v0.2.49..v0.2.50 changeset IdSwapOp.cpp - ngageoint/hootenanny GitHub Wiki

diff --git a/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/ops/IdSwapOp.cpp b/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/ops/IdSwapOp.cpp
index 8b0ebc1..d867c4a 100644
--- a/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/ops/IdSwapOp.cpp
+++ b/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/ops/IdSwapOp.cpp
@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@
 //  Hoot
 #include <hoot/core/conflate/IdSwap.h>
+#include <hoot/core/elements/NodeToWayMap.h>
+#include <hoot/core/index/OsmMapIndex.h>
+#include <hoot/core/ops/RemoveNodeByEid.h>
 #include <hoot/core/util/Factory.h>
 namespace hoot
@@ -35,15 +38,15 @@ namespace hoot
-void IdSwapOp::apply(std::shared_ptr<hoot::OsmMap>& map)
+void IdSwapOp::apply(const std::shared_ptr<hoot::OsmMap>& map)
   //  Validate the swap information
-  IdSwapPtr swap = map->getIdSwap();
-  if (!swap)
+  IdSwapPtr swap;
+  if (_idSwap)
+    swap = _idSwap;
+  else if (map->getIdSwap())
+    swap = map->getIdSwap();
+  else
   //  Iterate all of the entries to swap
   for (IdSwap::iterator it = swap->begin(); it != swap->end(); ++it)
@@ -58,32 +61,80 @@ void IdSwapOp::apply(std::shared_ptr<hoot::OsmMap>& map)
     //  Don't swap elements that aren't the same type
     if (element1->getElementType() != element2->getElementType())
-    //  Create a copy of element elements
-    ElementPtr element1a(element1->clone());
-    ElementPtr element2a(element2->clone());
-    //  Replace element 2 with an empty ID temporarily
-    element2a->setId(0);
-    map->replace(element2, element2a);
-    //  Replace element 1 with element 2's ID
-    element1a->setId(element2->getId());
-    map->replace(element1, element1a);
-    //  Replace element 2a with element 1's ID
-    element2->setId(element1->getId());
-    map->replace(element2a, element2);
-    //  Swap the PIDs also
-    if (element1->getElementType() == ElementType::Way &&
-        element2->getElementType() == ElementType::Way)
+    //  Each type of element potentially has a something extra to swap
+    //  Both are ensured to have the same type at this point
+    if (element1->getElementType() == ElementType::Way)
       //  This is tricky because element1a has replaced element1 as the actual object
+      //  Create a copy of element elements
+      ElementPtr element1a(element1->clone());
+      ElementPtr element2a(element2->clone());
+      //  Replace element 2 with an empty ID temporarily
+      element2a->setId(0);
+      map->replace(element2, element2a);
+      //  Replace element 1 with element 2's ID
+      element1a->setId(element2->getId());
+      map->replace(element1, element1a);
+      //  Replace element 2a with element 1's ID
+      element2->setId(element1->getId());
+      map->replace(element2a, element2);
+      //  Swap the PIDs also
       WayPtr way1 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Way>(element1a);
       WayPtr way2 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Way>(element2);
       long temp = way1->getPid();
+    else if (element1->getElementType() == ElementType::Node)
+    {
+      //  Nodes cannot use OsmMap::replace() or OsmMap::replaceNode()
+      //  because it deletes the node being replaced
+      NodePtr node1 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Node>(element1);
+      NodePtr node2 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Node>(element2);
+      //  Remove the nodes from the map index but don't remove them fully
+      RemoveNodeByEid(node1->getId(), false).apply(map);
+      RemoveNodeByEid(node2->getId(), false).apply(map);
+      //  Swap the node IDs in the nodes themselves
+      long nodeId1 = node1->getId();
+      long nodeId2 = node2->getId();
+      node1->setId(0);
+      node2->setId(nodeId1);
+      node1->setId(nodeId2);
+      //  Add the new swapped nodes back to the map
+      map->addNode(node1);
+      map->addNode(node2);
+      //  Swap the node IDs in any way that they are associated with
+      swapNodeIdInWay(map, nodeId1, 0);
+      swapNodeIdInWay(map, nodeId2, nodeId1);
+      swapNodeIdInWay(map, 0, nodeId2);
+    }
     //  Update the number affected
+void IdSwapOp::swapNodeIdInWay(const std::shared_ptr<OsmMap>& map, long nodeId, long swapId)
+  std::shared_ptr<NodeToWayMap> nodeToWayMap = map->getIndex().getNodeToWayMap();
+  std::set<long> ways = nodeToWayMap->getWaysByNode(nodeId);
+  //  Iterate all of the ways that contain this node
+  for (std::set<long>::iterator it = ways.begin(); it != ways.end(); ++it)
+  {
+    long wayId = *it;
+    WayPtr way = map->getWay(wayId);
+    if (!way)
+      continue;
+    //  Get a list of all nodes in the way
+    std::vector<long> nodes = way->getNodeIds();
+    //  Iterate all nodes in the way replacing nodeId with swapId as many times as it occurs
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++)
+    {
+      if (nodes[i] == nodeId)
+        nodes[i] = swapId;
+    }
+    //  Replace the vector of node IDs in the way with the new list
+    way->setNodes(nodes);
+  }
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