diff --git a/docs/user/SupportedDataFormats.asciidoc b/docs/user/SupportedDataFormats.asciidoc
index 8555d41..92c0f22 100644
--- a/docs/user/SupportedDataFormats.asciidoc
+++ b/docs/user/SupportedDataFormats.asciidoc
@@ -2,37 +2,35 @@
== Supported Data Formats
-**Hootenanny can import from:**
+**Hootenanny supports the following formats as input:**
-* ESRI File Geodatabase (.gdb)
+* File Geodatabase (.gdb)
* GeoJSON (.geojson file or Overpass query URL) (M1)
* geonames.org (.geonames)
* Hootenanny API Database (hootapidb://)
-* Overpass JSON (.json file or OVerpass query URL) (M1)
-* OpenStreetMap XML (.osm)
-* OpenStreetMap Protocol Buffers (.osm.pbf)
* OpenStreetMap API Database (osmapidb://)
+* OpenStreetMap API Web Service (http://)
+* OpenStreetMap Protocol Buffers (.osm.pbf)
+* OpenStreetMap XML (.osm)
+* Overpass JSON (.json file or Overpass query URL) (M1)
* Shapefile (.shp)
* Zip files containing shapefiles and/or ESRI File Geodatabase files (.zip)
-* Additional OGR supported formats
+* Additional OGR supported formats not listed here
-**Hootenanny can export to:**
+**Hootenanny supports the following formats as output:**
-* ESRI File Geodatabase (.gdb)
+* File Geodatabase (.gdb)
* GeoJSON (.geojson) (M1)
* Hootenanny API Database (hootapidb://)
-* Overpass JSON file (.json) (M1)
-* OpenStreetMap XML file (.osm) (M2)
-* OpenStreetMap Protocol Buffers file (.osm.pbf)
* OpenStreetMap API Database (osmapidb://)
-* Shapefile (.shp) (M1)
-* Additional OGR supported formats
-**Hootenanny can export changesets to:**
-* OpenStreetMap API Web Service (http://)
+* OpenStreetMap API Web Service (http://; via changeset only)
+* OpenStreetMap Protocol Buffers file (.osm.pbf)
* OpenStreetMap SQL changeset file (.osc.sql)
+* OpenStreetMap XML file (.osm) (M2)
* OpenStreetMap XML changeset file (.osc)
+* Overpass JSON file (.json) (M1)
+* Shapefile (.shp) (M1)
+* Additional OGR supported formats not listed here
@@ -40,6 +38,6 @@
* (M2) = format requires reading entire dataset into memory during processing only if element ID output needs to remain sorted
* All data read with a specified bounding box filter requires reading the entire dataset into memory during processing.
-Additional data types can be be made importable/exportable using Hootenanny's pluggable I/O architecture. See the Hootenanny Developer
-Guide for details.
+All Hootenanny commands can be passed any supported input/output format unless otherwise stated in the command's documentation. See the Hootenanny User Guide for details.
+Additional data types can be be made importable/exportable using Hootenanny's pluggable I/O architecture. See the Hootenanny Developer Guide for details.