diff --git a/test-files/cmd/glacial/serial/RndServiceChangesetReplacementAdditionalFiltersTest.sh b/test-files/cmd/glacial/serial/RndServiceChangesetReplacementAdditionalFiltersTest.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5d373d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-files/cmd/glacial/serial/RndServiceChangesetReplacementAdditionalFiltersTest.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+set -e
+# This tests replacement changeset generation when filters are imposed on the data being used to replace that are not chained together.
+# Replace schools and POIs with "Library" in the name in the reference dataset with schools and POIs having "LIBRARY" in the name from the
+# secondary dataset (no chaining for filters: OR the replacement filter criteria together; OR the retainment filter criteria together).
+# - Should see "Sanchez Elementary School" in the reference data replaced by "Sanchez Elementary School" and "Sanchez Preschool" from the
+# secondary data (not conflated), since "Sanchez Elementary School" in the ref data overlaps with that school in the sec data.
+# - Should see "Eureka Valley-Harvey Milk Memorial Branch Library" in the reference data be conflated with "EUREKA VALLEY BRANCH LIBRARY",
+# since the two overlap with each other.
+# - Nothing else in the reference dataset should be modified or removed. Nothing else from the secondary dataset should have been added.
+test-files/cmd/glacial/serial/RndServiceChangesetReplacement.sh.off "RndServiceChangesetReplacementAdditionalFiltersTest" "test-files/cmd/glacial/PoiPolygonConflateStandaloneTest/PoiPolygon1.osm" "test-files/cmd/glacial/PoiPolygonConflateStandaloneTest/PoiPolygon2.osm" "-122.43204,37.7628,-122.4303457,37.76437" "-122.43384,37.76069,-122.42742,37.76869" "false" "true" "hoot::PoiCriterion" "hoot::TagCriterion;hoot::TagContainsCriterion" "false" "tag.criterion.kvps='amenity=school';tag.contains.criterion.kvps='name=LIBRARY'" "hoot::TagCriterion;hoot::TagContainsCriterion" "false" "tag.criterion.kvps='amenity=school';tag.contains.criterion.kvps='name=School'" "xml"