v0.2.50..v0.2.51 changeset OsmJsonReader.h - ngageoint/hootenanny GitHub Wiki

diff --git a/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/io/OsmJsonReader.h b/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/io/OsmJsonReader.h
index 4b56eff..9fcba98 100644
--- a/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/io/OsmJsonReader.h
+++ b/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/io/OsmJsonReader.h
@@ -52,14 +52,18 @@ namespace hoot
- * This class is intended to create an OsmMap from a given json string. JSON
- * output from the overpass-api was used as the model for development
+ * This class is intended to create an OsmMap from a given json string. JSON output from the
+ * overpass-api was used as the model for development
  * (http://overpass-api.de/output_formats.html#json).
- * The input string must be well-formed JSON, with the exception that it can
- * be coded using single quotes, rather than double quotes... which makes
- * things a lot cleaner if you are hand-jamming the JSON string into c++ code.
- * If you are using single quotes, you may escape apostrophes with a backslash.
+ * Element type ordering (element children before parents) is not guaranteed with JSON, as it is
+ * with XML.
+ *
+ * The input string must be well-formed JSON, with the exception that it can be coded using single
+ * quotes, rather than double quotes... which makes things a lot cleaner if you are hand-jamming the
+ * JSON string into c++ code. If you are using single quotes, you may escape apostrophes with a
+ * backslash.
+ *
  * Consider this example:
  * QString testJsonStr =
@@ -101,10 +105,10 @@ namespace hoot
  *   "]                                      \n"
  *   "}                                      \n";
- * It's all-or-nothing, though for the quotes - don't mix and match
- * singles and doubles! Also, be aware that this class doesn't do anything
- * clever to handle large datasets - it simply keeps everything in memory.
- * Be careful if you want to use it with large datasets.
+ * It's all-or-nothing, though for the quotes - don't mix and match singles and doubles!
+ *
+ * Also, be aware that this class doesn't do anything clever to handle large datasets - it simply
+ * keeps everything in memory. Be careful if you want to use it with large datasets.
 class OsmJsonReader : public OsmMapReader, public Configurable, public Boundable,
@@ -276,6 +280,14 @@ protected:
   QHash<long, long> _relationIdMap;
   QHash<long, long> _wayIdMap;
+  // If we aren't using element source IDs and a child element hasn't been parsed yet, map the
+  // parent element to the missing child element's ID so that we may later update the child ID
+  // with the newer remapped ID.
+  QMultiHash<long, long> _wayIdsToWayNodeIdsNotPresent;
+  QMultiHash<long, long> _relationIdsToNodeMemberIdsNotPresent;
+  QMultiHash<long, long> _relationIdsToWayMemberIdsNotPresent;
+  QMultiHash<long, long> _relationIdsToRelationMemberIdsNotPresent;
   int _missingNodeCount;
   int _missingWayCount;
@@ -286,8 +298,8 @@ protected:
   void _loadJSON(const QString& jsonStr);
-   * @brief parseOverpassJson Traverses our property tree and adds
-   *        elements to the map
+   * @brief parseOverpassJson Traverses our property tree and adds elements to the map. Removes
+   * child elements ref'd by parents that don't actually exist
   void _parseOverpassJson();
@@ -330,6 +342,17 @@ protected:
   void _readToMap();
   long _getRelationId(long fileId);
+  /*
+   * This updates child ref ID's owned by ways/relations where the child element was parsed after
+   * the ref ID.
+   */
+  void _updateChildRefs();
+  void _updateWayChildRefs();
+  void _updateRelationChildRefs(const ElementType& childElementType);
+  void _reset();
+  void _resetIds();
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