v0.2.52..v0.2.53 changeset Poi.js - ngageoint/hootenanny GitHub Wiki

diff --git a/rules/Poi.js b/rules/Poi.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5350f8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rules/Poi.js
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+ * This script conflates POIs using Generic Conflation.
+ */
+exports.description = "Matches POIs";
+exports.experimental = false;
+exports.baseFeatureType = "POI";
+exports.candidateDistanceSigma = 1.0; // 1.0 * (CE95 + Worst CE95);
+// This matcher only sets match/miss/review values to 1.0, therefore the score thresholds aren't used. 
+// If that ever changes, then the generic score threshold configuration options used below should 
+// be replaced with custom score threshold configuration options.
+exports.matchThreshold = parseFloat(hoot.get("conflate.match.threshold.default"));
+exports.missThreshold = parseFloat(hoot.get("conflate.miss.threshold.default"));
+exports.reviewThreshold = parseFloat(hoot.get("conflate.review.threshold.default"));
+exports.searchRadius = parseFloat(hoot.get("search.radius.poi"));
+exports.writeMatchedBy = hoot.get("writer.include.matched.by.tag");
+exports.geometryType = "point";
+var soundexExtractor = new hoot.NameExtractor(
+    new hoot.Soundex());
+var translateMeanWordSetLevenshtein_1_5 = new hoot.NameExtractor(
+    new hoot.MeanWordSetDistance(
+        {"token.separator": "[\\s-,';]+"},
+        new hoot.LevenshteinDistance({"levenshtein.distance.alpha": 1.5})));
+var translateMaxWordSetLevenshtein_1_15 = new hoot.NameExtractor(
+    new hoot.MaxWordSetDistance(
+        {"token.separator": "[\\s-,';]+"},
+        new hoot.ToEnglishTranslateStringDistance(
+            // runs just a little faster w/ tokenize off
+            {"translate.string.distance.tokenize": "false"},
+            new hoot.LevenshteinDistance(
+                {"levenshtein.distance.alpha": 1.15}))));
+var translateMinWordSetLevenshtein_1_15 = new hoot.NameExtractor(
+    new hoot.MinSumWordSetDistance(
+        {"token.separator": "[\\s-,';]+"},
+        new hoot.ToEnglishTranslateStringDistance(
+            // runs just a little faster w/ tokenize off
+            {"translate.string.distance.tokenize": "false"},
+            new hoot.LevenshteinDistance(
+                {"levenshtein.distance.alpha": 1.15}))));
+var weightedWordDistance = new hoot.NameExtractor(
+    new hoot.WeightedWordDistance(
+        {"token.separator": "[\\s-,';]+", "weighted.word.distance.probability": 0.5},
+        new hoot.ToEnglishTranslateStringDistance(
+            // runs just a little faster w/ tokenize off
+            {"translate.string.distance.tokenize": "false"},
+            new hoot.LevenshteinDistance(
+                {"levenshtein.distance.alpha": 1.5}))));
+var distances = [
+    {k:'amenity',                             match:100,      review:200},
+    {k:'amenity',  v:'grave_yard',            match:500,      review:1000},
+    {k:'building',                            match:100,      review:200},
+    {k:'building',  v:'hospital',             match:300,      review:500},
+    {k:'building',  v:'train_station',        match:500,      review:1000},
+    {k:'barrier',   v:'toll_booth',           match:25,       review:50},
+    {k:'barrier',   v:'border_control',       match:50,       review:100},
+    {k:'historic',                            match:100,      review:200},
+    {k:'landuse',                             match:500,      review:1000},
+    {k:'landuse',   v:'built_up_area',        match:2000,     review:3000},
+    {k:'leisure',                             match:250,      review:500},
+    {k:'man_made',                            match:100,      review:200},
+    {k:'natural',                             match:500,      review:1000},
+    {k:'natural',   v:'tree',                 match:5,        review:5},
+    {k:'place',                               match:500,      review:1000},
+    {k:'place',     v:'built_up_area',        match:2000,     review:3000},
+    {k:'place',     v:'locality',             match:2000,     review:3000},
+    {k:'place',     v:'populated',            match:2000,     review:3000},
+    {k:'place',     v:'region',               match:1000,     review:2000},
+    {k:'place',     v:'village',              match:2000,     review:3000},
+    {k:'power',                               match:25,       review:50},
+    {k:'railway',                             match:250,      review:500},
+    {k:'railway',   v:'station',              match:500,      review:1000},
+    {k:'shop',                                match:100,      review:200},
+    {k:'sport',                               match:50,       review:100},
+    {k:'station',                             match:100,      review:200},
+    {k:'station',   v:'light_rail',           match:500,      review:1000},
+    {k:'tourism',                             match:100,      review:200},
+    // hotel campuses can be quite large
+    {k:'tourism',   v:'hotel',                match:200,      review:400},
+    {k:'transport',  v:'station',             match:500,      review:1000},
+function distance(e1, e2) {
+    return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(e1.getX() - e2.getX(), 2) +
+        Math.pow(e1.getY() - e2.getY(), 2));
+function isSuperClose(e1, e2) {
+    var r1 = exports.getSearchRadius(e1);
+    var r2 = exports.getSearchRadius(e2);
+    var r = Math.min(r1, r2);
+    var d = distance(e1, e2);
+    var result = false;
+    if (d <= r / 5) {
+        result = true;
+    }
+    return result;
+exports.getSearchRadius = function(e) 
+  if (exports.searchRadius == -1.0)
+  {
+    // If no search radius was defined by the config (it was set to default val of -1.0), then 
+    // use our distance table to calculate it.
+    hoot.trace("Using custom search radius function...");
+    var tags = e.getTags();
+    var radius = e.getCircularError();
+    //hoot.trace("radius start: " + radius);
+    for (var i = 0; i < distances.length; i++) {
+        if (tags.contains(distances[i].k) &&
+            (distances[i].v == undefined ||
+             tags.get(distances[i].k) == distances[i].v)) {
+            //hoot.debug("distances[i].review: " + distances[i].review);
+            radius = Math.max(radius, distances[i].review);
+        }
+    }
+    hoot.trace("calculated search radius: " + radius);
+    return radius;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    hoot.trace("Returning user defined search radius: " + exports.searchRadius + "...");
+    return exports.searchRadius;
+  }   
+ * Returns true if e is a candidate for a match. Implementing this method is
+ * optional, but may dramatically increase speed if you can cull some features
+ * early on. E.g. no need to check nodes for a polygon to polygon match.
+ *
+ * exports.matchCandidateCriterion takes precedence over this function and must
+ * be commented out before using it.
+ */
+exports.isMatchCandidate = function(map, e)
+  return isPoi(e);
+ * If this function returns true then all overlapping matches will be treated
+ * as a group. For now that means if two matches overlap then the whole group
+ * will be marked as needing review.
+ *
+ * If this function returns false the conflation routines will attempt to
+ * pick the best subset of matches that do not conflict.
+ */
+exports.isWholeGroup = function() {
+    return true;
+var typeTags = {
+    related: {
+        "cuisine": 1,
+        "sport": 1,
+        // power is accounted for in a unique way
+        "power": 0
+    },
+    category: {
+        "poi": 1
+    }
+ * Returns true if one of the typeTags are found in the specified element.
+ */
+function hasTypeTag(t) {
+    for (k in typeTags.related) {
+        if (getRelatedTags(k, t).length > 0) {
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    for (k in typeTags.category) {
+        if (getTagsByCategory(k, t).length > 0) {
+            return true;
+        }
+    }
+    return false;
+function additiveScore(map, e1, e2) {
+    var result = {};
+    result.score = 0;
+    result.reasons = [];
+    var reason = result.reasons;
+    var ignoreType = false;
+    //hoot.trace("hasName(e1): " + hasName(e1));
+    //hoot.trace("hasName(e2): " + hasName(e2));
+    if (hoot.get("poi.ignore.type.if.name.present") == 'true' && hasName(e1) && hasName(e2))
+    {
+      ignoreType = true;
+    }
+    //hoot.trace("ignoreType: " + ignoreType);
+    var t1 = e1.getTags().toDict();
+    var t2 = e2.getTags().toDict();
+    // if there is no type information to compare the name becomes more
+    // important
+    var oneGeneric = hasTypeTag(t1) == false || hasTypeTag(t2) == false;
+    /*if (oneGeneric)
+    {
+      hoot.trace("One element in the pair is generic.");
+    }*/
+    var e1SearchRadius = exports.getSearchRadius(e1);
+    //hoot.trace("e1SearchRadius: " + e1SearchRadius);
+    var e2SearchRadius = exports.getSearchRadius(e2);
+    //hoot.trace("e2SearchRadius: " + e2SearchRadius);
+    var searchRadius;
+    if (oneGeneric)
+    {
+      searchRadius = Math.max(e1SearchRadius, e2SearchRadius);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      searchRadius = Math.min(e1SearchRadius, e2SearchRadius);
+    }
+    //hoot.trace("searchRadius: " + searchRadius);
+    var d = distance(e1, e2);
+    //hoot.trace("d: " + d);
+    if (d > searchRadius)
+    {
+      /*hoot.trace(
+        "distance: " + d + " greater than search radius: " + searchRadius + "; returning score: " +
+        result.score);*/
+      return result;
+    }
+    var mean = translateMeanWordSetLevenshtein_1_5.extract(map, e1, e2);
+    var weightedWordDistanceScore = weightedWordDistance.extract(map, e1, e2);
+    var weightedPlusMean = mean + weightedWordDistanceScore;
+    var poiDistance = 1.0;
+    var artworkTypeDistance = 1.0;
+    var cuisineDistance = 1.0;
+    var sportDistance = 1.0;
+    if (!ignoreType)
+    {
+      poiDistance = getTagCategoryDistance("poi", map, e1, e2);
+      artworkTypeDistance = getTagAncestorDistance("artwork_type", map, e1, e2);
+      cuisineDistance = getTagAncestorDistance("cuisine", map, e1, e2);
+      sportDistance = getTagAncestorDistance("sport", map, e1, e2);
+    }
+    var score = 0;
+    if (!oneGeneric) {
+        if (weightedPlusMean > 0.987403 && weightedPlusMean < 1.2) {
+            score += 0.5;
+            reason.push("similar names");
+        } else if (weightedPlusMean >= 1.2) {
+            score += 1;
+            reason.push("very similar names");
+        }
+    } else {
+        var min = translateMinWordSetLevenshtein_1_15.extract(map, e1, e2);
+        // if there is no type information be very restrictive, but just the name can be enough
+        // information for a match.
+        if (min > 0.8 && weightedPlusMean >= 1.2) {
+            score += 2;
+            reason.push("very similar names and generic type");
+        // with no type information just a similar name is enough to flag a review.
+        } else if (weightedPlusMean > 0.987403) {
+            score += 1;
+            reason.push("similar names and generic type");
+        }
+    }
+    if (isSuperClose(e1, e2)) {
+        score += 0.5;
+        reason.push("very close together");
+    }
+    var typeScore = 0;
+    if (artworkTypeDistance <= 0.3) {
+        typeScore += 1;
+        reason.push("similar artwork type");
+    }
+    if (cuisineDistance <= 0.3) {
+        typeScore += 1;
+        reason.push("similar cuisine");
+    }
+    if (sportDistance <= 0.3) {
+        typeScore += 1;
+        reason.push("similar sport");
+    }
+    // we're unlikely to get more evidence than the fact that it is a tower
+    // or pole. If the power tag matches exactly, give it 2 points of evidence
+    // if not, just give it one.
+    var powerDistance = 1.0;
+    if (!ignoreType)
+    {
+      powerDistance = getTagDistance("power", t1, t2);
+    }
+    if (powerDistance == 0) {
+        typeScore += 2;
+        reason.push("same power (electrical) type");
+    } else if (powerDistance <= 0.4) {
+        typeScore += 1;
+        reason.push("similar power (electrical) type");
+    }
+    // if at least one feature contains a place
+    var placeCount = 0;
+    if (!ignoreType)
+    {
+      placeCount = getTagsByAncestor("place", t1).length + getTagsByAncestor("place", t2).length;
+    }
+    // if at least one of the points has a place and neither of them are
+    // generic poi types
+    if (placeCount > 0 && oneGeneric == false) {
+        var d = getTagDistance("place", t1, t2);
+        // if the places don't match
+        if (d == undefined) {
+            // don't give name similarity or proximity a high weight
+            score = Math.min(0.5, score);
+            reason.push('no place match');
+        // if the places are very dissimilar
+        } else if (d > 0.8) {
+            // don't give name similarity or proximity a high weight
+            score = Math.min(0.5, score);
+            reason.push('poor place match');
+        // else if the places match, only increase score if the names match too.
+        } else if (weightedPlusMean > 0.987403) {
+            if (poiDistance <= 0.5) {
+                score += 1;
+                reason.push("similar name and place type");
+            }
+        }
+    // if one is generic then we shouldn't match it outright.
+    } else if (placeCount > 0 && oneGeneric) {
+        score = Math.min(0.6, score);
+        reason.push('generic type to place match');
+    } else if (poiDistance <= 0.5) {
+        score += 1;
+        reason.push("similar POI type");
+    // if the poi distance is very high, then they shouldn't be considered
+    // for match based solely on name and proximity. See #6998
+    } else if (poiDistance >= 0.99 && typeScore == 0 && oneGeneric == false) {
+        score = 0;
+        reason = ["similar names but no POI match"];
+    }
+    score = score + typeScore;
+    result.score = score;
+    result.reasons = reason;
+    //hoot.trace("score: " + result.score);
+    //hoot.trace("reasons: " + result.reasons);
+    return result;
+var totalCount = 0;
+ * Returns the match score for the three class relationships.
+ * - match
+ * - miss
+ * - review
+ *
+ * The scores should always sum to one. If they don't you will be taunted
+ * mercilessly and we'll normalize it anyway. :P
+ */
+exports.matchScore = function(map, e1, e2) {
+    totalCount += 1;
+    var result = { miss: 1.0, explain:'Miss' };
+    if (e1.getStatusString() == e2.getStatusString()) 
+    {
+      //hoot.trace("same statuses: miss");
+      return result;
+    }
+    /*hoot.trace("e1: " + e1.getId() + ", " + e1.getTags().get("name"));
+    if (e1.getTags().get("note"))
+    {
+      hoot.trace("e1 note: " + e1.getTags().get("note"));
+    }
+    hoot.trace("e2: " + e2.getId() + ", " + e2.getTags().get("name"));
+    if (e2.getTags().get("note"))
+    {
+      hoot.trace("e2 note: " + e2.getTags().get("note"));
+    }*/
+    var additiveResult = additiveScore(map, e1, e2);
+    var score = additiveResult.score;
+    //hoot.trace("score: " + score);
+    var reasons = additiveResult.reasons;
+    //hoot.trace("reasons: " + reasons);
+    var d = "(" + prettyNumber(distance(e1, e2)) + "m)";
+    var matchScore;
+    var classification;
+    if (score <= 0.5) {
+        matchScore = {miss: 1, explain: 'Not much evidence of a match ' + d};
+        classification = 'miss';
+    } else if (score < 1.9) {
+        matchScore = {review: 1, explain: "Somewhat similar " + d + " - " + reasons.join(", ") };
+        classification = 'review';
+    } else {
+        matchScore = {match: 1, explain: "Very similar " + d + " - " + reasons.join(", ") };
+        classification = 'match';
+    }
+    //hoot.trace("explanation: " + matchScore.explain);
+    //hoot.trace("classification: " + classification);
+    return matchScore;
+exports.mergePair = function(map, e1, e2)
+  // replace instances of e2 with e1 and merge tags
+  mergeElements(map, e1, e2);
+  e1.setStatusString("conflated");
+  if (exports.writeDebugTags == "true")
+  {
+    // Technically, we should get this key from MetadataTags, but that's not integrated with hoot yet.
+    e1.setTag("hoot:matchedBy", exports.baseFeatureType);
+  }
+  return e1;
+ * This method isn't being used yet. In future work we may use this method to generate a supervised
+ * model.
+ */
+exports.getMatchFeatureDetails = function(map, e1, e2)
+  var fd = [];
+  // before you use this list update it with more relevant features in the additiveScore() function.
+  fd["soundex"] = soundexExtractor.extract(map, e1, e2);
+  fd["mean"] = translateMeanWordSetLevenshtein_1_5.extract(map, e1, e2);
+  fd["max"] = translateMaxWordSetLevenshtein_1_15.extract(map, e1, e2);
+  fd['weightedWordDistance'] = weightedWordDistance.extract(map, e1, e2);
+  fd['weightedPlusMean'] = weightedWordDistance.extract(map, e1, e2) +
+    translateMeanWordSetLevenshtein_1_5.extract(map, e1, e2);
+  fd['cuisine'] = getCuisineDistance(e1, e2);
+  fd['additive'] = additiveScore(map, e1, e2).score;
+  return fd;
+ * Given a number return a result that contains no more than 2 significant
+ * digits and no more than 1 digit after the decimal place. For example:
+ *
+ * 123.456 -> 120
+ * 1.234 -> 1.2
+ * 0.123 -> 0.1
+ * 1234567.89 -> 1200000
+ */
+function prettyNumber(n) {
+    var digits = String(Math.round(n)).length;
+    // a number that represents the number of digits we're rounding (e.g. for
+    // 1234567.89 this will be 100000
+    var f = Math.pow(10, digits - 2);
+    // divide n by f, (12.3456789), round (12), then multiple by up, 1200000
+    var r = Math.round(n / f) * f;
+    var result;
+    // I don't use the String conversion here b/c it sometimes gives weird
+    // floating point errors.
+    // if this is a small number remove the extra decimal places
+    if (r < 10) {
+        result = r.toFixed(1);
+    } else {
+        result = r.toFixed(0);
+    }
+    return result;
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