v0.2.48..v0.2.49 changeset conflationTypes.json - ngageoint/hootenanny GitHub Wiki

diff --git a/conf/services/conflationTypes.json b/conf/services/conflationTypes.json
index 5bc55e1..e7c2117 100644
--- a/conf/services/conflationTypes.json
+++ b/conf/services/conflationTypes.json
@@ -1,22 +1,35 @@
-    "Cleaning": {
+    "General": {
         "members": {
-            "hoot::DualWaySplitter": "Split Dual Way"
+            "add.review.tags.to.features": "Add review tags to individual features",
+            "corner.splitter.rounded.split": "Round corners when splitting",
+            "overwrite.tag.merger.exclude": "Tag overwrite exclude list",
+            "review.score.criterion.max.threshold": "Maximum review score",
+            "review.score.criterion.min.threshold": "Minimum review score"
-    "General": {
+    "Cleaning": {
         "members": {
-            "add.review.tags.to.features": "Add review tags to individual features",
-            "review.score.criterion.min.threshold": "Min Review Score",
-            "review.score.criterion.max.threshold": "Max Review Score"
+            "hoot::DualWaySplitter": "Split divided highways"
     "Attribute": {
         "members": {
-            "attribute.conflation.aggressive.highway.joining": "Aggressively join highways",
-            "attribute.conflation.allow.ref.geometry.changes.for.bridges": "Change reference layer bridge geometries",
+            "attribute.conflation.aggressive.highway.joining": "Aggressively join roads",
             "attribute.conflation.allow.reviews.by.score": "Allow reviews by score",
-            "corner.splitter.rounded.split": "Split Rounded Corners"
+            "attribute.conflation.ref.tag.overwrite.exclude": "Reference feature tags not to be overwritten",
+            "attribute.conflation.suppress.building.tag.on.multipoly.relation.constituents": "Suppress building tags on multi-polygon relation building members",
+            "attribute.conflation.update.building.outlines": "Update building outlines after conflation"
+        }
+    },
+    "Differential": {
+        "matcher": "",
+        "merger": "",
+        "members": {
+            "differential.snap.unconnected.roads": "Snap unconnected secondary roads to reference roads",
+            "snap.unconnected.ways.snap.tolerance": "Maximum distance, in meters, to allow snapping unconnected roads to neighboring roads",
+            "snap.unconnected.ways.use.existing.way.nodes": "Reuse highway nodes when snapping unconnected roads",
+            "snap.unconnected.ways.existing.way.node.tolerance": "Maximum distance, in meters, to allow snapping unconnected highway nodes to neighboring roads"
     "Roads": {
@@ -24,7 +37,7 @@
         "merger": "hoot::HighwayMergerCreator",
         "members": {
             "search.radius.highway": "Highway search radius",
-            "highway.merge.tags.only": "Merge tags only"
+            "highway.merge.tags.only": "Merge road tags only"
     "RoadsNetwork": {
@@ -36,31 +49,40 @@
         "matcher": "hoot::BuildingMatchCreator",
         "merger": "hoot::BuildingMergerCreator",
         "members": {
-            "building.review.if.secondary.newer": "Review if secondary dataset is newer",
             "building.date.format": "Date format",
             "building.date.tag.key": "Date tag key",
-            "building.keep.more.complex.geometry.when.auto.merging": "Keep more complicated geometry when auto merging",
-            "building.review.matches.other.than.one.to.one": "Mark all non one to one matches for review" 
+            "building.force.contained.match": "Force matches when one building contains another",
+            "building.keep.more.complex.geometry.when.auto.merging": "Keep more complex geometry when merging",
+            "building.match.threshold": "Score threshold for matching",
+            "building.merge.many.to.many.matches": "Always merge many to many matches",
+            "building.review.if.secondary.newer": "Review if secondary feature is newer",
+            "building.review.matches.other.than.one.to.one": "Review matches that are not one to one"
     "Pois": {
         "matcher": "hoot::ScriptMatchCreator,PoiGeneric.js",
         "merger": "hoot::ScriptMergerCreator",
-        "members": {}
+        "members": {
+	    "poi.ignore.type.if.name.present": "Ignore type if name present"
+       }
     "PoiPolygon": {
         "matcher": "hoot::PoiPolygonMatchCreator",
         "merger": "hoot::PoiPolygonMergerCreator",
         "members": {
-            "poi.polygon.address.match.enabled": "Enable address matching",
+            "poi.polygon.allow.cross.conflation.merging": "Allow merging of Building and Poi to Polygon matches",
+            "poi.polygon.auto.merge.many.poi.to.one.poly.matches": "Merge many to one POI to polygon matches",
             "poi.polygon.disable.same.source.conflation": "Disable same source conflation",
             "poi.polygon.disable.same.source.conflation.match.tag.key.prefix.only": "Match key prefix only if same source conflation disabled",
+            "poi.polygon.keep.closest.matches.only": "Keep only the closest matching POI to a polygon",
             "poi.polygon.match.distance.threshold" : "Match distance threshold",
             "poi.polygon.match.evidence.threshold": "Match evidence threshold",
             "poi.polygon.name.score.threshold": "Name score threshold",
+            "poi.polygon.promote.points.with.addresses.to.pois": "Promote point with addresses to POIs",
             "poi.polygon.review.distance.threshold": "Review distance threshold",
             "poi.polygon.review.evidence.threshold": "Review evidence threshold",
             "poi.polygon.review.if.matched.types": "Tags used to flag reviews",
+            "poi.polygon.review.multiuse.buildings": "Review POI matches with multi-use buildings",
             "poi.polygon.source.tag.key": "Source key used when disabling same source conflation",
             "poi.polygon.type.score.threshold": "Type score threshold"
@@ -68,12 +90,16 @@
     "Areas": {
         "matcher": "hoot::ScriptMatchCreator,Area.js",
         "merger": "hoot::ScriptMergerCreator",
-        "members": {}
+        "members": {
+	    "search.radius.area": "Area search radius"
+       }
     "Railways": {
         "matcher": "hoot::ScriptMatchCreator,Railway.js",
         "merger": "hoot::ScriptMergerCreator",
-        "members": {}
+        "members": {
+	    "search.radius.railway": "Railway search radius"
+       }
     "Powerlines": {
         "matcher": "hoot::ScriptMatchCreator,PowerLine.js",
@@ -83,6 +109,8 @@
     "Waterways": {
         "matcher": "hoot::ScriptMatchCreator,LinearWaterway.js",
         "merger": "hoot::ScriptMergerCreator",
-        "members": {}
+        "members": {
+	    "search.radius.waterway": "Waterway search radius"
+        }
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