diff --git a/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/elements/OsmUtils.h b/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/elements/OsmUtils.h
index 1123f8d..2c176ef 100644
--- a/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/elements/OsmUtils.h
+++ b/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/elements/OsmUtils.h
@@ -355,6 +355,104 @@ public:
static bool nodeContainedByAnyWay(const long nodeId, const std::set<long> wayIds,
const ConstOsmMapPtr& map);
+ /**
+ * Determines if a node is contained by any way in a map
+ *
+ * @param nodeId the ID of the node to search for
+ * @param map the map containing the nodes/ways
+ * @return true if any way in the map contains the node; false otherwise
+ */
+ static bool nodeContainedByAnyWay(const long nodeId, const ConstOsmMapPtr& map);
+ /**
+ * Determines if an element is contained by any relation in a map
+ *
+ * @param elementId the ID of the element to search for
+ * @param map the map containing the element
+ * @return true if any relation in the map contains the element; false otherwise
+ */
+ static bool elementContainedByAnyRelation(const ElementId& elementId, const ConstOsmMapPtr& map);
+ /**
+ * Determines if an element is contained by any way or relation in a map
+ *
+ * @param elementId the ID of the element to search for
+ * @param map the map containing the element
+ * @return true if any way or relation in the map contains the element; false otherwise
+ */
+ static bool isChild(const ElementId& elementId, const ConstOsmMapPtr& map);
+ /**
+ * Returns the number of elements with a changeset version less than one
+ *
+ * @param map the map to examine
+ * @return the number of elements meeting the criteria
+ */
+ static int versionLessThanOneCount(const OsmMapPtr& map);
+ /**
+ * Logs a warning if any element in the map has a changeset version less than one
+ *
+ * @param map the map to examine
+ */
+ static void checkVersionLessThanOneCountAndLogWarning(const OsmMapPtr& map);
+ /**
+ * Determines if a map contains only nodes that are not way nodes
+ *
+ * @param map the map to examine
+ * @return true if the map is made up of non-way node points only; false otherwise
+ */
+ static bool mapIsPointsOnly(const OsmMapPtr& map);
+ /**
+ * Determines if all elements in a specified collection have any tag key from a specified set of
+ * keys
+ *
+ * @param tagKeys the tag keys to search for
+ * @param elements the elements to examine
+ * @return true if all elements from the input collection of elements contain at least one of the
+ * tag keys specified in tagKeys; false otherwise
+ */
+ static bool allElementsHaveAnyTagKey(const QStringList& tagKeys,
+ const std::vector<ElementPtr>& elements);
+ /**
+ * Determines if all elements in a specified collection have any tag key/value pair from a
+ * specified set of kvps
+ *
+ * @param kvp the tag key/value pairs to search for
+ * @param elements the elements to examine
+ * @return true if all elements from the input collection of elements contain at least one of the
+ * key/value pairs specified in kvps; false otherwise
+ */
+ static bool allElementsHaveAnyKvp(const QStringList& kvps,
+ const std::vector<ElementPtr>& elements);
+ /**
+ * Determines if any elements in a specified collection have any tag key from a specified set of
+ * keys
+ *
+ * @param tagKeys the tag keys to search for
+ * @param elements the elements to examine
+ * @return true if any elements from the input collection of elements contain at least one of the
+ * tag keys specified in tagKeys; false otherwise
+ */
+ static bool anyElementsHaveAnyTagKey(const QStringList& tagKeys,
+ const std::vector<ElementPtr>& elements);
+ /**
+ * Determines if any elements in a specified collection have any tag key/value pair from a
+ * specified set of kvps
+ *
+ * @param kvps the tag key/value pairs to search for
+ * @param elements the elements to examine
+ * @return true if any elements from the input collection of elements contain at least one of the
+ * key/value pairs specified in kvps; false otherwise
+ */
+ static bool anyElementsHaveAnyKvp(const QStringList& kvps,
+ const std::vector<ElementPtr>& elements);