diff --git a/docs/commands/compare.asciidoc b/docs/commands/compare.asciidoc
index 587c6e3..a1c1a06 100644
--- a/docs/commands/compare.asciidoc
+++ b/docs/commands/compare.asciidoc
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ score metrics. This operation is most commonly used to compare manually conflate
The scores provided give an idea of similarity between maps. A score of 1000 means they're exactly the same. A score of
0 means the maps are very different.
-* +base1+ - The first base file to compare against.
-* +base2+ - (optional) The second base file to compare against.
-* +uut+ - The file being evaluated.
+* +base1+ - The first map file to compare; may be any supported input format.
+* +base2+ - (optional) The second base map file to compare; may be any supported input format.
+* +uut+ - The map file being evaluated; may be any supported input format.
The following variables are provided in the score result:
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ The following variables are provided in the score result:
compare (base1) [base2] (uut)
-==== Example
+=== Example
hoot compare manual1.osm manual2.osm conflated.osm
@@ -40,3 +40,7 @@ Graph Score: 970 +/-10 (960 to 980)
Overall: 981 +/-4 (977 to 985)
+=== See Also
+* https://github.com/ngageoint/hootenanny/blob/master/docs/user/SupportedDataFormats.asciidoc#applying-changes-1[Supported Input Formats]