v0.2.49..v0.2.50 changeset NonDestructiveConflationTest.sh.stdout - ngageoint/hootenanny GitHub Wiki

diff --git a/test-files/cmd/glacial/NonDestructiveConflationTest.sh.stdout b/test-files/cmd/glacial/NonDestructiveConflationTest.sh.stdout
index 8fb758d..9fb1c90 100644
--- a/test-files/cmd/glacial/NonDestructiveConflationTest.sh.stdout
+++ b/test-files/cmd/glacial/NonDestructiveConflationTest.sh.stdout
@@ -1,182 +1,129 @@
-13:48:11.170 INFO  .../hoot/core/cmd/ConflateCmd.cpp( 159) Conflating test-files/Congo_MGCP_Roads_Bridges_subset.osm with test-files/Congo_OSM_Roads_Bridges_subset.osm and writing the output to test-output/NonDestructiveTest/output.osm
-13:48:11.179 INFO  ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 169) Loading map from test-files/Congo_MGCP_Roads_Bridges_subset.osm...
-13:48:11.526 INFO  .../hoot/core/io/OsmXmlReader.cpp( 345) 	Reporting missing elements...
-13:48:11.535 INFO  .../hoot/core/io/OsmXmlReader.cpp( 347) 	Reported 0 missing elements.
-13:48:11.535 INFO  ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 196) Read 8,209 elements from input.
-13:48:11.536 INFO  ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 169) Loading map from test-files/Congo_OSM_Roads_Bridges_subset.osm...
-13:48:11.595 INFO  .../hoot/core/io/OsmXmlReader.cpp( 345) 	Reporting missing elements...
-13:48:11.605 INFO  .../hoot/core/io/OsmXmlReader.cpp( 347) 	Reported 0 missing elements.
-13:48:11.606 INFO  ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 196) Read 9,459 elements from input.
-13:48:11.606 INFO  .../hoot/core/cmd/ConflateCmd.cpp( 214) Total elements read: 9,459
-13:48:11.606 INFO  .../hoot/core/cmd/ConflateCmd.cpp( 217) Applying pre-conflation operations...
-13:48:11.606 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  83) 	Applying operation: hoot::BuildingOutlineRemoveOp...
-13:48:11.606 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  88) 		Removing outlines around buildings...
-13:48:11.606 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 106) 		Removed 0 building outlines in 00:00
-13:48:11.606 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  83) 	Applying operation: hoot::RemoveRoundabouts...
-13:48:11.606 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  88) 		Removing road roundabouts...
-13:48:12.198 INFO  ...oot/core/index/OsmMapIndex.cpp( 144) Building way R-Tree index
-13:48:12.205 INFO  ...oot/core/index/OsmMapIndex.cpp( 189)   Way R-Tree index built. Time elapsed: 00:00
-13:48:12.228 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 106) 		Removed 1 road roundabouts in 00:00
-13:48:12.228 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  83) 	Applying operation: hoot::MapCleaner...
-13:48:12.228 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  83) 	Applying operation: hoot::ReprojectToPlanarOp...
-13:48:12.229 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 114) 	Applying operation: hoot::OneWayRoadStandardizer
-13:48:12.229 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 119) 		Standardizing one way roads...
-13:48:12.244 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 134) 		Standardized 1 one way roads. in 00:00
-13:48:12.244 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  83) 	Applying operation: hoot::DuplicateWayRemover...
-13:48:12.244 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  88) 		Removing duplicate ways...
-13:48:12.311 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 106) 		Removed 0 duplicate ways in 00:00
-13:48:12.311 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  83) 	Applying operation: hoot::SuperfluousWayRemover...
-13:48:12.311 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  88) 		Removing superfluous ways...
-13:48:12.312 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 106) 		Removed 0 superfluous ways in 00:00
-13:48:12.312 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  83) 	Applying operation: hoot::IntersectionSplitter...
-13:48:12.312 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  88) 		Splitting road intersections...
-13:48:12.456 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 106) 		Split 0 road intersections in 00:00
-13:48:12.456 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  83) 	Applying operation: hoot::UnlikelyIntersectionRemover...
-13:48:12.456 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  88) 		Removing unlikely intersections...
-13:48:12.497 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 106) 		Removed 1 unlikely intersections in 00:00
-13:48:12.497 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  83) 	Applying operation: hoot::DualWaySplitter...
-13:48:12.497 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  88) 		Splitting divided highways into two one way streets...
-13:48:12.530 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 106) 		Split 0 divided highways in 00:00
-13:48:12.530 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  83) 	Applying operation: hoot::ImpliedDividedMarker...
-13:48:12.530 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  88) 		Marking road sections that appear to be divided highways...
-13:48:12.578 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 106) 		Marked 0 road sections as divided highways in 00:00
-13:48:12.579 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  83) 	Applying operation: hoot::DuplicateNameRemover...
-13:48:12.579 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  88) 		Removing duplicate name tags...
-13:48:12.600 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 106) 		Removed 0 duplicate name tags in 00:00
-13:48:12.601 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  83) 	Applying operation: hoot::SmallWayMerger...
-13:48:12.601 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  88) 		Merging very small ways...
-13:48:12.710 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 106) 		Merged 0 very small ways in 00:00
-13:48:12.710 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 114) 	Applying operation: hoot::RemoveEmptyAreasVisitor
-13:48:12.710 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 119) 		Removing empty areas...
-13:48:12.804 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 134) 		Removed 0 empty areas in 00:00
-13:48:12.804 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 114) 	Applying operation: hoot::RemoveDuplicateRelationMembersVisitor
-13:48:12.805 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 119) 		Removing duplicate relation members...
-13:48:12.813 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 134) 		Removed 0 duplicate relation members in 00:00
-13:48:12.813 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  83) 	Applying operation: hoot::RelationCircularRefRemover...
-13:48:12.813 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  88) 		Removing relation members with circular references...
-13:48:12.813 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 106) 		Removed 0 relation members involved in circular references in 00:00
-13:48:12.814 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  83) 	Applying operation: hoot::RemoveEmptyRelationsOp...
-13:48:12.814 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  88) 		Removing empty relations...
-13:48:12.814 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 106) 		Removed 0 empty relations in 00:00
-13:48:12.814 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 114) 	Applying operation: hoot::RemoveDuplicateAreaVisitor
-13:48:12.814 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 119) 		Removing duplicate areas...
-13:48:12.941 INFO  ...oot/core/index/OsmMapIndex.cpp( 144) Building way R-Tree index
-13:48:12.951 INFO  ...oot/core/index/OsmMapIndex.cpp( 189)   Way R-Tree index built. Time elapsed: 00:00
-13:48:12.961 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 134) 		Removed 0 duplicate areas in 00:00
-13:48:12.961 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  83) 	Applying operation: hoot::NoInformationElementRemover...
-13:48:12.961 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  88) 		Removing elements with no information tags...
-13:48:13.057 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 106) 		Removed 0 elements with no information tags in 00:00
-13:48:13.057 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  83) 	Applying operation: hoot::CornerSplitter...
-13:48:13.192 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  83) 	Applying operation: hoot::RubberSheet...
-13:48:13.198 INFO  ...oot/core/index/OsmMapIndex.cpp(  96) Building node R-Tree index
-13:48:13.208 INFO  ...oot/core/index/OsmMapIndex.cpp( 132)   Bulk inserting Node R-Tree...
-13:48:13.229 INFO  ...oot/core/index/OsmMapIndex.cpp( 136)   Node R-Tree index built. Time elapsed: 00:00
-13:48:13.311 INFO  ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 352) Processed intersections for 1,000 / 9,149 nodes...        
13:48:13.346 INFO  ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 352) Processed intersections for 2,000 / 9,149 nodes...        
13:48:13.360 INFO  ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 352) Processed intersections for 3,000 / 9,149 nodes...        
13:48:13.361 INFO  ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 352) Processed intersections for 4,000 / 9,149 nodes...        
13:48:13.363 INFO  ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 352) Processed intersections for 5,000 / 9,149 nodes...        
13:48:13.364 INFO  ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 352) Processed intersections for 6,000 / 9,149 nodes...        
13:48:13.364 INFO  ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 352) Processed intersections for 7,000 / 9,149 nodes...        
13:48:13.366 INFO  ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 352) Processed intersections for 8,000 / 9,149 nodes...        
13:48:13.366 INFO  ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 352) Processed intersections for 9,000 / 9,149 nodes...        
13:48:13.366 INFO  ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 380) Processed paired intersections for 100 / 400 matches...        
13:48:13.367 INFO  ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 380) Processed paired intersections for 200 / 400 matches...        
13:48:13.367 INFO  ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 380) Processed paired intersections for 300 / 400 matches...        
13:48:13.367 INFO  ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 380) Processed paired intersections for 400 / 400 matches...        
13:48:13.368 INFO  ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 270) Running rubber sheet interpolator: (1 / 3): Tgs::DelaunayInterpolator...        
13:48:13.371 INFO  ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 270) Running rubber sheet interpolator: (2 / 3): Tgs::IdwInterpolator...        
13:48:13.383 INFO  ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 270) Running rubber sheet interpolator: (3 / 3): Tgs::KernelEstimationInterpolator...        
13:48:13.397 INFO  ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 197) Applied rubber sheet transform to 1000 / 9149 nodes...        
13:48:13.397 INFO  ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 197) Applied rubber sheet transform to 2000 / 9149 nodes...        
13:48:13.398 INFO  ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 197) Applied rubber sheet transform to 3000 / 9149 nodes...        
13:48:13.398 INFO  ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 197) Applied rubber sheet transform to 4000 / 9149 nodes...        
13:48:13.409 INFO  ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 197) Applied rubber sheet transform to 5000 / 9149 nodes...        
13:48:13.437 INFO  ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 197) Applied rubber sheet transform to 6000 / 9149 nodes...        
13:48:13.459 INFO  ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 197) Applied rubber sheet transform to 7000 / 9149 nodes...        
13:48:13.459 INFO  ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 197) Applied rubber sheet transform to 8000 / 9149 nodes...        
13:48:13.459 INFO  ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 197) Applied rubber sheet transform to 9000 / 9149 nodes...        
13:48:14.320 INFO  ...lygon/BuildingMatchCreator.cpp( 337) Found 0 building match candidates.
-13:48:14.411 WARN  ...etwork/OsmNetworkExtractor.cpp( 206) Found a non-contiguous relation when extracting a network. Ignoring: Relation(1)
-13:48:14.454 INFO  ...etwork/NetworkMatchCreator.cpp( 118) Matching networks...
-13:48:14.532 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 10 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.532 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 20 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.532 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 30 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.532 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 40 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.532 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 50 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.532 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 60 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.533 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 70 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.533 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 80 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.533 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 90 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.533 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 100 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.533 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 110 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.533 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 120 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.533 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 130 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.533 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 140 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.534 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 150 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.534 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 160 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.534 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 170 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.534 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 180 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.534 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 190 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.534 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 200 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.534 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 210 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.534 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 220 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.535 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 230 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.535 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 240 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.535 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 250 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.535 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 260 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.535 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 270 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.535 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 280 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.535 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 290 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.536 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 300 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.536 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 310 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.536 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 320 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.536 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 330 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.536 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 340 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.536 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 350 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.536 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 360 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.536 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 370 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.536 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 380 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.537 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 390 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.537 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 400 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.537 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 410 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.537 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 420 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.537 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 430 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.537 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 440 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.537 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 450 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.537 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 460 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.538 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 470 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.538 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 480 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.538 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 490 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.538 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 500 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.538 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 510 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.538 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 520 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.538 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 530 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.538 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 540 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.539 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 550 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.539 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 560 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.539 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 570 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.539 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 580 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.539 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 590 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:14.539 INFO  ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  85) Created 600 / 604 edge mappings.        
13:48:28.377 INFO  ...rk/ConflictsNetworkMatcher.cpp( 710) 100 / 277 edge match scores processed. 41 duplicate edge matches removed.        
13:48:45.332 INFO  ...rk/ConflictsNetworkMatcher.cpp( 710) 200 / 277 edge match scores processed. 82 duplicate edge matches removed.        
13:48:53.213 INFO  ...rk/ConflictsNetworkMatcher.cpp( 213) Sanity checked 100 / 108 relationships. 4 matches removed.        
13:48:53.234 INFO  ...etwork/NetworkMatchCreator.cpp( 133) Optimizing network over 10 iterations...
-13:48:53.305 INFO  ...etwork/NetworkMatchCreator.cpp( 137) Optimization iteration: 1/10 complete.
-13:48:53.376 INFO  ...etwork/NetworkMatchCreator.cpp( 137) Optimization iteration: 2/10 complete.
-13:48:53.446 INFO  ...etwork/NetworkMatchCreator.cpp( 137) Optimization iteration: 3/10 complete.
-13:48:53.517 INFO  ...etwork/NetworkMatchCreator.cpp( 137) Optimization iteration: 4/10 complete.
-13:48:53.587 INFO  ...etwork/NetworkMatchCreator.cpp( 137) Optimization iteration: 5/10 complete.
-13:48:53.658 INFO  ...etwork/NetworkMatchCreator.cpp( 137) Optimization iteration: 6/10 complete.
-13:48:53.728 INFO  ...etwork/NetworkMatchCreator.cpp( 137) Optimization iteration: 7/10 complete.
-13:48:53.798 INFO  ...etwork/NetworkMatchCreator.cpp( 137) Optimization iteration: 8/10 complete.
-13:48:53.869 INFO  ...etwork/NetworkMatchCreator.cpp( 137) Optimization iteration: 9/10 complete.
-13:48:53.940 INFO  ...etwork/NetworkMatchCreator.cpp( 137) Optimization iteration: 10/10 complete.
-13:48:53.940 INFO  ...rk/ConflictsNetworkMatcher.cpp( 663) 100 / 103 edge matches finalized.        
13:48:54.182 INFO  ...etwork/NetworkMatchCreator.cpp( 164) Found 84 highway match candidates.
-13:48:54.550 INFO  ...gon/PoiPolygonMatchVisitor.cpp( 225) Processed 10,000 / 10,034 elements.        
13:48:54.550 INFO  ...gon/PoiPolygonMatchCreator.cpp(  84) Found 0 POI to Polygon match candidates.
-13:48:54.770 INFO  ...atching/ScriptMatchCreator.cpp( 616) Found 3 Area match candidates.
-13:48:54.801 INFO  .../hoot/rules/LinearWaterway.js"(  32) "Calculating search radius for waterway conflation..."
-13:48:54.811 INFO  ...ops/SearchRadiusCalculator.cpp(  76) Removing invalid and previously conflated data for search radius calculation...
-13:48:54.824 INFO  ...ops/SearchRadiusCalculator.cpp( 101) Removing elements not satisfying: hoot::LinearWaterwayCriterion for search radius calculation...
-13:48:54.993 INFO  ...ops/SearchRadiusCalculator.cpp( 115) Filtered out: 10,034 elements not satisfying candidate criterion.
-13:48:54.993 INFO  ...ops/SearchRadiusCalculator.cpp( 132) Unable to automatically calculate search radius.  All input features have been filtered out. Using default search radius value = 15
-13:48:55.177 INFO  ...atching/ScriptMatchCreator.cpp( 616) Found 0 Waterway match candidates.
-13:48:55.363 INFO  ...atching/ScriptMatchCreator.cpp( 616) Found 0 POI match candidates.
-13:48:55.390 INFO  ...lease-3/hoot/rules/Railway.js"(  39) "Using specified search radius for railway conflation: 15"
-13:48:55.576 INFO  ...atching/ScriptMatchCreator.cpp( 616) Found 0 Railway match candidates.
-13:48:55.605 INFO  ...ase-3/hoot/rules/PowerLine.js"(  36) "Calculating search radius for power line conflation..."
-13:48:55.614 INFO  ...ops/SearchRadiusCalculator.cpp(  76) Removing invalid and previously conflated data for search radius calculation...
-13:48:55.627 INFO  ...ops/SearchRadiusCalculator.cpp( 101) Removing elements not satisfying: hoot::PowerLineCriterion for search radius calculation...
-13:48:55.756 INFO  ...ops/SearchRadiusCalculator.cpp( 115) Filtered out: 10,034 elements not satisfying candidate criterion.
-13:48:55.756 INFO  ...ops/SearchRadiusCalculator.cpp( 132) Unable to automatically calculate search radius.  All input features have been filtered out. Using default search radius value = 15
-13:48:55.913 INFO  ...atching/ScriptMatchCreator.cpp( 616) Found 0 Power Line match candidates.
-13:48:55.913 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 337) Removing whole group matches...
-13:48:55.916 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 228) Post constraining match count: 0
-13:48:55.916 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 1 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.916 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 2 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.916 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 3 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.917 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 4 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.917 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 5 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.917 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 6 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.922 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 7 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.922 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 8 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.922 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 9 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.922 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 10 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.922 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 11 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.922 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 12 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.922 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 13 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.922 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 14 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.923 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 15 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.923 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 16 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.923 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 17 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.923 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 18 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.923 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 19 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.923 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 20 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.923 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 21 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.943 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 22 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.943 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 23 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.944 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 24 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.944 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 25 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.944 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 26 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.944 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 27 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.944 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 28 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.944 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 29 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.944 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 30 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.944 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 31 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.944 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 32 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.944 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 33 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.945 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 34 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.945 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 35 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.945 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 36 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.956 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 37 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.961 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 38 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.961 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 39 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.961 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 40 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.961 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 41 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.994 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 42 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.994 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 43 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.994 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 44 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.994 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 45 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.994 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 46 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.994 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 47 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.994 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 48 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.994 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 49 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.994 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 50 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.994 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 51 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.994 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 52 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.994 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 53 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.994 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 54 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.995 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 55 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.995 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 56 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.995 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 57 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.995 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 58 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.995 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 59 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.995 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 248) Converting match set 60 / 60 to a merger...        
13:48:55.995 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 268) Applying merger: 1 / 63        
13:48:56.025 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 268) Applying merger: 11 / 63        
13:48:56.049 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 268) Applying merger: 21 / 63        
13:48:56.073 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 268) Applying merger: 31 / 63        
13:48:56.108 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 268) Applying merger: 41 / 63        
13:48:56.121 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 268) Applying merger: 51 / 63        
13:48:56.140 INFO  ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 268) Applying merger: 61 / 63        
13:48:56.145 INFO  .../hoot/core/cmd/ConflateCmd.cpp( 245) Applying post-conflation operations...
-13:48:56.146 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  83) 	Applying operation: hoot::SuperfluousNodeRemover...
-13:48:56.146 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  88) 		Removing superfluous nodes...
-13:48:56.177 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 106) 		Removed 403 superfluous nodes in 00:00
-13:48:56.178 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  83) 	Applying operation: hoot::SmallWayMerger...
-13:48:56.178 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  88) 		Merging very small ways...
-13:48:56.253 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 106) 		Merged 0 very small ways in 00:00
-13:48:56.253 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  83) 	Applying operation: hoot::ReplaceRoundabouts...
-13:48:56.253 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  88) 		Replacing road roundabouts with simple intersections...
-13:48:56.267 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 106) 		Replaced 1 road roundabouts in 00:00
-13:48:56.267 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 114) 	Applying operation: hoot::RemoveMissingElementsVisitor
-13:48:56.267 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 119) 		Removing references to elements that do not exist...
-13:48:56.274 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 134) 		Removed 0 missing elements in 00:00
-13:48:56.275 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 114) 	Applying operation: hoot::RemoveInvalidReviewRelationsVisitor
-13:48:56.275 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 119) 		Removing review relations with no members...
-13:48:56.279 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 134) 		Removed 0 empty review relations in 00:00
-13:48:56.279 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  83) 	Applying operation: hoot::RemoveDuplicateReviewsOp...
-13:48:56.279 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  88) 		Removing duplicate conflation review relations...
-13:48:56.279 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 106) 		Removed 0 duplicate conflation review relations in 00:00
-13:48:56.279 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  83) 	Applying operation: hoot::BuildingOutlineUpdateOp...
-13:48:56.279 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  88) 		Updating building outlines that changed during conflation...
-13:48:56.280 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 106) 		Updated 0 building outlines in 00:00
-13:48:56.280 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  83) 	Applying operation: hoot::WayJoinerOp...
-13:48:56.280 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  88) 		Rejoining ways split during conflation...
-13:48:56.625 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 106) 		Rejoined 0 ways in 00:00
-13:48:56.625 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 114) 	Applying operation: hoot::RemoveInvalidRelationVisitor
-13:48:56.625 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 119) 		Removing invalid and multiline string relations...
-13:48:56.633 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 134) 		Removed 4 relation members and 0 relations in 00:00
-13:48:56.633 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 114) 	Applying operation: hoot::RemoveInvalidMultilineStringMembersVisitor
-13:48:56.633 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 119) 		Removing invalid multiline string relation members...
-13:48:56.638 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  83) 	Applying operation: hoot::SuperfluousWayRemover...
-13:48:56.638 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  88) 		Removing superfluous ways...
-13:48:56.638 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 106) 		Removed 0 superfluous ways in 00:00
-13:48:56.638 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 114) 	Applying operation: hoot::RemoveDuplicateWayNodesVisitor
-13:48:56.638 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 119) 		Removing duplicate way nodes...
-13:48:56.647 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 134) 		Removed 3 duplicate way nodes in 00:00
-13:48:56.647 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  83) 	Applying operation: hoot::RemoveEmptyRelationsOp...
-13:48:56.647 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  88) 		Removing empty relations...
-13:48:56.647 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 106) 		Removed 0 empty relations in 00:00
-13:48:56.647 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  83) 	Applying operation: hoot::AddHilbertReviewSortOrderOp...
-13:48:56.647 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp(  88) 		Adding geospatial sorting tags to review relations...
-13:48:56.650 INFO  .../cpp/hoot/core/ops/NamedOp.cpp( 106) 		Added 4 sorting tags in 00:00
-13:48:56.668 INFO  .../hoot/core/cmd/ConflateCmd.cpp( 253) Generated 4 feature reviews.
-13:48:56.673 INFO  ...ore/io/OsmMapWriterFactory.cpp( 131) Writing map to test-output/NonDestructiveTest/output.osm...
-13:48:56.876 INFO  ...ore/io/OsmMapWriterFactory.cpp( 141) Wrote 9,317 elements to output.
-13:48:56.876 INFO  .../hoot/core/cmd/ConflateCmd.cpp( 343) Conflation job completed.
-13:48:57.157 INFO  ...ore/cmd/DeriveChangesetCmd.cpp( 218) Reading entire input into memory for _Roads_Bridges_subset.osm...
-13:48:57.157 INFO  ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 169) Loading map from test-files/Congo_MGCP_Roads_Bridges_subset.osm...
-13:48:57.354 INFO  .../hoot/core/io/OsmXmlReader.cpp( 345) 	Reporting missing elements...
-13:48:57.359 INFO  .../hoot/core/io/OsmXmlReader.cpp( 347) 	Reported 0 missing elements.
-13:48:57.359 INFO  ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 196) Read 8,209 elements from input.
-13:48:57.505 INFO  ...eset/InMemoryElementSorter.cpp(  47) Sorting elements by element type for map with element count: 8209
-13:48:57.508 INFO  ...ore/cmd/DeriveChangesetCmd.cpp( 218) Reading entire input into memory for estructiveTest/output.osm...
-13:48:57.508 INFO  ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 169) Loading map from test-output/NonDestructiveTest/output.osm...
-13:48:57.870 INFO  .../hoot/core/io/OsmXmlReader.cpp( 345) 	Reporting missing elements...
-13:48:57.878 INFO  .../hoot/core/io/OsmXmlReader.cpp( 347) 	Reported 0 missing elements.
-13:48:57.878 INFO  ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 196) Read 9,317 elements from input.
-13:48:58.291 INFO  ...eset/InMemoryElementSorter.cpp(  47) Sorting elements by element type for map with element count: 9313
-13:48:58.295 INFO  ...ore/cmd/DeriveChangesetCmd.cpp( 321) Streaming changeset output to ructiveTest/changeset.osc...
-13:48:58.296 INFO  .../OsmXmlChangesetFileWriter.cpp(  99) Writing changeset to test-output/NonDestructiveTest/changeset.osc
-13:48:58.374 INFO  ...ore/cmd/DeriveChangesetCmd.cpp( 358) Changeset Stats:
+22:29:05.170 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp(  85) Conflate (0%): Conflating ..._MGCP_Roads_Bridges_subset.osm with ...o_OSM_Roads_Bridges_subset.osm and writing the output to .../NonDestructiveTest/output.osm
+22:29:05.171 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp(  85) Conflate (0%): Loading reference map: ..._MGCP_Roads_Bridges_subset.osm...
+22:29:05.175 INFO   ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 169) Loading map from ...test-files/Congo_MGCP_Roads_Bridges_subset.osm...
+22:29:05.338 INFO   .../hoot/core/io/OsmXmlReader.cpp( 415) 	Reporting missing elements...
+22:29:05.340 INFO   ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 201) Read 8,209 elements from input in: 00:00.
+22:29:05.340 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp(  85) Conflate (14%): Loading secondary map: ...o_OSM_Roads_Bridges_subset.osm...
+22:29:05.340 INFO   ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 169) Loading map from ...test-files/Congo_OSM_Roads_Bridges_subset.osm...
+22:29:05.367 INFO   .../hoot/core/io/OsmXmlReader.cpp( 415) 	Reporting missing elements...
+22:29:05.369 INFO   ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 201) Read 9,459 elements from input in: 00:00.
+22:29:05.369 INFO   .../hoot/core/cmd/ConflateCmd.cpp( 259) Conflating map with 9,459 elements...
+22:29:05.371 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (28%): Removing outlines around buildings...
+22:29:05.372 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (29%): Removing road roundabouts...
+22:29:05.502 INFO   ...oot/core/index/OsmMapIndex.cpp( 150) Building way R-Tree index...
+22:29:05.508 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (30%): Reprojecting map to planar coordinates...
+22:29:05.508 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (30%): Standardizing one way roads...
+22:29:05.511 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (31%): Removing duplicate ways...
+22:29:05.526 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (32%): Removing superfluous ways...
+22:29:05.526 INFO   .../ops/SuperfluousWayRemover.cpp(  56) Removing superfluous ways...
+22:29:05.526 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (32%): Splitting road intersections...
+22:29:05.550 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (33%): Removing unlikely intersections...
+22:29:05.556 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (34%): Splitting divided highways into two one way streets...
+22:29:05.572 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (35%): Marking road sections that appear to be divided highways...
+22:29:05.589 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (35%): Removing duplicate name tags...
+22:29:05.594 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (36%): Merging very small ways...
+22:29:05.623 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (37%): Removing empty areas...
+22:29:05.649 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (37%): Removing duplicate relation members...
+22:29:05.650 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (38%): Removing relation members with circular references...
+22:29:05.650 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (39%): Removing empty relations...
+22:29:05.650 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (40%): Removing duplicate areas...
+22:29:05.677 INFO   ...oot/core/index/OsmMapIndex.cpp( 150) Building way R-Tree index...
+22:29:05.680 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (40%): Removing elements with no information tags...
+22:29:05.695 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (41%): Splitting sharp road corners...
+22:29:05.727 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (42%): hoot::RubberSheet...
+22:29:05.728 INFO   ...oot/core/index/OsmMapIndex.cpp(  98) Building node R-Tree index
+22:29:05.728 INFO   ...oot/core/index/OsmMapIndex.cpp( 134) 	Bulk inserting Node R-Tree...
+22:29:05.732 INFO   ...oot/core/index/OsmMapIndex.cpp( 142) 	Node R-Tree index built. Time elapsed: 00:00
+22:29:05.748 INFO   ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 353) Processed intersections for 1,000 / 9,149 nodes...        
22:29:05.757 INFO   ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 353) Processed intersections for 2,000 / 9,149 nodes...        
22:29:05.760 INFO   ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 353) Processed intersections for 3,000 / 9,149 nodes...        
22:29:05.761 INFO   ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 353) Processed intersections for 4,000 / 9,149 nodes...        
22:29:05.761 INFO   ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 353) Processed intersections for 5,000 / 9,149 nodes...        
22:29:05.761 INFO   ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 353) Processed intersections for 6,000 / 9,149 nodes...        
22:29:05.761 INFO   ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 353) Processed intersections for 7,000 / 9,149 nodes...        
22:29:05.761 INFO   ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 353) Processed intersections for 8,000 / 9,149 nodes...        
22:29:05.761 INFO   ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 353) Processed intersections for 9,000 / 9,149 nodes...        
22:29:05.761 INFO   ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 381) Processed paired intersections for 100 / 400 matches...        
22:29:05.761 INFO   ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 381) Processed paired intersections for 200 / 400 matches...        
22:29:05.761 INFO   ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 381) Processed paired intersections for 300 / 400 matches...        
22:29:05.761 INFO   ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 381) Processed paired intersections for 400 / 400 matches...        
22:29:05.762 INFO   ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 271) Running rubber sheet interpolator: (1 / 3): Tgs::DelaunayInterpolator...        
22:29:05.762 INFO   ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 271) Running rubber sheet interpolator: (2 / 3): Tgs::IdwInterpolator...        
22:29:05.763 INFO   ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 271) Running rubber sheet interpolator: (3 / 3): Tgs::KernelEstimationInterpolator...        
22:29:05.765 INFO   ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 198) Applied rubber sheet transform to 1,000 / 9,149 nodes...        
22:29:05.765 INFO   ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 198) Applied rubber sheet transform to 2,000 / 9,149 nodes...        
22:29:05.765 INFO   ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 198) Applied rubber sheet transform to 3,000 / 9,149 nodes...        
22:29:05.765 INFO   ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 198) Applied rubber sheet transform to 4,000 / 9,149 nodes...        
22:29:05.766 INFO   ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 198) Applied rubber sheet transform to 5,000 / 9,149 nodes...        
22:29:05.769 INFO   ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 198) Applied rubber sheet transform to 6,000 / 9,149 nodes...        
22:29:05.771 INFO   ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 198) Applied rubber sheet transform to 7,000 / 9,149 nodes...        
22:29:05.771 INFO   ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 198) Applied rubber sheet transform to 8,000 / 9,149 nodes...        
22:29:05.771 INFO   ...s/rubber-sheet/RubberSheet.cpp( 198) Applied rubber sheet transform to 9,000 / 9,149 nodes...        
22:29:05.771 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (42%): Matching features...
+22:29:05.771 INFO   ...lygon/BuildingMatchCreator.cpp( 329) Looking for matches with: hoot::BuildingMatchCreator...
+22:29:06.131 INFO   ...lygon/BuildingMatchCreator.cpp( 335) Found 0 building match candidates in: 00:00.
+22:29:06.131 INFO   ...etwork/NetworkMatchCreator.cpp(  95) Looking for matches with: hoot::NetworkMatchCreator...
+22:29:06.157 WARN   ...etwork/OsmNetworkExtractor.cpp( 206) Found a non-contiguous relation when extracting a network. Ignoring: Relation(1)
+22:29:06.167 INFO   ...etwork/NetworkMatchCreator.cpp( 123) Matching networks...
+22:29:06.188 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 10 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.189 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 20 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.189 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 30 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.189 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 40 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.189 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 50 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.189 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 60 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.189 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 70 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.189 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 80 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.189 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 90 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.189 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 100 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.189 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 110 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.189 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 120 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.189 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 130 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.189 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 140 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.189 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 150 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.189 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 160 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.189 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 170 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.189 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 180 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.189 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 190 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.189 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 200 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.189 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 210 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.189 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 220 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.189 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 230 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.189 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 240 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.189 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 250 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.189 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 260 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.189 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 270 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.189 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 280 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.189 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 290 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.190 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 300 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.190 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 310 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.190 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 320 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.190 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 330 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.190 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 340 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.190 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 350 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.190 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 360 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.190 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 370 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.190 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 380 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.190 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 390 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.190 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 400 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.190 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 410 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.190 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 420 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.190 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 430 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.190 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 440 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.190 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 450 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.190 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 460 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.190 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 470 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.190 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 480 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.190 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 490 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.190 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 500 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.190 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 510 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.190 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 520 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.190 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 530 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.190 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 540 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.190 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 550 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.190 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 560 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.191 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 570 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.191 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 580 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.191 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 590 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.191 INFO   ...ate/network/NetworkMatcher.cpp(  88) Created 600 / 604 edge mappings.        
22:29:06.587 INFO   ...rk/ConflictsNetworkMatcher.cpp( 726) 10 / 277 edge match scores processed for 80 total intersections. 8 duplicate edge matches removed.        
22:29:07.409 INFO   ...rk/ConflictsNetworkMatcher.cpp( 726) 20 / 277 edge match scores processed for 205 total intersections. 22 duplicate edge matches removed.        
22:29:07.469 INFO   ...rk/ConflictsNetworkMatcher.cpp( 726) 30 / 277 edge match scores processed for 230 total intersections. 22 duplicate edge matches removed.        
22:29:07.542 INFO   ...rk/ConflictsNetworkMatcher.cpp( 726) 40 / 277 edge match scores processed for 274 total intersections. 24 duplicate edge matches removed.        
22:29:07.668 INFO   ...rk/ConflictsNetworkMatcher.cpp( 726) 50 / 277 edge match scores processed for 312 total intersections. 26 duplicate edge matches removed.        
22:29:08.679 INFO   ...rk/ConflictsNetworkMatcher.cpp( 726) 60 / 277 edge match scores processed for 328 total intersections. 26 duplicate edge matches removed.        
22:29:08.800 INFO   ...rk/ConflictsNetworkMatcher.cpp( 726) 70 / 277 edge match scores processed for 348 total intersections. 28 duplicate edge matches removed.        
22:29:09.390 INFO   ...rk/ConflictsNetworkMatcher.cpp( 726) 80 / 277 edge match scores processed for 356 total intersections. 29 duplicate edge matches removed.        
22:29:09.752 INFO   ...rk/ConflictsNetworkMatcher.cpp( 726) 90 / 277 edge match scores processed for 366 total intersections. 32 duplicate edge matches removed.        
22:29:10.365 INFO   ...rk/ConflictsNetworkMatcher.cpp( 726) 100 / 277 edge match scores processed for 424 total intersections. 41 duplicate edge matches removed.        
22:29:10.720 INFO   ...rk/ConflictsNetworkMatcher.cpp( 726) 110 / 277 edge match scores processed for 477 total intersections. 48 duplicate edge matches removed.        
22:29:10.963 INFO   ...rk/ConflictsNetworkMatcher.cpp( 726) 120 / 277 edge match scores processed for 501 total intersections. 50 duplicate edge matches removed.        
22:29:10.967 INFO   ...rk/ConflictsNetworkMatcher.cpp( 726) 130 / 277 edge match scores processed for 509 total intersections. 50 duplicate edge matches removed.        
22:29:11.593 INFO   ...rk/ConflictsNetworkMatcher.cpp( 726) 140 / 277 edge match scores processed for 531 total intersections. 53 duplicate edge matches removed.        
22:29:11.681 INFO   ...rk/ConflictsNetworkMatcher.cpp( 726) 150 / 277 edge match scores processed for 561 total intersections. 55 duplicate edge matches removed.        
22:29:12.727 INFO   ...rk/ConflictsNetworkMatcher.cpp( 726) 160 / 277 edge match scores processed for 606 total intersections. 64 duplicate edge matches removed.        
22:29:12.888 INFO   ...rk/ConflictsNetworkMatcher.cpp( 726) 170 / 277 edge match scores processed for 654 total intersections. 69 duplicate edge matches removed.        
22:29:14.488 INFO   ...rk/ConflictsNetworkMatcher.cpp( 726) 180 / 277 edge match scores processed for 755 total intersections. 77 duplicate edge matches removed.        
22:29:16.574 INFO   ...rk/ConflictsNetworkMatcher.cpp( 726) 190 / 277 edge match scores processed for 786 total intersections. 81 duplicate edge matches removed.        
22:29:16.707 INFO   ...rk/ConflictsNetworkMatcher.cpp( 726) 200 / 277 edge match scores processed for 824 total intersections. 82 duplicate edge matches removed.        
22:29:16.865 INFO   ...rk/ConflictsNetworkMatcher.cpp( 726) 210 / 277 edge match scores processed for 907 total intersections. 85 duplicate edge matches removed.        
22:29:17.043 INFO   ...rk/ConflictsNetworkMatcher.cpp( 726) 220 / 277 edge match scores processed for 971 total intersections. 92 duplicate edge matches removed.        
22:29:19.225 INFO   ...rk/ConflictsNetworkMatcher.cpp( 726) 230 / 277 edge match scores processed for 1,030 total intersections. 99 duplicate edge matches removed.        
22:29:19.309 INFO   ...rk/ConflictsNetworkMatcher.cpp( 726) 240 / 277 edge match scores processed for 1,047 total intersections. 101 duplicate edge matches removed.        
22:29:19.715 INFO   ...rk/ConflictsNetworkMatcher.cpp( 726) 250 / 277 edge match scores processed for 1,119 total intersections. 110 duplicate edge matches removed.        
22:29:20.728 INFO   ...rk/ConflictsNetworkMatcher.cpp( 726) 260 / 277 edge match scores processed for 1,149 total intersections. 113 duplicate edge matches removed.        
22:29:20.735 INFO   ...rk/ConflictsNetworkMatcher.cpp( 726) 270 / 277 edge match scores processed for 1,155 total intersections. 113 duplicate edge matches removed.        
22:29:21.303 INFO   ...rk/ConflictsNetworkMatcher.cpp( 218) Sanity checked 100 / 108 relationships. 4 matches removed.        
22:29:21.315 INFO   ...etwork/NetworkMatchCreator.cpp( 138) Optimizing network over 10 iterations...
+22:29:21.355 INFO   ...etwork/NetworkMatchCreator.cpp( 142) Optimization iteration: 1/10 complete.
+22:29:21.394 INFO   ...etwork/NetworkMatchCreator.cpp( 142) Optimization iteration: 2/10 complete.
+22:29:21.434 INFO   ...etwork/NetworkMatchCreator.cpp( 142) Optimization iteration: 3/10 complete.
+22:29:21.473 INFO   ...etwork/NetworkMatchCreator.cpp( 142) Optimization iteration: 4/10 complete.
+22:29:21.513 INFO   ...etwork/NetworkMatchCreator.cpp( 142) Optimization iteration: 5/10 complete.
+22:29:21.552 INFO   ...etwork/NetworkMatchCreator.cpp( 142) Optimization iteration: 6/10 complete.
+22:29:21.591 INFO   ...etwork/NetworkMatchCreator.cpp( 142) Optimization iteration: 7/10 complete.
+22:29:21.630 INFO   ...etwork/NetworkMatchCreator.cpp( 142) Optimization iteration: 8/10 complete.
+22:29:21.669 INFO   ...etwork/NetworkMatchCreator.cpp( 142) Optimization iteration: 9/10 complete.
+22:29:21.708 INFO   ...etwork/NetworkMatchCreator.cpp( 142) Optimization iteration: 10/10 complete.
+22:29:21.708 INFO   ...rk/ConflictsNetworkMatcher.cpp( 669) 100 / 103 edge matches finalized.        
22:29:21.852 INFO   ...etwork/NetworkMatchCreator.cpp( 173) Found 84 highway match candidates in: 00:15.
+22:29:21.855 INFO   ...gon/PoiPolygonMatchCreator.cpp(  81) Looking for matches with: hoot::PoiPolygonMatchCreator...
+22:29:22.029 INFO   ...gon/PoiPolygonMatchVisitor.cpp( 233) Processed 10,000 / 10,034 elements.        
22:29:22.029 INFO   ...gon/PoiPolygonMatchCreator.cpp(  99) Found 0 POI to Polygon match candidates in: 00:00.
+22:29:22.044 INFO   ...atching/ScriptMatchCreator.cpp( 609) Looking for matches with: hoot::ScriptMatchCreator;Area.js...
+22:29:22.153 INFO   ...atching/ScriptMatchCreator.cpp( 615) Found 3 Area match candidates in: 00:00.
+22:29:22.182 INFO   .../hoot/rules/LinearWaterway.js"(  32) "Calculating search radius for waterway conflation..."
+22:29:22.198 INFO   ...ops/SearchRadiusCalculator.cpp(  76) Removing invalid and previously conflated data for search radius calculation...
+22:29:22.239 INFO   ...ops/SearchRadiusCalculator.cpp( 135) Unable to automatically calculate search radius.  All input features have been filtered out. Using default search radius value = 15
+22:29:22.239 INFO   ...atching/ScriptMatchCreator.cpp( 609) Looking for matches with: hoot::ScriptMatchCreator;LinearWaterway.js...
+22:29:22.328 INFO   ...atching/ScriptMatchCreator.cpp( 615) Found 0 Waterway match candidates in: 00:00.
+22:29:22.341 INFO   ...atching/ScriptMatchCreator.cpp( 609) Looking for matches with: hoot::ScriptMatchCreator;PoiGeneric.js...
+22:29:22.422 INFO   ...atching/ScriptMatchCreator.cpp( 615) Found 0 POI match candidates in: 00:00.
+22:29:22.449 INFO   ...lease-1/hoot/rules/Railway.js"(  39) "Using specified search radius for railway conflation: -1"
+22:29:22.449 INFO   ...atching/ScriptMatchCreator.cpp( 609) Looking for matches with: hoot::ScriptMatchCreator;Railway.js...
+22:29:22.540 INFO   ...atching/ScriptMatchCreator.cpp( 615) Found 0 Railway match candidates in: 00:00.
+22:29:22.568 INFO   ...ase-1/hoot/rules/PowerLine.js"(  36) "Calculating search radius for power line conflation..."
+22:29:22.582 INFO   ...ops/SearchRadiusCalculator.cpp(  76) Removing invalid and previously conflated data for search radius calculation...
+22:29:22.605 INFO   ...ops/SearchRadiusCalculator.cpp( 135) Unable to automatically calculate search radius.  All input features have been filtered out. Using default search radius value = 15
+22:29:22.605 INFO   ...atching/ScriptMatchCreator.cpp( 609) Looking for matches with: hoot::ScriptMatchCreator;PowerLine.js...
+22:29:22.683 INFO   ...atching/ScriptMatchCreator.cpp( 615) Found 0 Power Line match candidates in: 00:00.
+22:29:22.684 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (47%): Optimizing feature matches...
+22:29:22.684 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (52%): Merging feature matches...
+22:29:22.684 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 1 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.684 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 2 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.684 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 3 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.684 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 4 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.684 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 5 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.684 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 6 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.687 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 7 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.687 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 8 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.687 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 9 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.687 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 10 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.687 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 11 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.687 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 12 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.687 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 13 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.687 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 14 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.688 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 15 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.688 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 16 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.688 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 17 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.688 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 18 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.688 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 19 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.688 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 20 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.688 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 21 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.700 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 22 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.700 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 23 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.700 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 24 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.700 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 25 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.700 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 26 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.700 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 27 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.700 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 28 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.700 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 29 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.700 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 30 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.700 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 31 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.700 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 32 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.700 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 33 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.701 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 34 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.701 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 35 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.701 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 36 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.708 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 37 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.710 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 38 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.711 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 39 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.711 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 40 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.711 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 41 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.730 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 42 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.730 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 43 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.730 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 44 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.730 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 45 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.730 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 46 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.730 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 47 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.730 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 48 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.730 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 49 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.730 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 50 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.730 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 51 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.730 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 52 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.730 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 53 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.730 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 54 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.731 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 55 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.731 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 56 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.731 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 57 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.731 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 58 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.731 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 59 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.731 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 273) Converting match set 60 / 60 to a merger...        
22:29:22.731 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 293) Applying merger: 1 / 63        
22:29:22.745 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 293) Applying merger: 11 / 63        
22:29:22.757 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 293) Applying merger: 21 / 63        
22:29:22.767 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 293) Applying merger: 31 / 63        
22:29:22.784 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 293) Applying merger: 41 / 63        
22:29:22.790 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 293) Applying merger: 51 / 63        
22:29:22.799 INFO   ...conflate/UnifyingConflator.cpp( 293) Applying merger: 61 / 63        
22:29:22.802 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (57%): Removing superfluous nodes...
+22:29:22.824 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (58%): Merging very small ways...
+22:29:22.869 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (59%): Replacing road roundabouts with simple intersections...
+22:29:22.875 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (60%): Removing references to elements that do not exist...
+22:29:22.877 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (61%): Removing review relations with no members...
+22:29:22.879 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (62%): Removing duplicate conflation review relations...
+22:29:22.879 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (63%): Updating building outlines...
+22:29:22.879 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (64%): Rejoining ways split during conflation...
+22:29:22.879 INFO   .../core/algorithms/WayJoiner.cpp(  82) 	Joining parent ways to children...
+22:29:22.942 INFO   .../core/algorithms/WayJoiner.cpp( 109) 	Joining way siblings...
+22:29:23.007 INFO   .../core/algorithms/WayJoiner.cpp(  82) 	Joining parent ways to children...
+22:29:23.008 INFO   .../core/algorithms/WayJoiner.cpp( 156) 	Joining ways at shared nodes...
+22:29:23.031 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (65%): Removing invalid and multiline string relations...
+22:29:23.033 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (66%): Removing invalid multiline string relation members...
+22:29:23.035 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (67%): Removing superfluous ways...
+22:29:23.035 INFO   .../ops/SuperfluousWayRemover.cpp(  56) Removing superfluous ways...
+22:29:23.035 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (68%): Removing duplicate way nodes...
+22:29:23.038 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (69%): Removing empty relations...
+22:29:23.038 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp( 114) Conflate (70%): Adding geospatial sorting tags to review relations...
+22:29:23.039 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp(  85) Conflate (71%): Counting feature reviews...
+22:29:23.042 INFO   .../hoot/core/cmd/ConflateCmd.cpp( 358) Generated 4 feature reviews.
+22:29:23.045 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp(  85) Conflate (85%): Writing conflated output: .../NonDestructiveTest/output.osm...
+22:29:23.045 INFO   ...ore/io/OsmMapWriterFactory.cpp( 134) Writing map to test-output/cmd/glacial/NonDestructiveTest/output.osm...
+22:29:23.226 INFO   ...ore/io/OsmMapWriterFactory.cpp( 151) Wrote 9,310 elements to output in: 00:00.
+22:29:23.226 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp(  85) Conflate (100%): Conflation job completed in 00:18 for reference map: ..._MGCP_Roads_Bridges_subset.osm and secondary map: ...o_OSM_Roads_Bridges_subset.osm and written to output: .../NonDestructiveTest/output.osm
+22:29:23.476 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp(  85) Derive Changeset (0%): Deriving output changeset: ...nDestructiveTest/changeset.osc from inputs: ..._MGCP_Roads_Bridges_subset.osm and .../NonDestructiveTest/output.osm...
+22:29:23.476 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp(  85) Derive Changeset (0%): Reading entire input...
+22:29:23.476 INFO   ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 169) Loading map from ...test-files/Congo_MGCP_Roads_Bridges_subset.osm...
+22:29:23.631 INFO   .../hoot/core/io/OsmXmlReader.cpp( 415) 	Reporting missing elements...
+22:29:23.633 INFO   ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 201) Read 8,209 elements from input in: 00:00.
+22:29:23.634 INFO   ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 169) Loading map from ...t-output/cmd/glacial/NonDestructiveTest/output.osm...
+22:29:23.634 INFO   .../hoot/core/io/OsmXmlReader.cpp( 787) Read 0 elements from input.        
22:29:23.634 INFO   .../hoot/core/io/OsmXmlReader.cpp( 787) Read 0 elements from input.        
22:29:23.882 INFO   .../hoot/core/io/OsmXmlReader.cpp( 415) 	Reporting missing elements...
+22:29:23.884 INFO   ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 201) Read 9,310 elements from input in: 00:00.
+22:29:23.885 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp(  85) Derive Changeset (20%): Removing review relations...
+22:29:23.891 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp(  85) Derive Changeset (40%): Preparing tags for changeset...
+22:29:23.899 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp(  85) Derive Changeset (60%): Sorting input elements; task #4...
+22:29:23.899 INFO   ...ents/InMemoryElementSorter.cpp(  50) Sorting 8209 elements in-memory...
+22:29:23.899 INFO   ...ents/InMemoryElementSorter.cpp(  50) Sorting 9306 elements in-memory...
+22:29:23.900 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp(  85) Derive Changeset (80%): Writing changeset...
+22:29:23.900 INFO   ...changeset/ChangesetCreator.cpp( 630) Streaming changeset output to ructiveTest/changeset.osc...
+22:29:24.173 STATUS ...changeset/ChangesetCreator.cpp( 699) Changeset Stats:
 |        | Node | Relation | Way | 
-| Create |  872 |        0 | 252 | 
-| Delete |    2 |        1 |  17 | 
-| Modify |    0 |        0 |   9 | 
+| Create |  872 |        0 | 244 | 
+| Delete |    2 |        1 |  16 | 
+| Modify |    0 |        0 |  10 | 
-13:48:58.643 INFO  ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 169) Loading map from test-output/NonDestructiveTest/output.osm...
-13:48:58.973 INFO  .../hoot/core/io/OsmXmlReader.cpp( 345) 	Reporting missing elements...
-13:48:58.979 INFO  .../hoot/core/io/OsmXmlReader.cpp( 347) 	Reported 0 missing elements.
-13:48:58.979 INFO  ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 196) Read 9,317 elements from input.
-13:48:58.982 INFO  ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 169) Loading map from test-files/NonDestructiveTest/Expected.osm...
-13:48:59.348 INFO  .../hoot/core/io/OsmXmlReader.cpp( 345) 	Reporting missing elements...
-13:48:59.354 INFO  .../hoot/core/io/OsmXmlReader.cpp( 347) 	Reported 0 missing elements.
-13:48:59.354 INFO  ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 196) Read 9,317 elements from input.
+22:29:24.173 STATUS ...pp/hoot/core/util/Progress.cpp(  85) Derive Changeset (100%): Changeset written to: ...nDestructiveTest/changeset.osc
+22:29:24.440 INFO   ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 169) Loading map from ...t-output/cmd/glacial/NonDestructiveTest/output.osm...
+22:29:24.442 INFO   .../hoot/core/io/OsmXmlReader.cpp( 787) Read 0 elements from input.        
22:29:24.442 INFO   .../hoot/core/io/OsmXmlReader.cpp( 787) Read 0 elements from input.        
22:29:24.696 INFO   .../hoot/core/io/OsmXmlReader.cpp( 415) 	Reporting missing elements...
+22:29:24.698 INFO   ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 201) Read 9,310 elements from input in: 00:00.
+22:29:24.700 INFO   ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 169) Loading map from ...-files/cmd/glacial/NonDestructiveTest/Expected.osm...
+22:29:24.700 INFO   .../hoot/core/io/OsmXmlReader.cpp( 787) Read 0 elements from input.        
22:29:24.700 INFO   .../hoot/core/io/OsmXmlReader.cpp( 787) Read 0 elements from input.        
22:29:24.949 INFO   .../hoot/core/io/OsmXmlReader.cpp( 415) 	Reporting missing elements...
+22:29:24.951 INFO   ...ore/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.cpp( 201) Read 9,310 elements from input in: 00:00.
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