v0.2.51..v0.2.52 changeset ChangesetReplacementCreator.h - ngageoint/hootenanny GitHub Wiki

diff --git a/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/algorithms/changeset/ChangesetReplacementCreator.h b/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/algorithms/changeset/ChangesetReplacementCreator.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30a7e9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/algorithms/changeset/ChangesetReplacementCreator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+ * This file is part of Hootenanny.
+ *
+ * Hootenanny is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * The following copyright notices are generated automatically. If you
+ * have a new notice to add, please use the format:
+ * " * @copyright Copyright ..."
+ * This will properly maintain the copyright information. DigitalGlobe
+ * copyrights will be updated automatically.
+ *
+ * @copyright Copyright (C) 2019 DigitalGlobe (http://www.digitalglobe.com/)
+ */
+// Hoot
+#include <hoot/core/elements/OsmMap.h>
+#include <hoot/core/algorithms/changeset/ChangesetCreator.h>
+#include <hoot/core/criterion/GeometryTypeCriterion.h>
+#include <hoot/core/criterion/ChainCriterion.h>
+#include <geos/geom/Envelope.h>
+namespace hoot
+ * Options used to control cropping at various stages of the replacement changeset workflow
+ */
+struct BoundsOptions
+  // Determines whether features crossing the bounds should be kept when loading reference data.
+  bool loadRefKeepEntireCrossingBounds;
+  // Determines whether only features completely inside the bounds should be kept when loading
+  // reference data.
+  bool loadRefKeepOnlyInsideBounds;
+  // Determines whether ways immediately connected to other ways being kept but completely outside
+  // of the bounds should also be kept
+  bool loadRefKeepImmediateConnectedWaysOutsideBounds;
+  // Determines whether features crossing the bounds should be kept when loading secondary data.
+  bool loadSecKeepEntireCrossingBounds;
+  // Determines whether only features completely inside the bounds should be kept when loading
+  // secondary data.
+  bool loadSecKeepOnlyInsideBounds;
+  // Determines whether features crossing the bounds should be kept when cookie cutting reference
+  // data.
+  bool cookieCutKeepEntireCrossingBounds;
+  // Determines whether only features completely inside the bounds should be kept when cookie
+  // cutting reference data.
+  bool cookieCutKeepOnlyInsideBounds;
+  // Determines whether reference features crossing the bounds should be kept when deriving a
+  // changeset.
+  bool changesetRefKeepEntireCrossingBounds;
+  // Determines whether secondary features crossing the bounds should be kept when deriving a
+  // changeset.
+  bool changesetSecKeepEntireCrossingBounds;
+  // Determines whether only reference features completely inside the bounds should be kept when
+  // deriving a changeset.
+  bool changesetRefKeepOnlyInsideBounds;
+  // Determines whether only secondary features completely inside the bounds should be kept when
+  // deriving a changeset.
+  bool changesetSecKeepOnlyInsideBounds;
+  // Determines whether deleting reference features existing either partially of completely outside
+  // of the bounds is allowed during changeset generation
+  bool changesetAllowDeletingRefOutsideBounds;
+  // the strictness of the bounds calculation used in conjunction with
+  // _changesetAllowDeletingRefOutsideBounds
+  bool inBoundsStrict;
+ * High level class for prepping data for replacement changeset generation (changesets which
+ * replace features inside of a specified bounds) and then calls on the appropriate changeset file
+ * writer to output a changeset file.
+ *
+ * This class uses a customized workflow that depends upon the feature type the changeset is being
+ * generated for, whether all the reference features or just those that overlap secondary features
+ * are to be replaced, and how strict the AOI is to be interpreted. ChangesetCreator is used for the
+ * actual changeset generation and file output. This class handles the cookie cutting, conflation,
+ * and a host of other things that need to happen before the changeset generation. The secondary
+ * data added to the output changeset, as well as the reference data removed from the changeset can
+ * be further restricted with a non-geometry type filter.
+ *
+ * TODO: implement progress
+ * TODO: can probably break some of this up into separate classes now; e.g. filtering, etc.
+ */
+class ChangesetReplacementCreator
+  /**
+   * Constructor
+   *
+   * @param printStats prints statistics for the output changeset
+   * @param osmApiDbUrl URL to an OSM API database used to calculate element IDs; required only if
+   * the output changeset is of type .osc.sql.
+   */
+  ChangesetReplacementCreator(const bool printStats = false, const QString osmApiDbUrl = "");
+  /**
+   * Creates a changeset that replaces features in the first input with features from the second
+   * input.
+   *
+   * @param input1 the target data for the changeset in which to replace features; must support
+   * Boundable
+   * @param input2 the source data for the changeset to get replacement features from; must support
+   * Boundable
+   * @param bounds the bounds over which features are to be replaced
+   * @param output the changeset file output locationn
+   */
+  void create(
+    const QString& input1, const QString& input2, const geos::geom::Envelope& bounds,
+    const QString& output);
+  void setFullReplacement(const bool full) { _fullReplacement = full; }
+  void setLenientBounds(const bool lenient) { _lenientBounds = lenient; }
+  void setGeometryFilters(const QStringList& filterClassNames);
+  void setReplacementFilters(const QStringList& filterClassNames);
+  void setChainReplacementFilters(const bool chain) { _chainReplacementFilters = chain; }
+  void setReplacementFilterOptions(const QStringList& optionKvps);
+  void setRetainmentFilters(const QStringList& filterClassNames);
+  void setChainRetainmentFilters(const bool chain) { _chainRetainmentFilters = chain; }
+  void setRetainmentFilterOptions(const QStringList& optionKvps);
+  void setWaySnappingEnabled(const bool enabled) { _waySnappingEnabled = enabled; }
+  void setConflationEnabled(const bool enabled) { _conflationEnabled = enabled; }
+  friend class ChangesetReplacementCreatorTest;
+  // If true, all the ref data gets replaced. If false, only the ref data that intersects with the
+  // alpha shape of the sec data gets replaced.
+  bool _fullReplacement;
+  // determines how strict the handling of the bounds is during replacement
+  bool _lenientBounds;
+  // A set of geometry type filters, organized by core geometry type (point, line, poly) to
+  // separately filter the input datasets on.
+  QMap<GeometryTypeCriterion::GeometryType, ElementCriterionPtr> _geometryTypeFilters;
+  bool _geometryFiltersSpecified;
+  // A list of linear geometry criterion classes to apply way snapping to.
+  QStringList _linearFilterClassNames;
+  // One or more non-geometry criteria to be combined with the geometry type filters for the
+  // secondary input. Allows for further restriction of the secondary data that makes it to output.
+  std::shared_ptr<ChainCriterion> _replacementFilter;
+  // If true the filters specified in _replacementFilter are AND'd together. Otherwise, they're OR'd
+  // together.
+  bool _chainReplacementFilters;
+  // Configuration options to pass to the filters in _replacementFilter.
+  Settings _replacementFilterOptions;
+  // One or more non-geometry criteria to be combined with the geometry type filters for the
+  // reference input. Allows for further restriction of the ref data that gets replaced.
+  std::shared_ptr<ChainCriterion> _retainmentFilter;
+  // If true the filters specified in _retainmentFilter are AND'd together. Otherwise, they're OR'd
+  // together.
+  bool _chainRetainmentFilters;
+  // Configuration options to pass to the filters in _retainmentFilter.
+  Settings _retainmentFilterOptions;
+  // turn on/off post conflate way snapping
+  bool _waySnappingEnabled;
+  // turn on/off conflation of cookie cut data being replaced with replacement data
+  bool _conflationEnabled;
+  // controls cropping
+  BoundsOptions _boundsOpts;
+  // handles changeset generation and output
+  std::shared_ptr<ChangesetCreator> _changesetCreator;
+  bool _isNetworkConflate() const;
+  void _validateInputs(const QString& input1, const QString& input2);
+  QMap<GeometryTypeCriterion::GeometryType, ElementCriterionPtr>
+    _getDefaultGeometryFilters() const;
+  void _setInputFilter(
+    std::shared_ptr<ChainCriterion>& inputFilter, const QStringList& filterClassNames,
+    const bool chainFilters);
+  void _setInputFilterOptions(Settings& opts, const QStringList& optionKvps);
+  // Combines filters in _geometryTypeFilters with _replacementFilter.
+  QMap<GeometryTypeCriterion::GeometryType, ElementCriterionPtr> _getCombinedFilters(
+    std::shared_ptr<ChainCriterion> nonGeometryFilter);
+  void _filterFeatures(
+    OsmMapPtr& map, const ElementCriterionPtr& featureFilter, const Settings& config,
+    const QString& debugFileName);
+  void _setGlobalOpts(const QString& boundsStr);
+  void _parseConfigOpts(
+    const bool lenientBounds, const GeometryTypeCriterion::GeometryType& geometryType);
+  OsmMapPtr _loadRefMap(const QString& input);
+  OsmMapPtr _loadSecMap(const QString& input);
+  /*
+   * Keeps track of the changeset versions for features
+   */
+  QMap<ElementId, long> _getIdToVersionMappings(const OsmMapPtr& map) const;
+  /*
+   * Adds tags to a feature that will prevent ChangesetDeriver from ever creating a delete
+   * statement for it
+   */
+  void _addChangesetDeleteExclusionTags(OsmMapPtr& map);
+  OsmMapPtr _getCookieCutMap(OsmMapPtr doughMap, OsmMapPtr cutterMap);
+  /*
+   * Copies all ways that are tagged with MetadataTags::HootConnectedWayOutsideBounds() out of a map
+   */
+  OsmMapPtr _getImmediatelyConnectedOutOfBoundsWays(const ConstOsmMapPtr& map) const;
+  /*
+   * Excludes all features within the specified bounds from deletion during changeset derivation
+   */
+  void _excludeFeaturesFromChangesetDeletion(OsmMapPtr& map, const QString& boundsStr);
+  /*
+   * Combines two maps into one; throwOutDupes ignores any elements in the second map with the ID
+   * as an element in the first map
+   */
+  void _combineMaps(OsmMapPtr& map1, OsmMapPtr& map2, const bool throwOutDupes,
+                    const QString& debugFileName);
+  /*
+   * Removes all ways from the map with both MetadataTags::HootConnectedWayOutsideBounds() and
+   * MetadataTags::HootSnapped()=snapped_way tags
+   */
+  void _removeUnsnappedImmediatelyConnectedOutOfBoundsWays(OsmMapPtr& map);
+  void _conflate(OsmMapPtr& map, const bool lenientBounds);
+  void _snapUnconnectedWays(
+    OsmMapPtr& map, const QStringList& snapWayStatuses, const QStringList& snapToWayStatuses,
+    const QString& typeCriterionClassName, const bool markSnappedWays,
+    const QString& debugFileName);
+  /*
+   * Performs cropping to prepare a map for changeset derivation. This is potentially different
+   * cropping than done during initial load and cookie cutting.
+   */
+  void _cropMapForChangesetDerivation(
+    OsmMapPtr& map, const geos::geom::Envelope& bounds, const bool keepEntireFeaturesCrossingBounds,
+    const bool keepOnlyFeaturesInsideBounds, const bool isLinearMap, const QString& debugFileName);
+  /*
+   * Populates a reference and a conflated map based on the geometry type being replaced. The maps
+   * can then used to derive the replacement changeset.
+   */
+  void _getMapsForGeometryType(
+    OsmMapPtr& refMap, OsmMapPtr& conflatedMap, const QString& input1, const QString& input2,
+    const QString& boundsStr, const ElementCriterionPtr& refFeatureFilter,
+    const ElementCriterionPtr& secFeatureFilter,
+    const GeometryTypeCriterion::GeometryType& geometryType,
+    const QStringList& linearFilterClassNames = QStringList());
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