v0.2.52..v0.2.53 changeset Area.js - ngageoint/hootenanny GitHub Wiki

diff --git a/rules/Area.js b/rules/Area.js
index 00e830c..d0e7247 100644
--- a/rules/Area.js
+++ b/rules/Area.js
@@ -1,13 +1,22 @@
+ * This script conflates non-building area polygons (e.g. parks, parking lots, etc.; area as defined by the schema) using Generic Conflation.
+ */
 "use strict";
 exports.candidateDistanceSigma = 1.0; // 1.0 * (CE95 + Worst CE95);
 exports.description = "Matches areas";
-exports.matchThreshold = parseFloat(hoot.get("generic.polygon.match.threshold"));
-exports.missThreshold = parseFloat(hoot.get("generic.polygon.miss.threshold"));
-exports.reviewThreshold = parseFloat(hoot.get("generic.polygon.review.threshold"));
+// This matcher only sets match/miss/review values to 1.0, therefore the score thresholds aren't used. 
+// If that ever changes, then the generic score threshold configuration options used below should 
+// be replaced with custom score threshold configuration options.
+exports.matchThreshold = parseFloat(hoot.get("conflate.match.threshold.default"));
+exports.missThreshold = parseFloat(hoot.get("conflate.miss.threshold.default"));
+exports.reviewThreshold = parseFloat(hoot.get("conflate.review.threshold.default"));
 exports.searchRadius = parseFloat(hoot.get("search.radius.area"));
 exports.experimental = true;
 exports.baseFeatureType = "Area";
+exports.writeMatchedBy = hoot.get("writer.include.matched.by.tag");
+exports.geometryType = "polygon";
 var sublineMatcher = new hoot.MaximalSublineStringMatcher();
@@ -28,7 +37,7 @@ nodes and polygons or a school polygon which encloses school buildings on the ca
 exports.isMatchCandidate = function(map, e)
-  return isArea(e) && !isBuilding(e);
+  return isArea(map, e) && !isBuilding(map, e);
@@ -62,13 +71,16 @@ exports.matchScore = function(map, e1, e2)
     return result;
+  // Do we need to be looking at tags too, since area is such a broad concept?
   var smallerOverlap = new hoot.SmallerOverlapExtractor().extract(map, e1, e2);
   var overlap = new hoot.OverlapExtractor().extract(map, e1, e2);
   var bufferedOverlap = new hoot.BufferedOverlapExtractor().extract(map, e1, e2);
   var edgeDist = new hoot.EdgeDistanceExtractor().extract(map, e1, e2);
   var angleHist = new hoot.AngleHistogramExtractor().extract(map, e1, e2);
-  //This was derived against only one dataset, so obviously needs more refinement.
+  // This geometry matching model was derived against only one dataset using Weka, so may need more refinement.
   if (bufferedOverlap < 0.57)
     if (overlap >= 0.18 && edgeDist >= 0.99)
@@ -110,7 +122,11 @@ exports.mergePair = function(map, e1, e2)
   // replace instances of e2 with e1 and merge tags
   mergeElements(map, e1, e2);
+  if (exports.writeMatchedBy == "true")
+  {
+    // Technically, we should get this key from MetadataTags, but that's not integrated with hoot yet.
+    e1.setTag("hoot:matchedBy", exports.baseFeatureType);
+  }
   return e1;
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