diff --git a/translations/tds40_rules.js b/translations/tds40_rules.js
index c33509d..7375aef 100644
--- a/translations/tds40_rules.js
+++ b/translations/tds40_rules.js
@@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ tds40.rules = {
['F_CODE','AL020','landuse','industrial'], // From OSM - Map to BUA
['F_CODE','AL020','landuse','residential'], // From OSM - Map to BUA
['F_CODE','AL030','amenity','grave_yard'], // From OSM Data
- ['F_CODE','AL105','tourism','caravan_site'], // From OSM data, not a building so...
['F_CODE','AL130','historic','memorial'], // From OSM data, not great
['F_CODE','AL200','ruins','yes'], // Ruins
['F_CODE','AL241','man_made','mast'], // OSM
@@ -203,10 +202,10 @@ tds40.rules = {
'HGT':'height', // Height Above Surface Level
'HVA':'source:accuracy:height', // Height Vertical Accuracy (90%)
'KVA':'voltage', // Power Line Maximum Voltage
- 'LC1':'bridge:load_class1', // Load Class Type 1
- 'LC2':'bridge:load_class2', // Load Class Type 2
- 'LC3':'bridge:load_class3', // Load Class Type 3
- 'LC4':'bridge:load_class4', // Load Class Type 4
+ 'LC1':'mlc:wheeled_oneway', // Load Class Type 1
+ 'LC2':'mlc:wheeled', // Load Class Type 2
+ 'LC3':'mlc:tracked_oneway', // Load Class Type 3
+ 'LC4':'mlc:tracked', // Load Class Type 4
'LCA':'crane:max_load', // Lifting Capacity
'LEA':'depth:minimum_below_surface', // Least Depth Below Surface Level
'LNU':'length:interior_useable', // Usable Length
@@ -978,12 +977,12 @@ tds40.rules = {
// EET - Engineered Earthwork Type
// ['EET','-999999',undefined,undefined], // No Information
- ['EET','1','earthwork:type','battery'], // Battery
- ['EET','2','earthwork:type','military_parapet'], // Military Parapet
- ['EET','3','earthwork:type','military_trench'], // Military Trench
- ['EET','4','earthwork:type','rampart'], // Rampart
- ['EET','5','earthwork:type','redoubt'], // Redoubt
- ['EET','999','earthwork:type','other'], // Other
+ ['EET','1','trench','battery'], // Battery
+ ['EET','2','trench','parapet'], // Military Parapet
+ ['EET','3',undefined,undefined], // Military Trench
+ ['EET','4','trench','rampart'], // Rampart
+ ['EET','5','trench','redoubt'], // Redoubt
+ ['EET','999','trench','other'], // Other
// EQC - Equivalent Scale Category
// ['EQC','-999999',undefined,undefined], // No Information
@@ -1500,13 +1499,13 @@ tds40.rules = {
// FZR - Fortified Building Type
// ['FZR','-999999',undefined,undefined], // No Information
- ['FZR','1','fortified:type','blockhouse'], // Blockhouse
- ['FZR','2','fortified:type','casement'], // Casement
- ['FZR','3','fortified:type','keep'], // Keep
- ['FZR','4','fortified:type','martello_tower'], // Martello Tower
- ['FZR','5','fortified:type','non-specific_fortified'], // Non-specific Fortified
- ['FZR','6','fortified:type','pillbox'], // Pillbox
- ['FZR','999','fortified:type','other'], // Other
+ ['FZR','1','bunker_type','blockhouse'], // Blockhouse
+ ['FZR','2','bunker_type','casement'], // Casement
+ ['FZR','3','bunker_type','keep'], // Keep
+ ['FZR','4','bunker_type','martello_tower'], // Martello Tower
+ ['FZR','5','bunker_type','non-specific'], // Non-specific Fortified
+ ['FZR','6','bunker_type','pillbox'], // Pillbox
+ ['FZR','999','bunker_type','other'], // Other
// GFT - Geologic Fault Trace Visible
// ['GFT','-999999',undefined,undefined], // No Information
@@ -4358,7 +4357,6 @@ tds40.rules = {
// ### From OSM - This list could never end.....
['FFN','464','shop','books'], // Specialized Store
- ['FFN','465','shop','supermarket'], // Non-specialized
['FFN','563','building','house'], // Residence
['FFN','558','building','dependents_housing'], // Dependents Housing
['FFN','610','office','telecommunication'], // telecommunication
@@ -4370,17 +4368,6 @@ tds40.rules = {
// ##### End of One2One Rules #####
- // ##### Start of txtLength #####
- // This list is for validateing the lengths of text attributes prior to export
- txtLength : {
- 'BA000_VDR':80, 'BRN':24, 'CID':20, 'CPS':30, 'EQC':30, 'ETS':30, 'ETZ':24, 'GB052_RIDH':14, 'GB052_RIDL':14,
- 'HZD':30, 'IC2':14, 'IKO':14, 'MDE':20, 'NA8':80, 'RCG':30, 'RTN2':24, 'RTN':24, 'RTN3':24, 'SSE':14, 'UFI':254,
- 'URI':254, 'VDT':30, 'VOI':14, 'WPI':14, 'ZI001_NSD':20, 'ZI001_NSP':30, 'ZI001_SSD':20, 'ZI001_SSY':30, 'ZI001_VSC':30,
- 'ZI001_VSD':20, 'ZI004_RCG':30, 'ZI005_FNA1':200, 'ZI005_FNA':200, 'ZI005_FNA2':200, 'ZI005_NFN1':18, 'ZI005_NFN':18,
- 'ZI005_NFN2':18, 'ZSAX_RS0':2, 'ZSAX_RX3':254, 'ZSAX_RX4':254
- },
- // ##### End of txtLength #####
// ##### Start of ignoreList #####
// This is taken from OSM pre processing and a few things added.
// NOTE: Need to think about XX2 and XX3 attributes
@@ -4450,60 +4437,6 @@ tds40.rules = {
// ##### End of ignoreList #####
- // ##### Start of swapList #####
- // The What Were They Thinking? swap list. Each of these is the _same_ attribute
- // but renamed in different features. Some of these were done during the move from TDSv30 to
- // TDSv40. We swap these so that there is only one set of rules needed in the One2One section.
- // These get converted back on output - if we need to.
- swapList : {
- 'ASU':'ZI019_ASU', 'ASU2':'ZI019_ASU3', 'ASU3':'ZI019_ASU3',
- 'AT005_CAB':'CAB', 'AT005_CAB2':'CAB2', 'AT005_CAB3':'CAB3',
- 'DEP':'DZP',
- 'HYP':'ZI024_HYP',
- 'LEN_':'LZN',
- 'MEM':'ZI006_MEM',
- 'PBY':'ZI014_PBY', 'PBY2':'ZI014_PBY2', 'PBY3':'ZI014_PBY3',
- 'PPO':'ZI014_PPO', 'PPO2':'ZI014_PPO2', 'PPO3':'ZI014_PPO3',
- 'PRW':'ZI014_PRW', 'PRW2':'ZI014_PRW2', 'PRW3':'ZI014_PRW3',
- 'RCG':'ZI004_RCG',
- 'WD1':'ZI016_WD1',
- 'YWQ':'ZI024_YWQ',
- 'ZI005_FNAA':'ZI005_FNA',
- 'ZI005_FNAB':'ZI005_FNA2',
- 'ZI005_NFNA':'ZI005_NFN',
- 'ZI005_NFNB':'ZI005_NFN2',
- 'ZI020_IC2':'IC2',
- 'ZI025_WLE':'WLE',
- 'ZI032_GUG':'GUG',
- 'ZI032_TOS':'TOS',
- 'ZI032_PYC':'PYC',
- 'ZI032_PYM':'PYM',
- 'ZI071_FFN':'FFN', 'ZI071_FFN2':'FFN2', 'ZI071_FFN3':'FFN3'
- },
- // ##### End of swapList #####
- // ##### Start of closureList #####
- closureList : {
- 'AQTC':['AQTL','AQTU'],
- 'AYRC':['AYRL','AYRU'],
- 'DMBC':['DMBL','DMBU'],
- 'DPAC':['DPAL','DPAU'],
- 'RMWC':['RMWL','RMWU'],
- 'SDCC':['SDCL','SDCU'],
- 'SDSC':['SDSL','SDSU'],
- 'SGCC':['SGCL','SGCU'],
- 'TSCC':['TSCL','TSCU']
- },
- // ##### End of closureList #####
// ##### Start of fCodeMap #####
// This is a map of FCODE's and filenames
fCodeMap : [
@@ -4565,6 +4498,104 @@ tds40.rules = {
// ##### End of fCodeMap#####
+ // ##### Start of closureList #####
+ closureList : {
+ 'AQTC':['AQTL','AQTU'],
+ 'AYRC':['AYRL','AYRU'],
+ 'DMBC':['DMBL','DMBU'],
+ 'DPAC':['DPAL','DPAU'],
+ 'RMWC':['RMWL','RMWU'],
+ 'SDCC':['SDCL','SDCU'],
+ 'SDSC':['SDSL','SDSU'],
+ 'SGCC':['SGCL','SGCU'],
+ 'TSCC':['TSCL','TSCU']
+ },
+ // ##### End of closureList #####
+ // ##### Start of swapList #####
+ // The What Were They Thinking? swap list. Each of these is the _same_ attribute
+ // but renamed in different features. Some of these were done during the move from TDSv30 to
+ // TDSv40. We swap these so that there is only one set of rules needed in the One2One section.
+ // These get converted back on output - if we need to.
+ swapListIn : {
+ 'ASU':'ZI019_ASU', 'ASU2':'ZI019_ASU3', 'ASU3':'ZI019_ASU3',
+ 'AT005_CAB':'CAB', 'AT005_CAB2':'CAB2', 'AT005_CAB3':'CAB3',
+ 'DEP':'DZP',
+ 'HYP':'ZI024_HYP',
+ 'LEN_':'LZN',
+ 'MEM':'ZI006_MEM',
+ 'PBY':'ZI014_PBY', 'PBY2':'ZI014_PBY2', 'PBY3':'ZI014_PBY3',
+ 'PPO':'ZI014_PPO', 'PPO2':'ZI014_PPO2', 'PPO3':'ZI014_PPO3',
+ 'PRW':'ZI014_PRW', 'PRW2':'ZI014_PRW2', 'PRW3':'ZI014_PRW3',
+ 'RCG':'ZI004_RCG',
+ 'WD1':'ZI016_WD1',
+ 'YWQ':'ZI024_YWQ',
+ 'ZI005_FNAA':'ZI005_FNA',
+ 'ZI005_FNAB':'ZI005_FNA2',
+ 'ZI005_NFNA':'ZI005_NFN',
+ 'ZI005_NFNB':'ZI005_NFN2',
+ 'ZI020_IC2':'IC2',
+ 'ZI025_WLE':'WLE',
+ 'ZI032_GUG':'GUG',
+ 'ZI032_TOS':'TOS',
+ 'ZI032_PYC':'PYC',
+ 'ZI032_PYM':'PYM',
+ 'ZI071_FFN':'FFN', 'ZI071_FFN2':'FFN2', 'ZI071_FFN3':'FFN3'
+ },
+ // ##### End of swapListIn #####
+ // ##### Start of swapListOut #####
+ // Format is: <FCODE>:{<from>:<to>}
+ swapListOut : {
+ 'AA010':{'ZI014_PPO':'PPO', 'ZI014_PPO2':'PPO2', 'ZI014_PPO3':'PPO3'},
+ 'AA020':{'ZI014_PPO':'PPO', 'ZI014_PPO2':'PPO2', 'ZI014_PPO3':'PPO3'},
+ 'AA040':{'ZI014_PPO':'PPO', 'ZI014_PPO2':'PPO2', 'ZI014_PPO3':'PPO3'},
+ 'AA052':{'ZI014_PPO':'PPO', 'ZI014_PPO2':'PPO2', 'ZI014_PPO3':'PPO3'},
+ 'AA054':{'ZI014_PPO':'PPO', 'ZI014_PPO2':'PPO2', 'ZI014_PPO3':'PPO3'},
+ 'AB000':{'ZI014_PBY':'PBY', 'ZI014_PBY2':'PBY2', 'ZI014_PBY3':'PBY3'},
+ 'AC060':{'ZI014_PPO':'PPO', 'ZI014_PPO2':'PPO2', 'ZI014_PPO3':'PPO3'},
+ 'AD020':{'ZI014_PPO':'PPO', 'ZI014_PPO2':'PPO2', 'ZI014_PPO3':'PPO3'},
+ 'AD025':{'ZI014_PPO':'PPO', 'ZI014_PPO2':'PPO2', 'ZI014_PPO3':'PPO3'},
+ 'AJ050':{'ZI014_PPO':'PPO', 'ZI014_PPO2':'PPO2', 'ZI014_PPO3':'PPO3'},
+ 'AL020':{'ZI005_NFN':'ZI005_NFN1'},
+ 'AM010':{'ZI014_PPO':'PPO', 'ZI014_PPO2':'PPO2', 'ZI014_PPO3':'PPO3'},
+ 'AM040':{'ZI014_PRW':'PRW', 'ZI014_PRW2':'PRW2', 'ZI014_PRW3':'PRW3'},
+ 'AM060':{'ZI014_PPO':'PPO', 'ZI014_PPO2':'PPO2', 'ZI014_PPO3':'PPO3'},
+ 'AM070':{'ZI014_PPO':'PPO', 'ZI014_PPO2':'PPO2', 'ZI014_PPO3':'PPO3'},
+ 'AM071':{'ZI014_PPO':'PPO', 'ZI014_PPO2':'PPO2', 'ZI014_PPO3':'PPO3'},
+ 'AM080':{'ZI014_YWQ':'YWQ', 'ZI016_WD1':'WD1'},
+ 'AQ113':{'ZI014_PPO':'PPO', 'ZI014_PPO2':'PPO2', 'ZI014_PPO3':'PPO3'},
+ 'AQ116':{'ZI014_PPO':'PPO', 'ZI014_PPO2':'PPO2', 'ZI014_PPO3':'PPO3'},
+ 'AT005':{'WLE':'ZI025_WLE'},
+ 'AT042':{'GUG':'ZI032_GUG', 'PYC':'ZI032_PYC', 'PYM':'ZI032_PYM', 'TOS':'ZI032_TOS', 'CAB':'AT005_CAB', 'CAB2':'AT005_CAB2', 'CAB3':'AT005_CAB3'},
+ 'BD100':{'WLE':'ZI025_WLE'},
+ 'BH051':{'ZI014_PPO':'PPO', 'ZI014_PPO2':'PPO2', 'ZI014_PPO3':'PPO3'},
+ 'DB029':{'FFN':'ZI071_FFN', 'FFN2':'ZI071_FFN2', 'FFN3':'ZI071_FFN3'},
+ 'ED010':{'ZI024_HYP':'HYP'},
+ 'GB045':{'ZI019_ASU':'ASU', 'ZI019_ASU2':'ASU2', 'ZI019_ASU3':'ASU3'},
+ 'ZI031':{'ZI006_MEM':'MEM', 'ZI004_RCG':'RCG'}
+ },
+ // ##### End of swapListOut #####
+ // ##### Start of txtLength #####
+ // This list is for validateing the lengths of text attributes prior to export
+ txtLength : {
+ 'BA000_VDR':80, 'BRN':24, 'CID':20, 'CPS':30, 'EQC':30, 'ETS':30, 'ETZ':24, 'GB052_RIDH':14, 'GB052_RIDL':14,
+ 'HZD':30, 'IC2':14, 'IKO':14, 'MDE':20, 'NA8':80, 'RCG':30, 'RTN2':24, 'RTN':24, 'RTN3':24, 'SSE':14, 'UFI':254,
+ 'URI':254, 'VDT':30, 'VOI':14, 'WPI':14, 'ZI001_NSD':20, 'ZI001_NSP':30, 'ZI001_SSD':20, 'ZI001_SSY':30, 'ZI001_VSC':30,
+ 'ZI001_VSD':20, 'ZI004_RCG':30, 'ZI005_FNA1':200, 'ZI005_FNA':200, 'ZI005_FNA2':200, 'ZI005_NFN1':18, 'ZI005_NFN':18,
+ 'ZI005_NFN2':18, 'ZSAX_RS0':2, 'ZSAX_RX3':254, 'ZSAX_RX4':254
+ },
+ // ##### End of txtLength #####
// ##### Start of intList #####
// This list is for validateing the integer attributes prior to export
intList : [ 'BNF', 'DEV', 'DZC', 'LC1', 'LC2', 'LC3', 'LC4', 'LTN', 'NOS', 'NPL', 'VST' ],