diff --git a/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/io/OsmApiWriter.cpp b/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/io/OsmApiWriter.cpp
index 254c2c6..3372fea 100644
--- a/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/io/OsmApiWriter.cpp
+++ b/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/io/OsmApiWriter.cpp
@@ -55,6 +55,48 @@ const char* OsmApiWriter::API_PATH_CLOSE_CHANGESET = "/api/0.6/changeset/%1/clos
const char* OsmApiWriter::API_PATH_UPLOAD_CHANGESET = "/api/0.6/changeset/%1/upload";
const char* OsmApiWriter::API_PATH_GET_ELEMENT = "/api/0.6/%1/%2";
+const char* OsmApiWriter::CONTENT_TYPE_XML = "text/xml; charset=UTF-8";
+OsmApiWriter::OsmApiWriter(const QString& output_file, const QList<QString>& changesets)
+ : _changesets(changesets),
+ _description(ConfigOptions().getChangesetDescription()),
+ _source(ConfigOptions().getChangesetSource()),
+ _hashtags(ConfigOptions().getChangesetHashtags()),
+ _maxWriters(1), // Not used in test apply
+ _maxPushSize(ConfigOptions().getChangesetApidbSizeMax()),
+ _maxChangesetSize(ConfigOptions().getChangesetMaxSize()),
+ _throttleWriters(false), // Not used in test apply
+ _throttleTime(0), // Not used in test apply
+ _showProgress(false),
+ _consumerKey(""), // Not used in test apply
+ _consumerSecret(""), // Not used in test apply
+ _accessToken(""), // Not used in test apply
+ _secretToken(""), // Not used in test apply
+ _changesetCount(0),
+ _testApplyPathname(output_file)
+OsmApiWriter::OsmApiWriter(const QString& output_file, const QString& changeset)
+ : _description(ConfigOptions().getChangesetDescription()),
+ _source(ConfigOptions().getChangesetSource()),
+ _hashtags(ConfigOptions().getChangesetHashtags()),
+ _maxWriters(1), // Not used in test apply
+ _maxPushSize(ConfigOptions().getChangesetApidbSizeMax()),
+ _maxChangesetSize(ConfigOptions().getChangesetMaxSize()),
+ _throttleWriters(false), // Not used in test apply
+ _throttleTime(0), // Not used in test apply
+ _showProgress(false),
+ _consumerKey(""), // Not used in test apply
+ _consumerSecret(""), // Not used in test apply
+ _accessToken(""), // Not used in test apply
+ _secretToken(""), // Not used in test apply
+ _changesetCount(0),
+ _testApplyPathname(output_file)
+ _changesets.push_back(changeset);
OsmApiWriter::OsmApiWriter(const QUrl &url, const QString &changeset)
: _description(ConfigOptions().getChangesetDescription()),
@@ -69,7 +111,8 @@ OsmApiWriter::OsmApiWriter(const QUrl &url, const QString &changeset)
- _changesetCount(0)
+ _changesetCount(0),
+ _testApplyPathname("")
if (isSupported(url))
@@ -91,7 +134,8 @@ OsmApiWriter::OsmApiWriter(const QUrl& url, const QList<QString>& changesets)
- _changesetCount(0)
+ _changesetCount(0),
+ _testApplyPathname("")
if (isSupported(url))
_url = url;
@@ -236,6 +280,85 @@ bool OsmApiWriter::apply()
return success;
+QStringList OsmApiWriter::testApply()
+ Timer timer;
+ QStringList output_paths;
+ // Load all of the changesets into memory
+ _changeset.setMaxPushSize(_maxPushSize);
+ for (int i = 0; i < _changesets.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ LOG_INFO("Loading changeset: " << _changesets[i]);
+ _changeset.loadChangeset(_changesets[i]);
+ _stats.append(SingleStat(QString("Changeset (%1) Load Time (sec)").arg(_changesets[i]), timer.getElapsedAndRestart()));
+ }
+ // Split any ways that need splitting
+ _changeset.splitLongWays(_capabilities.getWayNodes());
+ // Setup the progress indicators
+ long total = _changeset.getTotalElementCount();
+ float progress = 0.0f;
+ float increment = 0.01f;
+ long id = 1;
+ long changesetSize = 0;
+ int file_id = 1;
+ // Setup the increment
+ if (total < 10000)
+ increment = 0.1f;
+ else if (total < 100000)
+ increment = 0.05f;
+ QFileInfo file(_testApplyPathname);
+ // Iterate all changes until there are no more elements to send
+ while (_changeset.hasElementsToSend())
+ {
+ // Divide up the changes into atomic changesets
+ ChangesetInfoPtr changeset_info(new ChangesetInfo());
+ // Repeat divide until all changes have been committed
+ _changeset.calculateChangeset(changeset_info);
+ // Write out the changeset to disk
+ changesetSize += changeset_info->size();
+ // Write out the changeset file
+ QString output = QString("%1/%2-%3.%4")
+ .arg(file.absolutePath())
+ .arg(file.baseName())
+ .arg(QString::number(file_id), 4, '0')
+ .arg(file.completeSuffix());
+ FileUtils::writeFully(output, _changeset.getChangesetString(changeset_info, id));
+ _changeset.updateChangeset(changeset_info);
+ changesetSize += changeset_info->size();
+ // Keep the output pathname
+ output_paths.push_back(output);
+ // When the current changeset is nearing the 50k max (or the specified max), close the changeset
+ // otherwise keep it open and go again
+ if (changesetSize > _maxChangesetSize - (int)(_maxPushSize * 1.5))
+ id++;
+ // Show the progress
+ if (_showProgress)
+ {
+ float percent_complete = _changeset.getProcessedCount() / (float)total;
+ // Actual progress is calculated and once it passes the next increment it is reported
+ if (percent_complete >= progress + increment)
+ {
+ progress = percent_complete - fmod(percent_complete, increment);
+ _progress.set(percent_complete, "Apply changeset test...");
+ }
+ }
+ file_id++;
+ }
+ LOG_INFO("Apply test progress: 100%");
+ // Keep some stats
+ _stats.append(SingleStat("API Upload Time (sec)", timer.getElapsedAndRestart()));
+ _stats.append(SingleStat("Total OSM Changesets Uploaded", _changesetCount));
+ _stats.append(SingleStat("Total Nodes in Changeset", _changeset.getTotalNodeCount()));
+ _stats.append(SingleStat("Total Ways in Changeset", _changeset.getTotalWayCount()));
+ _stats.append(SingleStat("Total Relations in Changeset", _changeset.getTotalRelationCount()));
+ _stats.append(SingleStat("Total Elements Created", _changeset.getTotalCreateCount()));
+ _stats.append(SingleStat("Total Elements Modified", _changeset.getTotalModifyCount()));
+ _stats.append(SingleStat("Total Elements Deleted", _changeset.getTotalDeleteCount()));
+ _stats.append(SingleStat("Total Errors", _changeset.getFailedCount()));
+ // Return the output paths
+ return output_paths;
void OsmApiWriter::_changesetThreadFunc(int index)
// Set the status to working
@@ -475,8 +598,10 @@ bool OsmApiWriter::queryCapabilities(HootNetworkRequestPtr request)
QString responseXml = QString::fromUtf8(request->getResponseContent().data());
- LOG_DEBUG("Capabilities: " << capabilities.toString(QUrl::RemoveUserInfo));
- LOG_DEBUG("Response: " << responseXml);
+ QString printableUrl = capabilities.toString(QUrl::RemoveUserInfo);
+ HootNetworkRequest::removeIpFromUrlString(printableUrl, capabilities);
+ LOG_TRACE("Capabilities: " << printableUrl);
+ LOG_TRACE("Response: " << responseXml);
_capabilities = _parseCapabilities(responseXml);
catch (const HootException& ex)
@@ -558,7 +683,7 @@ bool OsmApiWriter::_parsePermissions(const QString& permissions)
QXmlStreamReader reader(permissions);
- LOG_DEBUG("Permissions: " << permissions);
+ LOG_TRACE("Permissions: " << permissions);
while (!reader.atEnd() && !reader.hasError())
@@ -600,7 +725,12 @@ long OsmApiWriter::_createChangeset(HootNetworkRequestPtr request,
" </changeset>"
- request->networkRequest(changeset, QNetworkAccessManager::Operation::PutOperation, xml.toUtf8());
+ QByteArray content = xml.toUtf8();
+ QMap<QNetworkRequest::KnownHeaders, QVariant> headers;
+ headers[QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader] = CONTENT_TYPE_XML;
+ headers[QNetworkRequest::ContentLengthHeader] = content.length();
+ request->networkRequest(changeset, QNetworkAccessManager::Operation::PutOperation, content);
QString responseXml = QString::fromUtf8(request->getResponseContent().data());
@@ -680,10 +810,12 @@ OsmApiWriter::OsmApiFailureInfoPtr OsmApiWriter::_uploadChangeset(HootNetworkReq
QUrl change = _url;
+ QByteArray content = changeset.toUtf8();
QMap<QNetworkRequest::KnownHeaders, QVariant> headers;
- headers[QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader] = "text/xml";
+ headers[QNetworkRequest::ContentTypeHeader] = CONTENT_TYPE_XML;
+ headers[QNetworkRequest::ContentLengthHeader] = content.length();
- request->networkRequest(change, headers, QNetworkAccessManager::Operation::PostOperation, changeset.toUtf8());
+ request->networkRequest(change, headers, QNetworkAccessManager::Operation::PostOperation, content);
info->response = QString::fromUtf8(request->getResponseContent().data());
info->status = request->getHttpStatus();