v0.2.49..v0.2.50 changeset PoiPolygonMatchVisitor.cpp - ngageoint/hootenanny GitHub Wiki

diff --git a/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/visitors/poi-polygon/PoiPolygonMatchVisitor.cpp b/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/visitors/poi-polygon/PoiPolygonMatchVisitor.cpp
index 05c7c93..8a89fdd 100644
--- a/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/visitors/poi-polygon/PoiPolygonMatchVisitor.cpp
+++ b/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/visitors/poi-polygon/PoiPolygonMatchVisitor.cpp
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ namespace hoot
 PoiPolygonMatchVisitor::PoiPolygonMatchVisitor(const ConstOsmMapPtr& map,
-                                               std::vector<const Match*>& result,
+                                               std::vector<ConstMatchPtr>& result,
                                                ElementCriterionPtr filter) :
@@ -57,9 +57,10 @@ _filter(filter)
 PoiPolygonMatchVisitor::PoiPolygonMatchVisitor(const ConstOsmMapPtr& map,
-                                               std::vector<const Match*>& result,
+                                               std::vector<ConstMatchPtr>& result,
                                                ConstMatchThresholdPtr threshold,
                                                std::shared_ptr<PoiPolygonRfClassifier> rf,
+                                               PoiPolygonCachePtr infoCache,
                                                ElementCriterionPtr filter) :
@@ -70,13 +71,16 @@ _threshold(threshold),
   ConfigOptions opts = ConfigOptions();
   _enableAdvancedMatching = opts.getPoiPolygonEnableAdvancedMatching();
   _enableReviewReduction = opts.getPoiPolygonEnableReviewReduction();
   _reviewDistanceThreshold = opts.getPoiPolygonReviewDistanceThreshold();
   _taskStatusUpdateInterval = opts.getTaskStatusUpdateInterval();
+  LOG_VART(_infoCache.get());
@@ -85,39 +89,39 @@ PoiPolygonMatchVisitor::~PoiPolygonMatchVisitor()
 void PoiPolygonMatchVisitor::_checkForMatch(const std::shared_ptr<const Element>& e)
+  LOG_TRACE("Checking for match with POI: " << e->getElementId());
   std::shared_ptr<geos::geom::Envelope> env(e->getEnvelope(_map));
   // find other nearby candidates
-  std::set<ElementId> neighbors = IndexElementsVisitor::findNeighbors(*env,
-                                                                      _getPolyIndex(),
-                                                                      _polyIndexToEid,
-                                                                      _getMap());
-  ElementId from(e->getElementType(), e->getId());
+  LOG_TRACE("Searching for polys neighboring the POI...");
+  const std::set<ElementId> neighbors =
+    IndexElementsVisitor::findNeighbors(*env, _getPolyIndex(), _polyIndexToEid, _getMap());
+  LOG_TRACE("Attempting to match poly neighbors with POI...");
+  const ElementId poiId(e->getElementType(), e->getId());
   int neighborCount = 0;
   for (std::set<ElementId>::const_iterator it = neighbors.begin(); it != neighbors.end(); ++it)
-    if (from != *it)
+    const ElementId polyId = *it;
+    if (poiId != polyId)
-      const std::shared_ptr<const Element>& n = _map->getElement(*it);
-      if (n->isUnknown() && _polyCrit.isSatisfied(n))
+      const std::shared_ptr<const Element>& poly = _map->getElement(polyId);
+      if (poly->isUnknown() && _polyCrit.isSatisfied(poly))
         // score each candidate and push it on the result vector
-        PoiPolygonMatch* m =
-          new PoiPolygonMatch(_map, _threshold, _rf, _surroundingPolyIds, _surroundingPoiIds);
+        LOG_TRACE(
+          "Calculating match between: " << poiId << " and " << poly->getElementId() << "...");
+        std::shared_ptr<PoiPolygonMatch> m(
+          new PoiPolygonMatch(
+            _map, _threshold, _rf, _infoCache, _surroundingPolyIds, _surroundingPoiIds));
-        m->calculateMatch(from, *it);
+        m->calculateMatch(poiId, polyId);
         // if we're confident this is a miss
-        if (m->getType() == MatchType::Miss)
-        {
-          delete m;
-        }
-        else
+        if (m->getType() != MatchType::Miss)
@@ -132,26 +136,25 @@ void PoiPolygonMatchVisitor::_checkForMatch(const std::shared_ptr<const Element>
 void PoiPolygonMatchVisitor::_collectSurroundingPolyIds(const std::shared_ptr<const Element>& e)
+  LOG_TRACE("Collecting surrounding poly IDs...");
   std::shared_ptr<geos::geom::Envelope> env(e->getEnvelope(_map));
   // find other nearby candidates
-  std::set<ElementId> neighbors = IndexElementsVisitor::findNeighbors(*env,
-                                                                      _getPolyIndex(),
-                                                                      _polyIndexToEid,
-                                                                      _getMap());
-  ElementId from(e->getElementType(), e->getId());
+  LOG_TRACE("Searching for neighbors...");
+  const std::set<ElementId> neighbors =
+    IndexElementsVisitor::findNeighbors(*env, _getPolyIndex(), _polyIndexToEid, _getMap());
+  LOG_TRACE("Processing neighbors...");
+  ElementId from(e->getElementType(), e->getId());
   for (std::set<ElementId>::const_iterator it = neighbors.begin(); it != neighbors.end(); ++it)
     if (from != *it)
       const std::shared_ptr<const Element>& n = _map->getElement(*it);
-      // TODO: Aren't we already filtering by poly when we create the index?  Check this.  Also,
-      // maybe could make the unknown part of the criteria to being with.
-      if (n->isUnknown() && _polyCrit.isSatisfied(n))
+      if (n->isUnknown())
@@ -161,26 +164,25 @@ void PoiPolygonMatchVisitor::_collectSurroundingPolyIds(const std::shared_ptr<co
 void PoiPolygonMatchVisitor::_collectSurroundingPoiIds(const std::shared_ptr<const Element>& e)
+  LOG_TRACE("Collecting surrounding POI IDs...");
   std::shared_ptr<geos::geom::Envelope> env(e->getEnvelope(_map));
   // find other nearby candidates
-  std::set<ElementId> neighbors = IndexElementsVisitor::findNeighbors(*env,
-                                                                      _getPoiIndex(),
-                                                                      _poiIndexToEid,
-                                                                      _getMap());
-  ElementId from(e->getElementType(), e->getId());
+  LOG_TRACE("Searching for neighbors...");
+  const std::set<ElementId> neighbors =
+    IndexElementsVisitor::findNeighbors(*env, _getPoiIndex(), _poiIndexToEid, _getMap());
+  LOG_TRACE("Processing neighbors...");
+  ElementId from(e->getElementType(), e->getId());
   for (std::set<ElementId>::const_iterator it = neighbors.begin(); it != neighbors.end(); ++it)
     if (from != *it)
       const std::shared_ptr<const Element>& n = _map->getElement(*it);
-      // TODO: Aren't we already filtering by poi when we create the index?  Check this.  Also,
-      // maybe could make the unknown part of the criteria to begin with.
-      if (n->isUnknown() && _poiCrit.isSatisfied(n))
+      if (n->isUnknown())
@@ -197,15 +199,18 @@ Meters PoiPolygonMatchVisitor::_getSearchRadius(const std::shared_ptr<const Elem
 void PoiPolygonMatchVisitor::visit(const ConstElementPtr& e)
+  // See if the element is a POI as defined by poi/poly conflation.
   if (isMatchCandidate(e))
-    // Technically, the density based matches depends on this data too, but since that code has
-    // been disabled, this check is good enough.
+    // If we are doing advanced matching or review reduction, let's collect all polys that surround
+    // the POI and also all POIs that surround it.
     if (_enableAdvancedMatching || _enableReviewReduction)
+    // Now, let's try to match all polys in the search radius with this POI (both as defined by
+    // poi/poly conflation).
@@ -219,6 +224,8 @@ void PoiPolygonMatchVisitor::visit(const ConstElementPtr& e)
+  // poi/poly matching can be a little slow at times compared to the others, so keep the log update
+  // interval a little lower.
   if (_numElementsVisited % (_taskStatusUpdateInterval * 10) == 0)
@@ -234,10 +241,10 @@ bool PoiPolygonMatchVisitor::isMatchCandidate(ConstElementPtr element)
     return false;
-  //simpler logic to just examine each POI and check for surrounding polys, rather than check both
-  //POIs and their surrounding polys and polys and their surrounding POIs; note that this is
-  //different than PoiPolygonMatchCreator::isMatchCandidate, which is looking at both to appease
-  //the stats
+  // Itssimpler logic to just examine each POI and check for surrounding polys, rather than check
+  // both POIs and their surrounding polys and polys and their surrounding POIs; note that this is
+  // different than PoiPolygonMatchCreator::isMatchCandidate, which is looking at both to appease
+  // the stats.
   return element->isUnknown() && PoiPolygonPoiCriterion().isSatisfied(element);
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