diff --git a/docs/commands/count.asciidoc b/docs/commands/count.asciidoc
index cc59adf..cdd074f 100644
--- a/docs/commands/count.asciidoc
+++ b/docs/commands/count.asciidoc
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@
The +count+ command displays a count of the number of features in a map, allowing for optional filtering with a criterion.
-* +inputs+ - One or more OSM data inputs; specify multiple inputs by separating them with a semicolon and surrounding them with quotes
+* +inputs+ - One or more OSM data inputs; may be any supported input format (e.g. .osm file); specify multiple inputs by separating
+ them with a semicolon and surrounding them with quotes.
* +criterion+ - (optional) The criterion must be a single class name of a Hootenanny criterion inherting from ElementCriterion. A
criterion can be negated using the element.criterion.negate configuration option. Use the +info --operators+ command to
obtain a list of available Hootenanny criteria.
@@ -37,4 +38,6 @@ hoot count -D element.criterion.negate=true "input1.osm;input2.osm" hoot::PoiCri
hoot count -D tag.key.contains.criterion.text="phone" input1.osm hoot::TagKeyContainsCriterion
+=== See Also
+* https://github.com/ngageoint/hootenanny/blob/master/docs/user/SupportedDataFormats.asciidoc#applying-changes-1[Supported Input Formats]