diff --git a/test-files/ui/features/step_definitions/custom_steps.rb b/test-files/ui/features/step_definitions/custom_steps.rb
index a395918..0d5fc02 100644
--- a/test-files/ui/features/step_definitions/custom_steps.rb
+++ b/test-files/ui/features/step_definitions/custom_steps.rb
@@ -875,12 +875,6 @@ When(/^I delete any existing "([^"]*)" folder if necessary$/) do |text|
-Then(/^I open the wfs export url$/) do
- url = find('input.wfsfileExportOutputName').value
- visit url
- # need a way to check the WFS GetCapabilities response is valid
Then(/^I should see "([^"]*)" bookmark first and "([^"]*)" bookmark second$/) do |rb1, rb2|
spans = find('#reviewBookmarksContent').all('span.strong')
expect(spans.first).to have_content(rb1)