diff --git a/docs/commands/crop-random.asciidoc b/docs/commands/crop-random.asciidoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f8691d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/commands/crop-random.asciidoc
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+== crop-random
+=== Description
+The +crop-random+ command randomly crops a section of map data to an output with a specified maximum node count. This is useful if you have a
+very large file dataset and need a smaller subset of data to test conflation against.
+* +input(s)+ - One or more input paths; may be any supported input format (e.g. OSM file). Specify multiple inputs by separating them
+ with a semicolon.
+* +output+ - The output data path; may be any supported output format (e.g. OSM file)
+* +maxNodeCount+ - The maximum number of nodes to include in the output. If the number of nodes in the entire dataset is less than the
+ specified number, no cropping will occur.
+* +pixelSize+ - Size of the pixel used in the calculation in degrees. A good starting default is 0.001.
+* +randomSeed+ - Optionally seeds the random number generator for consistent output; useful during testing; use -1 for no seeding
+* +--write-tiles+ - Optionally writes the calculated tile footprints to a separate OSM file in the same output directory as +output+.
+If too low a value is specified for maxNodeCount or too high a value is specified for pixelSize, the algorithm used may not be able
+to find a solution.
+=== Usage
+crop-random (input1.osm)[;input2.osm...] (output.osm) (maxNodeCount) (pixelSize) [randomSeed]
+=== Configuration Options
+The following cropping configuration options are not supported:
+* +crop.bounds+ - This is unnecessary since the command calculates the crop bounds automatically based on maximum node count.
+* +crop.invert+
+See the +crop+ command for details on the remaining supported cropping configuration options.
+If you need to run random map cropping inline, use the hoot::RandomMapCropper OSM map operation along with crop.random.* configuration options.
+=== Examples
+# pseudo random selection
+hoot crop-random -D crop.keep.only.features.inside.bounds=true "input1.osm;input2.osm" output.osm 1000 0.001
+# seed the random selection for testing
+hoot crop-random -D crop.keep.only.features.inside.bounds=true "input1.osm;input2.osm" output.osm 1000 0.001 3
+=== See Also
+* https://github.com/ngageoint/hootenanny/blob/master/docs/user/SupportedDataFormats.asciidoc#applying-changes-1[Supported Input Formats]