diff --git a/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/conflate/poi-polygon/PoiPolygonMatch.cpp b/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/conflate/poi-polygon/PoiPolygonMatch.cpp
index 5f5149b..12246b3 100644
--- a/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/conflate/poi-polygon/PoiPolygonMatch.cpp
+++ b/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/conflate/poi-polygon/PoiPolygonMatch.cpp
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
#include <hoot/core/util/Factory.h>
#include <hoot/core/criterion/MultiUseBuildingCriterion.h>
#include <hoot/core/criterion/BuildingCriterion.h>
+#include <hoot/core/util/StringUtils.h>
using namespace std;
@@ -66,6 +67,7 @@ long PoiPolygonMatch::phoneNumberMatches = 0;
long PoiPolygonMatch::phoneNumbersProcesed = 0;
long PoiPolygonMatch::phoneNumberMatchCandidates = 0;
long PoiPolygonMatch::convexPolyDistanceMatches = 0;
+long PoiPolygonMatch::numReviewReductions = 0;
PoiPolygonMatch::PoiPolygonMatch() :
@@ -79,6 +81,7 @@ Match(threshold)
PoiPolygonMatch::PoiPolygonMatch(const ConstOsmMapPtr& map, ConstMatchThresholdPtr threshold,
std::shared_ptr<const PoiPolygonRfClassifier> rf,
+ PoiPolygonCachePtr infoCache,
const set<ElementId>& polyNeighborIds,
const set<ElementId>& poiNeighborIds) :
@@ -110,8 +113,13 @@ _disableSameSourceConflationMatchTagKeyPrefixOnly(true),
+// _timer.reset(new QElapsedTimer());
+// _timer->start();
+ LOG_VART(_infoCache.get());
void PoiPolygonMatch::setMatchDistanceThreshold(double distance)
@@ -252,13 +260,15 @@ void PoiPolygonMatch::_categorizeElementsByGeometryType()
if (_poiCrit.isSatisfied(e1) && _polyCrit.isSatisfied(e2))
- _poi = e1;
+ assert(e1->getElementType() == ElementType::Node);
+ _poi = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const Node>(e1);
_poly = e2;
_e1IsPoi = true;
else if (_poiCrit.isSatisfied(e2) && _polyCrit.isSatisfied(e1))
- _poi = e2;
+ assert(e2->getElementType() == ElementType::Node);
+ _poi = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const Node>(e2);
_poly = e1;
_e1IsPoi = false;
@@ -363,7 +373,6 @@ void PoiPolygonMatch::calculateMatch(const ElementId& eid1, const ElementId& eid
// const bool oneElementIsRelation =
// e1->getElementType() == ElementType::Relation ||
// e2->getElementType() == ElementType::Relation;
_explainText = "";
@@ -396,12 +405,12 @@ void PoiPolygonMatch::calculateMatch(const ElementId& eid1, const ElementId& eid
//no point in trying to reduce reviews if we're still at a miss here
if (_enableReviewReduction && evidence >= _reviewEvidenceThreshold)
- //this constructor has gotten a little out of hand
+ // this constructor has gotten a little out of hand
PoiPolygonReviewReducer reviewReducer(
_map, _polyNeighborIds, _poiNeighborIds, _distance, _nameScoreThreshold, _nameScore,
_nameScore >= _nameScoreThreshold, _nameScore == 1.0, _typeScoreThreshold, _typeScore,
_typeScore >= _typeScoreThreshold, _matchDistanceThreshold, _addressScore == 1.0,
- _addressMatchEnabled);
+ _addressMatchEnabled, _infoCache);
if (reviewReducer.triggersRule(_poi, _poly))
@@ -409,6 +418,7 @@ void PoiPolygonMatch::calculateMatch(const ElementId& eid1, const ElementId& eid
// TODO: b/c this is a miss, don't think it will actually get added to the output anywhere...
_explainText = "Match score automatically dropped by review reduction.";
+ numReviewReductions++;
@@ -419,7 +429,9 @@ void PoiPolygonMatch::calculateMatch(const ElementId& eid1, const ElementId& eid
//only do the multi-use check on the poly
- if (_reviewMultiUseBuildings && MultiUseBuildingCriterion().isSatisfied(_poly))
+ if (_reviewMultiUseBuildings &&
+ _infoCache->hasCriterion(
+ _poly, QString::fromStdString(MultiUseBuildingCriterion::className())))
_explainText = "Match involves a multi-use building.";
@@ -493,6 +505,8 @@ MatchType PoiPolygonMatch::getType() const
unsigned int PoiPolygonMatch::_getDistanceEvidence(ConstElementPtr poi, ConstElementPtr poly)
+ LOG_TRACE("Retrieving distance evidence...");
_distance = PoiPolygonDistanceExtractor().extract(*_map, poi, poly);
if (_distance == -1.0)
@@ -545,6 +559,8 @@ unsigned int PoiPolygonMatch::_getDistanceEvidence(ConstElementPtr poi, ConstEle
unsigned int PoiPolygonMatch::_getConvexPolyDistanceEvidence(ConstElementPtr poi,
ConstElementPtr poly)
+ LOG_TRACE("Retrieving convex poly distance evidence...");
//don't really need to put a distance == -1.0 check here for now, since we're assuming
//PoiPolygonDistanceExtractor will always be run before this one
const double alphaShapeDist =
@@ -560,6 +576,8 @@ unsigned int PoiPolygonMatch::_getConvexPolyDistanceEvidence(ConstElementPtr poi
unsigned int PoiPolygonMatch::_getTypeEvidence(ConstElementPtr poi, ConstElementPtr poly)
+ LOG_TRACE("Retrieving type evidence...");
_typeScore = _typeScorer.extract(*_map, poi, poly);
@@ -600,6 +618,8 @@ unsigned int PoiPolygonMatch::_getTypeEvidence(ConstElementPtr poi, ConstElement
unsigned int PoiPolygonMatch::_getNameEvidence(ConstElementPtr poi, ConstElementPtr poly)
+ LOG_TRACE("Retrieving name evidence...");
_nameScore = _nameScorer.extract(*_map, poi, poly);
const bool nameMatch = _nameScore >= _nameScoreThreshold;
@@ -618,6 +638,8 @@ unsigned int PoiPolygonMatch::_getNameEvidence(ConstElementPtr poi, ConstElement
unsigned int PoiPolygonMatch::_getAddressEvidence(ConstElementPtr poi, ConstElementPtr poly)
+ LOG_TRACE("Retrieving address evidence...");
_addressScore = _addressScorer.extract(*_map, poi, poly);
const bool addressMatch = _addressScore == 1.0;
@@ -635,6 +657,8 @@ unsigned int PoiPolygonMatch::_getAddressEvidence(ConstElementPtr poi, ConstElem
unsigned int PoiPolygonMatch::_getPhoneNumberEvidence(ConstElementPtr poi, ConstElementPtr poly)
+ LOG_TRACE("Retrieving phone number evidence...");
_phoneNumberScore = _phoneNumberScorer.extract(*_map, poi, poly);
const bool phoneNumberMatch = _phoneNumberScore == 1.0;
@@ -668,21 +692,33 @@ unsigned int PoiPolygonMatch::_calculateEvidence(ConstElementPtr poi, ConstEleme
//The operations from here are on down are roughly ordered by increasing runtime complexity.
evidence += _getNameEvidence(poi, poly);
- //Used to allow for kicking out of the method once enough evidence was accumulated for a match
- //as a runtime optimization. However, that results in incomplete scoring information passed to
- //the review reducer, so have since disabled.
+ // Used to allow for kicking out of the method once enough evidence was accumulated for a match
+ // as a runtime optimization. However, that results in incomplete scoring information passed to
+ // the review reducer, so have since disabled. It also causes some regression tests to fail.
// if (_reviewIfMatchedTypes.isEmpty() && evidence >= _matchEvidenceThreshold)
// {
// return evidence;
// }
evidence += _getTypeEvidence(poi, poly);
+// if (evidence >= _matchEvidenceThreshold)
+// {
+// return evidence;
+// }
if (_addressMatchEnabled)
evidence += _getAddressEvidence(poi, poly);
+// if (evidence >= _matchEvidenceThreshold)
+// {
+// return evidence;
+// }
if (_phoneNumberMatchEnabled)
evidence += _getPhoneNumberEvidence(poi, poly);
+// if (evidence >= _matchEvidenceThreshold)
+// {
+// return evidence;
+// }
//We only want to run this if the previous match distance calculation was too large.
@@ -691,14 +727,14 @@ unsigned int PoiPolygonMatch::_calculateEvidence(ConstElementPtr poi, ConstEleme
//necessary. The school requirement definitely seems too type specific (this type of evidence
//has actually only been found with school pois in one test dataset so far), but when
//removing it scores dropped for other datasets...so not changing it for now.
- if (evidence == 0 && _distance <= 35.0 && poi->getTags().get("amenity") == "school" &&
- BuildingCriterion().isSatisfied(poly))
+ if (evidence == 0 && _distance <= 35.0 && _infoCache->isType(poi, "school") &&
+ _infoCache->hasCriterion(poly, QString::fromStdString(BuildingCriterion::className())))
evidence += _getConvexPolyDistanceEvidence(poi, poly);
- if (evidence >= _matchEvidenceThreshold)
- {
- return evidence;
- }
+// if (evidence >= _matchEvidenceThreshold)
+// {
+// return evidence;
+// }
//no point in trying to increase evidence if we're already at a match