diff --git a/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/io/OsmApiWriter.h b/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/io/OsmApiWriter.h
index 644b934..965cfaf 100644
--- a/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/io/OsmApiWriter.h
+++ b/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/io/OsmApiWriter.h
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
* This will properly maintain the copyright information. DigitalGlobe
* copyrights will be updated automatically.
- * @copyright Copyright (C) 2018, 2019 DigitalGlobe (http://www.digitalglobe.com/)
+ * @copyright Copyright (C) 2018, 2019, 2020 DigitalGlobe (http://www.digitalglobe.com/)
@@ -158,9 +158,12 @@ private:
* see: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/API_v0.6#Create:_PUT_.2Fapi.2F0.6.2Fchangeset.2Fcreate
* @param request - Network request object initialized with OSM API URL
* @param description - Text description of the changeset to create
+ * @param source - Text specifying the source for the edits for this changeset
+ * @param hashtags - Semicolon delimited list of hashtags for changeset
* @return ID of the changeset that was created on the server
- long _createChangeset(HootNetworkRequestPtr request, const QString& description);
+ long _createChangeset(HootNetworkRequestPtr request, const QString& description,
+ const QString& source, const QString& hashtags);
* @brief _closeChangeset End the changeset
* see: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/API_v0.6#Close:_PUT_.2Fapi.2F0.6.2Fchangeset.2F.23id.2Fclose
@@ -201,12 +204,24 @@ private:
* @brief _resolveIssues Query the OSM API for the element in the changeset and try to fix resolvable errors
* @param request Network request object initialized with OSM API URL
* @param changeset Pointer to a changeset with one single failed change
- * @return success Whether or not the function was able to find a resolvable issue
+ * @return Whether or not the function was able to find a resolvable issue
bool _resolveIssues(HootNetworkRequestPtr request, ChangesetInfoPtr changeset);
+ /**
+ * @brief _fixConflict Try to fix the "Changeset conflict: Version mismatch" errors from the OSM API
+ * @param request Network request object initialized with OSM API URL
+ * @param changeset Pointer to the failed changeset
+ * @param conflictExplanation Error message from OSM API
+ * @return Whether or not the function was able to resolve the issue
+ */
bool _fixConflict(HootNetworkRequestPtr request, ChangesetInfoPtr changeset, const QString& conflictExplanation);
+ * @brief _changesetClosed Check the error string for the "Changeset conflict: The changeset <id> was closed" error from the OSM API
+ * @param conflictExplanation Error message from OSM API
+ * @return Whether or not the function found the error in question
+ */
+ bool _changesetClosed(const QString& conflictExplanation);
+ /**
* @brief _getNode/Way/Relation Perform HTTP GET request to OSM API to get current node/way/relation by ID
* @param request Network request object initialized with OSM API URL
* @param id ID of node/way/relation to query from database
@@ -226,8 +241,9 @@ private:
* @brief _changesetThreadFunc Thread function that does the actual work of creating a changeset ID
* via the API, pushing the changeset data, closing the changeset, and splitting a failing changeset
* if necessary
+ * @param index Index into the thread status vector to report the status
- void _changesetThreadFunc();
+ void _changesetThreadFunc(int index);
* @brief createNetworkRequest Create a network request object
* @param requiresAuthentication Authentication flag set to true will cause OAuth credentials,
@@ -235,6 +251,19 @@ private:
* @return smart pointer to network request object
HootNetworkRequestPtr createNetworkRequest(bool requiresAuthentication = false);
+ /**
+ * @brief _threadsAreIdle Checks each thread in the thread pool if it is working or idle
+ * @return True if all threads are idle
+ */
+ bool _threadsAreIdle();
+ /**
+ * @brief _splitChangeset Split a changeset either in half or split out the element reported
+ * back from the API into a new changeset, then both changesets are pushed back on the queue
+ * @param workInfo Pointer to the work element to split
+ * @param response String response from the server to help in the splitting process
+ * @return True if the changeset was split
+ */
+ bool _splitChangeset(const ChangesetInfoPtr& workInfo, const QString& response);
/** Changeset processing thread pool */
std::vector<std::thread> _threadPool;
/** Queue for producer/consumer work model */
@@ -245,12 +274,26 @@ private:
XmlChangeset _changeset;
/** Mutex protecting large changeset */
std::mutex _changesetMutex;
+ /** Status of each working thread, working or idle */
+ enum ThreadStatus
+ {
+ Idle,
+ Working
+ };
+ /** Vector of statuses for each running thread */
+ std::vector<ThreadStatus> _threadStatus;
+ /** Mutex protecting status vector */
+ std::mutex _threadStatusMutex;
/** Base URL for the target OSM API, including authentication information */
QUrl _url;
/** List of pathnames for changeset divided across files */
QList<QString> _changesets;
/** Changeset description for all changesets loaded, loaded with 'changeset.description' option */
QString _description;
+ /** Changeset source for all changesets loaded, loaded with 'changeset.source' config option */
+ QString _source;
+ /** Changeset hashtags for all changesets loaded, loaded with 'changeset.hashtags' config option */
+ QString _hashtags;
/** Maximum number of writer threads processing changesets, loaded with 'changeset.apidb.max.writers' option */
int _maxWriters;
/** Soft maximum number of elements per changeset, size could be larger than the soft max in order to include