diff --git a/docs/user/CommandLineExamples.asciidoc b/docs/user/CommandLineExamples.asciidoc
index 4095942..9fa081d 100644
--- a/docs/user/CommandLineExamples.asciidoc
+++ b/docs/user/CommandLineExamples.asciidoc
@@ -45,6 +45,12 @@ See the User Guide for more details on command usage.
hoot conflate -D conflate.tag.filter=myFilter.json input1.osm input2.osm output.osm
+===== Conflate over a bounding box (not supported by all input formats):
+ hoot conflate -D convert.bounding.box="-71.4698,42.4866,-71.4657,42.4902" input1.osm input2.osm output.osm
==== Applying Changes
===== Derive a changeset between two maps and write the result back to a Rails Port instance:
@@ -54,6 +60,34 @@ See the User Guide for more details on command usage.
hoot changeset-apply changeset.osc http://railsPortUrl --stats --progress
+===== Replace all features in a first dataset with overlapping features from a second dataset within a specified bounds:
+ hoot changeset-derive-replacement -D changeset.user.id=1 input1.osm input2.osm "-71.4698,42.4866,-71.4657,42.4902" \
+ output.osc
+===== Completely replace all features in a first dataset with features from a second dataset within a specified bounds:
+ hoot changeset-derive-replacement -D changeset.user.id=1 input1.osm input2.osm "-71.4698,42.4866,-71.4657,42.4902" \
+ output.osc --full-replacement
+===== Replace all buildings in a first dataset with overlapping buildings from a second dataset within a specified bounds:
+ hoot changeset-derive-replacement -D changeset.user.id=1 input1.osm input2.osm "-71.4698,42.4866,-71.4657,42.4902" \
+ output.osc -geometry-filters "hoot::BuildingCriterion"
+===== Completely replace all buildings in a first dataset with buildings from a second dataset within a specified bounds:
+ hoot changeset-derive-replacement -D changeset.user.id=1 input1.osm input2.osm "-71.4698,42.4866,-71.4657,42.4902" \
+ output.osc -geometry-filters "hoot::BuildingCriterion" --full-replacement
==== MetaInfo
===== List all configuration option names:
@@ -74,6 +108,12 @@ See the User Guide for more details on command usage.
hoot info --formats --output
+===== List all available cleaning operations:
+ hoot info --cleaning-operations
==== Data Transformation
===== Combine multiple OSM files into a single file:
@@ -334,11 +374,30 @@ See the User Guide for more details on command usage.
hoot changeset-apply changeset.osc.sql osmapidb://username:password@localhost:5432/databaseName
-===== Create a changeset that completely replaces a set of buildings in one dataset with those in another over an AOI:
+===== Replace all buildings and POIs in a first dataset with overlapping buildings and POIs from a second dataset within a specified bounds:
hoot changeset-derive-replacement -D changeset.user.id=1 input1.osm input2.osm "-71.4698,42.4866,-71.4657,42.4902" \
- hoot::BuildingCriterion output.osc
+ output.osc -geometry-filters "hoot::BuildingCriterion;hoot::PoiCriterion"
+===== Completely replace all POIs in a first dataset, except those with "Staunton" in the name, with schools from a second dataset within a specified bounds:
+ hoot changeset-derive-replacement input1.osm input2.osm "38,-105,39,-104" outputChangeset.osc \
+ --geometry-filters "hoot::PoiCriterion --replacement-filters "hoot::TagCriterion" \
+ --replacement-filter-options "tag.criterion.kvps='amenity=school'" \
+ --retainment-filters "hoot::TagContainsCriterion" \
+ --retainment-filter-options "tag.criterion.kvps='name=Staunton' --full-replacement
+===== Replace all POIs in a first dataset with overlapping cafes having "Java" in the name from a second dataset within a specified bounds:
+ hoot changeset-derive-replacement -D changeset.user.id=1 input1.osm input2.osm \
+ "-122.43204,37.7628,-122.4303457,37.76437" output.osc --geometry-filters "hoot::PoiCriterion" \
+ --replacement-filters "hoot::TagContainsCriterion;hoot::TagCriterion" --chain-replacement-filters \
+ --replacement-filter-options "tag.criterion.kvps='amenity=cafe' tag.contains.criterion.kvps='name=Java'"
==== Data Transformation
@@ -382,6 +441,14 @@ See the User Guide for more details on command usage.
-D remove.elements.visitor.element.criteria="hoot::RelationCriterion;hoot::WayCriterion" input.osm output.osm
+===== Remove everything but polygon geometries and their constituent features from a map:
+ hoot convert -D convert.ops="hoot::RemoveElementsVisitor" \
+ -D remove.elements.visitor.element.criteria="hoot::PolygonCriterion" -D element.criterion.negate=true \
+ input.osm output.osm
===== Remove all duplicate ways from a map:
@@ -506,6 +573,12 @@ See the User Guide for more details on command usage.
hoot crop -D crop.invert=true input.osm output.osm "-77.0551,38.8845,-77.0281,38.9031"
+===== Put out a random subset of data with a maximum node size from a large input dataset (useful during conflation testing):
+ hoot crop-random input.osm output.osm 5000
===== Sort data to the OSM standard that is too large to fit in memory:
@@ -524,10 +597,16 @@ See the User Guide for more details on command usage.
hoot node-density-plot input.osm output.png 100
+===== Detect railway intersections:
+hoot convert -D convert.ops="hoot::FindRailwayIntersectionsOp" input.osm output.osm
===== Make a perturbed copy of a map, conflate the original map against the perturbed copy, and score how well the conflation performed:
- hoot perty -D perty.search.distance=20 -D perty.way.generalize.probability=0.7 input.osm \
+ hoot perty -D perty.search.distance=20 -D way.generalize.probability=0.7 input.osm \
hoot perty --score input.osm perturbed.osm
@@ -574,6 +653,12 @@ See the User Guide for more details on command usage.
input1.osm input2.osm output.osm
+===== Simplify ways in a map by removing unnecessary nodes from them:
+ hoot convert -D convert.ops="hoot::WayGeneralizeVisitor" -D way.generalizer.epsilon=5.0 input.osm output.osm
==== Statistics
===== Count all elements that are not POIs:
@@ -781,19 +866,55 @@ Requires language translation server installation. See the Hootenanny Install G
hoot info --config-options poi.polygon --option-names
-===== List all available feature extractors:
+===== List all criteria that identify conflatable features:
+ hoot info --conflatable-criteria
+===== List all operators configured to run after conflation:
+ hoot info --conflate-post-operations
+===== List all operators configured to run before conflation:
+ hoot info --conflate-pre-operations
+===== List all operators that can take an element criterion as input:
+ hoot info --criterion-consumers
+===== List all extractors used to score feature properties:
hoot info --feature-extractors:
-===== List all available language detectors:
+===== List all input formats that support reading by geospatial bounds:
+ hoot info --formats --input-bounded
+===== List all criteria that can be used to identify a feature's geometry type:
+ hoot info --geometry-type-criteria
+===== List all language detectors:
hoot info --languages --detectors
-===== List all available language translators:
+===== List all language translators:
hoot info --languages --translators
@@ -811,63 +932,75 @@ Requires language translation server installation. See the Hootenanny Install G
hoot info --languages --translatable
-===== List all available feature matchers:
+===== List all entities that can match features:
hoot info --matchers
-===== List all available feature match creators:
+===== List all entities that can create feature matchers:
hoot info --match-creators
-===== List all available feature mergers:
+===== List all entities that can merge features:
hoot info --mergers
-===== List all available feature merger creators:
+===== List all entities that can create feature mergers:
hoot info --merger-creators
-===== List all available data operators:
+===== List all entities that can operate on data:
hoot info --operators
-===== List all available string comparators:
+===== List all entities that can filter data (a subset of --operators):
- hoot info --string-comparators
+ hoot info --filters
-===== List all available tag value aggregators:
+===== List all entities that can compare strings:
- hoot info --value-aggregators
+ hoot info --string-comparators
-===== List all available subline matchers:
+===== List all entities capable of subline matching:
hoot info --subline-matchers
-===== List all available subline string matchers:
+===== List all entities capable of subline string matching:
hoot info --subline-string-matchers
-===== List all available tag mergers:
+===== List all entities capable of tag merging:
hoot info --tag-mergers
+===== List all entities capable of aggregating tag values:
+ hoot info --value-aggregators
+===== List all way joiners:
+ hoot info --way-joiners