v0.2.47..v0.2.48 changeset clip.off - ngageoint/hootenanny GitHub Wiki

diff --git a/test-files/ui/features/clip.off b/test-files/ui/features/clip.off
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37850cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test-files/ui/features/clip.off
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+# Disabled temporarily; see: https://github.com/ngageoint/hootenanny-ui/issues/1541
+Feature: Clip Dataset
+    Scenario: Start Hootenanny
+        Given I am on Hootenanny
+        And I resize the window
+        And I click Get Started
+    Scenario: I can open the form with the shortcut
+        When I click the "map" at "0","0"
+        Then I click the "8" key
+        And I should see "Please add at least one dataset to the map to clip"
+    Scenario: Add Data
+        When I press "Add Reference Dataset"
+        And I click the "DcGisRoadsCucumber" Dataset
+        And I press "Add Layer"
+        Then I wait 30 "seconds" to see "span.strong" element with text "DcGisRoadsCucumber"
+        Then I change the reference layer color to blue
+    Scenario: I can change coordinates for clip
+        When I press "Tools"
+        And I hover over ".tools-clip"
+        And I press span with text "Clip Dataset"
+        Then I should see "Enter Coordinates for Clip Bounding Box"
+        And I should see "#maxlat" with a value between "38" and "39"
+        And I should see "#minlat" with a value between "38" and "39"
+        And I should see "#maxlat" with a value greater than "#minlat"
+        And I should see "#maxlon" with a value between "-78" and "-76"
+        And I should see "#minlon" with a value between "-78" and "-76"
+        And I should see "#maxlon" with a value greater than "#minlon"
+        Then I press "Use Visual Extent"
+        And I fill "#maxlat" with "38.901164"
+        And I fill "#maxlon" with "-77.016836"
+        And I fill "#minlat" with "38.882563"
+        And I fill "#minlon" with "-77.071161"
+        Then I press "Clip to Bounding Box"
+        And I click the "map" at "100","100"
+        And I click the "map" at "400","400"
+        Then I wait 5 "seconds" to see "Enter Coordinates for Clip Bounding Box"
+        Then I press "big.loud" span with text "Next"
+    Scenario: I can submit clip operation
+        When I fill "LayerName" input with "CucumberClip_BB"
+        And I press "big.loud" span with text "Clip"
+        Then I wait 30 "seconds" to see "has been submitted."
+        Then I wait 30 "seconds" to see "Success:"
+        Then I remove the first layer
+        When I click the "Add Reference Dataset" link
+        And I click the "CucumberClip_BB" Dataset
+        Then I click first "Add Layer"
+        Then I wait 30 "seconds" to see "CucumberClip_BB"
+        Then I wait 5 seconds
+        Then I click the "trash.map-button" icon
+        And I accept the alert
+    Scenario: Delete data
+        Then I select the "sprocket" div
+        When I click on the "Datasets" option in the "settingsSidebar"
+        And I click the "CucumberClip_BB" Dataset
+        Then I context click the "CucumberClip_BB" Dataset
+        And I click the "Delete (1)" context menu item
+        And I accept the alert
+        Then I wait 30 "seconds" to not see "CucumberClip_BB"
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