v0.2.49..v0.2.50 changeset info.asciidoc - ngageoint/hootenanny GitHub Wiki

diff --git a/docs/commands/info.asciidoc b/docs/commands/info.asciidoc
index bfd5987..071c6d0 100644
--- a/docs/commands/info.asciidoc
+++ b/docs/commands/info.asciidoc
@@ -198,26 +198,42 @@ hoot info --filters
 === Formats
-The +--formats+ option prints out supported data formats. The --input-bounded sub-option prints out input formats that support bounded reads
-with the `convert.bounding.box` configuration option.
+The +--formats+ option prints out supported data formats. 
+The --input-bounded sub-option prints out input formats that support bounded reads with the `convert.bounding.box` configuration option.
 ==== Usage
-info --formats [--input] [--output] [--input-bounded]
+info --formats [--input] [--output] [--input-bounded] [--input-streamable] [--output-streamable] [--ogr]
 ==== Example
-# prints all
+# prints all supported input and output formats
 hoot info --formats
+# prints supported input formats
 hoot info --formats --input
-hoot info --formats --output
+# prints streamable supported input formats
+hoot info --formats --input-streamable
+# prints supported input formats that support bounded reading
 hoot info --formats --input-bounded
+# prints supported output formats
+hoot info --formats --output
+# prints streamable supported input formats
+hoot info --formats --output-streamable
+# prints input formats for which Hootenanny uses OGR to read
+hoot info --formats --input --ogr
+# prints input formats for which Hootenanny uses OGR to write
+hoot info --formats --output --ogr
 === Geometry Type Criteria
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