v0.2.50..v0.2.51 changeset BuildingMatch.cpp - ngageoint/hootenanny GitHub Wiki

diff --git a/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/conflate/polygon/BuildingMatch.cpp b/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/conflate/polygon/BuildingMatch.cpp
index 1869bb7..e6e4124 100644
--- a/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/conflate/polygon/BuildingMatch.cpp
+++ b/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/conflate/polygon/BuildingMatch.cpp
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
 #include <hoot/core/elements/OsmUtils.h>
 #include <hoot/core/util/Log.h>
 #include <hoot/core/util/Factory.h>
+#include <hoot/core/algorithms/extractors/AddressScoreExtractor.h>
 // Qt
 #include <QDateTime>
@@ -69,46 +70,76 @@ _eid1(eid1),
-  _p = _rf->classify(map, _eid1, _eid2);
   ConstElementPtr element1 = map->getElement(_eid1);
   ConstElementPtr element2 = map->getElement(_eid2);
+  LOG_TRACE("BuildingMatch: e1\n" << OsmUtils::getElementDetailString(element1, map));
+  LOG_TRACE("BuildingMatch: e2\n" << OsmUtils::getElementDetailString(element2, map));
-  OsmUtils::logElementDetail(element1, map, Log::Trace, "BuildingMatch: e1");
-  OsmUtils::logElementDetail(element2, map, Log::Trace, "BuildingMatch: e2");
+  // classify the pair's matchability given the model
+  _p = _rf->classify(map, _eid1, _eid2);
+  LOG_VART(_p);
   MatchType type = getType();
   QStringList description;
-  if (type != MatchType::Match)
-  { 
-    // If we have a review and one of the buildings completely contains the other (smaller
-    // overlap = 1), then let's convert to a match if the associted config options was enabled.
-    const double smallerOverlap = SmallerOverlapExtractor().extract(*map, element1, element2);
-    LOG_VART(smallerOverlap);
-    if (type == MatchType::Review && _matchReviewsWithContainment && smallerOverlap == 1.0)
+  // Now, we'll do some post model cleanup (checks that could be eventually baked into the model if
+  // we have the appropriate input data).
+  // If we have a review and one of the buildings completely contains the other (smaller
+  // overlap = 1), then let's convert to a match if the associated config option was enabled.
+  if (type == MatchType::Review && ConfigOptions().getBuildingForceContainedMatch() &&
+      SmallerOverlapExtractor().extract(*map, element1, element2) == 1.0)
+  {
+      "Found building pair: " <<  _eid1 << ", " << _eid2 << " marked for review where one " <<
+      "building is completely contained inside of the other. Marking as a match...")
+    _p.clear();
+    _p.setMatchP(1.0);
+  }
+  // If we have a match, building address matching is enabled, both have addresses, and we have
+  // an explicit address mismatch, declare a miss instead.
+  else if (type != MatchType::Review && ConfigOptions().getBuildingAddressMatchEnabled())
+  {
+    AddressScoreExtractor addressScorer;
+    addressScorer.setConfiguration((conf()));
+    // address scorer only returns 1.0 for a match...no partial matches
+    const double score = addressScorer.extract(*map, element1, element2);
+    const bool addressMatch = score == 1.0;
+    const bool eitherDoesntHaveAnAddress = score == -1.0;
+    if (type == MatchType::Match && !eitherDoesntHaveAnAddress && !addressMatch)
-        "Found building pair: " <<  _eid1 << ", " << _eid2 << " marked for review where one " <<
-        "building is completely contained inside of the other. Marking as a match...")
+        "Found building pair: " <<  _eid1 << ", " << _eid2 << " marked as a match with an " <<
+        "explicit address conflict. Marking as a review...");
+      description.append("Address mismatch.");
-      _p.setMatchP(1.0);
+      _p.setReviewP(1.0);
-    else
+    else if (type == MatchType::Miss && addressMatch)
-      description = _getMatchDescription(map, type, element1, element2);
+      LOG_TRACE(
+        "Found building pair: " <<  _eid1 << ", " << _eid2 << " marked as a miss with " <<
+        "matching addresses. Marking as a review...");
+      description.append("Address match.");
+      _p.clear();
+      _p.setReviewP(1.0);
-  else if (_reviewIfSecondaryFeatureNewer)
+  // If we have a match, the secondary feature is newer than the reference feature, and the
+  // associated config option is enabled, let's review them instead.
+  else if (type == MatchType::Match && ConfigOptions().getBuildingReviewIfSecondaryNewer())
     description = _createReviewIfSecondaryFeatureNewer(element1, element2);
+  // Otherwise if we have a miss or review, let's explain why.
+  else
+  {
+    description = _getNonMatchDescription(map, type, element1, element2);
+  }
   //  Join the string descriptions together or generate the default
   if (description.length() > 0)
@@ -191,9 +222,9 @@ QStringList BuildingMatch::_createReviewIfSecondaryFeatureNewer(const ConstEleme
   return description;
-QStringList BuildingMatch::_getMatchDescription(const ConstOsmMapPtr& map, const MatchType& type,
-                                                const ConstElementPtr& element1,
-                                                const ConstElementPtr& element2)
+QStringList BuildingMatch::_getNonMatchDescription(const ConstOsmMapPtr& map, const MatchType& type,
+                                                   const ConstElementPtr& element1,
+                                                   const ConstElementPtr& element2)
   QStringList description;
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