diff --git a/test-files/ui/features/review_bookmarks.disabled b/test-files/ui/features/review_bookmarks.disabled
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66f01c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-files/ui/features/review_bookmarks.disabled
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+Feature: Review Bookmarks
+ Scenario: Conflate AllDataTypes
+ Given I am on Hootenanny
+ And I resize the window
+ And I click Get Started
+ And I press "Add Reference Dataset"
+ And I click the "AllDataTypesACucumber" Dataset
+ And I press "Add Layer"
+ Then I wait 30 "seconds" to see "span.strong" element with text "AllDataTypesACucumber"
+ And I press "Add Secondary Dataset"
+ And I click the "AllDataTypesBCucumber" Dataset
+ And I press "Add Layer"
+ Then I wait 30 "seconds" to see "span.strong" element with text "AllDataTypesBCucumber"
+ Then I wait 30 "seconds" to see "Conflate"
+ And I press "Conflate"
+ Then I fill "saveAs" input with "mergedBookmarkCucumberTest"
+ And I scroll element into view and press "conflate2"
+ Then I wait 5 "seconds" to see "Conflating …"
+ Then I wait 2 "minutes" to see "mergedBookmarkCucumberTest"
+ Then I should not see the "#processingDiv" on the page
+ Scenario: Create Bookmark with Note
+ Then I click the "Bookmark Review" link
+ And I wait 30 "seconds" to see "Bookmark Review"
+ And I wait 30 "seconds" to see "Title"
+ And I wait 30 "seconds" to see "Description"
+ And I wait 30 "seconds" to see "Note (Optional)"
+ And I wait 30 "seconds" to see "Creator Email"
+ Then I press "big.loud" span with text "Save"
+ And I accept the alert
+ Then I type "Cucumber Bookmark 1" in input "reviewBookmarkTitle"
+ Then I type "Bookmark for cucumber testing" in input "reviewBookmarkDescription"
+ Then I type "This is a review bookmark" in input "reviewBookmarkNote"
+ Then I type "[email protected]" in input "reviewBookmarkCreatorEmail"
+ Then I press "big.loud" span with text "Save"
+ Then I should not see the "div.fill-darken3" on the page
+ Scenario: Create Bookmark without Note
+ Then I click the "Bookmark Review" link
+ And I wait 30 "seconds" to see "Bookmark Review"
+ And I wait 30 "seconds" to see "Title"
+ And I wait 30 "seconds" to see "Description"
+ And I wait 30 "seconds" to see "Note (Optional)"
+ And I wait 30 "seconds" to see "Creator Email"
+ Then I type "Cucumber Bookmark 2" in input "reviewBookmarkTitle"
+ Then I type "Bookmark for cucumber testing" in input "reviewBookmarkDescription"
+ Then I type "[email protected]" in input "reviewBookmarkCreatorEmail"
+ Then I press "big.loud" span with text "Save"
+ Then I should not see the "div.fill-darken3" on the page
+ Scenario: Add new comment to bookmark
+ Then I select the "sprocket" div
+ And I click on the "Review Bookmarks" option in the "settingsSidebar"
+ Then I wait
+ And I click the "Cucumber Bookmark 1:" link
+ Then I wait 30 "seconds" to see "Cucumber Bookmark 1"
+ And I wait 30 "seconds" to see "User [email protected] commented"
+ Then I type "I will review this bookmark" in input "bmkNoteTextNew"
+ And I press "big.loud" span with text "comment"
+ Scenario: Reload review
+ Then I click the "reload" icon
+ And I wait 30 "seconds" to see "Cucumber Bookmark 1"
+ And I wait 30 "seconds" to see "User [email protected] commented"
+ Scenario: Go to review
+ Then I select the "loadReview" div
+ And I accept the alert
+ And I wait 30 seconds
+ And I accept the alert
+ Then I wait 30 "seconds" to see "mergedBookmarkCucumberTest"
+ Then I wait 30 "seconds" to not see "Please wait while panning to review item."
+ And I click on ".activeReviewFeature"
+ Then I click the "preset-close" button
+ # Remove layer
+ Then I click the "trash" button
+ And I accept the alert
+ Scenario: Filter Bookmarks
+ Then I select the "sprocket" div
+ And I click on the "Review Bookmarks" option in the "settingsSidebar"
+ And I wait 30 "seconds" to see "Cucumber Bookmark 1"
+ And I wait 30 "seconds" to see "Cucumber Bookmark 2"
+ Then I click on the "Sort By" label
+ And I wait 30 "seconds" to see "Created At (asc)"
+ Then I choose "Created At (dsc)" radio button
+ Then I hover over "#utilReviewBookmarks"
+ And I should see "Cucumber Bookmark 2" bookmark first and "Cucumber Bookmark 1" bookmark second
+ Then I click on the "Filter By Creator" label
+ And I wait 30 "seconds" to see "[email protected]"
+ And I wait 30 "seconds" to see "[email protected]"
+ And I uncheck the "[email protected]" checkbox
+ And I wait 30 "seconds" to not see "Cucumber Bookmark 1"
+ And I wait 30 "seconds" to see "Cucumber Bookmark 2"
+ And I check the "[email protected]" checkbox
+ And I uncheck the "[email protected]" checkbox
+ And I wait 30 "seconds" to see "Cucumber Bookmark 1"
+ And I wait 30 "seconds" to not see "Cucumber Bookmark 2"
+ And I check the "[email protected]" checkbox
+ And I wait 30 "seconds" to see "Cucumber Bookmark 2"
+ Then I click on the "Filter By Layers" label
+ And I wait 30 "seconds" to see "mergedBookmarkCucumberTest"
+ Then I uncheck the "mergedBookmarkCucumberTest" checkbox
+ And I wait 30 "seconds" to not see "Cucumber Bookmark 1"
+ And I wait 30 "seconds" to not see "Cucumber Bookmark 2"
+ And I check the "mergedBookmarkCucumberTest" checkbox
+ And I wait 30 "seconds" to see "Cucumber Bookmark 1"
+ And I wait 30 "seconds" to see "Cucumber Bookmark 2"
+ Then I uncheck the "mergedBookmarkCucumberTest" checkbox
+ And I press "big.loud" span with text "Reset"
+ And I wait 30 "seconds" to see "Cucumber Bookmark 1"
+ And I wait 30 "seconds" to see "Cucumber Bookmark 2"
+ And I should see checkbox "mergedBookmarkCucumberTest" checked
+ Scenario: Delete Bookmark
+ Then I click on the "trash" button in the "reviewBookmarksContent"
+ And I accept the alert
+ Scenario: Delete Layer with active bookmark
+ Then I click on the "Datasets" option in the "settingsSidebar"
+ And I press "Refresh Datasets"
+ And I wait
+ When I click the "mergedBookmarkCucumberTest" Dataset
+ When I context click the "mergedBookmarkCucumberTest" Dataset
+ And I click the "Delete (1)" context menu item
+ And I accept the alert
+ And I accept the alert
+ Then I click on the "Review Bookmarks" option in the "settingsSidebar"
+ And I wait 10 "seconds" to not see "Cucumber Bookmark"
+ Then I click on the "Datasets" option in the "settingsSidebar"
+ #And I wait 5 "seconds" to not see "mergedBookmarkCucumberTest"