v0.2.47..v0.2.48 changeset tag distribution.asciidoc - ngageoint/hootenanny GitHub Wiki

diff --git a/docs/commands/tag-distribution.asciidoc b/docs/commands/tag-distribution.asciidoc
index 577900a..4f3eb13c 100644
--- a/docs/commands/tag-distribution.asciidoc
+++ b/docs/commands/tag-distribution.asciidoc
@@ -3,19 +3,19 @@
 === Description
-The +tag-distribution+ command prints out a distribution count for all values of a specified tag key, including a percentage of the 
+The +tag-distribution+ command prints out a distribution count for all values of a specified tag key, including a percentage of the
 each value's frequency compared to all tag values processed for the key.
-* +inputs+           - One or more supported data inputs; specify multiple inputs by separating them with a semicolon and surrounding them 
+* +inputs+           - One or more supported data inputs; specify multiple inputs by separating them with a semicolon and surrounding them
                        with quotes
-* +tagKeys+          - The names tag keys to gather statistics for; specify multiple inputs by separating them with a semicolon and 
+* +tagKeys+          - The names tag keys to gather statistics for; specify multiple inputs by separating them with a semicolon and
                        surrounding them with quotes. Ignored if --names is specified.
-* +criterion+        - (optional) The criterion must be a single class name of a Hootenanny criterion inherting from ElementCriterion.  A 
-                       criterion can be negated using the element.criterion.negate configuration option. Use the +info --operators+ command to 
+* +criterion+        - (optional) The criterion must be a single class name of a Hootenanny criterion inherting from ElementCriterion.  A
+                       criterion can be negated using the element.criterion.negate configuration option. Use the +info --operators+ command to
                        obtain a list of available Hootenanny criteria.
 * +--names+          - If specified, tagKeys is ignored and only name tags, as defined by Hootenanny's schema, are processed
-* +--sort-by-value   - If specified, results are sorted alphabetically by tag value.  If not specified, results are sorted by decreasing 
-                       tag value occurrence frequency.  
+* +--sort-by-value   - If specified, results are sorted alphabetically by tag value.  If not specified, results are sorted by decreasing
+                       tag value occurrence frequency.
 * +--limit+          - Limits the number of results returned.
 * +--tokenize+       - Breaks tag values up into individual tokens.
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