diff --git a/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/conflate/highway/RoadCrossingPolyRule.h b/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/conflate/highway/RoadCrossingPolyRule.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99d1595
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/conflate/highway/RoadCrossingPolyRule.h
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+ * This file is part of Hootenanny.
+ *
+ * Hootenanny is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * The following copyright notices are generated automatically. If you
+ * have a new notice to add, please use the format:
+ * " * @copyright Copyright ..."
+ * This will properly maintain the copyright information. DigitalGlobe
+ * copyrights will be updated automatically.
+ *
+ * @copyright Copyright (C) 2020 DigitalGlobe (http://www.digitalglobe.com/)
+ */
+// Hoot
+#include <hoot/core/elements/OsmMap.h>
+#include <hoot/core/criterion/ElementCriterion.h>
+// tgs
+#include <tgs/RStarTree/HilbertRTree.h>
+namespace hoot
+ * Defines a rule indicating which types of polygons should be searched for roads crossing over them
+ * and which types of crossing roads are allowed over certain polygons. See the "Crossing Roads"
+ * section in the "Feature Validation" documentation for detail on the rule file format.
+ */
+class RoadCrossingPolyRule
+ RoadCrossingPolyRule(ConstOsmMapPtr map);
+ /**
+ * Reads a road crossing poly rules file and creates a collection of rules
+ *
+ * @param rulesFile path to the rules file
+ * @param map map containing the roads and polygons for which rules are being created
+ * @return a collection of rules
+ */
+ static QList<RoadCrossingPolyRule> readRules(const QString& rulesFile, ConstOsmMapPtr map);
+ /**
+ * Converts a polygon rule filter string to a criterion filter. At least one of the criteria
+ * filter or tag filter must be specified. The two criteria are logically AND'd together.
+ *
+ * @param polyCriteriaFilterStr polygon criteria filter string used to determine which types of
+ * polygons are checked for crossing roads using Hootenanny criteria of the form:
+ * <criterion 1>;<criterion 2>...; e.g. "hoot::BuildingCriterion;hoot::AreaCriterion"; the
+ * individual type criteria are logically OR'd together
+ * @param polyTagFilterStr polygon tag filter string used to determine which types of polygons
+ * are checked for crossing roads using tag checks of the form: <key1=value1>;<key2=value2>...;
+ * e.g. "amenity=parking;leisure=park"; the individual tag criteria are logically OR'd together
+ * @return a polygon criterion filter
+ */
+ static ElementCriterionPtr polyRuleFilterStringsToFilter(
+ const QString& polyCriteriaFilterStr, const QString& polyTagFilterStr);
+ /**
+ * Converts a tag rule to a criterion filter
+ *
+ * @param kvpStr tag string of the form: <key1=value1>;<key2=value2>...; the individual tag
+ * criteria are logically OR'd together; wildcards ('*') are allowed for values but not keys
+ * @param allowedKeys optional list of allowed keys to restrict the input allowed to the tag
+ * filter
+ * @return a tag criterion filter or an empty criterion if the input tags are empty
+ */
+ static ElementCriterionPtr tagRuleStringToFilter(const QString& kvpStr,
+ const QStringList& allowedKeys = QStringList());
+ /**
+ * Creates the spatial index used to search for crossing roads
+ */
+ void createIndex();
+ bool operator<(const RoadCrossingPolyRule& other) const;
+ QString getName() const { return _name; }
+ void setName(const QString& name) { _name = name; }
+ QString getPolyFilterString() const { return _polyFilterStr; }
+ void setPolyFilterString(const QString& filterStr) { _polyFilterStr = filterStr; }
+ ElementCriterionPtr getPolyFilter() const { return _polyFilter; }
+ void setPolyFilter(const ElementCriterionPtr& filter) { _polyFilter = filter; }
+ QString getAllowedRoadTagFilterString() const { return _allowedRoadTagFilterStr; }
+ void setAllowedRoadTagFilterString(const QString& filterStr)
+ { _allowedRoadTagFilterStr = filterStr; }
+ ElementCriterionPtr getAllowedRoadTagFilter() const { return _allowedRoadTagFilter; }
+ void setAllowedRoadTagFilter(const ElementCriterionPtr& filter)
+ { _allowedRoadTagFilter = filter; }
+ std::shared_ptr<Tgs::HilbertRTree> getIndex() const { return _index; }
+ void setIndex(const std::shared_ptr<Tgs::HilbertRTree>& index) { _index = index; }
+ std::deque<ElementId> getIndexToEid() const { return _indexToEid; }
+ void setIndexToEid(const std::deque<ElementId>& indexToEid) { _indexToEid = indexToEid; }
+ private:
+ ConstOsmMapPtr _map;
+ QString _name;
+ // raw poly combined filter string used for display purposes only
+ QString _polyFilterStr;
+ // the filter used to search for polys with roads crossing over them
+ ElementCriterionPtr _polyFilter;
+ // raw allowed road filter string used for display purposes only
+ QString _allowedRoadTagFilterStr;
+ // the filter that defines which roads are allowed to cross over the polys passing the _polyFilter
+ // filter
+ ElementCriterionPtr _allowedRoadTagFilter;
+ // spatial indexes
+ std::shared_ptr<Tgs::HilbertRTree> _index;
+ std::deque<ElementId> _indexToEid;
+ Meters _getSearchRadius(const ConstElementPtr& e) const;
+ bool _isMatchCandidate(ConstElementPtr element);