diff --git a/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/schema/ImplicitTagRawRulesDeriver.cpp b/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/schema/ImplicitTagRawRulesDeriver.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5f1bf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hoot-core/src/main/cpp/hoot/core/schema/ImplicitTagRawRulesDeriver.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,663 @@
+ * This file is part of Hootenanny.
+ *
+ * Hootenanny is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ *
+ * --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ * The following copyright notices are generated automatically. If you
+ * have a new notice to add, please use the format:
+ * " * @copyright Copyright ..."
+ * This will properly maintain the copyright information. DigitalGlobe
+ * copyrights will be updated automatically.
+ *
+ * @copyright Copyright (C) 2017, 2018, 2019 DigitalGlobe (http://www.digitalglobe.com/)
+ */
+#include "ImplicitTagRawRulesDeriver.h"
+// hoot
+#include <hoot/core/io/OsmMapReaderFactory.h>
+#include <hoot/core/io/PartialOsmMapReader.h>
+#include <hoot/core/schema/OsmSchema.h>
+#include <hoot/core/elements/Tags.h>
+#include <hoot/core/util/StringUtils.h>
+#include <hoot/core/util/ConfigOptions.h>
+#include <hoot/core/io/ElementVisitorInputStream.h>
+#include <hoot/core/visitors/SchemaTranslationVisitor.h>
+#include <hoot/core/util/FileUtils.h>
+#include <hoot/core/schema/ImplicitTagUtils.h>
+#include <hoot/core/util/Factory.h>
+// Qt
+#include <QStringBuilder>
+#include <QThread>
+namespace hoot
+ImplicitTagRawRulesDeriver::ImplicitTagRawRulesDeriver() :
+void ImplicitTagRawRulesDeriver::setConfiguration(const Settings& conf)
+ ConfigOptions options = ConfigOptions(conf);
+ setSortParallelCount(options.getImplicitTaggingRawRulesDeriverSortParallelCount());
+ const int idealThreads = QThread::idealThreadCount();
+ LOG_VART(idealThreads);
+ if (_sortParallelCount < 1 || _sortParallelCount > idealThreads)
+ {
+ setSortParallelCount(idealThreads);
+ }
+ setSkipFiltering(options.getImplicitTaggingRawRulesDeriverSkipFiltering());
+ setKeepTempFiles(options.getImplicitTaggingKeepTempFiles());
+ setTempFileDir(options.getApidbBulkInserterTempFileDir());
+ setTranslateNamesToEnglish(options.getImplicitTaggingDatabaseDeriverTranslateNamesToEnglish());
+ setElementCriterion(options.getImplicitTaggingElementCriterion());
+ if (_translateNamesToEnglish)
+ {
+ _translator.reset(
+ Factory::getInstance().constructObject<ToEnglishTranslator>(
+ options.getLanguageTranslationTranslator()));
+ _translator->setConfiguration(conf);
+ _translator->setSourceLanguages(options.getLanguageTranslationSourceLanguages());
+ _translator->setId("ImplicitTagRawRulesDeriver");
+ }
+void ImplicitTagRawRulesDeriver::setElementCriterion(const QString& criterionName)
+ ElementCriterion* criterion =
+ Factory::getInstance().constructObject<ElementCriterion>(criterionName);
+ if (dynamic_cast<ImplicitTagEligibleCriterion*>(criterion) != 0)
+ {
+ _elementCriterion.reset(dynamic_cast<ImplicitTagEligibleCriterion*>(criterion));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid criterion type: " + criterionName);
+ }
+void ImplicitTagRawRulesDeriver::_init()
+ _wordKeysToCountsValues.clear();
+ _duplicatedWordTagKeyCountsToValues.clear();
+ _countFileLineCtr = 0;
+ _countFile.reset(
+ new QTemporaryFile(_tempFileDir + "/implicit-tag-raw-rules-generator-temp-XXXXXX"));
+ _countFile->setAutoRemove(!_keepTempFiles);
+ if (!_countFile->open())
+ {
+ throw HootException(QObject::tr("Error opening %1 for writing.").arg(_countFile->fileName()));
+ }
+ LOG_DEBUG("Opened temp file: " << _countFile->fileName());
+ if (_keepTempFiles)
+ {
+ LOG_WARN("Keeping temp file: " << _countFile->fileName());
+ }
+void ImplicitTagRawRulesDeriver::deriveRawRules(const QStringList& inputs,
+ const QStringList& translationScripts,
+ const QString& output)
+ _validateInputs(inputs, translationScripts, output);
+ "Generating implicit tag rules raw file for inputs: " << inputs <<
+ ", translation scripts: " << translationScripts << ". Writing to output: " << output << "...");
+ LOG_VARD(_sortParallelCount);
+ LOG_VARD(_skipFiltering);
+ LOG_VARD(_translateNamesToEnglish);
+ _init();
+ long eligibleFeatureCount = 0;
+ long totalFeatureCount = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < inputs.size(); i++)
+ {
+ std::shared_ptr<ElementInputStream> inputStream =
+ _getInputStream(inputs.at(i), translationScripts.at(i));
+ while (inputStream->hasMoreElements())
+ {
+ ElementPtr element = inputStream->readNextElement();
+ LOG_VART(element);
+ totalFeatureCount++;
+ assert(_elementCriterion.get());
+ if (_skipFiltering || _elementCriterion->isSatisfied(element))
+ {
+ QStringList names = element->getTags().getNames();
+ assert(!names.isEmpty());
+ //old_name/former_name generally indicates that an element formerly went by the name, so
+ //not really useful here.
+ if (names.removeAll("old_name") > 0)
+ {
+ LOG_VART("Removed old name tag.");
+ }
+ if (names.removeAll("former_name") > 0)
+ {
+ LOG_VART("Removed former name tag.");
+ }
+ assert(!names.isEmpty());
+ if (_translateNamesToEnglish)
+ {
+ names = ImplicitTagUtils::translateNamesToEnglish(names, element->getTags(), _translator);
+ }
+ LOG_VART(names);
+ //get back only the tags that we'd be interested in applying to future elements implicitly
+ //based on name
+ const QStringList kvps = _elementCriterion->getEligibleKvps(element->getTags());
+ assert(!kvps.isEmpty());
+ if (kvps.isEmpty())
+ {
+ throw HootException("Kvps empty.");
+ }
+ //parse whole names and token groups
+ _parseNames(names, kvps);
+ eligibleFeatureCount++;
+ if (eligibleFeatureCount % _statusUpdateInterval == 0)
+ {
+ "Parsed " << StringUtils::formatLargeNumber(eligibleFeatureCount) <<
+ " eligible features / " << StringUtils::formatLargeNumber(totalFeatureCount) <<
+ " total features.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ _inputReader->finalizePartial();
+ }
+ _countFile->close();
+ "Parsed " << StringUtils::formatLargeNumber(eligibleFeatureCount) <<
+ " eligible features from " << StringUtils::formatLargeNumber(totalFeatureCount) <<
+ " total features.");
+ "Wrote " << StringUtils::formatLargeNumber(_countFileLineCtr) << " lines to count file.");
+ _sortByTagOccurrence(); //sort in descending count order
+ _removeDuplicatedKeyTypes();
+ bool tieCountsNeededResolved = false;
+ if (_duplicatedWordTagKeyCountsToValues.size() > 0)
+ {
+ _resolveCountTies();
+ tieCountsNeededResolved = true;
+ }
+ "Extracted " << StringUtils::formatLargeNumber(_wordKeysToCountsValues.size()) <<
+ " word/tag associations.");
+ LOG_INFO("Clearing word/tag associations...");
+ _wordKeysToCountsValues.clear();
+ if (tieCountsNeededResolved)
+ {
+ _sortByWord(_tieResolvedCountFile);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ _sortByWord(_dedupedCountFile);
+ }
+void ImplicitTagRawRulesDeriver::_validateInputs(const QStringList& inputs,
+ const QStringList& translationScripts,
+ const QString& output)
+ LOG_VARD(inputs);
+ LOG_VARD(translationScripts);
+ LOG_VARD(output);
+ if (!_elementCriterion.get())
+ {
+ throw HootException("No element type was specified.");
+ }
+ if (inputs.isEmpty())
+ {
+ throw HootException("No inputs were specified.");
+ }
+ if (inputs.size() != translationScripts.size())
+ {
+ LOG_VARD(inputs.size());
+ LOG_VARD(translationScripts.size());
+ throw HootException(
+ "The size of the input datasets list must equal the size of the list of translation scripts.");
+ }
+ if (output.isEmpty())
+ {
+ throw HootException("No output was specified.");
+ }
+ _output.reset(new QFile());
+ _output->setFileName(output);
+ if (_output->exists() && !_output->remove())
+ {
+ throw HootException(QObject::tr("Error removing existing %1 for writing.").arg(output));
+ }
+ _output->close();
+ if (_translateNamesToEnglish && !_translator.get())
+ {
+ throw HootException("To English translation enabled but no translator was specified.");
+ }
+void ImplicitTagRawRulesDeriver::_updateForNewWord(const QString& word, const QString& kvp)
+ QString simpleWord = word.simplified();
+ LOG_TRACE("Updating word: " << simpleWord << " with kvp: " << kvp << "...");
+ ImplicitTagUtils::cleanName(simpleWord);
+ if (!simpleWord.isEmpty())
+ {
+ if (StringUtils::isNumber(simpleWord))
+ {
+ LOG_TRACE("Skipping word: " << simpleWord << ", which is a number.");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!StringUtils::hasAlphabeticCharacter(simpleWord))
+ {
+ LOG_TRACE("Skipping word: " << simpleWord << ", which has no alphabetic characters.");
+ return;
+ }
+ const QString line = simpleWord.toLower() % QString("\t") % kvp % QString("\n");
+ _countFile->write(line.toUtf8());
+ _countFileLineCtr++;
+ }
+std::shared_ptr<ElementInputStream> ImplicitTagRawRulesDeriver::_getInputStream(
+ const QString& input, const QString& translationScript)
+ LOG_INFO("Parsing: " << input << "...");
+ _inputReader =
+ std::dynamic_pointer_cast<PartialOsmMapReader>(OsmMapReaderFactory::createReader(input));
+ _inputReader->open(input);
+ std::shared_ptr<ElementInputStream> inputStream =
+ std::dynamic_pointer_cast<ElementInputStream>(_inputReader);
+ LOG_VARD(translationScript);
+ //"none" allows for bypassing translation for an input; e.g. OSM data
+ if (translationScript.toLower() != "none")
+ {
+ std::shared_ptr<SchemaTranslationVisitor> translationVisitor(new SchemaTranslationVisitor());
+ // I think we always want to be going to OSM here unless otherwise specified (or maybe
+ // regardless if its specified), but that should be verified.
+ QString translationDirection =
+ conf().getString(ConfigOptions::getSchemaTranslationDirectionKey());
+ if (translationDirection.trimmed().isEmpty())
+ {
+ translationDirection = "toosm";
+ }
+ LOG_VARD(translationDirection);
+ translationVisitor->setTranslationDirection(translationDirection);
+ // always set the direction before setting the script
+ translationVisitor->setTranslationScript(translationScript);
+ inputStream.reset(new ElementVisitorInputStream(_inputReader, translationVisitor));
+ }
+ return inputStream;
+void ImplicitTagRawRulesDeriver::_parseNames(const QStringList& names, const QStringList& kvps)
+ for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++)
+ {
+ QString name = names.at(i);
+ LOG_VART(name);
+ //'=' is used in the map key for kvps, so it needs to be escaped in the word
+ if (name.contains("="))
+ {
+ name = name.replace("=", "%3D");
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < kvps.size(); j++)
+ {
+ _updateForNewWord(name, kvps.at(j));
+ }
+ QStringList nameTokens = _tokenizer.tokenize(name);
+ LOG_VART(nameTokens.size());
+ //tokenization
+ for (int j = 0; j < nameTokens.size(); j++)
+ {
+ QString nameToken = nameTokens.at(j);
+ _parseNameToken(nameToken, kvps);
+ }
+ //going up to a token group size of two; tested up to group size three, but three didn't seem to
+ //yield any better tagging results
+ if (nameTokens.size() > 2)
+ {
+ for (int j = 0; j < nameTokens.size() - 1; j++)
+ {
+ QString nameToken = nameTokens.at(j) + " " + nameTokens.at(j + 1);
+ _parseNameToken(nameToken, kvps);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void ImplicitTagRawRulesDeriver::_parseNameToken(QString& nameToken, const QStringList& kvps)
+ //may eventually need to replace more punctuation chars here, but this is fine for now...need a
+ //more extensible way to do it; also, that logic could moved into ImplicitTagUtils::cleanName
+ nameToken = nameToken.replace(",", "");
+ LOG_VART(nameToken);
+ if (_translateNamesToEnglish)
+ {
+ const QString englishNameToken = _translator->translate(nameToken);
+ LOG_VART(englishNameToken);
+ if (!englishNameToken.isEmpty())
+ {
+ nameToken = englishNameToken;
+ }
+ }
+ for (int k = 0; k < kvps.size(); k++)
+ {
+ _updateForNewWord(nameToken, kvps.at(k));
+ }
+void ImplicitTagRawRulesDeriver::_sortByTagOccurrence()
+ LOG_INFO("Sorting output by tag occurrence count...");
+ LOG_VART(_sortParallelCount);
+ _sortedCountFile.reset(
+ new QTemporaryFile(_tempFileDir + "/implicit-tag-raw-rules-generator-temp-XXXXXX"));
+ _sortedCountFile->setAutoRemove(!_keepTempFiles);
+ if (!_sortedCountFile->open())
+ {
+ throw HootException(
+ QObject::tr("Error opening %1 for writing.").arg(_sortedCountFile->fileName()));
+ }
+ LOG_DEBUG("Opened sorted temp file: " << _sortedCountFile->fileName());
+ if (_keepTempFiles)
+ {
+ LOG_WARN("Keeping temp file: " << _sortedCountFile->fileName());
+ }
+ if (!_countFile->exists())
+ {
+ throw HootException("Unable to sort file; file doesn't exist.");
+ }
+ //This counts each unique line occurrence, sorts by decreasing occurrence count (necessary for
+ //next step which removes duplicate tag keys associated with the same word), and replaces the
+ //space between the prepended count and the word with a tab.
+ //sort by highest count, then by word, then by tag
+ const QString cmd =
+ "sort --parallel=" + QString::number(_sortParallelCount) + " " + _countFile->fileName() +
+ " | uniq -c | sort -n -r --parallel=" + QString::number(_sortParallelCount) + " | " +
+ "sed -e 's/^ *//;s/ /\\t/' > " + _sortedCountFile->fileName();
+ if (std::system(cmd.toStdString().c_str()) != 0)
+ {
+ throw HootException("Unable to sort file.");
+ }
+ "Wrote " <<
+ StringUtils::formatLargeNumber(FileUtils::getNumberOfLinesInFile(_sortedCountFile->fileName())) <<
+ " lines to sorted file.");
+void ImplicitTagRawRulesDeriver::_removeDuplicatedKeyTypes()
+ LOG_INFO("Removing duplicated tag key types from output...");
+ //i.e. don't allow amenity=school AND amenity=shop to be associated with the same word...pick one
+ //of them
+ _dedupedCountFile.reset(
+ new QTemporaryFile(
+ _tempFileDir + "/implicit-tag-raw-rules-generator-temp-XXXXXX"));
+ _dedupedCountFile->setAutoRemove(!_keepTempFiles);
+ if (!_dedupedCountFile->open())
+ {
+ throw HootException(
+ QObject::tr("Error opening %1 for writing.").arg(_dedupedCountFile->fileName()));
+ }
+ LOG_DEBUG("Opened dedupe temp file: " << _dedupedCountFile->fileName());
+ if (_keepTempFiles)
+ {
+ LOG_WARN("Keeping temp file: " << _dedupedCountFile->fileName());
+ }
+ long lineCount = 0;
+ long writtenLineCount = 0;
+ while (!_sortedCountFile->atEnd())
+ {
+ const QString line = QString::fromUtf8(_sortedCountFile->readLine().constData()).trimmed();
+ LOG_VART(line);
+ const QStringList lineParts = line.split("\t");
+ LOG_VART(lineParts);
+ QString word = lineParts[1].trimmed();
+ LOG_VART(word);
+ const QString kvp = lineParts[2].trimmed();
+ LOG_VART(kvp);
+ const QString countStr = lineParts[0].trimmed();
+ const long count = countStr.toLong();
+ LOG_VART(count);
+ const QStringList kvpParts = kvp.split("=");
+ const QString tagKey = kvpParts[0];
+ LOG_VART(tagKey);
+ const QString wordTagKey = word.trimmed() % ";" % tagKey.trimmed();
+ LOG_VART(wordTagKey);
+ const QString wordTagKeyCount =
+ word.trimmed() % ";" % tagKey.trimmed() % ";" % countStr.trimmed();
+ LOG_VART(wordTagKeyCount);
+ const QString tagValue = kvpParts[1];
+ LOG_VART(tagValue);
+ //The lines are sorted in reverse by occurrence count. So the first time we see one word/key
+ //combo, we know it had the highest occurrence count, and we can ignore all subsequent
+ //instances of it since any one feature can't have more than one tag applied to it with the
+ //same key.
+ const QString queriedCountAndValue = _wordKeysToCountsValues.value(wordTagKey, "");
+ if (queriedCountAndValue.isEmpty())
+ {
+ _wordKeysToCountsValues[wordTagKey] = countStr % ";" % tagValue;
+ //this unescaping must occur during the final temp file write
+ if (word.contains("%3D"))
+ {
+ word = word.replace("%3D", "=");
+ }
+ else if (word.contains("%3d"))
+ {
+ word = word.replace("%3d", "=");
+ }
+ const QString updatedLine = countStr % "\t" % word % "\t" % kvp % "\n";
+ LOG_VART(updatedLine);
+ _dedupedCountFile->write(updatedLine.toUtf8());
+ writtenLineCount++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const long queriedCount = queriedCountAndValue.split(";")[0].toLong();
+ if (queriedCount == count)
+ {
+ "Recording duplicated word/tag key/count for: " << wordTagKeyCount << " with value: " <<
+ tagValue);
+ _duplicatedWordTagKeyCountsToValues[wordTagKeyCount].append(tagValue);
+ }
+ }
+ lineCount++;
+ if (lineCount % (_statusUpdateInterval * 10) == 0)
+ {
+ "Parsed " << StringUtils::formatLargeNumber(lineCount) <<
+ " lines from input for duplicated tag key removal.");
+ }
+ }
+ _sortedCountFile->close();
+ "Wrote " << StringUtils::formatLargeNumber(writtenLineCount) << " lines to deduped file.");
+ _dedupedCountFile->close();
+void ImplicitTagRawRulesDeriver::_resolveCountTies()
+ //Any time more than one word/key combo has the same occurrence count, we need to pick just one
+ //of them.
+ "Resolving word/tag key/count ties for " <<
+ StringUtils::formatLargeNumber(_duplicatedWordTagKeyCountsToValues.size()) <<
+ " duplicated word/tag key/counts...");
+ _tieResolvedCountFile.reset(
+ new QTemporaryFile(
+ _tempFileDir + "/implicit-tag-raw-rules-generator-temp-XXXXXX"));
+ _tieResolvedCountFile->setAutoRemove(!_keepTempFiles);
+ if (!_tieResolvedCountFile->open())
+ {
+ throw HootException(
+ QObject::tr("Error opening %1 for writing.").arg(_tieResolvedCountFile->fileName()));
+ }
+ LOG_DEBUG("Opened tie resolve temp file: " << _tieResolvedCountFile->fileName());
+ if (_keepTempFiles)
+ {
+ LOG_WARN("Keeping temp file: " << _tieResolvedCountFile->fileName());
+ }
+ if (!_dedupedCountFile->open())
+ {
+ throw HootException(
+ QObject::tr("Error opening %1 for reading.").arg(_dedupedCountFile->fileName()));
+ }
+ long lineCount = 0;
+ long duplicateResolutions = 0;
+ while (!_dedupedCountFile->atEnd())
+ {
+ const QString line = QString::fromUtf8(_dedupedCountFile->readLine().constData()).trimmed();
+ LOG_VART(line);
+ const QStringList lineParts = line.split("\t");
+ LOG_VART(lineParts);
+ QString word = lineParts[1].trimmed();
+ LOG_VART(word);
+ const QString kvp = lineParts[2].trimmed();
+ LOG_VART(kvp);
+ const QString countStr = lineParts[0].trimmed();
+ const long count = countStr.toLong();
+ LOG_VART(count);
+ const QStringList kvpParts = kvp.split("=");
+ const QString tagKey = kvpParts[0];
+ LOG_VART(tagKey);
+ const QString wordTagKey = word.trimmed() % ";" % tagKey.trimmed();
+ LOG_VART(wordTagKey);
+ const QString wordTagKeyCount =
+ word.trimmed() % ";" % tagKey.trimmed() % ";" % countStr.trimmed();
+ LOG_VART(wordTagKeyCount);
+ const QString tagValue = kvpParts[1];
+ LOG_VART(tagValue);
+ if (_duplicatedWordTagKeyCountsToValues.contains(wordTagKeyCount))
+ {
+ LOG_TRACE("Resolving duplicated word/tag key/count for " << wordTagKeyCount << "...");
+ //To resolve the tie, we're going to pick the most specific kvp. e.g. amenity=public_hall
+ //wins out of amenity=hall. This is not really dealing with same hierarchy level tags
+ //(e.g. amenity=school and amenity=hall) and will just arbitrarily pick in that situation.
+ //Duplicates do seem to be fairly rare, but there could be some perfomance gains by coming
+ //up with a better way to handle this situation.
+ QString lineWithMostSpecificKvp = line % "\n";
+ const QStringList tagValues = _duplicatedWordTagKeyCountsToValues[wordTagKeyCount];
+ for (int i = 0; i < tagValues.size(); i++)
+ {
+ const QString childKvp = tagKey % "=" % tagValues[i];
+ if (OsmSchema::getInstance().isAncestor(childKvp, tagKey % "=" % tagValue))
+ {
+ lineWithMostSpecificKvp = countStr % "\t" % word % "\t" % childKvp % "\n";
+ }
+ }
+ LOG_VART(lineWithMostSpecificKvp);
+ _tieResolvedCountFile->write(lineWithMostSpecificKvp.toUtf8());
+ duplicateResolutions++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const QString updatedLine = countStr % "\t" % word % "\t" % kvp % "\n";
+ LOG_VART(updatedLine);
+ _tieResolvedCountFile->write(updatedLine.toUtf8());
+ }
+ lineCount++;
+ if (lineCount % (_statusUpdateInterval * 10) == 0)
+ {
+ "Parsed " << StringUtils::formatLargeNumber(lineCount) <<
+ " lines from input for duplicated tag key count ties.");
+ }
+ }
+ LOG_VARD(lineCount);
+ "Resolved " << StringUtils::formatLargeNumber(duplicateResolutions) <<
+ " word/tag key/count ties.");
+ _duplicatedWordTagKeyCountsToValues.clear();
+ _tieResolvedCountFile->close();
+void ImplicitTagRawRulesDeriver::_sortByWord(const std::shared_ptr<QTemporaryFile>& input)
+ LOG_INFO("Sorting output by word...");
+ if (!input->exists())
+ {
+ throw HootException("Unable to sort file; file doesn't exist.");
+ }
+ //sort by word, then by tag
+ const QString cmd =
+ "sort -t$'\t' -k2,2 -k3,3 --parallel=" + QString::number(_sortParallelCount) + " " +
+ input->fileName() + " -o " + _output->fileName();
+ if (std::system(cmd.toStdString().c_str()) != 0)
+ {
+ throw HootException("Unable to sort input file.");
+ }
+ LOG_VARD(_output->fileName());
+ "Wrote " <<
+ StringUtils::formatLargeNumber(
+ FileUtils::getNumberOfLinesInFile(_output->fileName())) << " lines to final sorted file.");