-'CMS':'Commissioned Status',
-'CNCP':'Construction Completion Date',
-'CNTRY_FULL':'Country Name',
-'COA':'Conspicuous Air Category',
-'COC':'Conspicuous Category',
-'COD':'Certainty of Delineation/Delineation Known',
-'COE':'Certainty of Existence',
-'COF':'Complex Outline Function',
-'COG':'Conspicuous Ground Category',
-'COL':'Character of Light',
-'COMM_CPYRT_NOTICE':'Commercial Copyright Notice',
-'COMM_LIC_TIER_NOTICE':'Distribution of Commercial Data',
-'COMPLETENESS_CODE':'Completeness Code',
-'CON':'Route Width Constriction Type',
-'COS':'Facility Operational Status',
-'CPA':'Survey Control Point Type',
-'CPS':'Cell Partition Scheme',
-'CPT':'Colour Pattern',
-'CPYRT_NOTE':'Commercial Copyright Notice',
-'CRA':'Crane Type Category/Crane Type',
-'CREATION_DATE':' Creation Date',
-'CRM':'Crane Mobility Type',
-'CRN':'Current Rate Minimum',
-'CRS':'Current Rate (Speed)',
-'CRV':'Depth Curve or Contour Value',
-'CRX':'Current Rate Maximum',
-'CSC':'Intersection Control Type',
-'CSC1':'Intersection Control Type [1]',
-'CSC2':'Intersection Control Type [2]',
-'CSC3':'Intersection Control Type [3]',
-'CSI':'Cadastral Source Identifier',
-'CSM':'Secondary Material Characteristics',
-'CSO':'Contaminant Source',
-'CSP':'Crop Species',
-'CSS':'Cross-sectional Shape',
-'CST':'Contained within Service Tunnel',
-'CSY':'Cadastral Source Identifier Type',
-'CTC':'Culvert Type',
-'CTL':'Cumulative Track Length',
-'CUD':'Currency Date and Time',
-'CUL':'Cultural Context Type',
-'CUR':'Current Type Category',
-'CUS':'Communication Facility Type',
-'CVH':'Depth Curve or Contour Value - High',
-'CVL':'Depth Curve or Contour Value - Low',
-'CVT':'Conveyor Type',
-'CVT2':'Conveyor Type [2]',
-'CVT3':'Conveyor Type [3]',
-'CWT':'Contained within Tunnel',
-'D35':'Tidal Current Direction 5 Hours Before',
-'D36':'Tidal Current Direction 4 Hours Before',
-'D37':'Tidal Current Direction 3 Hours Before',
-'D38':'Tidal Current Direction 2 Hours Before',
-'D39':'Tidal Current Direction 1 Hour Before',
-'D40':'Tidal Current Direction',
-'D41':'Tidal Current Direction 1 Hour After',
-'D42':'Tidal Current Direction 2 Hours After',
-'D43':'Tidal Current Direction 3 Hours After',
-'D44':'Tidal Current Direction 4 Hours After',
-'D45':'Tidal Current Direction 5 Hours After',
-'D46':'Tidal Current Direction 6 Hours After',
-'D80':'Direction of Current',
-'D81':'Direction of Current',
-'D82':'Direction of Current',
-'D83':'Direction of Current',
-'D84':'Direction of Current',
-'D85':'Direction of Current',
-'D86':'Direction of Current',
-'D87':'Direction of Current',
-'D88':'Direction of Current',
-'D89':'Direction of Current',
-'D90':'Direction of Current',
-'D91':'Direction of Current',
-'DAN':'Description of Aids to Navigation',
-'DCAP':'Daily Capacity',
-'DDC':'Dwelling Type',
-'DEP':'Depth / Depth Below Surface Level',
-'DEV':'Deck Level',
-'DF1':'Direction of Traffic - 1',
-'DF2':'Direction of Traffic - 2',
-'DF3':'Direction of Traffic - 3',
-'DF4':'Direction of Traffic - 4',
-'DFT':'Dam Face Type',
-'DFU':'Dam Function',
-'DFU2':'Dam Function [2]',
-'DFU3':'Dam Function [3]',
-'DGC':'Transportation Block Type',
-'DIA':'DIAM Functional Classification',
-'DINF':'Water Disinfection Method',
-'DIT':'Ditch Function',
-'DKC':'Bathymetric Measurement Quality Category',
-'DKC2':'Bathymetric Measurement Quality Category [2]',
-'DKC3':'Bathymetric Measurement Quality Category [3]',
-'DKS':'Daymark Shape',
-'DMB':'Density Measure (Brush/Undergrowth)/Undergrowth Density',
-'DMBC':'Undergrowth Density <interval closure>',
-'DMBL':'Undergrowth Density <lower value>',
-'DMBU':'Undergrowth Density <upper value>',
-'DMC':'Boundary Demarcated',
-'DMF':'Feature Count',
-'DMT':'Canopy Cover/Density Measure (% of Tree/Canopy Cover)',
-'DNE':'Human Development Index',
-'DOF':'Direction of Flow',
-'DOXY':'Dissolved Oxygen',
-'DPA':'Aquifer Depth',
-'DPAC':'Aquifer Depth <interval closure>',
-'DPAL':'Aquifer Depth <lower value>',
-'DPAU':'Aquifer Depth <upper value>',
-'DPG':'Dumping Ground Type',
-'DPG2':'Dumping Ground Type [2]',
-'DPG3':'Dumping Ground Type [3]',
-'DQS':'Data Quality Statement',
-'DRP':'Description of Reference Point',
-'DSD':'Dam Structural Design Type',
-'DSP':'Boundary Dispute Type',
-'DTN':'Dangerous to Navigation',
-'DWL':'Dynamic Water Level',
-'DWT':'Dam Type',
-'DZC':'Deck Count',
-'DZP':'Deepest Depth Below Surface Level',
-'EBT':'Educational Building Type/Educational Facility Type',
-'EET':'Engineered Earthwork Type',
-'ELA':'Elevation Accuracy / Elevation Accuracy Category',
-'EOL':'Elevation of Light',
-'EPW':'Electrical Power Generation Capacity',
-'EQC':'Equivalent Scale Category',
-'EQS':'Density Equivalent Scale',
-'ESC':'Elevation Surface Category',
-'ETS':'Extraction Specification',
-'ETY':'Engine Test Cell Type',
-'ETZ':'Extraction Specification Version',
-'EVA':'Elevation Vertical Accuracy (90%)',
-'EXISTENCE':'Existence Category',
-'EXP':'Route Width Expansion Type',
-'EXS':'Existence Category',
-'F_CODE':'Feature Code',
-'FCODE':'Feature Code',
-'FA003_BAL':'Administrative Subdivision : BGN Administrative Level',
-'FAC':'Solid Maritime Construction',
-'FCL':'Ferry Crossing Distance/Ferry Crossing Length',
-'FCM':'Feature Construction Material',
-'FCO':'Feature Configuration',
-'FCS':'Flood Control Structure Type',
-'FDI':'Geologic Dip',
-'FEF':'Fence Function',
-'FEO':'Feature Element Orientation',
-'FER':'Ferry Crossing Type/Ferry Type',
-'FFN':'Feature Function',
-'FFN1':'Feature Function [1]',
-'FFN2':'Feature Function [2]',
-'FFN3':'Feature Function [3]',
-'FFP':'Farming Pattern',
-'FHC':'Harbour Facility Function',
-'FHC1':'Harbour Facility Function [1]',
-'FHC2':'Harbour Facility Function [2]',
-'FHC3':'Harbour Facility Function [3]',
-'FIC':'Embankment Type',
-'FMM':'Farming Method',
-'FPT':'Airfield Type/Facility Priority Type',
-'FRT':'Firing Range Type/Weapons Range Type',
-'FRT1':'Weapons Range Type [1]',
-'FRT2':'Weapons Range Type [2]',
-'FRT3':'Weapons Range Type [3]',
-'FRZ':'Seasonally Frozen',
-'FSC':'Flight Strip Capable',
-'FTC':'Farming Type Category',
-'FTI':'Fence Type Indicator/Fence Type',
-'FTP':'Fabrication Type',
-'FUC':'Functional Use',
-'FUFI':'Feature Unique Identifier',
-'FUN':'Condition of Facility',
-'FUNCTION':'Feature Function',
-'FURL':'External References',
-'FZR':'Fortified Building Type',
-'GA032_NSX':'Aero Rad Nav Inst : Aeronautical Radio Navigation Service Name',
-'GAP_WIDTH':'Terrain Gap Width',
-'GAW':'Railway Gauge',
-'GB001_AID':'Aerodrome : Aerodrome Identifier',
-'GB052_RIDH':'Runway Direction : Runway Designator (high end)',
-'GB052_RIDL':'Runway Direction : Runway Designator (low end)',
-'GB052_TRHH':'Runway Direction (high end) : Runway True Heading (high)',
-'GB052_TRHL':'Runway Direction (low end) : Runway True Heading (low)',
-'GDBV':'Geodatabase Schema Version',
-'GEC':'Geopolitical Entity Type',
-'GFC':'Government Facility Type',
-'GFID':'Global Feature ID',
-'GFT':'Geologic Fault Trace Visible',
-'GFY':'Geologic Fault Type',
-'GNC':'Water Gate Type',
-'GOT':'Geothermal Outlet Type',
-'GSGCHC':'Runway Direction : Surface Slope (high end) <interval closure>',
-'GSGCHL':'Runway Direction : Surface Slope (high end) <lower value>',
-'GSGCHU':'Runway Direction : Surface Slope (high end) <upper value>',
-'GSGCLC':'Runway Direction : Surface Slope (low end) <interval closure>',
-'GSGCLL':'Runway Direction : Surface Slope (low end) <lower value>',
-'GSGCLU':'Runway Direction : Surface Slope (low end) <upper value>',
-'GTC':'Gate Type Category/Gate Use',
-'GUG':'Guyed or Unguyed Category',
-'GWS':'Groundwater Potential Score',
-'GWTR':'Groundwater Transmissivity',
-'HAF':'Helipad Associated Facility',
-'HBH':'Hydrographic Base Height',
-'HCA':'Horizontal Clearance',
-'HCT':'Thoroughfare Class',
-'HDH':'Hydrographic Drying Height',
-'HDI':'Hydrographic Depth/Height Information ',
-'HDP':'Hydrographic Depth',
-'HEI':'Height of Object',
-'HFC':'Hydrological Form Category',
-'HGS':'Spillway Height',
-'HGT':'Height Above Surface Level',
-'HHD':'Homogenous Habitation Distribution',
-'HLT':'Hydrographic Light Type',
-'HQC':'Hypsography Portrayal Type',
-'HS1':'Current Information (1)',
-'HS2':'Current Information (2)',
-'HSB':'Height above sea bottom',
-'HSC':'Hospital Number of Beds',
-'HSCD':'Hose Connection Diameter',
-'HSE':'Periodic Marine Current Month Interval',
-'HSS':'Historic Significance',
-'HST':'Hazard Shelter Intended Use',
-'HST2':'Hazard Shelter Intended Use [2]',
-'HST3':'Hazard Shelter Intended Use [3]',
-'HTP':'Hangar Type Category',
-'HVA':'Height Vertical Accuracy (90%)',
-'HWT':'House of Worship Type',
-'HYC':'Hydrologic Category',
-'HYCD':'Hydraulic Conductivity',
-'HYP':'Hydrologic Persistence',
-'HZD':'Geodetic Datum',
-'IAA':'IALA A or B Adopted',
-'IAC':'IALA Aid Category',
-'IAS':'IMO Adopted / IMO Approval Status',
-'IC2':'Geopolitical Entity Designation : ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 Code',
-'ICF':'Manufacturing Facility Type',
-'IKO':'ICAO Designator/ICAO Identifier/ICAO Location Indicator',
-'INU':'Inundation Type',
-'IRG':'Irrigation Method',
-'ISO_3116_2':'ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Code',
-'ISO_3116_3':'ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 Country Code',
-'IWO':'Inland Water Obstruction',
-'IWT':'Inland Water Type',
-'KVA':'Kilovolt Capacity Attribute/Power Line Maximum Voltage',
-'LAF':'Line Associated Features / Maritime Navigation Line Features',
-'LASZ':'Largest Aircraft',
-'LBV':'Left Bank Vegetation Cover',
-'LC1':'Load Class Type 1',
-'LC2':'Load Class Type 2',
-'LC3':'Load Class Type 3',
-'LC4':'Load Class Type 4',
-'LCA':'Lifting Capacity',
-'LCN':'Light Characteristic Number',
-'LDC':'Dam Crest Length',
-'LEA':'Least Depth Below Surface Level',
-'LEG':'Length/Diameter in Meters With Greater Precision',
-'LFA':'Aeronautical Light Function',
-'LFC':'Maritime Light Type',
-'LFC2':'Maritime Light Type [2]',
-'LFC3':'Maritime Light Type [3]',
-'LINK_ID':'Link Id',
-'LMC':'Landmark Category/Navigation Landmark',
-'LND':'Land Morphology',
-'LNU':'Usable Length',
-'LOC':'Location Category/Vertical Relative Location',
-'LOCATION':'Location Category/Vertical Relative Location',
-'LOG':'Gradient Length',
-'LOR':'Length of Range',
-'LSA':'Light Sector Angle',
-'LSI':'Light Sector Initial Limit',
-'LSP':'Geopolitical Line Type',
-'LST':'Light Sector Terminal Limit',
-'LTN':'Track or Lane Count',
-'LUN':'Located Underground',
-'LVN':'Light Range Nominal / Maritime Navigation Nominal Range',
-'MAC':'Maritime Area Category',
-'MAG':'Magnetic Variation',
-'MAN':'Maritime Navigation Marked',
-'MAS':'Maintenance Status',
-'MBC_MCC1':'Bot Char (First Material Type)',
-'MBC_MCC2':'Bot Char (Second Material Type)',
-'MBC_PSC1':'Bot Char (first material quality)',
-'MBC_PSC2':'Bot Char (second material quality)',
-'MBC_SCO1':'Bot Char (First Sediment Colour)',
-'MBC_SCO2':'Bot Char (Second Sediment Colour)',
-'MCA':'Morse Code Attribute / Characters Emitted',
-'MCC':'Material Composition Category/Structural Material Type',
-'MCC1':'Structural Material Type [1]',
-'MCC2':'Structural Material Type [2]',
-'MCC3':'Structural Material Type [3]',
-'MCS':'Material Composition Secondary',
-'MCU':'Material Composition Underlying',
-'MCX':'Motorized Crossing',
-'MCY':'Maritime Caution Type',
-'MCY2':'Maritime Caution Type [2]',
-'MCY3':'Maritime Caution Type [3]',
-'MDE':'Maintenance Date and Time',
-'MED':'Median Category',
-'MEL':'Medical Service',
-'MES':'Median Present',
-'MFB':'Manufactured Building',
-'MFC':'Military Facility Type',
-'MFE':'Marine Farm Enclosure Method',
-'MFY':'Medical Facility Type',
-'MGL':'Maritime Geopolitical Limit Type',
-'MGL1':'Maritime Geopolitical Limit Type [1]',
-'MGL2':'Maritime Geopolitical Limit Type [2]',
-'MGL3':'Maritime Geopolitical Limit Type [3]',
-'MIN':'Extraction Mine Type/Mining Category',
-'MINE':'Mining Category',
-'MKSZ':'Market Size',
-'MLO':'Limit(s) Physically Based',
-'MLOP':'Military Operations Type',
-'MLR':'Multiple Light Ranges',
-'MLUS':'Military Use Type',
-'MNR':'Maritime Navigation Restriction',
-'MNR2':'Maritime Navigation Restriction [2]',
-'MNR3':'Maritime Navigation Restriction [3]',
-'MNS':'Man-made Shoreline',
-'MOH':'Maximum Obstacle Height',
-'MRP':'Maritime Radiobeacon Present',
-'MRR':'Maritime Area Restriction',
-'MRR2':'Maritime Area Restriction [2]',
-'MRR3':'Maritime Area Restriction [3]',
-'MRT':'Maritime Radiobeacon Type',
-'MST':'Missile Site Type',
-'MST2':'Missile Site Type [2]',
-'MST3':'Missile Site Type [3]',
-'MUB':'Multi-unit Building',
-'MVC':'Maximum Vertical Clearance',
-'MWD':'Maximum Design Water Depth',
-'MWG':'Centerline Spacing',
-'MZN':'Extraction Mine Type',
-'NA2':'Touristic Name',
-'NA3':'Classification Name',
-'NA8':'Aerodrome Official Name',
-'NAM':'Name Category/Name / Geographic Name Information : Full Name',
-'NAO':'Installation Operator',
-'NDX':'Neighbourhood-defining Characteristic',
-'NDX2':'Neighbourhood-defining Characteristic [2]',
-'NDX3':'Neighbourhood-defining Characteristic [3]',
-'NFI':'Named Feature Identifier',
-'NFN':'Name Identifier',
-'NFP':'Naval Firing and/or Practice Type',
-'NFP2':'Naval Firing and/or Practice Type [2]',
-'NFP3':'Naval Firing and/or Practice Type [3]',
-'NLT':'Named Location Type',
-'NM3':'Name 3 (name of the political entity on one side of a boundary).',
-'NM4':'Name 4 (name of the political entity on the other side of the boundary).',
-'NMC':'Navigation Mark Colour',
-'NMC2':'Navigation Mark Colour [2]',
-'NMC3':'Navigation Mark Colour [3]',
-'NOA':'Naval Operations Type',
-'NOA2':'Naval Operations Type [2]',
-'NOA3':'Naval Operations Type [3]',
-'NOR':'Number of Rooms',
-'NOS':'Span Count',
-'NPL':'Parallel Line Count',
-'NS2':'Navigation System Types (2)',
-'NSC':'Hydrographic NAVAID System',
-'NST':'Navigation System Type',
-'NVS':'Navigability Information',
-'OCC':'Overhead Clearance Category Code',
-'OCS':'Offshore Construction Primary Structure',
-'OHB':'Overall Bridge Height/Overhead Height of Bridge',
-'OHC':'Overhead Clearance Category/Overhead Clearance',
-'OHD':'Derived Obstacle Height/Depth Category',
-'OLQ':'Obstruction Light Quality',
-'OOC':'Overhead Obstruction Type',
-'OPC':'Offshore Platform Type',
-'OPERATOR':'Operator ID',
-'OPS':'Operational Status',
-'OPT':'Operating Cycle',
-'OR2':'Operating Range Category (2)',
-'ORC':'Operating Range Category',
-'ORD':'Ordinal Category/Relative Importance',
-'ORIG':'Feature Metadata : Process Step Information : Resource Content Originator',
-'ORIG_SOURCE_DATE':'Originating Source Date',
-'ORIG_SOURCE_INFO':'Originating Source Information',
-'ORIGINATING_SOURCE':'Originating Source Name',
-'ORIGINATOR':'Feature Metadata : Process Step Information : Resource Content Originator',
-'ORS':'Operating Restriction',
-'ORS2':'Operating Restriction [2]',
-'ORS3':'Operating Restriction [3]',
-'OTH':'Specified Domain Value(s)/Specified Enumerant(s)',
-'OWO':'Over Water Obstruction / Waterbody Overhead Obstruction',
-'PAF':'Public Accommodation Facility',
-'PBV':'Pilot Boarding Vehicle',
-'PBY1':'By-product [1]',
-'PBY2':'By-product [2]',
-'PBY3':'By-product [3]',
-'PCF':'Physical Condition',
-'PDA':'Property DFDD-compatible Accessor',
-'PEC':'Port of Entry',
-'PER':'Period of Light',
-'PFD':'Predominant Feature Depth',
-'PFG':'Predominant Feature Height',
-'PFH':'Predominant Feature Height',
-'PFHC':'Predominant Feature Height <interval closure>',
-'PFHL':'Predominant Feature Height <lower value>',
-'PFHU':'Predominant Feature Height <upper value>',
-'PHT':'Predominant Height',
-'PLC':'Pile Type',
-'PLT':'Pipeline Type',
-'PLT2':'Pipeline Type [2]',
-'PLT3':'Pipeline Type [3]',
-'PMPR':'Pump Present',
-'POS':'Power Source',
-'POS2':'Power Source [2]',
-'POS3':'Power Source [3]',
-'PPC':'Power Plant Category/Power Plant Type',
-'PPL':'Population Count',
-'PPO1':'Product [1]',
-'PPO2':'Product [2]',
-'PPO3':'Product [3]',
-'PPT':'Populated Place Type',
-'PRO':'Product Category',
-'PRODUCT':'Product Category',
-'PRVR':'Primary River',
-'PRW':'Raw Material',
-'PRW1':'Raw Material [1]',
-'PRW2':'Raw Material [2]',
-'PRW3':'Raw Material [3]',
-'PSC':'Physical Surface Characteristics',
-'PSE':'Periodic Restriction Month Interval',
-'PSF':'Public Service Facility Type',
-'PSN':'Path Sinuosity',
-'PTG':'Portage Use',
-'PUD':'Pump Depth',
-'PVH':'Predominant Vegetation Height',
-'PWA':'Predominant Water Depth',
-'PWAC':'Predominant Water Depth <interval closure>',
-'PWAL':'Predominant Water Depth <lower value>',
-'PWAU':'Predominant Water Depth <upper value>',
-'PWC':'Shoreline Construction Type',
-'PWR':'NAVAID Power',
-'PYC':'Pylon Configuration',
-'PYM':'Pylon Material',
-'QLE':'Restrictions on Releasibility',
-'RAC':'Radar Antenna Configuration',
-'RAD':'Curve Radius',
-'RAS':'Radar Station Function',
-'RAY':'Racing Type',
-'RBV':'Right Bank Vegetation Cover',
-'RCG':'Resource Content Originator',
-'REF':'Radar Reflector Present / Radar Reflector Attribute',
-'REL':'Religious Designation',
-'RES':'Research Facility Type',
-'REW':'Reference Water Level',
-'RFC':'Religious Facility Type',
-'RGC':'Railroad Gauge Category/Railway Gauge Classification',
-'RIN_ROI':'Route Identification <route designation type>',
-'RIN_ROI2':'Route Identification [2] <route designation type>',
-'RIN_ROI3':'Route Identification [3] <route designation type>',
-'RIN_RTN':'Route Identification <route designation>',
-'RIN_RTN2':'Route Identification [2] <route designation>',
-'RIN_RTN3':'Route Identification [3] <route designation>',
-'RIP':'Rig Present',
-'RIR':'Railway in Road',
-'RIT':'Road Interchange Type',
-'RKF':'Rock Formation Structure',
-'RLE':'Relative Level',
-'RMWC':'Route Median Width <interval closure>',
-'RMWL':'Route Median Width <lower value>',
-'RMWU':'Route Median Width <upper value>',
-'ROOF_SHAPE':'Roof Shape/Structure Shape of Roof',
-'ROR':'Road Interchange Ramp',
-'RPA':'Required Port Access',
-'RPC':'Boundary Representation Policy',
-'RRA':'Railroad Power Source',
-'RRC':'Railroad Categories/Railway Use',
-'RRC1':'Railway Use [1]',
-'RRC2':'Railway Use [2]',
-'RRC3':'Railway Use [3]',
-'RSA':'Branch Railway Type/Railroad Siding Attribute',
-'RSI':'Radar Significance',
-'RST':'Road/Runway Surface Type / Load-bearing Surface Type',
-'RSTRN_DCLS_XMPT_CD':'Restriction Declassification Exemptions',
-'RSTRN_DECLASS':'Restriction Declassification',
-'RSTRN_DSEM_CTRL_IC':'Restrictions on Dissemination Control IC',
-'RSTRN_DSEM_CTRL_NIC':'Restrictions on Dissemination Control Non-IC',
-'RSTRN_FOREIGN_GOV':'Restrctions on Foreign Government Access',
-'RSTRN_RELEASIBILITY':'Restrictions on Releasibility',
-'RTA':'Linear Feature Arrangement',
-'RTL':'Resource Title',
-'RTN':'Route Designation/Route Number',
-'RTN2':'Route Designation [2]',
-'RTN3':'Route Designation [3]',
-'RTN_ROI':'Route Designation (route designation type)',
-'RTN_ROI2':'Route Designation [2] (route designation type)',
-'RTN_ROI3':'Route Designation [3] (route designation type)',
-'RTP':'Reservoir Type',
-'RTT':'Route Intended Use',
-'RTY':'Roadway Type',
-'RWC':'Railway Class',
-'SAX_RS6':'Security Attributes Group <resource declassification exception>',
-'SAX_RX8':'Security Attributes Group <resource type of exempted source>',
-'SAD':'Sand Dune Stabilized',
-'SBB':'Supported by Bridge Span',
-'SBC':'Shelter Belt',
-'SBT':'Substation Type',
-'SBT1':'Substation Type [1]',
-'SBT2':'Substation Type [2]',
-'SBT3':'Substation Type [3]',
-'SCALE':'Feature Scale',
-'SCAMAX':'Feature Metadata : Cartographic Usability Range <upper value>',
-'SCAMIN':'Feature Metadata : Cartographic Usability Range <lower value>',
-'SCB':'Pavement Condition/Surface Condition Attribute',
-'SCC':'Spring/Well Characteristic Category/Water Type',
-'SCOG':'Sample Collector Organization',
-'SCVN':'Schema Version',
-'SDCC':'Soil Depth <interval closure>',
-'SDCL':'Soil Depth <lower value>',
-'SDCU':'Soil Depth <upper value>',
-'SDI':'Geologic Strike Direction',
-'SDO':'Sand Dune Orientation',
-'SDP':'Source Description',
-'SDSC':'Stem Diameter <interval closure>',
-'SDSL':'Stem Diameter <lower value>',
-'SDSU':'Stem Diameter <upper value>',
-'SDT':'Sand Dune Type',
-'SDV':'Source Date and Time',
-'SEC_CD_CNTRL':'Security Codeword Control',
-'SEC_CLASS':'Security Classification',
-'SEC_CLASS_SYS_ID':'Security Classification System Identifier',
-'SEC_CLS_AUTH_DESC':'Non-standard Classification Authority',
-'SEC_CLS_AUTH_MULT':'Multiple Classification Authority Sources',
-'SEC_CLS_AUTHORITY':'Classification Authority',
-'SERP':'Surface Permanence',
-'SFC':'Sea Floor Category',
-'SFS':'Aerodrome Pavement Functional',
-'SFY':'Security Facility Type',
-'SGCC':'Surface Slope <interval closure>',
-'SGCL':'Surface Slope <lower value>',
-'SGCU':'Surface Slope <upper value>',
-'SHC':'Safe Horizontal Clearance',
-'SHD':'Shoreline Delineated',
-'SHL':'Left Bank Shoreline Type',
-'SHO':'Coast Type',
-'SHP':'Shape of Beacon',
-'SHR':'Right Bank Shoreline Type',
-'SHT':'Shipping Container Type',
-'SIC':'Frozen Cover Type / Snow / Ice Category',
-'SLR':'Shoreline Ramp Type',
-'SLT':'Shoreline Type Category/Shoreline Type',
-'SMC':'Surface Material Category/Surface Material Type',
-'SND':'Sounding Category',
-'SNDC':'Snow or Ice Depth <interval closure>',
-'SNDL':'Snow or Ice Depth <lower value>',
-'SNDU':'Snow or Ice Depth <upper value>',
-'SOH':'Severity of Hazard',
-'SOURCE':'Originating Source Information',
-'SPAN_TYPE':'Bridge Opening Type',
-'SPD':'Speed Limit (MPH)',
-'SPEC_ID':'Extraction Specification ID',
-'SPM':'Speed Limit (KPH)',
-'SRC_DATE':'Source Date and Time',
-'SRC_INFO':'Source Description',
-'SRC_NAME':'Source Type',
-'SRC_RELSE':'Restrictions on Releasibility of the source data',
-'SRD':'Terrain Morphology',
-'SRE':'Traffic Restriction Type',
-'SRL':'Location Referenced to Shoreline',
-'SRL1':'Location Referenced to Shoreline [1]',
-'SRL2':'Location Referenced to Shoreline [2]',
-'SRL3':'Location Referenced to Shoreline [3]',
-'SRT':'Source Type',
-'SSC':'Structure Shape Category/Structure Shape',
-'SSE':'Seasonal Ice Limit',
-'SSG':'Street Sign Type',
-'SSO':'Shaft Slope Orientation',
-'SSR':'Roof Shape/Structure Shape of Roof',
-'SSR1':'Roof Shape [1]',
-'SSR2':'Roof Shape [2]',
-'SSR3':'Roof Shape [3]',
-'SST':'Sound Signal Type',
-'STA':'Maritime Station Type / Station Type Category (Maritime)',
-'STA2':'Maritime Station Type [2]',
-'STA3':'Maritime Station Type [3]',
-'STAF':'Total Staff',
-'STL':'Nomadic Seasonal Location',
-'STL1':'Nomadic Seasonal Location [1]',
-'STL2':'Nomadic Seasonal Location [2]',
-'STL3':'Nomadic Seasonal Location [3]',
-'STNB':'Strahler Number',
-'STP':'Soil Type',
-'STR':'Summer Canopy Cover',
-'SUC':'Shed Type',
-'SUY':'Survey Point Type',
-'SVC':'Sounding Velocity',
-'SWC':'Soil Wetness Condition',
-'SWCP':'Specific Water Capacity',
-'SWT':'Natural Pool Type/Well or Spring Feature Type',
-'SWW':'Static Water Level',
-'TAN':'TSS-associated Aids to Navigation',
-'TCS':'Cross-sectional Profile',
-'TEL':'Telescope Type',
-'TFC':'Transportation Facility Type',
-'THR':'Through Route',
-'TID':'Tidal/Non-Tidal Category/Tide Influenced',
-'TIER_NOTE':'Commercial Distribution Restriction',
-'TIM':'Time Attribute',
-'TMC':'Top Mark Characteristic',
-'TOS':'Tower Shape',
-'TOWER_TYPE':'Tower Type Category/Tower Type',
-'TRA':'Pedestrian Traversable/Traversability',
-'TRE':'Foliage Type/Tree Type Category',
-'TRE':'Tree Category',
-'TRF':'Traffic Flow',
-'TRP':'Transportation Route Protection Structure Type',
-'TRS':'Transportation System Type',
-'TRS1':'Transportation System Type [1]',
-'TRS2':'Transportation System Type [2]',
-'TRS3':'Transportation System Type [3]',
-'TSCC':'Tree Spacing <interval closure>',
-'TSCL':'Tree Spacing <lower value>',
-'TSCU':'Tree Spacing <upper value>',
-'TSM':'Terrain Surface Material',
-'TSM1':'Terrain Surface Material [1]',
-'TSM2':'Terrain Surface Material [2]',
-'TSM3':'Terrain Surface Material [3]',
-'TSP':'Traffic Scheme Part / Maritime Traffic Separation Scheme Component',
-'TSSM':'Terrain Subsurface Material',
-'TSSM2':'Terrain Subsurface Material [2]',
-'TSSM3':'Terrain Subsurface Material [3]',
-'TST':'Cable Suspended Shape/Power Line Shape/Transmission Suspension Type',
-'TSTE':'Water Taste',
-'TTC':'Tower Type Category/Tower Type',
-'TTC1':'Tower Type [1]',
-'TTC2':'Tower Type [2]',
-'TTC3':'Tower Type [3]',
-'TTY':'Tomb Type',
-'TUC':'Transportation Use Category',
-'TWS':'Trees Widely Scattered',
-'TXP':'Taxiway Type',
-'TXT':'Associated Text',
-'TYP':'Thoroughfare Type',
-'TZP':'Topmark Shape',
-'UBC':'Underbridge Clearance',
-'UDQ':'Underwater Delineation Quality',
-'UFI':'Unique Entity Identifier',
-'UHS':'Uncovering Height Known',
-'UID':'MGCP Feature universally unique identifier',
-'UMA':'Underground Mine Access',
-'UMC':'Underlying Material Characteristics',
-'UPD_DATE':'Review Source Date and Time',
-'UPD_INFO':'Review Source Description',
-'UPD_NAME':'Review Source Type',
-'UPDATE_SOURCE':'Update/Review Source Name',
-'UPDATE_SOURCE_DATE':'Update/Review Source Date',
-'UPDATE_SOURCE_INFO':'Update/Review Source Information',
-'URI':'Unique Resource Identifier',
-'USAGE':'Usage Category',
-'USG':'Usage Category',
-'UTY':'Accessible Utility Type',
-'UTY1':'Accessible Utility Type [1]',
-'UTY2':'Accessible Utility Type [2]',
-'UTY3':'Accessible Utility Type [3]',
-'UUC':'Utility Facility Type',
-'VAL':'Value - A Generic Value',
-'VAV':'Variation Anomaly Value',
-'VAVC':'Magnetic Variation Anomaly <interval closure>',
-'VAVL':'Magnetic Variation Anomaly <lower value>',
-'VAVU':'Magnetic Variation Anomaly <upper value>',
-'VCA':'Void Collection Attribute/Void Collection Reason',
-'VCA1':'Void Collection Reason [1]',
-'VCA2':'Void Collection Reason [2]',
-'VCA3':'Void Collection Reason [3]',
-'VCM':'Vertical Construction Material',
-'VCM1':'Vertical Construction Material [1]',
-'VCM2':'Vertical Construction Material [2]',
-'VCM3':'Vertical Construction Material [3]',
-'VCO':'Vertical Clearance, Open',
-'VCS':'Vertical Clearance, Safe',
-'VCS_VCD':'Vertical Clearance, Safe <reference level>',
-'VCS_VCR':'Vertical Clearance, Safe <reference level remark>',
-'VCT':'Void Collection Type',
-'VCT1':'Void Collection Type [1]',
-'VCT2':'Void Collection Type [2]',
-'VCT3':'Void Collection Type [3]',
-'VDC':'Sounding Datum/Vertical Datum Category',
-'VDR':'Vertical Datum Record',
-'VDT':'Vertical Datum',
-'VEC':'Vehicle Capacity',
-'VEG':'Vegetation Characteristic',
-'VET':'Vehicle Type',
-'VGT':'Volcanic Geologic Type/Volcano Shape',
-'VH3':'Predominant Vegetation Height',
-'VIS':'Light Visibility',
-'VIS2':'Light Visibility [2]',
-'VIS3':'Light Visibility [3]',
-'VOA':'Volcanic Activity',
-'VOI':'Vertical Obstruction Identifier',
-'VRR':'Vertical Reference Category',
-'VSP':'Vegetation Species',
-'VSP1':'Vegetation Species [1]',
-'VSP2':'Vegetation Species [2]',
-'VSP3':'Vegetation Species [3]',
-'VST':'Vehicle Scale Count',
-'VTI':'Vegetation Trafficability Impact',
-'WAD':'Water Well Construction Description',
-'WBD':'Waterbody Depth',
-'WCC':'Watercourse Channel Type',
-'WCL':'Winter Canopy Cover',
-'WD1':'Route Minimum Travelled Way Width',
-'WD2':'Route Total Usable Width',
-'WD3':'Terrain Gap Width',
-'WD5':'Width at Top',
-'WDAC':'Average Water Depth <interval closure>',
-'WDAL':'Average Water Depth <lower value>',
-'WDAU':'Average Water Depth <upper value>',
-'WDH':'Predominant Maximum Water Depth',
-'WDL':'Predominant Minimum Water Depth',
-'WDST':'Water Distribution System Type',
-'WDU':'Usable Width',
-'WEATHER':'Road Weather Restriction/Weather Type Category',
-'WEQ':'Well Equipment',
-'WEQ1':'Well Equipment [1]',
-'WEQ2':'Well Equipment [2]',
-'WEQ3':'Well Equipment [3]',
-'WFT':'Well Feature Type/Well Type',
-'WGP':'Width with greater than 1 meter resolution',
-'WLE':'Water Level Effect',
-'WLO':'Wreck or Hulk Exposure',
-'WLSS':'Water Loss',
-'WMT':'Watercourse Morphology',
-'WOC':'Dam Crest Width / Width of Crest',
-'WODR':'Water Odour',
-'WORSHIP':'House of Worship Type',
-'WPC':'Coastal Work Type / Work in Progress Category',
-'WPC2':'Coastal Work Type [2]',
-'WPC3':'Coastal Work Type [3]',
-'WPI':'World Port Index Identifier',
-'WPST':'Windows Per Story',
-'WRCC':'Water Recharge Rate <interval closure>',
-'WRCL':'Water Recharge Rate <lower value>',
-'WRCU':'Water Recharge Rate <upper value>',
-'WRT':'Water Race Type',
-'WSRC':'Source of Water',
-'WST':'Watercourse Sink Type',
-'WT2':'Width of Second Travelled Way',
-'WTC':'Road Weather Restriction/Weather Type Category',
-'WTCL':'Water Colour',
-'WTFE':'Total Iron',
-'WTI':'Wall Type',
-'WTST':'Water Test Type',
-'WTT':'Water Turbulence Type',
-'WTYP':'Window Type',
-'WVA':'Predominant Average Water Velocity',
-'WVH':'Predominant Maximum Water Velocity',
-'WVL':'Predominant Minimum Water Velocity',
-'WWM':'Sub-Surface Stratum Type',
-'WWM2':'Sub-Surface Stratum Type [2]',
-'WWM3':'Sub-Surface Stratum Type [3]',
-'WWRC':'Water Withdrawal Rate <interval closure>',
-'WWRL':'Water Withdrawal Rate <lower value>',
-'WWRU':'Water Withdrawal Rate <upper value>',
-'YSU':'Military Service Branch',
-'YWQ':'Water Potability',
-'Z_VALUE_TYPE':'Z-Coordinate Type',
-'ZHBH_DCR':'Base Height : Sounding Metadata : Vessel Draft Correction',
-'ZHBH_DKC':'Base Height : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Quality Category',
-'ZHBH_DKC2':'Base Height : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Quality Category [2] ',
-'ZHBH_DKC3':'Base Height : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Quality Category [3]',
-'ZHBH_SVC':'Base Height : Sounding Metadata : Sounding Velocity Correction Method',
-'ZHBH_TEC':'Base Height : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Technique',
-'ZHBH_TEC2':'Base Height : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Technique [2]',
-'ZHBH_TEC3':'Base Height : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Technique [3]',
-'ZHBH_VDC':'Base Height : Sounding Metadata : Sounding Datum',
-'ZHBH_VDR':'Base Height : Sounding Metadata : Sounding Datum Name',
-'ZHDP_DCR':'Hydrographic Depth : Sounding Metadata : Vessel Draft Correction',
-'ZHDP_DKC':'Hydrographic Depth : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Quality Category',
-'ZHDP_DKC2':'Hydrographic Depth : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Quality Category [2]',
-'ZHDP_DKC3':'Hydrographic Depth : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Quality Category [3]',
-'ZHDP_SVC':'Hydrographic Depth : Sounding Metadata : Sounding Velocity Correction Method',
-'ZHDP_TEC':'Hydrographic Depth : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Technique',
-'ZHDP_TEC2':'Hydrographic Depth : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Technique [2]',
-'ZHDP_TEC3':'Hydrographic Depth : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Technique [3]',
-'ZHDP_VDC':'Hydrographic Depth : Sounding Metadata : Sounding Datum',
-'ZHDP_VDR':'Hydrographic Depth : Sounding Metadata : Sounding Datum Name',
-'ZI001_NSD':'Source Information : Non-spatial Source Date and Time',
-'ZI001_NSN':'Source Information : Non-spatial Source Description',
-'ZI001_NSP':'Source Information : Non-spatial Source Type',
-'ZI001_SDP':'Source Information : Source Description',
-'ZI001_SDV':'Source Information : Source Date and Time',
-'ZI001_SPS':'Source Information : Spatial Source',
-'ZI001_SRT':'Source Information : Source Type',
-'ZI001_SSD':'Source Information : Spatial Source Date and Time',
-'ZI001_SSN':'Source Information : Spatial Source Description',
-'ZI001_SSY':'Source Information : Spatial Source Type',
-'ZI001_VSC':'Source Information : Vertical Source Category',
-'ZI001_VSD':'Source Information : Vertical Source Date and Time',
-'ZI001_VSN':'Source Information : Vertical Source Description',
-'ZI002_CCN':'Commercial Copyright Notice',
-'ZI002_UFI':'Restriction Information : Unique Entity Identifier',
-'ZI004_PRE':'Process Step Information : Process Step Description',
-'ZI004_RCG':'Feature Metadata : Process Step Information : Resource Content Originator',
-'ZI005_FNA':'Geographic Name Information : Full Name',
-'ZI005_FNA1':'Geographic Name Information : (first) Full Name',
-'ZI005_FNA2':'Geographic Name Information : Full Name (second)',
-'ZI005_FNA3':'Geographic Name Information : Full Name (third)',
-'ZI005_FNAA':'Geopolitical Entity : Geographic Name Information (1) : Full Name (first side)',
-'ZI005_FNAB':'Geopolitical Entity : Geographic Name Information (2) : Full Name (second side)',
-'ZI005_GNR':'Geographic Name Information : Geographic Name Rank',
-'ZI005_GNR2':'Geographic Name Information : Geographic Name Rank [2]',
-'ZI005_GNR3':'Geographic Name Information : Geographic Name Rank [3]',
-'ZI005_GNT':'Geographic Name Information : Geographic Name Type',
-'ZI005_GNT2':'Geographic Name Information : Geographic Name Type [2]',
-'ZI005_GNT3':'Geographic Name Information : Geographic Name Type [3]',
-'ZI005_GNTA':'Geographic Name Information (1) : Geographic Name Type (first side)',
-'ZI005_GNTB':'Geographic Name Information (2) : Geographic Name Type (second side)',
-'ZI005_NFN':'Geographic Name Information : Name Identifier',
-'ZI005_NFN1':'Geographic Name Information : (first) Name Identifier',
-'ZI005_NFN2':'Geographic Name Information : Name Identifier (second)',
-'ZI005_NFN3':'Geographic Name Information : Name Identifier (third)',
-'ZI005_NFNA':'Geopolitical Entity : Geographic Name Information (1) : Name Identifier (first side)',
-'ZI005_NFNB':'Geopolitical Entity : Geographic Name Information (2) : Name Identifier (second side)',
-'ZI006_MEM':'Note : Memorandum',
-'ZI012_DCR':'Depth Curve : Sounding Metadata : Vessel Draft Correction',
-'ZI012_DKC':'Depth Curve : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Quality Category',
-'ZI012_DKC2':'Depth Curve : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Quality Category [2]',
-'ZI012_DKC3':'Depth Curve : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Quality Category [3]',
-'ZI012_SVC':'Depth Curve : Sounding Metadata : Sounding Velocity Correction Method',
-'ZI012_TEC':'Depth Curve : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Technique',
-'ZI012_TEC2':'Depth Curve : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Technique [2]',
-'ZI012_TEC3':'Depth Curve : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Technique [3]',
-'ZI012_VDC':'Depth Curve : Sounding Metadata : Sounding Datum',
-'ZI012_VDR':'Depth Curve : Sounding Metadata : Sounding Datum Name',
-'ZI013_CSP':'Crop Information : Crop Species',
-'ZI013_CSP1':'Crop Information : Crop Species [1]',
-'ZI013_CSP2':'Crop Information : Crop Species [2]',
-'ZI013_CSP3':'Crop Information : Crop Species [3]',
-'ZI013_FFP':'Crop Information : Farming Pattern',
-'ZI013_FFP1':'Crop Information : Farming Pattern [1]',
-'ZI013_FFP2':'Crop Information : Farming Pattern [2]',
-'ZI013_FFP3':'Crop Information : Farming Pattern [3]',
-'ZI013_FMM':'Crop Information : Farming Method',
-'ZI013_FMM1':'Crop Information : Farming Method [1]',
-'ZI013_FMM2':'Crop Information : Farming Method [2]',
-'ZI013_FMM3':'Crop Information : Farming Method [3]',
-'ZI013_IRG':'Crop Information : Irrigation Method',
-'ZI013_PIG':'Crop Information : Permanent Irrigation',
-'ZI014_PBY':'Manufacturing Information : By-product',
-'ZI014_PBY1':'Manufacturing Information : By-product [1]',
-'ZI014_PBY2':'Manufacturing Information : By-product [2]',
-'ZI014_PBY3':'Manufacturing Information : By-product [3]',
-'ZI014_PPO':'Manufacturing Information : Physical Product',
-'ZI014_PPO':'Manufacturing Information : Product',
-'ZI014_PPO1':'Manufacturing Information : Product [1]',
-'ZI014_PPO2':'Manufacturing Information : Physical Product [2]',
-'ZI014_PPO2':'Manufacturing Information : Product [2]',
-'ZI014_PPO3':'Manufacturing Information : Physical Product [3]',
-'ZI014_PPO3':'Manufacturing Information : Product [3]',
-'ZI014_PRW':'Manufacturing Information : Raw Material',
-'ZI014_PRW1':'Manufacturing Information : Raw Material [1]',
-'ZI014_PRW2':'Manufacturing Information : Raw Material [2]',
-'ZI014_PRW3':'Manufacturing Information : Raw Material [3]',
-'ZI015_GCUC':'Geo Name Collection : Geographic Name Cartographic Usability Range <interval closure>',
-'ZI015_GCUL':'Geo Name Collection : Geographic Name Cartographic Usability Range <lower value>',
-'ZI015_GCUU':'Geo Name Collection : Geographic Name Cartographic Usability Range <upper value>',
-'ZI016_ROC':'Route Pavement Information : Route Surface Composition #####',
-'ZI016_ROC':'Route Pavement Information : Route Surface Composition',
-'ZI016_WD1':'Route Pavement Information : Route Minimum Travelled Way Width',
-'ZI016_WTC':'Route Pavement Information : Road Weather Restriction',
-'ZI017_GAW':'Track Information : Railway Gauge',
-'ZI017_RGC':'Track Information : Railway Gauge Classification',
-'ZI017_RIR':'Track Information : Railway in Road',
-'ZI017_RRA':'Track Information : Railway Power Method',
-'ZI017_TRT':'Track Information : Track Type',
-'ZI018_BRF':'Wireless : Broadcast Frequency',
-'ZI018_WIT':'Wireless Telecommunication Information : Wireless Telecommunication Type',
-'ZI019_ASP':'Aerodrome Pavement Information : Aerodrome Movement Area Surface Preparation Method',
-'ZI019_ASP1':'Aerodrome Pavement Information : Aerodrome Movement Area Surface Preparation Method [1]',
-'ZI019_ASP2':'Aerodrome Pavement Information : Aerodrome Movement Area Surface Preparation Method [2]',
-'ZI019_ASP3':'Aerodrome Pavement Information : Aerodrome Movement Area Surface Preparation Method [3]',
-'ZI019_ASU':'Aerodrome Pavement Information : Aerodrome Movement Area Surface Composition',
-'ZI019_ASU1':'Aerodrome Pavement Information : Aerodrome Movement Area Surface Composition [1]',
-'ZI019_ASU2':'Aerodrome Pavement Information : Aerodrome Movement Area Surface Composition [2]',
-'ZI019_ASU3':'Aerodrome Pavement Information : Aerodrome Movement Area Surface Composition [3]',
-'ZI019_ASX':'Aerodrome Pavement Information : Aerodrome Movement Area Surface Category',
-'ZI019_SFS':'Aerodrome Pavement Information : Aerodrome Pavement Functional Status',
-'ZI020_ANM':'Geopolitical Entity Designation : Administrative Name',
-'ZI020_FI1':'Geopolitical Entity Designation : FIPS 10-4 Country Code (two character)',
-'ZI020_FI2':'Geopolitical Entity Designation : FIPS 10-4 Country Name',
-'ZI020_FI2A':'Geopolitical Entity : Designation (1) : FIPS 10-4 Country Code (first side)',
-'ZI020_FI2B':'Geopolitical Entity : Designation (2) : FIPS 10-4 Country Code (second side)',
-'ZI020_GE4':'(Location Country) Designation : GENC Short URN-based Identifier',
-'ZI020_GE42':'(Location Country) Designation : GENC Short URN-based Identifier (second)',
-'ZI020_GE43':'(Location Country) Designation : GENC Short URN-based Identifier (third)',
-'ZI020_GE44':'(Location Country) Designation : GENC Short URN-based Identifier (fourth)',
-'ZI020_GE4A':'Designation : GENC Short URN-based Identifier',
-'ZI020_GE4B':'Designation : GENC Short URN-based Identifier',
-'ZI020_IC2':'Geopolitical Entity Designation : ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 Code',
-'ZI020_IC2A':'Geopolitical Entity : Designation (1) : ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 Code (first side)',
-'ZI020_IC2B':'Geopolitical Entity : Designation (2) : ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 Code (second side)',
-'ZI020_IC4':'Geopolitical Entity Designation : ISO 3166-1 English Name',
-'ZI021_ANM':'Administrative Division Designation : Administrative Name',
-'ZI021_FI5':'Administrative Division Designation : FIPS 10-4 Principal Administrative Division Code',
-'ZI024_ASE':'Water Resource Information : Arsenic Concentration',
-'ZI024_AWO':'Water : Predominant Water Flow',
-'ZI024_AWOI':'Water : Predominant Water Flow - Maximum',
-'ZI024_AWOX':'Water : Predominant Water Flow - Minimum',
-'ZI024_CFR':'Water Resource Information : Coliform Concentration',
-'ZI024_CLO':'Water Resource Information : Chloride Concentration',
-'ZI024_CYN':'Water Resource Information : Cyanide Concentration',
-'ZI024_DRL':'Water : Device Relative Location',
-'ZI024_DVPT':'Water : Device Power Type',
-'ZI024_FMR':'Water : Freshwater Production Rate / Maximum Rate',
-'ZI024_HAR':'Water Resource Information : Water Hardness',
-'ZI024_HYP':'Water Resource Information : Hydrologic Persistence',
-'ZI024_MGN':'Water Resource Information : Magnesium Concentration',
-'ZI024_PHW':'Water Resource Information : pH',
-'ZI024_PMP':'Water : Pump Type',
-'ZI024_PUR':'Water : Purification Process',
-'ZI024_PUR2':'Water : Purification Process [2]',
-'ZI024_PUR3':'Water : Purification Process [3]',
-'ZI024_PUR4':'Water : Purification Process [4]',
-'ZI024_PUR5':'Water : Purification Process [5]',
-'ZI024_RTP':'Water : Reservoir Type',
-'ZI024_SCC':'Water Resource Information : Water Type',
-'ZI024_SQN':'Water : Water Flow Rate Category',
-'ZI024_SUL':'Water Resource Information : Sulfate Concentration',
-'ZI024_TDS':'Water Resource Information : Total Dissolved Solids',
-'ZI024_TEP':'Water Resource Information : Temperature',
-'ZI024_TUR':'Water Resource Information : Nephelometric Turbidity',
-'ZI024_WAC':'Water Resource Information : Water Conductivity',
-'ZI024_WPAC':'Water : Water Pump Accessibility',
-'ZI024_WSG':'Water : Water Stage',
-'ZI024_WTBB':'Water : Boron',
-'ZI024_WTCA':'Water : Calcium',
-'ZI024_WTFE':'Water : Total Iron',
-'ZI024_WTKK':'Water : Potassium',
-'ZI024_WTMN':'Water : Manganese',
-'ZI024_WTNA':'Water : Sodium',
-'ZI024_WTNO':'Water : Nitrate',
-'ZI024_WTPO':'Water : Phosphate',
-'ZI024_WTSI':'Water : Silicon',
-'ZI024_WUR':'Water : Water Use',
-'ZI024_WUR2':'Water : Water Use [2]',
-'ZI024_WUR3':'Water : Water Use [3]',
-'ZI024_WUR4':'Water : Water Use [4]',
-'ZI024_YWQ':'Water Resource Information : Water Potability',
-'ZI025_HDP':'Vartical Positioning : Hydrographic Depth',
-'ZI025_MAN':'Hydrographic Vertical Positioning Information : Maritime Navigation Marked',
-'ZI025_UHS':'Vertical Positioning : Uncovering Height Known',
-'ZI025_WLE':'Hydrographic Vertical Positioning Information : Water Level Effect',
-'ZI026_CTUC':'Feature Metadata : Cartographic Usability Range <interval closure>',
-'ZI026_CTUL':'Feature Metadata : Cartographic Usability Range <lower value>',
-'ZI026_CTUU':'Feature Metadata : Cartographic Usability Range <upper value>',
-'ZI026_SUR':'Feature Metadata : Survey Coverage Category',
-'ZI031S_URI':'Dataset (Surface) : Unique Resource Identifier',
-'ZI032_GUG':'Pylon Information : Guyed',
-'ZI032_PYC':'Pylon Information : Pylon Configuration',
-'ZI032_PYM':'Pylon Information : Pylon Material',
-'ZI032_TOS':'Pylon Information : Tower Shape',
-'ZI037_REL':'Religious Information : Religious Designation',
-'ZI037_RFA':'Religious Information : Religious Facility Type / Site Type',
-'ZI039S_UFI':'Entity Collection Metadata (Surface) : Unique Entity Identifier',
-'ZI071_CTX':'Cave Information : Cave Type',
-'ZI071_FFN':'Cave Information : Feature Function',
-'ZI071_FFN1':'Cave Information : Feature Function [1]',
-'ZI071_FFN2':'Cave Information : Feature Function [2]',
-'ZI071_FFN3':'Cave Information : Feature Function [3]',
-'ZI071_UAO':'Cave Information : Underground Access Orientation',
-'ZI103_MVD':'Magnetic Variation Information : Magnetic Variation Date',
-'ZSAX_RS0':'Restriction Information : Security Attributes Group <resource classification>',
-'ZSAX_RX0':'Restriction Information : Security Attributes Group <resource dissemination controls>',
-'ZSAX_RX3':'Restriction Information : Security Attributes Group <resource non-intelligence community markings>',
-'ZSAX_RX4':'Restriction Information : Security Attributes Group <resource owner-producer>',
-'ZV2':'Highest Z-Value',
-'ZV3':'Airfield/Aerodrome Elevation',
-'ZVA':'Aerodrome Elevation',
-'ZVAL_TYPE':'Vertical Source Category',
-'ZVH':'Highest Elevation',
-'ZVH_AVA':'Highest Elevation <absolute vertical accuracy>',
-'ZVH_VDT':'Highest Elevation <vertical datum>'
-    }
+  // This is a list of the text descriptions for each of the Attribute values
+  return {
+    'ACC':'Accuracy Category/Horizontal Accuracy Category',
+    'ACE':'Absolute Circular Error/Absolute Horizontal Accuracy',
+    'ACE_EVAL':'Absolute Horizontal Accuracy Evaluation Method',
+    'ACE_EVAL_METHOD_CD':'Absolute Circular Error Evaluation Method',
+    'ACH':'Anchorage Type',
+    'ACS':'Accessibility Status',
+    'ADI':'Administrative Division',
+    'ADR':'Address',
+    'ADUR':'Average Water Supply Duration',
+    'AFA':'Available Small Craft Service/Available Vessel Service',
+    'AFC':'Agricultural Facility Type',
+    'AHA':'Absolute Horizontal Accuracy (90%)',
+    'AHC':'Associated Hydrographic Category',
+    'ALE':'Absolute Linear Error/Absolute Vertical Accuracy',
+    'ALE_EVAL':'Absolute Vertical Accuracy Evaluation Method',
+    'ALE_EVAL_METHOD_CD':'Absolute Linear Error Evaluation Method',
+    'AMA':'Amusement Attraction Type',
+    'AMB':'Special Administrative Unit',
+    'ANFL':'Annual Flow Rate',
+    'AOO':'Angle of Orientation',
+    'APT':'Airfield Type / Airfield Use',
+    'APT2':'Airfield Use [2]',
+    'APT3':'Airfield Use [3]',
+    'APU':'Apron Usage',
+    'APU2':'Apron Usage [2]',
+    'APU3':'Apron Usage [3]',
+    'APY':'Apron Type',
+    'AQF':'Aquaculture Facility Type',
+    'AQN':'Aquifer Name',
+    'AQO':'Aquifer Overburden',
+    'AQO1':'Aquifer Overburden [1]',
+    'AQO2':'Aquifer Overburden [2]',
+    'AQO3':'Aquifer Overburden [3]',
+    'AQP':'Aquifer Composition',
+    'AQP2':'Aquifer Composition [2]',
+    'AQP3':'Aquifer Composition [3]',
+    'AQT':'Aquifer Thickness',
+    'AQTC':'Aquifer Thickness <interval closure>',
+    'AQTL':'Aquifer Thickness <lower value>',
+    'AQTU':'Aquifer Thickness <upper value>',
+    'ARA':'Area',
+    'ART':'Aeronautical Route Category',
+    'ASC':'Man-made',
+    'ASO':'Aeronautical Service Operational Status',
+    'ASU':'Aerodrome Movement Area Surface Composition',
+    'ASU1':'Aerodrome Movement Area Surface Composition [1]',
+    'ASU2':'Aerodrome Movement Area Surface Composition [2]',
+    'ASU3':'Aerodrome Movement Area Surface Composition [3]',
+    'ASY':'Airfield Symbol Type',
+    'AT005_CAB':'Cable : Cable Type',
+    'AT005_CAB1':'Cable : Cable Type [1]',
+    'AT005_CAB2':'Cable : Cable Type [2]',
+    'AT005_CAB3':'Cable : Cable Type [3]',
+    'ATB':'Attached Building',
+    'ATC':'Aqueduct Type',
+    'ATN':'Aids to Navigation',
+    'AVA':'Absolute Vertical Accuracy (90%)',
+    'AWP':'Aeronautical Obstacle Light Present',
+    'AXS':'Aerodrome Surface Status',
+    'AYR':'Aquifer Yield Rating',
+    'AYRC':'Aquifer Yield Rating <interval closure>',
+    'AYRL':'Aquifer Yield Rating <lower value>',
+    'AYRU':'Aquifer Yield Rating <upper value>',
+    'AZC':'Man-made',
+    'BA000_VDC':'Water Line : Sounding Datum',
+    'BA000_VDR':'Water Line : Sounding Datum Name',
+    'BAC':'Built-Up Area Classification/ Built-up Area Density Category',
+    'BAL':'BGN Administrative Level',
+    'BAT':'Barrier Top Type',
+    'BBMCA':'Wtrbdy Bank (1) : Bottom Material Type (first bank)',
+    'BBMCA2':'Wtrbdy Bank (1) : Bottom Material Type (first bank) [2]',
+    'BBMCA3':'Wtrbdy Bank (1) : Bottom Material Type (first bank) [3]',
+    'BBMCB':'Wtrbdy Bank (2) : Bottom Material Type (second bank)',
+    'BBMCB2':'Wtrbdy Bank (2) : Bottom Material Type (second bank) [2]',
+    'BBMCB3':'Wtrbdy Bank (2) : Bottom Material Type (second bank) [3]',
+    'BC010_REF':'Maritime Navigation Beacon : Radar Reflector Present',
+    'BC010_TZP':'Maritime Navigation Beacon : Topmark Shape',
+    'BC034_BRF':'Maritime Radiobeacon : Broadcast Frequency',
+    'BC034_BRF2':'Maritime Radiobeacon : Broadcast Frequency [2]',
+    'BC034_MRT':'Maritime Radiobeacon : Maritime Radiobeacon Type',
+    'BC034_MRT2':'Maritime Radiobeacon : Maritime Radiobeacon Type [2]',
+    'BC034_MRT3':'Maritime Radiobeacon : Maritime Radiobeacon Type [3]',
+    'BC040_CAA':'Maritime Navigation Light : Controlling Authority',
+    'BC040_COL':'Maritime Navigation Light : Character of Light',
+    'BC040_EOL':'Maritime Navigation Light : Light Elevation',
+    'BC040_LCN':'Maritime Navigation Light : Light Characteristic Number',
+    'BC040_LVN':'Maritime Navigation Light : Nominal Range',
+    'BC040_MLR':'Mar Nav Lt : Multiple Light Ranges',
+    'BC040_PER':'Maritime Navigation Light : Period of Light',
+    'BC040_ZVH':'Maritime Navigation Light : Highest Elevation',
+    'BC101_SST':'Fog Signal : Fog Signal Type',
+    'BCC':'Bypass Condition Category/Bypass Condition',
+    'BDS':'Bidirectional',
+    'BE_NUMBER':'Basic Encyclopedia Number',
+    'BEL':'Base Elevation',
+    'BEN':'Basic Encyclopedia (BE) Number',
+    'BER':'Berth Identifier',
+    'BET':'Maritime Navigation Beacon Type',
+    'BFC':'Building Function Category',
+    'BGT':'Basin Gate Type',
+    'BH010_CAA':'Aqueduct : Controlling Authority',
+    'BH141_AWBA':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Above Water Bank Slope (first bank)',
+    'BH141_AWBB':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Above Water Bank Slope (second bank)',
+    'BH141_IBOA':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Bank Orientation (first bank)',
+    'BH141_IBOB':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Bank Orientation (second bank)',
+    'BH141_SHDA':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Shoreline Delineated (first bank)',
+    'BH141_SHDB':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Shoreline Delineated (second bank)',
+    'BH141_SLTA':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Shoreline Type (first bank)',
+    'BH141_SLTB':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Shoreline Type (second bank)',
+    'BH141_WBHA':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Waterbody Bank Height (first bank)',
+    'BH141_WBHB':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Waterbody Bank Height (second bank)',
+    'BMC':'Bottom Material Type',
+    'BMC1':'Bottom Material Type [1]',
+    'BMC2':'Bottom Material Type [2]',
+    'BMC3':'Bottom Material Type [3]',
+    'BNF':'Floor Count',
+    'BOC':'Bog Type',
+    'BOT':'Bridge Opening Type',
+    'BPWHAC':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Predominant Waterbody Bank Height (first bank) <interval closure>',
+    'BPWHAL':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Predominant Waterbody Bank Height (first bank) <lower value>',
+    'BPWHAU':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Predominant Waterbody Bank Height (first bank) <upper value>',
+    'BPWHBC':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Predominant Waterbody Bank Height (second bank) <interval closure>',
+    'BPWHBL':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Predominant Waterbody Bank Height (second bank) <lower value>',
+    'BPWHBU':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Predominant Waterbody Bank Height (second bank) <upper value>',
+    'BPWSAC':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Predominant Waterbody Bank Slope (first bank) <interval closure>',
+    'BPWSAL':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Predominant Waterbody Bank Slope (first bank) <lower value>',
+    'BPWSAU':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Predominant Waterbody Bank Slope (first bank) <upper value>',
+    'BPWSBC':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Predominant Waterbody Bank Slope (second bank) <interval closure>',
+    'BPWSBL':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Predominant Waterbody Bank Slope (second bank) <lower value>',
+    'BPWSBU':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Predominant Waterbody Bank Slope (second bank) <upper value>',
+    'BR2':'Broadcast Frequency 2',
+    'BRF':'Broadcast Frequency',
+    'BRF2':'Broadcast Frequency [2]',
+    'BRG':'Bearing of Object',
+    'BRN':'Bridge Reference Number',
+    'BRR':'Bearing and Reciprocal Category',
+    'BRS':'Bearing from Seaward',
+    'BSC':'Bridge/Bridge Superstructure Category',
+    'BSC1':'Bridge Structure Type [1]',
+    'BSC2':'Bridge Structure Type [2]',
+    'BSC3':'Bridge Structure Type [3]',
+    'BSM':'Bridge Span Mobility Type',
+    'BSS':'Building Superstructure Type',
+    'BST':'Boundary Status/Boundary Status Type',
+    'BSU':'Building Superstructure Type',
+    'BTC':'Buoy Type Category',
+    'BUD':'Brush/Undergrowth Density Code',
+    'BUS':'Buoy Shape',
+    'BUT':'Buoy Type',
+    'BWVCAC':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Waterbody Bank Vegetation Cover (first bank) <interval closure>',
+    'BWVCAL':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Waterbody Bank Vegetation Cover (first bank) <lower value>',
+    'BWVCAU':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Waterbody Bank Vegetation Cover (first bank) <upper value>',
+    'BWVCBC':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Waterbody Bank Vegetation Cover (second bank) <interval closure>',
+    'BWVCBL':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Waterbody Bank Vegetation Cover (second bank) <lower value>',
+    'BWVCBU':'Inland Waterbody Bank : Waterbody Bank Vegetation Cover (second bank) <upper value>',
+    'C35':'Tidal Current Speed 5 Hours Before',
+    'C36':'Tidal Current Speed 4 Hours Before',
+    'C37':'Tidal Current Speed 3 Hours Before',
+    'C38':'Tidal Current Speed 2 Hours Before',
+    'C39':'Tidal Current Speed 1 Hour Before',
+    'C40':'Tidal Current Speed',
+    'C41':'Tidal Current Speed 1 Hour After',
+    'C42':'Tidal Current Speed 2 Hours After',
+    'C43':'Tidal Current Speed 3 Hours After',
+    'C44':'Tidal Current Speed 4 Hours After',
+    'C45':'Tidal Current Speed 5 Hours After',
+    'C46':'Tidal Current Speed 6 Hours After',
+    'C80':'Rate of Current',
+    'C81':'Rate of Current',
+    'C82':'Rate of Current',
+    'C83':'Rate of Current',
+    'C84':'Rate of Current',
+    'C85':'Rate of Current',
+    'C86':'Rate of Current',
+    'C87':'Rate of Current',
+    'C88':'Rate of Current',
+    'C89':'Rate of Current',
+    'C90':'Rate of Current',
+    'C91':'Rate of Current',
+    'CAA':'Controlling Authority',
+    'CAB':'Cable Classification/Cable Type',
+    'CAB1':'Cable Type [1]',
+    'CAB2':'Cable Type [2]',
+    'CAB3':'Cable Type [3]',
+    'CAM':'Conservation Area Management Category',
+    'CAT':'Cableway Type',
+    'CBP':'Containment Berm Present',
+    'CCC':'Color Code Category',
+    'CCG':'Military Environmental Hazard Category',
+    'CCN':'Commercial Copyright Notice',
+    'CCR':'Colour of Navigation Mark Description',
+    'CCT':'Cover Closure Type',
+    'CDA':'Covered Drain',
+    'CDI':'Casing Diameter',
+    'CDL':'Covered Drain Length',
+    'CDM':'Cadastral Source Measurement',
+    'CDR':'Commercial Distribution Restriction',
+    'CDY':'Cadastral Source Type',
+    'CEF':'Cultural Facility Type',
+    'CET':'Cut/Embankment Type Category/Grading Type',
+    'CFC':'Corrections Facility Type',
+    'CFT':'Boundary Determination Method',
+    'CHA':'Light Characteristic Category / Navigation Light Characteristic',
+    'CID':'Cell Identifier',
+    'CIT':'Commercial Facility Type',
+    'CITY':'City Name',
+    'CIW':'Closed in Winter',
+    'CLI':'Isolated Communication Line',
+    'CMS':'Commissioned Status',
+    'CNCP':'Construction Completion Date',
+    'CNF':'Confined',
+    'CNS':'Controlled',
+    'CNTRY_FULL':'Country Name',
+    'COA':'Conspicuous Air Category',
+    'COC':'Conspicuous Category',
+    'COD':'Certainty of Delineation/Delineation Known',
+    'COE':'Certainty of Existence',
+    'COF':'Complex Outline Function',
+    'COG':'Conspicuous Ground Category',
+    'COL':'Character of Light',
+    'COMM_CPYRT_NOTICE':'Commercial Copyright Notice',
+    'COMM_LIC_TIER_NOTICE':'Distribution of Commercial Data',
+    'COMMENTS':'Comments',
+    'COMPLETENESS_CODE':'Completeness Code',
+    'CON':'Route Width Constriction Type',
+    'COS':'Facility Operational Status',
+    'CPA':'Survey Control Point Type',
+    'CPS':'Cell Partition Scheme',
+    'CPT':'Colour Pattern',
+    'CPYRT_NOTE':'Commercial Copyright Notice',
+    'CRA':'Crane Type Category/Crane Type',
+    'CREATION_DATE':' Creation Date',
+    'CRM':'Crane Mobility Type',
+    'CRN':'Current Rate Minimum',
+    'CRS':'Current Rate (Speed)',
+    'CRV':'Depth Curve or Contour Value',
+    'CRX':'Current Rate Maximum',
+    'CSC':'Intersection Control Type',
+    'CSC1':'Intersection Control Type [1]',
+    'CSC2':'Intersection Control Type [2]',
+    'CSC3':'Intersection Control Type [3]',
+    'CSI':'Cadastral Source Identifier',
+    'CSM':'Secondary Material Characteristics',
+    'CSO':'Contaminant Source',
+    'CSP':'Crop Species',
+    'CSS':'Cross-sectional Shape',
+    'CST':'Contained within Service Tunnel',
+    'CSY':'Cadastral Source Identifier Type',
+    'CTC':'Culvert Type',
+    'CTL':'Cumulative Track Length',
+    'CUD':'Currency Date and Time',
+    'CUL':'Cultural Context Type',
+    'CUR':'Current Type Category',
+    'CUS':'Communication Facility Type',
+    'CVH':'Depth Curve or Contour Value - High',
+    'CVL':'Depth Curve or Contour Value - Low',
+    'CVT':'Conveyor Type',
+    'CVT2':'Conveyor Type [2]',
+    'CVT3':'Conveyor Type [3]',
+    'CWT':'Contained within Tunnel',
+    'D35':'Tidal Current Direction 5 Hours Before',
+    'D36':'Tidal Current Direction 4 Hours Before',
+    'D37':'Tidal Current Direction 3 Hours Before',
+    'D38':'Tidal Current Direction 2 Hours Before',
+    'D39':'Tidal Current Direction 1 Hour Before',
+    'D40':'Tidal Current Direction',
+    'D41':'Tidal Current Direction 1 Hour After',
+    'D42':'Tidal Current Direction 2 Hours After',
+    'D43':'Tidal Current Direction 3 Hours After',
+    'D44':'Tidal Current Direction 4 Hours After',
+    'D45':'Tidal Current Direction 5 Hours After',
+    'D46':'Tidal Current Direction 6 Hours After',
+    'D80':'Direction of Current',
+    'D81':'Direction of Current',
+    'D82':'Direction of Current',
+    'D83':'Direction of Current',
+    'D84':'Direction of Current',
+    'D85':'Direction of Current',
+    'D86':'Direction of Current',
+    'D87':'Direction of Current',
+    'D88':'Direction of Current',
+    'D89':'Direction of Current',
+    'D90':'Direction of Current',
+    'D91':'Direction of Current',
+    'DAN':'Description of Aids to Navigation',
+    'DAT':'Date',
+    'DCAP':'Daily Capacity',
+    'DDC':'Dwelling Type',
+    'DEP':'Depth / Depth Below Surface Level',
+    'DEV':'Deck Level',
+    'DF1':'Direction of Traffic - 1',
+    'DF2':'Direction of Traffic - 2',
+    'DF3':'Direction of Traffic - 3',
+    'DF4':'Direction of Traffic - 4',
+    'DFT':'Dam Face Type',
+    'DFU':'Dam Function',
+    'DFU2':'Dam Function [2]',
+    'DFU3':'Dam Function [3]',
+    'DGC':'Transportation Block Type',
+    'DIA':'DIAM Functional Classification',
+    'DIM':'Diameter',
+    'DINF':'Water Disinfection Method',
+    'DIR':'Directivity',
+    'DIT':'Ditch Function',
+    'DKC':'Bathymetric Measurement Quality Category',
+    'DKC2':'Bathymetric Measurement Quality Category [2]',
+    'DKC3':'Bathymetric Measurement Quality Category [3]',
+    'DKS':'Daymark Shape',
+    'DMB':'Density Measure (Brush/Undergrowth)/Undergrowth Density',
+    'DMBC':'Undergrowth Density <interval closure>',
+    'DMBL':'Undergrowth Density <lower value>',
+    'DMBU':'Undergrowth Density <upper value>',
+    'DMC':'Boundary Demarcated',
+    'DMD':'Dammed',
+    'DMF':'Feature Count',
+    'DMT':'Canopy Cover/Density Measure (% of Tree/Canopy Cover)',
+    'DNE':'Human Development Index',
+    'DOF':'Direction of Flow',
+    'DOXY':'Dissolved Oxygen',
+    'DPA':'Aquifer Depth',
+    'DPAC':'Aquifer Depth <interval closure>',
+    'DPAL':'Aquifer Depth <lower value>',
+    'DPAU':'Aquifer Depth <upper value>',
+    'DPG':'Dumping Ground Type',
+    'DPG2':'Dumping Ground Type [2]',
+    'DPG3':'Dumping Ground Type [3]',
+    'DQS':'Data Quality Statement',
+    'DRP':'Description of Reference Point',
+    'DSD':'Dam Structural Design Type',
+    'DSP':'Boundary Dispute Type',
+    'DTN':'Dangerous to Navigation',
+    'DWL':'Dynamic Water Level',
+    'DWT':'Dam Type',
+    'DZC':'Deck Count',
+    'DZP':'Deepest Depth Below Surface Level',
+    'EBT':'Educational Building Type/Educational Facility Type',
+    'EET':'Engineered Earthwork Type',
+    'ELA':'Elevation Accuracy / Elevation Accuracy Category',
+    'ELE':'Elevation',
+    'EOL':'Elevation of Light',
+    'EPW':'Electrical Power Generation Capacity',
+    'EQC':'Equivalent Scale Category',
+    'EQS':'Density Equivalent Scale',
+    'ESC':'Elevation Surface Category',
+    'ETS':'Extraction Specification',
+    'ETY':'Engine Test Cell Type',
+    'ETZ':'Extraction Specification Version',
+    'EVA':'Elevation Vertical Accuracy (90%)',
+    'EXISTENCE':'Existence Category',
+    'EXP':'Route Width Expansion Type',
+    'EXS':'Existence Category',
+    'F_CODE':'Feature Code',
+    'FCODE':'Feature Code',
+    'FA003_BAL':'Administrative Subdivision : BGN Administrative Level',
+    'FAC':'Solid Maritime Construction',
+    'FCL':'Ferry Crossing Distance/Ferry Crossing Length',
+    'FCM':'Feature Construction Material',
+    'FCO':'Feature Configuration',
+    'FCS':'Flood Control Structure Type',
+    'FDI':'Geologic Dip',
+    'FEF':'Fence Function',
+    'FEO':'Feature Element Orientation',
+    'FER':'Ferry Crossing Type/Ferry Type',
+    'FFN':'Feature Function',
+    'FFN1':'Feature Function [1]',
+    'FFN2':'Feature Function [2]',
+    'FFN3':'Feature Function [3]',
+    'FFP':'Farming Pattern',
+    'FHC':'Harbour Facility Function',
+    'FHC1':'Harbour Facility Function [1]',
+    'FHC2':'Harbour Facility Function [2]',
+    'FHC3':'Harbour Facility Function [3]',
+    'FIC':'Embankment Type',
+    'FLO':'Floating',
+    'FLT':'Floodlit',
+    'FMM':'Farming Method',
+    'FPT':'Airfield Type/Facility Priority Type',
+    'FRT':'Firing Range Type/Weapons Range Type',
+    'FRT1':'Weapons Range Type [1]',
+    'FRT2':'Weapons Range Type [2]',
+    'FRT3':'Weapons Range Type [3]',
+    'FRZ':'Seasonally Frozen',
+    'FSC':'Flight Strip Capable',
+    'FTC':'Farming Type Category',
+    'FTI':'Fence Type Indicator/Fence Type',
+    'FTP':'Fabrication Type',
+    'FUC':'Functional Use',
+    'FUFI':'Feature Unique Identifier',
+    'FUN':'Condition of Facility',
+    'FUNCTION':'Feature Function',
+    'FURL':'External References',
+    'FZR':'Fortified Building Type',
+    'GA032_NSX':'Aero Rad Nav Inst : Aeronautical Radio Navigation Service Name',
+    'GAP_WIDTH':'Terrain Gap Width',
+    'GAW':'Railway Gauge',
+    'GB001_AID':'Aerodrome : Aerodrome Identifier',
+    'GB052_RIDH':'Runway Direction : Runway Designator (high end)',
+    'GB052_RIDL':'Runway Direction : Runway Designator (low end)',
+    'GB052_TRHH':'Runway Direction (high end) : Runway True Heading (high)',
+    'GB052_TRHL':'Runway Direction (low end) : Runway True Heading (low)',
+    'GDBV':'Geodatabase Schema Version',
+    'GEC':'Geopolitical Entity Type',
+    'GFC':'Government Facility Type',
+    'GFID':'Global Feature ID',
+    'GFT':'Geologic Fault Trace Visible',
+    'GFY':'Geologic Fault Type',
+    'GNC':'Water Gate Type',
+    'GOT':'Geothermal Outlet Type',
+    'GRD':'Guarded',
+    'GSGCHC':'Runway Direction : Surface Slope (high end) <interval closure>',
+    'GSGCHL':'Runway Direction : Surface Slope (high end) <lower value>',
+    'GSGCHU':'Runway Direction : Surface Slope (high end) <upper value>',
+    'GSGCLC':'Runway Direction : Surface Slope (low end) <interval closure>',
+    'GSGCLL':'Runway Direction : Surface Slope (low end) <lower value>',
+    'GSGCLU':'Runway Direction : Surface Slope (low end) <upper value>',
+    'GTC':'Gate Type Category/Gate Use',
+    'GUG':'Guyed or Unguyed Category',
+    'GWS':'Groundwater Potential Score',
+    'GWTR':'Groundwater Transmissivity',
+    'HAF':'Helipad Associated Facility',
+    'HBH':'Hydrographic Base Height',
+    'HCA':'Horizontal Clearance',
+    'HCT':'Thoroughfare Class',
+    'HDH':'Hydrographic Drying Height',
+    'HDI':'Hydrographic Depth/Height Information ',
+    'HDP':'Hydrographic Depth',
+    'HEI':'Height of Object',
+    'HFC':'Hydrological Form Category',
+    'HGS':'Spillway Height',
+    'HGT':'Height Above Surface Level',
+    'HHD':'Homogenous Habitation Distribution',
+    'HLT':'Hydrographic Light Type',
+    'HQC':'Hypsography Portrayal Type',
+    'HS1':'Current Information (1)',
+    'HS2':'Current Information (2)',
+    'HSB':'Height above sea bottom',
+    'HSC':'Hospital Number of Beds',
+    'HSCD':'Hose Connection Diameter',
+    'HSE':'Periodic Marine Current Month Interval',
+    'HSS':'Historic Significance',
+    'HST':'Hazard Shelter Intended Use',
+    'HST2':'Hazard Shelter Intended Use [2]',
+    'HST3':'Hazard Shelter Intended Use [3]',
+    'HTP':'Hangar Type Category',
+    'HVA':'Height Vertical Accuracy (90%)',
+    'HWT':'House of Worship Type',
+    'HYC':'Hydrologic Category',
+    'HYCD':'Hydraulic Conductivity',
+    'HYP':'Hydrologic Persistence',
+    'HZD':'Geodetic Datum',
+    'IAA':'IALA A or B Adopted',
+    'IAC':'IALA Aid Category',
+    'IAS':'IMO Adopted / IMO Approval Status',
+    'IC2':'Geopolitical Entity Designation : ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 Code',
+    'ICF':'Manufacturing Facility Type',
+    'IKO':'ICAO Designator/ICAO Identifier/ICAO Location Indicator',
+    'INU':'Inundation Type',
+    'IRG':'Irrigation Method',
+    'ISO_3116_2':'ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Code',
+    'ISO_3116_3':'ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 Country Code',
+    'ISS':'Isolated',
+    'IWO':'Inland Water Obstruction',
+    'IWT':'Inland Water Type',
+    'KVA':'Kilovolt Capacity Attribute/Power Line Maximum Voltage',
+    'LAF':'Line Associated Features / Maritime Navigation Line Features',
+    'LASZ':'Largest Aircraft',
+    'LBV':'Left Bank Vegetation Cover',
+    'LC1':'Load Class Type 1',
+    'LC2':'Load Class Type 2',
+    'LC3':'Load Class Type 3',
+    'LC4':'Load Class Type 4',
+    'LCA':'Lifting Capacity',
+    'LCN':'Light Characteristic Number',
+    'LDC':'Dam Crest Length',
+    'LEA':'Least Depth Below Surface Level',
+    'LEG':'Length/Diameter in Meters With Greater Precision',
+    'LEN':'Length/Diameter',
+    'LFA':'Aeronautical Light Function',
+    'LFC':'Maritime Light Type',
+    'LFC2':'Maritime Light Type [2]',
+    'LFC3':'Maritime Light Type [3]',
+    'LINK_ID':'Link Id',
+    'LMC':'Landmark Category/Navigation Landmark',
+    'LND':'Land Morphology',
+    'LNU':'Usable Length',
+    'LOC':'Location Category/Vertical Relative Location',
+    'LOCATION':'Location Category/Vertical Relative Location',
+    'LOG':'Gradient Length',
+    'LOR':'Length of Range',
+    'LSA':'Light Sector Angle',
+    'LSI':'Light Sector Initial Limit',
+    'LSP':'Geopolitical Line Type',
+    'LST':'Light Sector Terminal Limit',
+    'LTN':'Track or Lane Count',
+    'LUN':'Located Underground',
+    'LVN':'Light Range Nominal / Maritime Navigation Nominal Range',
+    'LZN':'Length',
+    'MAC':'Maritime Area Category',
+    'MAG':'Magnetic Variation',
+    'MAN':'Maritime Navigation Marked',
+    'MAS':'Maintenance Status',
+    'MBC_MCC1':'Bot Char (First Material Type)',
+    'MBC_MCC2':'Bot Char (Second Material Type)',
+    'MBC_PSC1':'Bot Char (first material quality)',
+    'MBC_PSC2':'Bot Char (second material quality)',
+    'MBC_SCO1':'Bot Char (First Sediment Colour)',
+    'MBC_SCO2':'Bot Char (Second Sediment Colour)',
+    'MCA':'Morse Code Attribute / Characters Emitted',
+    'MCC':'Material Composition Category/Structural Material Type',
+    'MCC1':'Structural Material Type [1]',
+    'MCC2':'Structural Material Type [2]',
+    'MCC3':'Structural Material Type [3]',
+    'MCS':'Material Composition Secondary',
+    'MCU':'Material Composition Underlying',
+    'MCX':'Motorized Crossing',
+    'MCY':'Maritime Caution Type',
+    'MCY2':'Maritime Caution Type [2]',
+    'MCY3':'Maritime Caution Type [3]',
+    'MDE':'Maintenance Date and Time',
+    'MED':'Median Category',
+    'MEL':'Medical Service',
+    'MEM':'Memorandum',
+    'MES':'Median Present',
+    'MFB':'Manufactured Building',
+    'MFC':'Military Facility Type',
+    'MFE':'Marine Farm Enclosure Method',
+    'MFY':'Medical Facility Type',
+    'MGL':'Maritime Geopolitical Limit Type',
+    'MGL1':'Maritime Geopolitical Limit Type [1]',
+    'MGL2':'Maritime Geopolitical Limit Type [2]',
+    'MGL3':'Maritime Geopolitical Limit Type [3]',
+    'MIN':'Extraction Mine Type/Mining Category',
+    'MINE':'Mining Category',
+    'MKSZ':'Market Size',
+    'MLO':'Limit(s) Physically Based',
+    'MLOP':'Military Operations Type',
+    'MLR':'Multiple Light Ranges',
+    'MLUS':'Military Use Type',
+    'MNR':'Maritime Navigation Restriction',
+    'MNR2':'Maritime Navigation Restriction [2]',
+    'MNR3':'Maritime Navigation Restriction [3]',
+    'MNS':'Man-made Shoreline',
+    'MOH':'Maximum Obstacle Height',
+    'MRP':'Maritime Radiobeacon Present',
+    'MRR':'Maritime Area Restriction',
+    'MRR2':'Maritime Area Restriction [2]',
+    'MRR3':'Maritime Area Restriction [3]',
+    'MRT':'Maritime Radiobeacon Type',
+    'MST':'Missile Site Type',
+    'MST2':'Missile Site Type [2]',
+    'MST3':'Missile Site Type [3]',
+    'MUB':'Multi-unit Building',
+    'MVC':'Maximum Vertical Clearance',
+    'MWD':'Maximum Design Water Depth',
+    'MWG':'Centerline Spacing',
+    'MZN':'Extraction Mine Type',
+    'NA2':'Touristic Name',
+    'NA3':'Classification Name',
+    'NA8':'Aerodrome Official Name',
+    'NAM':'Name Category/Name / Geographic Name Information : Full Name',
+    'NAO':'Installation Operator',
+    'NDX':'Neighbourhood-defining Characteristic',
+    'NDX2':'Neighbourhood-defining Characteristic [2]',
+    'NDX3':'Neighbourhood-defining Characteristic [3]',
+    'NFI':'Named Feature Identifier',
+    'NFN':'Name Identifier',
+    'NFP':'Naval Firing and/or Practice Type',
+    'NFP2':'Naval Firing and/or Practice Type [2]',
+    'NFP3':'Naval Firing and/or Practice Type [3]',
+    'NLT':'Named Location Type',
+    'NM3':'Name 3 (name of the political entity on one side of a boundary).',
+    'NM4':'Name 4 (name of the political entity on the other side of the boundary).',
+    'NMC':'Navigation Mark Colour',
+    'NMC2':'Navigation Mark Colour [2]',
+    'NMC3':'Navigation Mark Colour [3]',
+    'NOA':'Naval Operations Type',
+    'NOA2':'Naval Operations Type [2]',
+    'NOA3':'Naval Operations Type [3]',
+    'NOR':'Number of Rooms',
+    'NOS':'Span Count',
+    'NPL':'Parallel Line Count',
+    'NS2':'Navigation System Types (2)',
+    'NSC':'Hydrographic NAVAID System',
+    'NST':'Navigation System Type',
+    'NVS':'Navigability Information',
+    'OCC':'Overhead Clearance Category Code',
+    'OCS':'Offshore Construction Primary Structure',
+    'OHB':'Overall Bridge Height/Overhead Height of Bridge',
+    'OHC':'Overhead Clearance Category/Overhead Clearance',
+    'OHD':'Derived Obstacle Height/Depth Category',
+    'OLQ':'Obstruction Light Quality',
+    'ONE':'One-way',
+    'OOC':'Overhead Obstruction Type',
+    'OPC':'Offshore Platform Type',
+    'OPERATOR':'Operator ID',
+    'OPS':'Operational Status',
+    'OPT':'Operating Cycle',
+    'OR2':'Operating Range Category (2)',
+    'ORC':'Operating Range Category',
+    'ORD':'Ordinal Category/Relative Importance',
+    'ORIG':'Feature Metadata : Process Step Information : Resource Content Originator',
+    'ORIG_SOURCE_DATE':'Originating Source Date',
+    'ORIG_SOURCE_INFO':'Originating Source Information',
+    'ORIGINATING_SOURCE':'Originating Source Name',
+    'ORIGINATOR':'Feature Metadata : Process Step Information : Resource Content Originator',
+    'ORS':'Operating Restriction',
+    'ORS2':'Operating Restriction [2]',
+    'ORS3':'Operating Restriction [3]',
+    'OTH':'Specified Domain Value(s)/Specified Enumerant(s)',
+    'OWO':'Over Water Obstruction / Waterbody Overhead Obstruction',
+    'PAF':'Public Accommodation Facility',
+    'PBV':'Pilot Boarding Vehicle',
+    'PBY':'By-product',
+    'PBY1':'By-product [1]',
+    'PBY2':'By-product [2]',
+    'PBY3':'By-product [3]',
+    'PCF':'Physical Condition',
+    'PDA':'Property DFDD-compatible Accessor',
+    'PEC':'Port of Entry',
+    'PER':'Period of Light',
+    'PFD':'Predominant Feature Depth',
+    'PFG':'Predominant Feature Height',
+    'PFH':'Predominant Feature Height',
+    'PFHC':'Predominant Feature Height <interval closure>',
+    'PFHL':'Predominant Feature Height <lower value>',
+    'PFHU':'Predominant Feature Height <upper value>',
+    'PHT':'Predominant Height',
+    'PLC':'Pile Type',
+    'PLT':'Pipeline Type',
+    'PLT2':'Pipeline Type [2]',
+    'PLT3':'Pipeline Type [3]',
+    'PMPR':'Pump Present',
+    'POS':'Power Source',
+    'POS2':'Power Source [2]',
+    'POS3':'Power Source [3]',
+    'PPC':'Power Plant Category/Power Plant Type',
+    'PPL':'Population Count',
+    'PPO':'Product',
+    'PPO1':'Product [1]',
+    'PPO2':'Product [2]',
+    'PPO3':'Product [3]',
+    'PPT':'Populated Place Type',
+    'PRM':'Permanency/Permanent',
+    'PRO':'Product Category',
+    'PRO':'Product',
+    'PRODUCT':'Product Category',
+    'PRVR':'Primary River',
+    'PRW':'Raw Material',
+    'PRW1':'Raw Material [1]',
+    'PRW2':'Raw Material [2]',
+    'PRW3':'Raw Material [3]',
+    'PSC':'Physical Surface Characteristics',
+    'PSE':'Periodic Restriction Month Interval',
+    'PSF':'Public Service Facility Type',
+    'PSN':'Path Sinuosity',
+    'PTG':'Portage Use',
+    'PUD':'Pump Depth',
+    'PVH':'Predominant Vegetation Height',
+    'PWA':'Predominant Water Depth',
+    'PWAC':'Predominant Water Depth <interval closure>',
+    'PWAL':'Predominant Water Depth <lower value>',
+    'PWAU':'Predominant Water Depth <upper value>',
+    'PWC':'Shoreline Construction Type',
+    'PWR':'NAVAID Power',
+    'PYC':'Pylon Configuration',
+    'PYM':'Pylon Material',
+    'QLE':'Restrictions on Releasibility',
+    'RAC':'Radar Antenna Configuration',
+    'RAD':'Curve Radius',
+    'RAS':'Radar Station Function',
+    'RAY':'Racing Type',
+    'RBV':'Right Bank Vegetation Cover',
+    'RCG':'Resource Content Originator',
+    'REF':'Radar Reflector Present / Radar Reflector Attribute',
+    'REL':'Religious Designation',
+    'RES':'Research Facility Type',
+    'REW':'Reference Water Level',
+    'RFC':'Religious Facility Type',
+    'RFD':'Roofed',
+    'RGC':'Railroad Gauge Category/Railway Gauge Classification',
+    'RIN_ROI':'Route Identification <route designation type>',
+    'RIN_ROI2':'Route Identification [2] <route designation type>',
+    'RIN_ROI3':'Route Identification [3] <route designation type>',
+    'RIN_RTN':'Route Identification <route designation>',
+    'RIN_RTN2':'Route Identification [2] <route designation>',
+    'RIN_RTN3':'Route Identification [3] <route designation>',
+    'RIP':'Rig Present',
+    'RIR':'Railway in Road',
+    'RIT':'Road Interchange Type',
+    'RKF':'Rock Formation Structure',
+    'RLE':'Relative Level',
+    'RMWC':'Route Median Width <interval closure>',
+    'RMWL':'Route Median Width <lower value>',
+    'RMWU':'Route Median Width <upper value>',
+    'ROOF_SHAPE':'Roof Shape/Structure Shape of Roof',
+    'ROR':'Road Interchange Ramp',
+    'RPA':'Required Port Access',
+    'RPC':'Boundary Representation Policy',
+    'RRA':'Railroad Power Source',
+    'RRC':'Railroad Categories/Railway Use',
+    'RRC1':'Railway Use [1]',
+    'RRC2':'Railway Use [2]',
+    'RRC3':'Railway Use [3]',
+    'RSA':'Branch Railway Type/Railroad Siding Attribute',
+    'RSI':'Radar Significance',
+    'RST':'Road/Runway Surface Type / Load-bearing Surface Type',
+    'RSTRN_DCLS_XMPT_CD':'Restriction Declassification Exemptions',
+    'RSTRN_DECLASS':'Restriction Declassification',
+    'RSTRN_DSEM_CTRL_IC':'Restrictions on Dissemination Control IC',
+    'RSTRN_DSEM_CTRL_NIC':'Restrictions on Dissemination Control Non-IC',
+    'RSTRN_FOREIGN_GOV':'Restrctions on Foreign Government Access',
+    'RSTRN_RELEASIBILITY':'Restrictions on Releasibility',
+    'RTA':'Linear Feature Arrangement',
+    'RTL':'Resource Title',
+    'RTN':'Route Designation/Route Number',
+    'RTN2':'Route Designation [2]',
+    'RTN3':'Route Designation [3]',
+    'RTN_ROI':'Route Designation (route designation type)',
+    'RTN_ROI2':'Route Designation [2] (route designation type)',
+    'RTN_ROI3':'Route Designation [3] (route designation type)',
+    'RTP':'Reservoir Type',
+    'RTT':'Route Intended Use',
+    'RTY':'Roadway Type',
+    'RWC':'Railway Class',
+    'SAX_RS6':'Security Attributes Group <resource declassification exception>',
+    'SAX_RX8':'Security Attributes Group <resource type of exempted source>',
+    'SAD':'Sand Dune Stabilized',
+    'SBB':'Supported by Bridge Span',
+    'SBC':'Shelter Belt',
+    'SBT':'Substation Type',
+    'SBT1':'Substation Type [1]',
+    'SBT2':'Substation Type [2]',
+    'SBT3':'Substation Type [3]',
+    'SCALE':'Feature Scale',
+    'SCAMAX':'Feature Metadata : Cartographic Usability Range <upper value>',
+    'SCAMIN':'Feature Metadata : Cartographic Usability Range <lower value>',
+    'SCB':'Pavement Condition/Surface Condition Attribute',
+    'SCC':'Spring/Well Characteristic Category/Water Type',
+    'SCOG':'Sample Collector Organization',
+    'SCVN':'Schema Version',
+    'SDCC':'Soil Depth <interval closure>',
+    'SDCL':'Soil Depth <lower value>',
+    'SDCU':'Soil Depth <upper value>',
+    'SDI':'Geologic Strike Direction',
+    'SDO':'Sand Dune Orientation',
+    'SDP':'Source Description',
+    'SDQ':'Structurally-dissected',
+    'SDSC':'Stem Diameter <interval closure>',
+    'SDSL':'Stem Diameter <lower value>',
+    'SDSU':'Stem Diameter <upper value>',
+    'SDT':'Sand Dune Type',
+    'SDV':'Source Date and Time',
+    'SEC_CD_CNTRL':'Security Codeword Control',
+    'SEC_CLASS':'Security Classification',
+    'SEC_CLASS_SYS_ID':'Security Classification System Identifier',
+    'SEC_CLS_AUTH_DESC':'Non-standard Classification Authority',
+    'SEC_CLS_AUTH_MULT':'Multiple Classification Authority Sources',
+    'SEC_CLS_AUTHORITY':'Classification Authority',
+    'SEP':'Divided',
+    'SERP':'Surface Permanence',
+    'SFC':'Sea Floor Category',
+    'SFS':'Aerodrome Pavement Functional',
+    'SFY':'Security Facility Type',
+    'SGC':'Gradient/Slope',
+    'SGCC':'Surface Slope <interval closure>',
+    'SGCL':'Surface Slope <lower value>',
+    'SGCU':'Surface Slope <upper value>',
+    'SHC':'Safe Horizontal Clearance',
+    'SHD':'Shoreline Delineated',
+    'SHL':'Left Bank Shoreline Type',
+    'SHO':'Coast Type',
+    'SHP':'Shape of Beacon',
+    'SHR':'Right Bank Shoreline Type',
+    'SHT':'Shipping Container Type',
+    'SIC':'Frozen Cover Type / Snow / Ice Category',
+    'SLR':'Shoreline Ramp Type',
+    'SLT':'Shoreline Type Category/Shoreline Type',
+    'SMC':'Surface Material Category/Surface Material Type',
+    'SND':'Sounding Category',
+    'SNDC':'Snow or Ice Depth <interval closure>',
+    'SNDL':'Snow or Ice Depth <lower value>',
+    'SNDU':'Snow or Ice Depth <upper value>',
+    'SOH':'Severity of Hazard',
+    'SOURCE':'Originating Source Information',
+    'SPAN_TYPE':'Bridge Opening Type',
+    'SPD':'Speed Limit (MPH)',
+    'SPEC_ID':'Extraction Specification ID',
+    'SPM':'Speed Limit (KPH)',
+    'SPT':'Supported',
+    'SRC_DATE':'Source Date and Time',
+    'SRC_INFO':'Source Description',
+    'SRC_NAME':'Source Type',
+    'SRC_RELSE':'Restrictions on Releasibility of the source data',
+    'SRD':'Terrain Morphology',
+    'SRE':'Traffic Restriction Type',
+    'SRL':'Location Referenced to Shoreline',
+    'SRL1':'Location Referenced to Shoreline [1]',
+    'SRL2':'Location Referenced to Shoreline [2]',
+    'SRL3':'Location Referenced to Shoreline [3]',
+    'SRT':'Source Type',
+    'SSC':'Structure Shape Category/Structure Shape',
+    'SSE':'Seasonal Ice Limit',
+    'SSG':'Street Sign Type',
+    'SSO':'Shaft Slope Orientation',
+    'SSR':'Roof Shape/Structure Shape of Roof',
+    'SSR1':'Roof Shape [1]',
+    'SSR2':'Roof Shape [2]',
+    'SSR3':'Roof Shape [3]',
+    'SST':'Sound Signal Type',
+    'STA':'Maritime Station Type / Station Type Category (Maritime)',
+    'STA2':'Maritime Station Type [2]',
+    'STA3':'Maritime Station Type [3]',
+    'STAF':'Total Staff',
+    'STL':'Nomadic Seasonal Location',
+    'STL1':'Nomadic Seasonal Location [1]',
+    'STL2':'Nomadic Seasonal Location [2]',
+    'STL3':'Nomadic Seasonal Location [3]',
+    'STNB':'Strahler Number',
+    'STP':'Soil Type',
+    'STR':'Summer Canopy Cover',
+    'SUC':'Shed Type',
+    'SUY':'Survey Point Type',
+    'SVC':'Sounding Velocity',
+    'SWC':'Soil Wetness Condition',
+    'SWCP':'Specific Water Capacity',
+    'SWT':'Natural Pool Type/Well or Spring Feature Type',
+    'SWW':'Static Water Level',
+    'TAN':'TSS-associated Aids to Navigation',
+    'TCS':'Cross-sectional Profile',
+    'TEL':'Telescope Type',
+    'TFC':'Transportation Facility Type',
+    'THI':'Thickness',
+    'THR':'Through Route',
+    'TID':'Tidal/Non-Tidal Category/Tide Influenced',
+    'TIER_NOTE':'Commercial Distribution Restriction',
+    'TIM':'Time Attribute',
+    'TMC':'Top Mark Characteristic',
+    'TOS':'Tower Shape',
+    'TOWER_TYPE':'Tower Type Category/Tower Type',
+    'TRA':'Pedestrian Traversable/Traversability',
+    'TRE':'Foliage Type/Tree Type Category',
+    'TRE':'Tree Category',
+    'TRF':'Traffic Flow',
+    'TRP':'Transportation Route Protection Structure Type',
+    'TRS':'Transportation System Type',
+    'TRS1':'Transportation System Type [1]',
+    'TRS2':'Transportation System Type [2]',
+    'TRS3':'Transportation System Type [3]',
+    'TSCC':'Tree Spacing <interval closure>',
+    'TSCL':'Tree Spacing <lower value>',
+    'TSCU':'Tree Spacing <upper value>',
+    'TSM':'Terrain Surface Material',
+    'TSM1':'Terrain Surface Material [1]',
+    'TSM2':'Terrain Surface Material [2]',
+    'TSM3':'Terrain Surface Material [3]',
+    'TSP':'Traffic Scheme Part / Maritime Traffic Separation Scheme Component',
+    'TSSM':'Terrain Subsurface Material',
+    'TSSM2':'Terrain Subsurface Material [2]',
+    'TSSM3':'Terrain Subsurface Material [3]',
+    'TST':'Cable Suspended Shape/Power Line Shape/Transmission Suspension Type',
+    'TSTE':'Water Taste',
+    'TTC':'Tower Type Category/Tower Type',
+    'TTC1':'Tower Type [1]',
+    'TTC2':'Tower Type [2]',
+    'TTC3':'Tower Type [3]',
+    'TTY':'Tomb Type',
+    'TUC':'Transportation Use Category',
+    'TWS':'Trees Widely Scattered',
+    'TXP':'Taxiway Type',
+    'TXT':'Associated Text',
+    'TYP':'Thoroughfare Type',
+    'TZP':'Topmark Shape',
+    'UBC':'Underbridge Clearance',
+    'UDQ':'Underwater Delineation Quality',
+    'UFI':'Unique Entity Identifier',
+    'UHS':'Uncovering Height Known',
+    'UID':'MGCP Feature universally unique identifier',
+    'UMA':'Underground Mine Access',
+    'UMC':'Underlying Material Characteristics',
+    'UPD_DATE':'Review Source Date and Time',
+    'UPD_INFO':'Review Source Description',
+    'UPD_NAME':'Review Source Type',
+    'UPDATE_SOURCE':'Update/Review Source Name',
+    'UPDATE_SOURCE_DATE':'Update/Review Source Date',
+    'UPDATE_SOURCE_INFO':'Update/Review Source Information',
+    'URI':'Unique Resource Identifier',
+    'USAGE':'Usage Category',
+    'USE':'Usage',
+    'USE_':'Usage2',
+    'USG':'Usage Category',
+    'UTY':'Accessible Utility Type',
+    'UTY1':'Accessible Utility Type [1]',
+    'UTY2':'Accessible Utility Type [2]',
+    'UTY3':'Accessible Utility Type [3]',
+    'UUC':'Utility Facility Type',
+    'VAL':'Value - A Generic Value',
+    'VAV':'Variation Anomaly Value',
+    'VAVC':'Magnetic Variation Anomaly <interval closure>',
+    'VAVL':'Magnetic Variation Anomaly <lower value>',
+    'VAVU':'Magnetic Variation Anomaly <upper value>',
+    'VCA':'Void Collection Attribute/Void Collection Reason',
+    'VCA1':'Void Collection Reason [1]',
+    'VCA2':'Void Collection Reason [2]',
+    'VCA3':'Void Collection Reason [3]',
+    'VCM':'Vertical Construction Material',
+    'VCM1':'Vertical Construction Material [1]',
+    'VCM2':'Vertical Construction Material [2]',
+    'VCM3':'Vertical Construction Material [3]',
+    'VCO':'Vertical Clearance, Open',
+    'VCS':'Vertical Clearance, Safe',
+    'VCS_VCD':'Vertical Clearance, Safe <reference level>',
+    'VCS_VCR':'Vertical Clearance, Safe <reference level remark>',
+    'VCT':'Void Collection Type',
+    'VCT1':'Void Collection Type [1]',
+    'VCT2':'Void Collection Type [2]',
+    'VCT3':'Void Collection Type [3]',
+    'VDC':'Sounding Datum/Vertical Datum Category',
+    'VDR':'Vertical Datum Record',
+    'VDT':'Vertical Datum',
+    'VEC':'Vehicle Capacity',
+    'VEG':'Vegetation Characteristic',
+    'VET':'Vehicle Type',
+    'VGT':'Volcanic Geologic Type/Volcano Shape',
+    'VH3':'Predominant Vegetation Height',
+    'VIS':'Light Visibility',
+    'VIS2':'Light Visibility [2]',
+    'VIS3':'Light Visibility [3]',
+    'VLM':'Volume',
+    'VOA':'Volcanic Activity',
+    'VOI':'Vertical Obstruction Identifier',
+    'VOL':'Volume',
+    'VRR':'Vertical Reference Category',
+    'VSP':'Vegetation Species',
+    'VSP1':'Vegetation Species [1]',
+    'VSP2':'Vegetation Species [2]',
+    'VSP3':'Vegetation Species [3]',
+    'VST':'Vehicle Scale Count',
+    'VTI':'Vegetation Trafficability Impact',
+    'WAD':'Water Well Construction Description',
+    'WBD':'Waterbody Depth',
+    'WCAC':'Alkalinity',
+    'WCC':'Watercourse Channel Type',
+    'WCL':'Winter Canopy Cover',
+    'WD1':'Route Minimum Travelled Way Width',
+    'WD2':'Route Total Usable Width',
+    'WD3':'Terrain Gap Width',
+    'WD5':'Width at Top',
+    'WDAC':'Average Water Depth <interval closure>',
+    'WDAL':'Average Water Depth <lower value>',
+    'WDAU':'Average Water Depth <upper value>',
+    'WDH':'Predominant Maximum Water Depth',
+    'WDL':'Predominant Minimum Water Depth',
+    'WDST':'Water Distribution System Type',
+    'WDU':'Usable Width',
+    'WEATHER':'Road Weather Restriction/Weather Type Category',
+    'WEQ':'Well Equipment',
+    'WEQ1':'Well Equipment [1]',
+    'WEQ2':'Well Equipment [2]',
+    'WEQ3':'Well Equipment [3]',
+    'WFT':'Well Feature Type/Well Type',
+    'WGP':'Width with greater than 1 meter resolution',
+    'WHCO':'Bicarbonate',
+    'WID':'Width',
+    'WLE':'Water Level Effect',
+    'WLO':'Wreck or Hulk Exposure',
+    'WLSS':'Water Loss',
+    'WMT':'Watercourse Morphology',
+    'WOC':'Dam Crest Width / Width of Crest',
+    'WODR':'Water Odour',
+    'WORSHIP':'House of Worship Type',
+    'WPC':'Coastal Work Type / Work in Progress Category',
+    'WPC2':'Coastal Work Type [2]',
+    'WPC3':'Coastal Work Type [3]',
+    'WPI':'World Port Index Identifier',
+    'WPST':'Windows Per Story',
+    'WRCC':'Water Recharge Rate <interval closure>',
+    'WRCL':'Water Recharge Rate <lower value>',
+    'WRCU':'Water Recharge Rate <upper value>',
+    'WRT':'Water Race Type',
+    'WSRC':'Source of Water',
+    'WST':'Watercourse Sink Type',
+    'WT2':'Width of Second Travelled Way',
+    'WTBB':'Boron',
+    'WTC':'Road Weather Restriction/Weather Type Category',
+    'WTCA':'Calcium',
+    'WTCL':'Water Colour',
+    'WTFE':'Total Iron',
+    'WTI':'Wall Type',
+    'WTKK':'Potassium',
+    'WTMN':'Manganese',
+    'WTNA':'Sodium',
+    'WTNO':'Nitrate',
+    'WTPO':'Phosphate',
+    'WTSI':'Silicon',
+    'WTST':'Water Test Type',
+    'WTT':'Water Turbulence Type',
+    'WTYP':'Window Type',
+    'WVA':'Predominant Average Water Velocity',
+    'WVH':'Predominant Maximum Water Velocity',
+    'WVL':'Predominant Minimum Water Velocity',
+    'WWM':'Sub-Surface Stratum Type',
+    'WWM2':'Sub-Surface Stratum Type [2]',
+    'WWM3':'Sub-Surface Stratum Type [3]',
+    'WWRC':'Water Withdrawal Rate <interval closure>',
+    'WWRL':'Water Withdrawal Rate <lower value>',
+    'WWRU':'Water Withdrawal Rate <upper value>',
+    'YSU':'Military Service Branch',
+    'YWQ':'Water Potability',
+    'Z_VALUE_TYPE':'Z-Coordinate Type',
+    'ZHBH_DCR':'Base Height : Sounding Metadata : Vessel Draft Correction',
+    'ZHBH_DKC':'Base Height : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Quality Category',
+    'ZHBH_DKC2':'Base Height : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Quality Category [2] ',
+    'ZHBH_DKC3':'Base Height : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Quality Category [3]',
+    'ZHBH_SVC':'Base Height : Sounding Metadata : Sounding Velocity Correction Method',
+    'ZHBH_TEC':'Base Height : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Technique',
+    'ZHBH_TEC2':'Base Height : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Technique [2]',
+    'ZHBH_TEC3':'Base Height : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Technique [3]',
+    'ZHBH_VDC':'Base Height : Sounding Metadata : Sounding Datum',
+    'ZHBH_VDR':'Base Height : Sounding Metadata : Sounding Datum Name',
+    'ZHDP_DCR':'Hydrographic Depth : Sounding Metadata : Vessel Draft Correction',
+    'ZHDP_DKC':'Hydrographic Depth : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Quality Category',
+    'ZHDP_DKC2':'Hydrographic Depth : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Quality Category [2]',
+    'ZHDP_DKC3':'Hydrographic Depth : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Quality Category [3]',
+    'ZHDP_SVC':'Hydrographic Depth : Sounding Metadata : Sounding Velocity Correction Method',
+    'ZHDP_TEC':'Hydrographic Depth : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Technique',
+    'ZHDP_TEC2':'Hydrographic Depth : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Technique [2]',
+    'ZHDP_TEC3':'Hydrographic Depth : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Technique [3]',
+    'ZHDP_VDC':'Hydrographic Depth : Sounding Metadata : Sounding Datum',
+    'ZHDP_VDR':'Hydrographic Depth : Sounding Metadata : Sounding Datum Name',
+    'ZI001_NSD':'Source Information : Non-spatial Source Date and Time',
+    'ZI001_NSN':'Source Information : Non-spatial Source Description',
+    'ZI001_NSP':'Source Information : Non-spatial Source Type',
+    'ZI001_SDP':'Source Information : Source Description',
+    'ZI001_SDV':'Source Information : Source Date and Time',
+    'ZI001_SPS':'Source Information : Spatial Source',
+    'ZI001_SRT':'Source Information : Source Type',
+    'ZI001_SSD':'Source Information : Spatial Source Date and Time',
+    'ZI001_SSN':'Source Information : Spatial Source Description',
+    'ZI001_SSY':'Source Information : Spatial Source Type',
+    'ZI001_VSC':'Source Information : Vertical Source Category',
+    'ZI001_VSD':'Source Information : Vertical Source Date and Time',
+    'ZI001_VSN':'Source Information : Vertical Source Description',
+    'ZI002_CCN':'Commercial Copyright Notice',
+    'ZI002_UFI':'Restriction Information : Unique Entity Identifier',
+    'ZI004_PRE':'Process Step Information : Process Step Description',
+    'ZI004_RCG':'Feature Metadata : Process Step Information : Resource Content Originator',
+    'ZI005_FNA':'Geographic Name Information : Full Name',
+    'ZI005_FNA1':'Geographic Name Information : (first) Full Name',
+    'ZI005_FNA2':'Geographic Name Information : Full Name (second)',
+    'ZI005_FNA3':'Geographic Name Information : Full Name (third)',
+    'ZI005_FNAA':'Geopolitical Entity : Geographic Name Information (1) : Full Name (first side)',
+    'ZI005_FNAB':'Geopolitical Entity : Geographic Name Information (2) : Full Name (second side)',
+    'ZI005_GNR':'Geographic Name Information : Geographic Name Rank',
+    'ZI005_GNR2':'Geographic Name Information : Geographic Name Rank [2]',
+    'ZI005_GNR3':'Geographic Name Information : Geographic Name Rank [3]',
+    'ZI005_GNT':'Geographic Name Information : Geographic Name Type',
+    'ZI005_GNT2':'Geographic Name Information : Geographic Name Type [2]',
+    'ZI005_GNT3':'Geographic Name Information : Geographic Name Type [3]',
+    'ZI005_GNTA':'Geographic Name Information (1) : Geographic Name Type (first side)',
+    'ZI005_GNTB':'Geographic Name Information (2) : Geographic Name Type (second side)',
+    'ZI005_NFN':'Geographic Name Information : Name Identifier',
+    'ZI005_NFN1':'Geographic Name Information : (first) Name Identifier',
+    'ZI005_NFN2':'Geographic Name Information : Name Identifier (second)',
+    'ZI005_NFN3':'Geographic Name Information : Name Identifier (third)',
+    'ZI005_NFNA':'Geopolitical Entity : Geographic Name Information (1) : Name Identifier (first side)',
+    'ZI005_NFNB':'Geopolitical Entity : Geographic Name Information (2) : Name Identifier (second side)',
+    'ZI006_MEM':'Note : Memorandum',
+    'ZI012_DCR':'Depth Curve : Sounding Metadata : Vessel Draft Correction',
+    'ZI012_DKC':'Depth Curve : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Quality Category',
+    'ZI012_DKC2':'Depth Curve : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Quality Category [2]',
+    'ZI012_DKC3':'Depth Curve : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Quality Category [3]',
+    'ZI012_SVC':'Depth Curve : Sounding Metadata : Sounding Velocity Correction Method',
+    'ZI012_TEC':'Depth Curve : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Technique',
+    'ZI012_TEC2':'Depth Curve : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Technique [2]',
+    'ZI012_TEC3':'Depth Curve : Sounding Metadata : Bathymetric Measurement Technique [3]',
+    'ZI012_VDC':'Depth Curve : Sounding Metadata : Sounding Datum',
+    'ZI012_VDR':'Depth Curve : Sounding Metadata : Sounding Datum Name',
+    'ZI013_CSP':'Crop Information : Crop Species',
+    'ZI013_CSP1':'Crop Information : Crop Species [1]',
+    'ZI013_CSP2':'Crop Information : Crop Species [2]',
+    'ZI013_CSP3':'Crop Information : Crop Species [3]',
+    'ZI013_FFP':'Crop Information : Farming Pattern',
+    'ZI013_FFP1':'Crop Information : Farming Pattern [1]',
+    'ZI013_FFP2':'Crop Information : Farming Pattern [2]',
+    'ZI013_FFP3':'Crop Information : Farming Pattern [3]',
+    'ZI013_FMM':'Crop Information : Farming Method',
+    'ZI013_FMM1':'Crop Information : Farming Method [1]',
+    'ZI013_FMM2':'Crop Information : Farming Method [2]',
+    'ZI013_FMM3':'Crop Information : Farming Method [3]',
+    'ZI013_IRG':'Crop Information : Irrigation Method',
+    'ZI013_PIG':'Crop Information : Permanent Irrigation',
+    'ZI014_PBY':'Manufacturing Information : By-product',
+    'ZI014_PBY1':'Manufacturing Information : By-product [1]',
+    'ZI014_PBY2':'Manufacturing Information : By-product [2]',
+    'ZI014_PBY3':'Manufacturing Information : By-product [3]',
+    'ZI014_PPO':'Manufacturing Information : Physical Product',
+    'ZI014_PPO':'Manufacturing Information : Product',
+    'ZI014_PPO1':'Manufacturing Information : Product [1]',
+    'ZI014_PPO2':'Manufacturing Information : Physical Product [2]',
+    'ZI014_PPO2':'Manufacturing Information : Product [2]',
+    'ZI014_PPO3':'Manufacturing Information : Physical Product [3]',
+    'ZI014_PPO3':'Manufacturing Information : Product [3]',
+    'ZI014_PRW':'Manufacturing Information : Raw Material',
+    'ZI014_PRW1':'Manufacturing Information : Raw Material [1]',
+    'ZI014_PRW2':'Manufacturing Information : Raw Material [2]',
+    'ZI014_PRW3':'Manufacturing Information : Raw Material [3]',
+    'ZI015_GCUC':'Geo Name Collection : Geographic Name Cartographic Usability Range <interval closure>',
+    'ZI015_GCUL':'Geo Name Collection : Geographic Name Cartographic Usability Range <lower value>',
+    'ZI015_GCUU':'Geo Name Collection : Geographic Name Cartographic Usability Range <upper value>',
+    'ZI016_ROC':'Route Pavement Information : Route Surface Composition #####',
+    'ZI016_ROC':'Route Pavement Information : Route Surface Composition',
+    'ZI016_WD1':'Route Pavement Information : Route Minimum Travelled Way Width',
+    'ZI016_WTC':'Route Pavement Information : Road Weather Restriction',
+    'ZI017_GAW':'Track Information : Railway Gauge',
+    'ZI017_RGC':'Track Information : Railway Gauge Classification',
+    'ZI017_RIR':'Track Information : Railway in Road',
+    'ZI017_RRA':'Track Information : Railway Power Method',
+    'ZI017_TRT':'Track Information : Track Type',
+    'ZI018_BRF':'Wireless : Broadcast Frequency',
+    'ZI018_WIT':'Wireless Telecommunication Information : Wireless Telecommunication Type',
+    'ZI019_ASP':'Aerodrome Pavement Information : Aerodrome Movement Area Surface Preparation Method',
+    'ZI019_ASP1':'Aerodrome Pavement Information : Aerodrome Movement Area Surface Preparation Method [1]',
+    'ZI019_ASP2':'Aerodrome Pavement Information : Aerodrome Movement Area Surface Preparation Method [2]',
+    'ZI019_ASP3':'Aerodrome Pavement Information : Aerodrome Movement Area Surface Preparation Method [3]',
+    'ZI019_ASU':'Aerodrome Pavement Information : Aerodrome Movement Area Surface Composition',
+    'ZI019_ASU1':'Aerodrome Pavement Information : Aerodrome Movement Area Surface Composition [1]',
+    'ZI019_ASU2':'Aerodrome Pavement Information : Aerodrome Movement Area Surface Composition [2]',
+    'ZI019_ASU3':'Aerodrome Pavement Information : Aerodrome Movement Area Surface Composition [3]',
+    'ZI019_ASX':'Aerodrome Pavement Information : Aerodrome Movement Area Surface Category',
+    'ZI019_SFS':'Aerodrome Pavement Information : Aerodrome Pavement Functional Status',
+    'ZI020_ANM':'Geopolitical Entity Designation : Administrative Name',
+    'ZI020_FI1':'Geopolitical Entity Designation : FIPS 10-4 Country Code (two character)',
+    'ZI020_FI2':'Geopolitical Entity Designation : FIPS 10-4 Country Name',
+    'ZI020_FI2A':'Geopolitical Entity : Designation (1) : FIPS 10-4 Country Code (first side)',
+    'ZI020_FI2B':'Geopolitical Entity : Designation (2) : FIPS 10-4 Country Code (second side)',
+    'ZI020_GE4':'(Location Country) Designation : GENC Short URN-based Identifier',
+    'ZI020_GE42':'(Location Country) Designation : GENC Short URN-based Identifier (second)',
+    'ZI020_GE43':'(Location Country) Designation : GENC Short URN-based Identifier (third)',
+    'ZI020_GE44':'(Location Country) Designation : GENC Short URN-based Identifier (fourth)',
+    'ZI020_GE4A':'Designation : GENC Short URN-based Identifier',
+    'ZI020_GE4B':'Designation : GENC Short URN-based Identifier',
+    'ZI020_IC2':'Geopolitical Entity Designation : ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 Code',
+    'ZI020_IC2A':'Geopolitical Entity : Designation (1) : ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 Code (first side)',
+    'ZI020_IC2B':'Geopolitical Entity : Designation (2) : ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 Code (second side)',
+    'ZI020_IC4':'Geopolitical Entity Designation : ISO 3166-1 English Name',
+    'ZI021_ANM':'Administrative Division Designation : Administrative Name',
+    'ZI021_FI5':'Administrative Division Designation : FIPS 10-4 Principal Administrative Division Code',
+    'ZI024_ASE':'Water Resource Information : Arsenic Concentration',
+    'ZI024_AWO':'Water : Predominant Water Flow',
+    'ZI024_AWOI':'Water : Predominant Water Flow - Maximum',
+    'ZI024_AWOX':'Water : Predominant Water Flow - Minimum',
+    'ZI024_CFR':'Water Resource Information : Coliform Concentration',
+    'ZI024_CLO':'Water Resource Information : Chloride Concentration',
+    'ZI024_CYN':'Water Resource Information : Cyanide Concentration',
+    'ZI024_DRL':'Water : Device Relative Location',
+    'ZI024_DVPT':'Water : Device Power Type',
+    'ZI024_FMR':'Water : Freshwater Production Rate / Maximum Rate',
+    'ZI024_HAR':'Water Resource Information : Water Hardness',
+    'ZI024_HYP':'Water Resource Information : Hydrologic Persistence',
+    'ZI024_MGN':'Water Resource Information : Magnesium Concentration',
+    'ZI024_PHW':'Water Resource Information : pH',
+    'ZI024_PMP':'Water : Pump Type',
+    'ZI024_PUR':'Water : Purification Process',
+    'ZI024_PUR2':'Water : Purification Process [2]',
+    'ZI024_PUR3':'Water : Purification Process [3]',
+    'ZI024_PUR4':'Water : Purification Process [4]',
+    'ZI024_PUR5':'Water : Purification Process [5]',
+    'ZI024_RTP':'Water : Reservoir Type',
+    'ZI024_SCC':'Water Resource Information : Water Type',
+    'ZI024_SQN':'Water : Water Flow Rate Category',
+    'ZI024_SUL':'Water Resource Information : Sulfate Concentration',
+    'ZI024_TDS':'Water Resource Information : Total Dissolved Solids',
+    'ZI024_TEP':'Water Resource Information : Temperature',
+    'ZI024_TUR':'Water Resource Information : Nephelometric Turbidity',
+    'ZI024_WAC':'Water Resource Information : Water Conductivity',
+    'ZI024_WPAC':'Water : Water Pump Accessibility',
+    'ZI024_WSG':'Water : Water Stage',
+    'ZI024_WTBB':'Water : Boron',
+    'ZI024_WTCA':'Water : Calcium',
+    'ZI024_WTFE':'Water : Total Iron',
+    'ZI024_WTKK':'Water : Potassium',
+    'ZI024_WTMN':'Water : Manganese',
+    'ZI024_WTNA':'Water : Sodium',
+    'ZI024_WTNO':'Water : Nitrate',
+    'ZI024_WTPO':'Water : Phosphate',
+    'ZI024_WTSI':'Water : Silicon',
+    'ZI024_WUR':'Water : Water Use',
+    'ZI024_WUR2':'Water : Water Use [2]',
+    'ZI024_WUR3':'Water : Water Use [3]',
+    'ZI024_WUR4':'Water : Water Use [4]',
+    'ZI024_YWQ':'Water Resource Information : Water Potability',
+    'ZI025_HDP':'Vartical Positioning : Hydrographic Depth',
+    'ZI025_MAN':'Hydrographic Vertical Positioning Information : Maritime Navigation Marked',
+    'ZI025_UHS':'Vertical Positioning : Uncovering Height Known',
+    'ZI025_WLE':'Hydrographic Vertical Positioning Information : Water Level Effect',
+    'ZI026_CTUC':'Feature Metadata : Cartographic Usability Range <interval closure>',
+    'ZI026_CTUL':'Feature Metadata : Cartographic Usability Range <lower value>',
+    'ZI026_CTUU':'Feature Metadata : Cartographic Usability Range <upper value>',
+    'ZI026_SUR':'Feature Metadata : Survey Coverage Category',
+    'ZI031S_URI':'Dataset (Surface) : Unique Resource Identifier',
+    'ZI032_GUG':'Pylon Information : Guyed',
+    'ZI032_PYC':'Pylon Information : Pylon Configuration',
+    'ZI032_PYM':'Pylon Information : Pylon Material',
+    'ZI032_TOS':'Pylon Information : Tower Shape',
+    'ZI037_REL':'Religious Information : Religious Designation',
+    'ZI037_RFA':'Religious Information : Religious Facility Type / Site Type',
+    'ZI039S_UFI':'Entity Collection Metadata (Surface) : Unique Entity Identifier',
+    'ZI071_CTX':'Cave Information : Cave Type',
+    'ZI071_FFN':'Cave Information : Feature Function',
+    'ZI071_FFN1':'Cave Information : Feature Function [1]',
+    'ZI071_FFN2':'Cave Information : Feature Function [2]',
+    'ZI071_FFN3':'Cave Information : Feature Function [3]',
+    'ZI071_UAO':'Cave Information : Underground Access Orientation',
+    'ZI103_MVD':'Magnetic Variation Information : Magnetic Variation Date',
+    'ZSAX_RS0':'Restriction Information : Security Attributes Group <resource classification>',
+    'ZSAX_RX0':'Restriction Information : Security Attributes Group <resource dissemination controls>',
+    'ZSAX_RX3':'Restriction Information : Security Attributes Group <resource non-intelligence community markings>',
+    'ZSAX_RX4':'Restriction Information : Security Attributes Group <resource owner-producer>',
+    'ZV2':'Highest Z-Value',
+    'ZV3':'Airfield/Aerodrome Elevation',
+    'ZVA':'Aerodrome Elevation',
+    'ZVAL_TYPE':'Vertical Source Category',
+    'ZVH':'Highest Elevation',
+    'ZVH_AVA':'Highest Elevation <absolute vertical accuracy>',
+    'ZVH_VDT':'Highest Elevation <vertical datum>'
+  };
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