v0.2.48..v0.2.49 changeset advanced_options.feature - ngageoint/hootenanny GitHub Wiki

diff --git a/test-files/ui/features/advanced_options.feature b/test-files/ui/features/advanced_options.feature
index 4331d8c..bdf0711 100644
--- a/test-files/ui/features/advanced_options.feature
+++ b/test-files/ui/features/advanced_options.feature
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ Feature: Advanced Conflation Options
         And I should see element "#element_cache_size_way" with no value and placeholder "2000000"
 	And I should see element "#edge_distance_extractor_spacing" with no value and placeholder "5.0"
 	And I should see element "#levenshtein_distance_alpha" with no value and placeholder "1.15"
-	And I should see element "#merge_nearby_nodes_distance" with no value and placeholder "1.0"
+	And I should see element "#merge_nearby_nodes_distance" with no value and placeholder "0.0001"
 	And I should see element "#node_matcher_strictness" with no value and placeholder "2"
 	And I should see checkbox "Keep Non Word Tokens" unchecked
 	And I should see element "#token_min_size" with no value and placeholder "3"
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