diff --git a/translations/tds40.js b/translations/tds40.js
index 4b4acc5..8a9dafd 100644
--- a/translations/tds40.js
+++ b/translations/tds40.js
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
* This will properly maintain the copyright information. DigitalGlobe
* copyrights will be updated automatically.
- * @copyright Copyright (C) 2014 DigitalGlobe (http://www.digitalglobe.com/)
+ * @copyright Copyright (C) 2014, 2019 DigitalGlobe (http://www.digitalglobe.com/)
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ tds40 = {
// Add the empty Review layers
newSchema = translate.addReviewFeature(newSchema);
- // Debugging:
+ // Debug:
// translate.dumpSchema(newSchema);
return newSchema;
@@ -252,8 +252,8 @@ tds40 = {
if (attrList != undefined)
- for (var val in attrs)
- {
+ for (var val in attrs)
+ {
if (attrList.indexOf(val) == -1)
if (val in othList)
@@ -284,12 +284,11 @@ tds40 = {
+ hoot.logDebug('Validate: Attribute ' + val + ' is ' + attrs[val].length + ' characters long. Truncating to ' + tds40.rules.txtLength[val] + ' characters.');
// Still too long. Chop to the maximum length
attrs[val] = tStr[0].substring(0,tds40.rules.txtLength[val]);
- hoot.logDebug('Validate: Attribute ' + val + ' is ' + attrs[val].length + ' long. Truncating to ' + tds40.rules.txtLength[val] + ' characters.');
} // End text attr length > max length
- // It's text fo skip the next test
} // End in txtLength
} // End attrs loop
@@ -328,7 +327,7 @@ tds40 = {
var enumName = feature.columns[i].name;
// Skip stuff that is missing and will end up as a default value
- if (!(attrs[enumName])) continue;
+ if (! attrs[enumName]) continue;
var attrValue = attrs[enumName];
var enumList = feature.columns[i].enumerations;
@@ -386,7 +385,6 @@ tds40 = {
// This is generally for Roads, Railways, bridges, tunnels etc
manyFeatures: function(geometryType, tags, attrs)
// Add the first feature to the structure that we return
var returnData = [{attrs:attrs, tableName:''}];
@@ -425,6 +423,7 @@ tds40 = {
case 'steps':
case 'path':
case 'bridleway':
+ case 'cycleway':
newAttributes.TRS = '9'; // Transport Type = Pedestrian
@@ -518,8 +517,8 @@ tds40 = {
// apply the simple number and text biased rules
// Note: These are BACKWARD, not forward!
- translate.applySimpleNumBiased(newFeatures[i]['attrs'], newFeatures[i]['tags'], tds40.rules.numBiased, 'backward',tds40.rules.intList);
- translate.applySimpleTxtBiased(newFeatures[i]['attrs'], newFeatures[i]['tags'], tds40.rules.txtBiased, 'backward');
+ translate.applySimpleNumBiased(newFeatures[i]['attrs'], newFeatures[i]['tags'], tds40.rules.numBiased,'backward',tds40.rules.intList);
+ translate.applySimpleTxtBiased(newFeatures[i]['attrs'], newFeatures[i]['tags'], tds40.rules.txtBiased,'backward');
// one 2 one - we call the version that knows about OTH fields
translate.applyTdsOne2One(newFeatures[i]['tags'], newFeatures[i]['attrs'], tds40.lookup, tds40.fcodeLookup);
@@ -533,7 +532,6 @@ tds40 = {
return returnData;
}, // End manyFeatures
// Doesn't do much but saves typing the same code out a few times in the to TDS Pre Processing
// NOTE if these are points, we drop the railway/highway tags since we can't make transport features out of these
fixTransType : function(tags,geometry)
@@ -624,16 +622,15 @@ tds40 = {
}, // End untangleAttributes
+// #####################################################################################################
// ##### Start of the xxToOsmxx Block #####
applyToOsmPreProcessing: function(attrs, layerName, geometryType)
// Drop the FCSUBTYPE since we don't use it
if (attrs.FCSUBTYPE) delete attrs.FCSUBTYPE;
// List of data values to drop/ignore
- var ignoreList = { '-999999.0':1, '-999999':1, 'noinformation':1 };
+ var ignoreList = { '-999999.0':1,'-999999':1,'noinformation':1 };
// List of attributes that can't have '0' as a value
var noZeroList = ['BNF','DZC','LC1','LC2','LC3','LC4','LTN','NOS','NPL','VST','WD1','WD2','WT2','ZI016_WD1'];
@@ -644,7 +641,7 @@ tds40 = {
// 3) Swap some of the funky named attrs around
for (var col in attrs)
- // slightly ugly but we would like to account for: 'No Information', 'noInformation' etc
+ // slightly ugly but we would like to account for: 'No Information','noInformation' etc
// First, push to lowercase
var attrValue = attrs[col].toString().toLowerCase();
@@ -662,7 +659,7 @@ tds40 = {
if (noZeroList.indexOf(col) > -1 && attrs[col] == '0')
delete attrs[col];
- continue
+ continue;
// Push the attribute to upper case - if needed
@@ -675,11 +672,11 @@ tds40 = {
// Now see if we need to swap attr names
- if (col in tds40.rules.swapList)
+ if (col in tds40.rules.swapListIn)
// Debug:
// print('Swapped: ' + tds40.rules.swapList[i]);
- attrs[tds40.rules.swapList[col]] = attrs[col];
+ attrs[tds40.rules.swapListIn[col]] = attrs[col];
delete attrs[col];
@@ -698,8 +695,7 @@ tds40 = {
} // End in attrs loop
- // Drop all of the XXX Closure default values IFF the associated attributes are
- // not set
+ // Drop all of the XXX Closure default values IFF the associated attributes are not set
// Doing this after the main cleaning loop so all of the -999999 values are
// already gone and we can just check for existance
for (var i in tds40.rules.closureList)
@@ -717,6 +713,7 @@ tds40 = {
} // End closureList
+ // Now find an F_CODE
if (attrs.F_CODE)
// Drop the the "Not Found" F_CODE. This is from the UI
@@ -748,6 +745,8 @@ tds40 = {
}, // End of applyToOsmPreProcessing
+// #####################################################################################################
applyToOsmPostProcessing : function (attrs, tags, layerName, geometryType)
// Unpack the ZI006_MEM field
@@ -767,7 +766,7 @@ tds40 = {
- if (tObj.text !== '')
+ if (tObj.text && tObj.text !== '')
tags.note = tObj.text;
@@ -777,69 +776,6 @@ tds40 = {
} // End unpack tags.note
- /* Now sort out Roads
- HCT, TYP, RTY etc are related. No easy way to use one2one rules
- HCT : Thoroughfare Class - TDS 3.0
- TYP ; Thoroughfare Type - TDS 3.0 & 4.0
- RTN_ROI: Route Designation - TDS 4.0
- RIN_ROI: Route Designation - TDS 5.0 & 6.0
- RTY: Roadway Type - TDS 5.0 & 6.0
- TYP -> TYP -> RTY -> RTY
- */
- if (attrs.F_CODE == 'AP030') // Make sure we have a road
- {
- // Set a Default: "It is a road but we don't know what it is"
- tags.highway = 'road';
- // Top level
- if (tags['ref:road:type'] == 'motorway'
- || tags['ref:road:class'] == 'national_motorway')
- {
- tags.highway = 'motorway';
- }
- else if (tags['ref:road:type'] == 'limited_access_motorway'
- || tags['ref:road:class'] == 'primary')
- {
- tags.highway = 'trunk';
- }
- else if (tags['ref:road:class'] == 'secondary'
- || tags['ref:road:type'] == 'parkway')
- {
- tags.highway = 'primary';
- }
- else if (tags['ref:road:class'] == 'local')
- {
- tags.highway = 'secondary';
- }
- else if (tags['ref:road:type'] == 'road'
- || tags['ref:road:type'] == 'boulevard')
- {
- tags.highway = 'tertiary';
- }
- else if (tags['ref:road:type'] == 'street')
- {
- tags.highway = 'unclassified';
- }
- else if (tags['ref:road:type'] == 'lane')
- {
- tags.highway = 'service';
- }
- // Other should get picked up by the OTH field
- else if (tags['ref:road:type'] == 'other')
- {
- tags.highway = 'road';
- }
- // Catch all for the rest of the ref:road:type: close, circle drive etc
- else if (tags['ref:road:type'])
- {
- tags.highway = 'residential';
- }
- } // End if AP030
// Add the LayerName to the source
if ((! tags.source) && layerName !== '') tags.source = 'tdsv40:' + layerName.toLowerCase();
@@ -853,7 +789,6 @@ tds40 = {
if (tds40.configIn.OgrAddUuid == 'true') tags.uuid = createUuid();
if (tds40.osmPostRules == undefined)
// ##############
@@ -903,9 +838,117 @@ tds40 = {
if (tds40.osmPostRules[i][0](tags)) tds40.osmPostRules[i][1](tags,attrs);
// ##############
+ // Additional rules for particular FCODE's
+ switch (attrs.F_CODE)
+ {
+ case undefined: // Break early if no value. Should not get here.....
+ break;
+ case 'AP030':
+ /* Now sort out Roads
+ HCT, TYP, RTY etc are related. No easy way to use one2one rules
+ HCT : Thoroughfare Class - TDS 3.0
+ TYP ; Thoroughfare Type - TDS 3.0 & 4.0
+ RTN_ROI: Route Designation - TDS 4.0
+ RIN_ROI: Route Designation - TDS 5.0 & 6.0
+ RTY: Roadway Type - TDS 5.0 & 6.0
+ TYP -> TYP -> RTY -> RTY
+ */
+ // Set a Default: "It is a road but we don't know what it is"
+ tags.highway = 'road';
+ // This was a heap of if, else if, else if etc
+ if (tags['ref:road:type'] == 'motorway' || tags['ref:road:class'] == 'national_motorway')
+ {
+ tags.highway = 'motorway';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (tags['ref:road:type'] == 'limited_access_motorway' || tags['ref:road:class'] == 'primary')
+ {
+ tags.highway = 'trunk';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (tags['ref:road:type'] == 'parkway' || tags['ref:road:class'] == 'secondary')
+ {
+ tags.highway = 'primary';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (tags['ref:road:class'] == 'local')
+ {
+ tags.highway = 'secondary';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (tags['ref:road:type'] == 'road' || tags['ref:road:type'] == 'boulevard')
+ {
+ tags.highway = 'tertiary';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (tags['ref:road:type'] == 'street')
+ {
+ tags.highway = 'unclassified';
+ break;
+ }
+ if (tags['ref:road:type'] == 'lane')
+ {
+ tags.highway = 'service';
+ break;
+ }
+ // Other should get picked up by the OTH field
+ if (tags['ref:road:type'] == 'other')
+ {
+ tags.highway = 'road';
+ break;
+ }
+ // Catch all for the rest of the ref:road:type: close, circle drive etc
+ if (tags['ref:road:type'])
+ {
+ tags.highway = 'residential';
+ break;
+ }
+ // If we get this far then we are going with the default.
+ break;
+ case 'AA052': // Fix oil/gas/petroleum fields
+ switch (tags.product)
+ {
+ case undefined:
+ break;
+ case 'gas':
+ tags.industrial = 'gas';
+ break;
+ case 'petroleum':
+ tags.industrial = 'oil';
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ // AK030 - Amusement Parks
+ // F_CODE translation == tourism but FFN translation could be leisure
+ // E.g. water parks
+ case 'AK030':
+ if (tags.leisure && tags.tourism) delete tags.tourism;
+ break;
+ } // End switch F_CODE
// Road & Railway Crossings
// Road/Rail = crossing
// Road + Rail = level_crossing
@@ -915,11 +958,11 @@ tds40 = {
tags.railway = 'crossing';
- if (tags['transport:type2'] == 'road') tags.railway = 'level_crossing';
+ if (tags['transport:type:2'] == 'road') tags.railway = 'level_crossing';
else if (tags['transport:type'] == 'road')
- if (tags['transport:type2'] == 'railway')
+ if (tags['transport:type:2'] == 'railway')
tags.railway = 'level_crossing';
@@ -930,22 +973,14 @@ tds40 = {
} // End crossing_point
- // Add a building tag to buildings if we don't have one
+ // Add a building tag to Buildings and Fortified Buildings if we don't have one
// We can't do this in the funky rules function as it uses "attrs" _and_ "tags"
- if (attrs.F_CODE == 'AL013' && !(tags.building)) tags.building = 'yes';
- // facility list is used for translating between buildings and facilities based on use
- // format: "use":"building or amenity"
- // var facilityList = {'education':'school', 'healthcare':'hospital', 'university':'university'};
+ if ((attrs.F_CODE == 'AL013' || attrs.F_CODE == 'AH055') && !(tags.building)) tags.building = 'yes';
- // Fix the building 'use' tag. If the building has a 'use' and no specific building tag. Give it one
- if (tags.building == 'yes' && tags.use)
+ if (tags.building == 'yes')
- if ((tags.use.indexOf('manufacturing') > -1) || (tags.use.indexOf('processing') > -1))
- {
- tags.building = 'industrial';
- }
+ // Fix the building 'use' tag. If the building has a 'use' and no specific building tag. Give it one
+ if (tags.use && ((tags.use.indexOf('manufacturing') > -1) || (tags.use.indexOf('processing') > -1))) tags.building = 'industrial';
else if (tags.use in facilityList)
@@ -953,6 +988,9 @@ tds40 = {
// delete tags.use;
+ // Undo the blanket AL013/AL055 building assignment if required
+ if (tags.military == 'bunker') delete tags.building;
// Education:
@@ -980,14 +1018,10 @@ tds40 = {
// A facility is an area. Therefore "use" becomes "amenity". "Building" becomes "landuse"
if (tags.facility && tags.use)
- if ((tags.use.indexOf('manufacturing') > -1) || (tags.use.indexOf('processing') > -1))
- {
- tags.man_made = 'works';
- }
+ if ((tags.use.indexOf('manufacturing') > -1) || (tags.use.indexOf('processing') > -1)) tags.man_made = 'works';
else if (tags.use in facilityList)
@@ -1021,29 +1055,6 @@ tds40 = {
} // End switch
- // Add defaults for common features
- if (attrs.F_CODE == 'AP020' && !(tags.junction)) tags.junction = 'yes';
- if (attrs.F_CODE == 'AQ040' && !(tags.bridge)) tags.bridge = 'yes';
- if (attrs.F_CODE == 'BH140' && !(tags.waterway)) tags.waterway = 'river';
- // Fix oil/gas/petroleum fields
- if (attrs.F_CODE == 'AA052')
- {
- switch (tags.product)
- {
- case undefined:
- break;
- case 'gas':
- tags.industrial = 'gas';
- break;
- case 'petroleum':
- tags.industrial = 'oil';
- break;
- }
- } // End Hydrocarbons
// Fix lifecycle tags
switch (tags.condition)
@@ -1116,21 +1127,11 @@ tds40 = {
tags.amenity = 'place_of_worship';
- // Fords & Roads
+ // Fords and Roads
+ // Putting this on hold
// if (attrs.F_CODE == 'BH070' && !(tags.highway)) tags.highway = 'road';
// if ('ford' in tags && !(tags.highway)) tags.highway = 'road';
- // AK030 - Amusement Parks
- // F_CODE translation == tourism but FFN translation could be leisure
- // E.g. water parks
- if (attrs.F_CODE == 'AK030')
- {
- if (tags.leisure && tags.tourism)
- {
- delete tags.tourism;
- }
- }
// Fix up areas
// The thought is: If Hoot thinks it's an area but OSM doesn't think it's an area, make it an area
if (geometryType == 'Area' && ! translate.isOsmArea(tags))
@@ -1162,10 +1163,27 @@ tds40 = {
+ // Bunkers. Are they actually Military?
+ if (tags.man_made == 'bunker' && tags.controlling_authority)
+ {
+ if (tags.controlling_authority == 'military' || tags.controlling_authority == '')
+ {
+ // Debug
+ print('Bunker: drop man_made. military = ' + tags.military);
+ tags.military = 'bunker';
+ delete tags.man_made;
+ }
+ }
+ // Catch all. Particularly for Hardened Aircraft Shelters
+ if (tags.bunker_type && !(tags.man_made == 'bunker' || tags.military == 'bunker')) tags.military = 'bunker';
}, // End of applyToOsmPostProcessing
// ##### End of the xxToOsmxx Block #####
+// #####################################################################################################
// ##### Start of the xxToTdsxx Block #####
applyToTdsPreProcessing: function(tags, attrs, geometryType)
@@ -1186,7 +1204,7 @@ tds40 = {
- // Convert "abandoned:XXX" features
+ // Convert "abandoned:XXX" and "disused:XXX"features
if ((i.indexOf('abandoned:') !== -1) || (i.indexOf('disused:') !== -1))
// Hopeing there is only one ':' in the tag name...
@@ -1209,6 +1227,28 @@ tds40 = {
} // End Cleanup loop
+ // Fix Bunkers. Putting this first to skip the building=* rules
+ if (tags.building == 'bunker')
+ {
+ tags.military = 'bunker';
+ delete tags.building;
+ }
+ // Fortified buildings vs Surface Bunkers
+ if (tags.military == 'bunker')
+ {
+ // Making a guess that these are military...
+ if (! tags.controlling_authority) tags.controlling_authority = 'military';
+ if (tags['bunker_type'] == 'munitions')
+ {
+ attrs.F_CODE = 'AM060'; // Surface Bunker
+ attrs.PPO = '3'; // Ammunition
+ delete tags.military;
+ delete tags['bunker_type'];
+ }
+ }
// Lifecycle: This is a bit funky and should probably be done with a fancy function instead of
// repeating the code
switch (tags.highway)
@@ -1341,7 +1381,6 @@ tds40 = {
if (tds40.PreRules == undefined)
// See ToOsmPostProcessing for more details about rulesList
@@ -1384,7 +1423,7 @@ tds40 = {
["t.power == 'generator'","t.use = 'power_generation'; a.F_CODE = 'AL013'"],
["t.rapids == 'yes'","t.waterway = 'rapids'; delete t.rapids"],
["t.railway == 'station'","t.public_transport = 'station'; t['transport:type'] = 'railway'"],
- ["t.railway == 'level_crossing'","t['transport:type'] = 'railway';t['transport:type2'] = 'road'; a.F_CODE = 'AQ062'; delete t.railway"],
+ ["t.railway == 'level_crossing'","t['transport:type'] = 'railway';t['transport:type:2'] = 'road'; a.F_CODE = 'AQ062'; delete t.railway"],
["t.railway == 'crossing'","t['transport:type'] = 'railway'; a.F_CODE = 'AQ062'; delete t.railway"],
["t.resource","t.raw_material = t.resource; delete t.resource"],
["t.route == 'road' && !(t.highway)","t.highway = 'road'; delete t.route"],
@@ -1417,42 +1456,25 @@ tds40 = {
delete tags.barrier; // Take away the walls...
- // // Some tags imply that they are buildings but don't actually say so
- // // Most of these are taken from raw OSM and the OSM Wiki
- // // Not sure if the list of amenities that ARE buildings is shorter than the list of ones that
- // // are not buildings
- // // Taking "place_of_worship" out of this and making it a building
- // var notBuildingList = [
- // 'bbq','biergarten','drinking_water','bicycle_parking','bicycle_rental','boat_sharing',
- // 'car_sharing','charging_station','grit_bin','parking','parking_entrance','parking_space',
- // 'taxi','atm','fountain','bench','clock','hunting_stand','post_box',
- // 'recycling', 'vending_machine','waste_disposal','watering_place','water_point',
- // 'waste_basket','drinking_water','swimming_pool','fire_hydrant','emergency_phone','yes',
- // 'compressed_air','water','nameplate','picnic_table','life_ring','grass_strip','dog_bin',
- // 'artwork','dog_waste_bin','street_light','park','hydrant','tricycle_station','loading_dock',
- // 'trailer_park','game_feeding', 'ferry_terminal'
- // ]; // End notBuildingList
- // if (!(tags.facility) && tags.amenity && !(tags.building) && (notBuildingList.indexOf(tags.amenity) == -1)) attrs.F_CODE = 'AL013';
// going out on a limb and processing OSM specific tags:
// - Building == a thing,
// - Amenity == The area around a thing
// Note: amenity=place_of_worship is a special case. It _should_ have an associated building tag
- var facilityList = {
- 'school':'850', 'university':'855', 'college':'857', 'hospital':'860'
- };
+ var facilityList = {'school':'850','university':'855','college':'857','hospital':'860'};
if (tags.amenity in facilityList)
if (geometryType == 'Area')
attrs.F_CODE = 'AL010'; // Facility
+ // If the user has also set a building tag, delete it
+ if (tags.building) delete tags.building;
// Make sure we don't turn point facilities into buildings
- if (!(tags.facility = 'yes'))
+ if (tags.facility !== 'yes')
// Debug
// print('Making a building: ' + tags.facility);
@@ -1461,7 +1483,7 @@ tds40 = {
// If we don't have a Feature Function then assign one
- if (!(attrs.FFN))
+ if (! attrs.FFN)
// attrs.FFN = facilityList[tags.amenity];
// Debug
@@ -1508,7 +1530,7 @@ tds40 = {
// Cutlines/Cleared Ways & Highways
- // When we can output two features, this will be split
+ // This might need a cleanup
if (tags.man_made == 'cutline' && tags.highway)
if (geometryType == 'Area')
@@ -1683,27 +1705,9 @@ tds40 = {
- case 'island':
- case 'islet':
- if (tags.natural == 'coastline')
- if (geometryType == 'Line')
- {
- attrs.F_CODE = 'BA010'; // Land/Water Boundary - Line
- delete tags.place;
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- // NOTE: Islands can be Points or Areas
- attrs.F_CODE = 'BA030'; // Island - Polygon
- delete tags.natural;
- break;
- }
} // End switch
// Bridges & Roads. If we have an area or a line everything is fine
// If we have a point, we need to make sure that it becomes a bridge, not a road
if (tags.bridge && tags.bridge !== 'no' && geometryType =='Point') attrs.F_CODE = 'AQ040';
@@ -1771,14 +1775,13 @@ tds40 = {
// are not buildings
// Taking "place_of_worship" out of this and making it a building
var notBuildingList = [
- 'bbq','biergarten','drinking_water','bicycle_parking','bicycle_rental','boat_sharing',
- 'car_sharing','charging_station','grit_bin','parking','parking_entrance','parking_space',
- 'taxi','atm','fountain','bench','clock','hunting_stand','post_box',
- 'recycling', 'vending_machine','waste_disposal','watering_place','water_point',
- 'waste_basket','drinking_water','swimming_pool','fire_hydrant','emergency_phone','yes',
- 'compressed_air','water','nameplate','picnic_table','life_ring','grass_strip','dog_bin',
- 'artwork','dog_waste_bin','street_light','park','hydrant','tricycle_station','loading_dock',
- 'trailer_park','game_feeding', 'ferry_terminal'
+ 'artwork','atm','bbq','bench','bicycle_parking','bicycle_rental','biergarten','boat_sharing','car_sharing',
+ 'charging_station','clock','compressed_air','dog_bin','dog_waste_bin','drinking_water','emergency_phone',
+ 'ferry_terminal','fire_hydrant','fountain','game_feeding','grass_strip','grit_bin','hunting_stand','hydrant',
+ 'life_ring','loading_dock','nameplate','park','parking','parking_entrance','parking_space','picnic_table',
+ 'post_box','recycling','street_light','swimming_pool','taxi','trailer_park','tricycle_station','vending_machine',
+ 'waste_basket','waste_disposal','water','water_point','watering_place','yes',
+ 'fuel' // NOTE: Fuel goes to a different F_CODE
]; // End notBuildingList
if (!(attrs.F_CODE) && !(tags.facility) && tags.amenity && !(tags.building) && (notBuildingList.indexOf(tags.amenity) == -1)) attrs.F_CODE = 'AL013';
@@ -1787,26 +1790,30 @@ tds40 = {
if (!attrs.F_CODE)
var fcodeMap = {
- 'highway':'AP030', 'railway':'AN010', 'building':'AL013', 'ford':'BH070',
- 'waterway':'BH140', 'bridge':'AQ040', 'railway:in_road':'AN010',
- 'barrier':'AP040', 'tourism':'AL013','junction':'AP020','mine:access':'AA010',
- 'tomb':'AL036'
+ 'highway':'AP030','railway':'AN010','building':'AL013','ford':'BH070',
+ 'waterway':'BH140','bridge':'AQ040','railway:in_road':'AN010',
+ 'barrier':'AP040','tourism':'AL013','junction':'AP020','mine:access':'AA010',
+ 'tomb':'AL036','shop':'AL015','office':'AL015'
for (var i in fcodeMap)
- if (i in tags) attrs.F_CODE = fcodeMap[i];
+ if (i in tags)
+ {
+ attrs.F_CODE = fcodeMap[i];
+ break;
+ }
// Sort out PYM vs ZI032_PYM vs MCC vs VCM - Ugly
var pymList = [ 'AL110','AL241','AQ055','AQ110','AT042'];
- var vcmList = [ 'AA040', 'AC020', 'AD010', 'AD025', 'AD030', 'AD041', 'AD050', 'AF010',
- 'AF020', 'AF021', 'AF030', 'AF040', 'AF070', 'AH055', 'AJ050', 'AJ051',
- 'AJ080', 'AJ085', 'AL010', 'AL013', 'AL019', 'AL080', 'AM011', 'AM020',
- 'AM030', 'AM070', 'AN076', 'AQ040', 'AQ045', 'AQ060', 'AQ116', 'BC050',
- 'BD115', 'BI010', 'BI050', 'GB230' ];
+ var vcmList = [ 'AA040','AC020','AD010','AD025','AD030','AD041','AD050','AF010',
+ 'AF020','AF021','AF030','AF040','AF070','AH055','AJ050','AJ051',
+ 'AJ080','AJ085','AL010','AL013','AL019','AL080','AM011','AM020',
+ 'AM030','AM070','AN076','AQ040','AQ045','AQ060','AQ116','BC050',
+ 'BD115','BI010','BI050','GB230' ];
if (tags.material)
@@ -1822,7 +1829,7 @@ tds40 = {
- // Protected areas have two attributes that need sorting out
+ // Protected areas have two attributes that need sorting out
if (tags.protection_object == 'habitat' || tags.protection_object == 'breeding_ground')
if (tags.protect_class) delete tags.protect_class;
@@ -1912,14 +1919,33 @@ tds40 = {
- // Amusement Parks
- if (attrs.F_CODE == 'AK030' && !(attrs.FFN))
+ // Stop some Religion tags from stomping on Denomination tags
+ if (tags.religion && tags.denomination)
- attrs.FFN = '921'; // Recreation
- }
+ if (tags.religion == 'christian' || tags.religion == 'muslim')
+ {
+ switch (tags.denomination)
+ {
+ case 'roman_catholic':
+ case 'orthodox':
+ case 'protestant':
+ case 'chaldean_catholic':
+ case 'nestorian': // Not sure about this
+ case 'shia':
+ case 'sunni':
+ delete tags.religion;
+ break;
+ } // End switch
+ }
+ } // End if religion & denomination
+ // Names. Sometimes we don't have a name but we do have language ones
+ if (!tags.name) translate.swapName(tags);
}, // End applyToTdsPreProcessing
+// #####################################################################################################
applyToTdsPostProcessing : function (tags, attrs, geometryType, notUsedTags)
// Shoreline Construction (BB081) covers a lot of features
@@ -1928,47 +1954,15 @@ tds40 = {
// Inland Water Body (BH082) also covers a lot of features
if (attrs.IWT && !(attrs.F_CODE)) attrs.F_CODE = 'BH082';
// The follwing bit of ugly code is to account for the specs haveing two different attributes
// with similar names and roughly the same attributes. Bleah!
- // Format is: <FCODE>:[<from>:<to>]
- var swapList = {
- 'AA010':{'ZI014_PPO':'PPO', 'ZI014_PPO2':'PPO2', 'ZI014_PPO3':'PPO3'},
- 'AA020':{'ZI014_PPO':'PPO', 'ZI014_PPO2':'PPO2', 'ZI014_PPO3':'PPO3'},
- 'AA040':{'ZI014_PPO':'PPO', 'ZI014_PPO2':'PPO2', 'ZI014_PPO3':'PPO3'},
- 'AA052':{'ZI014_PPO':'PPO', 'ZI014_PPO2':'PPO2', 'ZI014_PPO3':'PPO3'},
- 'AA054':{'ZI014_PPO':'PPO', 'ZI014_PPO2':'PPO2', 'ZI014_PPO3':'PPO3'},
- 'AB000':{'ZI014_PBY':'PBY', 'ZI014_PBY2':'PBY2', 'ZI014_PBY3':'PBY3'},
- 'AC060':{'ZI014_PPO':'PPO', 'ZI014_PPO2':'PPO2', 'ZI014_PPO3':'PPO3'},
- 'AD020':{'ZI014_PPO':'PPO', 'ZI014_PPO2':'PPO2', 'ZI014_PPO3':'PPO3'},
- 'AD025':{'ZI014_PPO':'PPO', 'ZI014_PPO2':'PPO2', 'ZI014_PPO3':'PPO3'},
- 'AJ050':{'ZI014_PPO':'PPO', 'ZI014_PPO2':'PPO2', 'ZI014_PPO3':'PPO3'},
- 'AL020':{'ZI005_NFN':'ZI005_NFN1'},
- 'AM010':{'ZI014_PPO':'PPO', 'ZI014_PPO2':'PPO2', 'ZI014_PPO3':'PPO3'},
- 'AM040':{'ZI014_PRW':'PRW', 'ZI014_PRW2':'PRW2', 'ZI014_PRW3':'PRW3'},
- 'AM060':{'ZI014_PPO':'PPO', 'ZI014_PPO2':'PPO2', 'ZI014_PPO3':'PPO3'},
- 'AM070':{'ZI014_PPO':'PPO', 'ZI014_PPO2':'PPO2', 'ZI014_PPO3':'PPO3'},
- 'AM071':{'ZI014_PPO':'PPO', 'ZI014_PPO2':'PPO2', 'ZI014_PPO3':'PPO3'},
- 'AM080':{'ZI014_YWQ':'YWQ', 'ZI016_WD1':'WD1'},
- 'AQ113':{'ZI014_PPO':'PPO', 'ZI014_PPO2':'PPO2', 'ZI014_PPO3':'PPO3'},
- 'AQ116':{'ZI014_PPO':'PPO', 'ZI014_PPO2':'PPO2', 'ZI014_PPO3':'PPO3'},
- 'AT005':{'WLE':'ZI025_WLE'},
- 'AT042':{'GUG':'ZI032_GUG', 'PYC':'ZI032_PYC', 'PYM':'ZI032_PYM', 'TOS':'ZI032_TOS', 'CAB':'AT005_CAB', 'CAB2':'AT005_CAB2', 'CAB3':'AT005_CAB3'},
- 'BD100':{'WLE':'ZI025_WLE'},
- 'BH051':{'ZI014_PPO':'PPO', 'ZI014_PPO2':'PPO2', 'ZI014_PPO3':'PPO3'},
- 'DB029':{'FFN':'ZI071_FFN', 'FFN2':'ZI071_FFN2', 'FFN3':'ZI071_FFN3'},
- 'ED010':{'ZI024_HYP':'HYP'},
- 'GB045':{'ZI019_ASU':'ASU', 'ZI019_ASU2':'ASU2', 'ZI019_ASU3':'ASU3'},
- 'ZI031':{'ZI006_MEM':'MEM', 'ZI004_RCG':'RCG'}
- };
- if (swapList[attrs.F_CODE])
- {
- for (var i in swapList[attrs.F_CODE])
+ if (tds40.rules.swapListOut[attrs.F_CODE])
+ {
+ for (var i in tds40.rules.swapListOut[attrs.F_CODE])
if (i in attrs)
- attrs[swapList[attrs.F_CODE][i]] = attrs[i];
+ attrs[tds40.rules.swapListOut[attrs.F_CODE][i]] = attrs[i];
delete attrs[i]
@@ -1983,7 +1977,8 @@ tds40 = {
else if (tags['hoot:id'])
attrs.UFI = 'raw_id:' + tags['hoot:id'];
- } else
+ }
+ else
if (tds40.configOut.OgrAddUuid == 'true') attrs.UFI = createUuid().replace('{','').replace('}','');
@@ -2047,70 +2042,111 @@ tds40 = {
- // Custom Road rules
- // - Fix the "highway=" stuff that cant be done in the one2one rules
- if (attrs.F_CODE == 'AP030')
+ // Rules for specific F_CODES
+ switch (attrs.F_CODE)
- // If we haven't sorted out the road type/class, have a try with the
- // "highway" tag. If that doesn't work, we end up with default values
- // These are pretty vague classifications
- if (!attrs.TYP && !attrs.RTN_ROI)
- {
- switch (tags.highway)
+ case 'AP030': // Custom Road rules
+ // - Fix the "highway=" stuff that cant be done in the one2one rules
+ // If we haven't sorted out the road type/class, have a try with the
+ // "highway" tag. If that doesn't work, we end up with default values
+ // These are pretty vague classifications
+ if (!attrs.TYP && !attrs.RTN_ROI)
- case 'motorway':
- case 'motorway_link':
- attrs.RTN_ROI = '2'; // National Motorway
- attrs.TYP = '41'; // motorway
- break;
+ switch (tags.highway)
+ {
+ case 'motorway':
+ case 'motorway_link':
+ attrs.RTN_ROI = '2'; // National Motorway
+ attrs.TYP = '41'; // motorway
+ break;
+ case 'trunk':
+ case 'trunk_link':
+ attrs.RTN_ROI = '3'; // National/Primary
+ attrs.TYP = '47'; // Limited Access Motorway
+ break;
+ case 'primary':
+ case 'primary_link':
+ attrs.RTN_ROI = '4'; // Secondary
+ attrs.TYP = '1'; // road
+ break;
+ case 'secondary':
+ case 'secondary_link':
+ case 'tertiary':
+ case 'tertiary_link':
+ attrs.RTN_ROI = '5'; // Local
+ attrs.TYP = '1'; // road
+ break;
+ case 'residential':
+ case 'unclassified':
+ case 'service':
+ attrs.RTN_ROI = '5'; // Local
+ attrs.TYP = '33'; // street
+ break;
+ case 'road':
+ attrs.RTN_ROI = '-999999'; // No Information
+ attrs.TYP = '-999999'; // No Information
+ } // End tags.highway switch}
+ } // End if TYP/RTN_ROISL
+ break;
- case 'trunk':
- case 'trunk_link':
- attrs.RTN_ROI = '3'; // National/Primary
- attrs.TYP = '47'; // Limited Access Motorway
- break;
+ case 'AH055': // Fortified Building
+ if (attrs.FZR && !(attrs.FFN)) attrs.FFN = '835'; // Fortification type -> Defence Activities
+ break;
- case 'primary':
- case 'primary_link':
- attrs.RTN_ROI = '4'; // Secondary
- attrs.TYP = '1'; // road
- break;
+ case 'AL020': // AL020 Built-Up-Areas have ZI005_FNA1 instead of ZI005_FNA. Why???
+ if (attrs.ZI005_FNA)
+ {
+ attrs.ZI005_FNA1 = attrs.ZI005_FNA;
+ delete attrs.ZI005_FNA;
+ }
+ break;
- case 'secondary':
- case 'secondary_link':
- case 'tertiary':
- case 'tertiary_link':
- attrs.RTN_ROI = '5'; // Local
- attrs.TYP = '1'; // road
- break;
+ case 'AP010': // Clean up Cart Track attributes
+ if (attrs.TRS && (['3','4','6','11','21','22','999'].indexOf(attrs.TRS) == -1))
+ {
+ var othVal = '(TRS:' + attrs.TRS + ')';
+ attrs.OTH = translate.appendValue(attrs.OTH,othVal,' ');
+ attrs.TRS = '999';
+ }
+ break;
- case 'residential':
- case 'unclassified':
- case 'service':
- attrs.RTN_ROI = '5'; // Local
- attrs.TYP = '33'; // street
- break;
+ case 'ZI040': // Spatial Metadata Entity Collection
+ //Map alternate source date tags to ZI001_SSD in order of precedence
+ //default is 'source:datetime'
+ if (! attrs.ZI001_SSD)
+ attrs.ZI001_SSD = tags['source:imagery:datetime']
+ || tags['source:date']
+ || tags['source:geometry:date']
+ || '';
+ //Map alternate source tags to ZI001_SSN in order of precedence
+ //default is 'source'
+ if (! attrs.ZI001_SSN)
+ attrs.ZI001_SSN = tags['source:imagery']
+ || tags['source:description']
+ || '';
+ break;
- case 'road':
- attrs.RTN_ROI = '-999999'; // No Information
- attrs.TYP = '-999999'; // No Information
- } // End tags.highway switch}
- } // End if TYP/RTN_ROISL
- }
+ case 'AH025': // Engineered Earthwork
+ if (! attrs.EET) attrs.EET = '3';
+ break;
- // TODO: Need to sort out Sinkholes. If FCODE = BH145 and no WST, fix
+ case 'AK030': // Amusement Parks
+ if (!attrs.FFN) attrs.FFN = '921'; // Recreation
+ break;
- // AL020 Built-Up-Areas have ZI005_FNA1 instead of ZI005_FNA. Why???
- if (attrs.F_CODE == 'AL020' && attrs.ZI005_FNA)
- {
- attrs.ZI005_FNA1 = attrs.ZI005_FNA;
- delete attrs.ZI005_FNA;
- }
+ } // End switch F_CODE
+ // TODO: Need to sort out Sinkholes. If FCODE = BH145 and no WST, fix
// RLE vs LOC: Need to deconflict this for various features
// locList: list of features that can be "Above Surface". Other features use RLE (Relitive Level) instead
- // var locList = ['AT005', 'AQ113', 'BH065', 'BH110'];
+ // var locList = ['AT005','AQ113','BH065','BH110'];
// if (attrs.LOC == '45' && (locList.indexOf(attrs.TRS) == -1))
if (attrs.LOC == '45' && (['AT005','AQ113','BH065','BH110'].indexOf(attrs.TRS) == -1))
@@ -2118,19 +2154,6 @@ tds40 = {
attrs.LOC = '44'; // On Surface
- // Clean up Cart Track attributes
- if (attrs.F_CODE == 'AP010')
- {
-// var trsList = ['3','4','6','11','21','22','999'];
-// if (attrs.TRS && (trsList.indexOf(attrs.TRS) == -1))
- if (attrs.TRS && (['3','4','6','11','21','22','999'].indexOf(attrs.TRS) == -1))
- {
- var othVal = '(TRS:' + attrs.TRS + ')';
- attrs.OTH = translate.appendValue(attrs.OTH,othVal,' ');
- attrs.TRS = '999';
- }
- }
// Fix HGT and LMC to keep GAIT happy
// If things have a height greater than 46m, tags them as being a "Navigation Landmark"
if (attrs.HGT > 46 && !(attrs.LMC)) attrs.LMC = '1001';
@@ -2141,50 +2164,9 @@ tds40 = {
// We were going to push the Alt Name onto the end of the standard name field - ZI005_FNA
// but this causes problems so until the customer gives us more direction, we are going to drop it
// attrs.ZI005_FNA = translate.appendValue(attrs.ZI005_FNA,attrs.ZI005_FNA2,';');
delete attrs.ZI005_FNA2;
- // Fix ZI001_SSD
- if (attrs.F_CODE == 'ZI040') // Spatial Metadata Entity Collection
- {
- //Map alternate source date tags to ZI001_SSD in order of precedence
- //default is 'source:datetime'
- if (! attrs.ZI001_SSD)
- attrs.ZI001_SSD = tags['source:imagery:datetime']
- || tags['source:date']
- || tags['source:geometry:date']
- || '';
- //Map alternate source tags to ZI001_SSN in order of precedence
- //default is 'source'
- if (! attrs.ZI001_SSN)
- attrs.ZI001_SSN = tags['source:imagery']
- || tags['source:description']
- || '';
- }
- // Stop some Religion tags from stomping on Denomination tags
- if (tags.religion && tags.denomination)
- {
- if (tags.religion == 'christian' || tags.religion == 'muslim')
- {
- switch (tags.denomination)
- {
- case 'roman_catholic':
- case 'orthodox':
- case 'protestant':
- case 'chaldean_catholic':
- case 'nestorian': // Not sure about this
- case 'shia':
- case 'sunni':
- delete tags.religion;
- break;
- } // End switch
- }
- } // End if religion & denomination
// Wetlands
// Normally, these go to Marsh
@@ -2200,6 +2182,8 @@ tds40 = {
}, // End applyToTdsPostProcessing
+// #####################################################################################################
// ##### End of the xxToTdsxx Block #####
// toOsm - Translate Attrs to Tags
@@ -2222,12 +2206,7 @@ tds40 = {
// Debug:
- if (tds40.configIn.OgrDebugDumptags == 'true')
- {
- print('In Layername: ' + layerName + ' Geometry: ' + geometryType);
- var kList = Object.keys(attrs).sort()
- for (var i = 0, fLen = kList.length; i < fLen; i++) print('In Attrs: ' + kList[i] + ': :' + attrs[kList[i]] + ':');
- }
+ if (tds40.configIn.OgrDebugDumptags == 'true') translate.debugOutput(attrs,layerName,geometryType,'','In attrs: ');
// See if we have an o2s_X layer and try to unpack it
if (layerName.indexOf('o2s_') > -1)
@@ -2245,8 +2224,7 @@ tds40 = {
// Debug:
if (tds40.configIn.OgrDebugDumptags == 'true')
- var kList = Object.keys(tags).sort()
- for (var i = 0, fLen = kList.length; i < fLen; i++) print('Out Tags: ' + kList[i] + ': :' + tags[kList[i]] + ':');
+ translate.debugOutput(tags,layerName,geometryType,'','Out tags: ');
@@ -2287,17 +2265,13 @@ tds40 = {
// Debug:
if (tds40.configIn.OgrDebugDumptags == 'true')
- var kList = Object.keys(attrs).sort()
- for (var i = 0, fLen = kList.length; i < fLen; i++) print('Untangle Attrs: ' + kList[i] + ': :' + attrs[kList[i]] + ':');
- var kList = Object.keys(tags).sort()
- for (var i = 0, fLen = kList.length; i < fLen; i++) print('Untangle Tags: ' + kList[i] + ': :' + tags[kList[i]] + ':');
+ translate.debugOutput(attrs,layerName,geometryType,'','Untangle attrs: ');
+ translate.debugOutput(tags,layerName,geometryType,'','Untangle tags: ');
// pre processing
tds40.applyToOsmPreProcessing(attrs, layerName, geometryType);
// Use the FCODE to add some tags
if (attrs.F_CODE)
@@ -2323,8 +2297,8 @@ tds40 = {
// apply the simple number and text biased rules
// NOTE: We are not using the intList paramater for applySimpleNumBiased when going to OSM
- translate.applySimpleNumBiased(notUsedAttrs, tags, tds40.rules.numBiased, 'forward',[]);
- translate.applySimpleTxtBiased(notUsedAttrs, tags, tds40.rules.txtBiased, 'forward');
+ translate.applySimpleNumBiased(notUsedAttrs, tags, tds40.rules.numBiased,'forward',[]);
+ translate.applySimpleTxtBiased(notUsedAttrs, tags, tds40.rules.txtBiased,'forward');
// one 2 one
//translate.applyOne2One(notUsedAttrs, tags, tds40.lookup, {'k':'v'});
@@ -2349,11 +2323,8 @@ tds40 = {
// Debug:
if (tds40.configIn.OgrDebugDumptags == 'true')
- var kList = Object.keys(notUsedAttrs).sort()
- for (var i = 0, fLen = kList.length; i < fLen; i++) print('Not Used: ' + kList[i] + ': :' + notUsedAttrs[kList[i]] + ':');
- var kList = Object.keys(tags).sort()
- for (var i = 0, fLen = kList.length; i < fLen; i++) print('Out Tags: ' + kList[i] + ': :' + tags[kList[i]] + ':');
+ translate.debugOutput(notUsedAttrs,layerName,geometryType,'','Not used: ');
+ translate.debugOutput(tags,layerName,geometryType,'','Out tags: ');
@@ -2368,7 +2339,7 @@ tds40 = {
var tableName = ''; // The final table name
var returnData = []; // The array of features to return
- attrs = {}; // The output
+ attrs = {}; // The output attributes
attrs.F_CODE = ''; // Initial setup
// Setup config variables. We could do this in initialize() but some things don't call it :-(
@@ -2396,13 +2367,8 @@ tds40 = {
// Start processing here
- // Debug
- if (tds40.configOut.OgrDebugDumptags == 'true')
- {
- print('In Geometry: ' + geometryType + ' In Element Type: ' + elementType);
- var kList = Object.keys(tags).sort()
- for (var i = 0, fLen = kList.length; i < fLen; i++) print('In Tags: ' + kList[i] + ': :' + tags[kList[i]] + ':');
- }
+ // Debug:
+ if (tds40.configOut.OgrDebugDumptags == 'true') translate.debugOutput(tags,'',geometryType,elementType,'In tags: ');
// The Nuke Option: If we have a relation, drop the feature and carry on
if (tags['building:part']) return null;
@@ -2451,27 +2417,23 @@ tds40 = {
// Apply the simple number and text biased rules
// NOTE: These are BACKWARD, not forward!
// NOTE: These delete tags as they are used
- translate.applySimpleNumBiased(attrs, notUsedTags, tds40.rules.numBiased, 'backward',tds40.rules.intList);
- translate.applySimpleTxtBiased(attrs, notUsedTags, tds40.rules.txtBiased, 'backward');
+ translate.applySimpleNumBiased(attrs, notUsedTags, tds40.rules.numBiased,'backward',tds40.rules.intList);
+ translate.applySimpleTxtBiased(attrs, notUsedTags, tds40.rules.txtBiased,'backward');
// Translate the XXX:2, XXX2, XXX:3 etc attributes
// Note: This deletes tags as they are used
translate.fix23Tags(notUsedTags, attrs, tds40.lookup);
- // one 2 one - we call the version that knows about OTH fields
+ // one 2 one - we call the version that knows about the OTH field
// NOTE: This deletes tags as they are used
translate.applyTdsOne2One(notUsedTags, attrs, tds40.lookup, tds40.fcodeLookup);
- // post processing
- // tds40.applyToTdsPostProcessing(attrs, tableName, geometryType);
+ // Post Processing
+ // We send the original list of tags and the list of tags we haven't used yet
tds40.applyToTdsPostProcessing(tags, attrs, geometryType, notUsedTags);
// Debug
- if (tds40.configOut.OgrDebugDumptags == 'true')
- {
- var kList = Object.keys(notUsedTags).sort()
- for (var i = 0, fLen = kList.length; i < fLen; i++) print('Not Used: ' + kList[i] + ': :' + notUsedTags[kList[i]] + ':');
- }
+ if (tds40.configOut.OgrDebugDumptags == 'true') translate.debugOutput(notUsedTags,'',geometryType,elementType,'Not used: ');
// If we have unused tags, add them to the memo field
if (Object.keys(notUsedTags).length > 0 && tds40.configOut.OgrNoteExtra == 'attribute')
@@ -2488,7 +2450,7 @@ tds40 = {
if (tds40.AttrLookup[gFcode.toUpperCase()])
// Check if we need to make more features
- // NOTE: This returns structure we are going to send back to Hoot: {attrs: attrs, tableName: 'Name'}
+ // NOTE: This returns the structure we are going to send back to Hoot: {attrs: attrs, tableName: 'Name'}
returnData = tds40.manyFeatures(geometryType,tags,attrs);
// Debug: Add the first feature
@@ -2529,6 +2491,7 @@ tds40 = {
// Debug
// print('## Skipping: ' + gFcode);
+ fLen = returnData.length;
} // End returnData loop
@@ -2558,8 +2521,8 @@ tds40 = {
var reviewTable = 'review_' + geometryType.toString().charAt(0);
returnData.push({attrs: reviewAttrs, tableName: reviewTable});
} // End ReviewTags
- }
- else // We DON'T have a feature
+ }
+ else // We DON'T have a feature
// For the UI: Throw an error and die if we don't have a valid feature
if (tds40.configOut.OgrThrowError == 'true')
@@ -2583,19 +2546,15 @@ tds40 = {
// Debug:
// Dump out what attributes we have converted before they get wiped out
- if (tds40.configOut.getOgrDebugDumptags == 'true')
- {
- var kList = Object.keys(attrs).sort()
- for (var i = 0, fLen = kList.length; i < fLen; i++) print('Converted Attrs:' + kList[i] + ': :' + attrs[kList[i]] + ':');
- }
+ if (tds40.configOut.OgrDebugDumptags == 'true') translate.debugOutput(attrs,'',geometryType,elementType,'Converted attrs: ');
+ // We want to keep the hoot:id if present
if (tags['hoot:id'])
tags.raw_id = tags['hoot:id'];
delete tags['hoot:id'];
// Convert all of the Tags to a string so we can jam it into an attribute
// var str = JSON.stringify(tags);
var str = JSON.stringify(tags,Object.keys(tags).sort());
@@ -2625,7 +2584,7 @@ tds40 = {
returnData.push({attrs: attrs, tableName: tableName});
- } // End We DON'T have a feature
+ } // End else We DON'T have a feature
// Debug:
if (tds40.configOut.OgrDebugDumptags == 'true')
@@ -2633,8 +2592,7 @@ tds40 = {
for (var i = 0, fLen = returnData.length; i < fLen; i++)
print('TableName ' + i + ': ' + returnData[i]['tableName'] + ' FCode: ' + returnData[i]['attrs']['F_CODE'] + ' Geom: ' + geometryType);
- var kList = Object.keys(returnData[i]['attrs']).sort()
- for (var j = 0, kLen = kList.length; j < kLen; j++) print('Out Attrs:' + kList[j] + ': :' + returnData[i]['attrs'][kList[j]] + ':');
+ translate.debugOutput(returnData[i]['attrs'],'',geometryType,elementType,'Out attrs: ');
@@ -2643,4 +2601,4 @@ tds40 = {
} // End of toTds
-} // End of tds
+} // End of tds40