v0.2.47..v0.2.48 changeset changeset derive replacement.asciidoc - ngageoint/hootenanny GitHub Wiki

diff --git a/docs/commands/changeset-derive-replacement.asciidoc b/docs/commands/changeset-derive-replacement.asciidoc
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+++ b/docs/commands/changeset-derive-replacement.asciidoc
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+== changeset-derive-replacement
+=== Description
+The +changeset-derive-replacement+ command creates an OSM changeset file that represents the difference between two input 
+OSM datasets within a given bounds where the data from the secondary input dataset completely replaces data in the 
+reference dataset. 
+The changeset derivation algorithm avoids unnecessary clipping of features (e.g. buildings crossing the AOI) and 
+stitches up areas where features must be clipped (e.g. roads crossing the AOI). The output changeset file can be 
+applied directly to an OSM API database or the Rails Port with the  +changeset-apply+ command. Generally, the reference 
+data is sourced from an authoritative data store, like an OSM API database. Element IDs for the first input (reference 
+data) are retained and treated as data resident in an authoritative data store. Element IDs for the second input 
+(secondary dataset) are not retained and treated as completely new data. 
+* +input1+            - OSM data reference input (e.g. .osm file); must support bounded queries
+* +input2+            - OSM data secondary input (e.g. .osm file); must support bounded queries
+* +bounds+            - Comma delimited bounds: minx,miny,maxx,maxy; e.g. "38,-105,39,-104"
+* +featureFilter+     - A single criterion class name used to determine which type of features are replaced in the 
+                        reference dataset. Must be a conflatable criterion (see "Type Filtering" section below). e.g.                                 "hoot::BuildingCriterion"
+* +output+            - Output location (e.g. .osc or .osc.sql file)
+* +osmApiDatabaseUrl+ - Target OSM API database the changeset is to be applied to.  Used to maintain element ID continuity with a particular 
+                        database instance when generating SQL changesets only (.osc.sql).
+* +--lenient-bounds+  - By default, features will only replaced if they lie completely within the specified bounds. Activating this option
+                        makes the bounds handling more lenient (has no effect on point datasets). See the "Bounds Handling" section below 
+                        for more detail.
+* +--stats+           - Stats flag, when turned on a table of create, modify, delete for each of the types node, way, relation (only valid 
+                        for .osc output files)
+* +--write-bounds+    - If the `convert.bounding.box` configuration option is specified, optionally outputs a file containing the input 
+                        bounds. The location of the file is controlled via the `bounds.output.file` configuration option.
+=== Usage
+changeset-derive-replacement (input1) (input2) (bounds) (featureFilter) (output) [osmApiDatabaseUrl] [--stats] [--write-bounds]
+=== Examples
+hoot changeset-derive-replacement input1.osm input2.osm "38,-105,39,-104" hoot::BuildingCriterion outputChangeset.osc 
+hoot changeset-derive-replacement -D convert.ops="op1;op2" input1.osm input2.osm "38,-105,39,-104" hoot::BuildingCriterion outputChangeset.osc --lenient-bounds
+hoot changeset-derive-replacement input1.osm input2.osm "38,-105,39,-104" hoot::BuildingCriterion outputChangeset.osc --stats
+hoot changeset-derive-replacement input1.osm input2.osm "38,-105,39,-104" hoot::BuildingCriterion outputChangeset.osc.sql osmapidb://username:password@localhost:5432/osmApiDatabaseName
+=== Type Filtering
+Currently, only one criterion may be specified per feature filter and at least one must always be specified. Future work will allow for 
+specifying no filter or multiple criteria per filter (https://github.com/ngageoint/hootenanny/issues/3360). To see a list of valid 
+conflatable element criteria for use as a feature filter:
+hoot info --conflatable-criteria
+=== Bounds Handling
+All inputs must support bounded reading. To list the Hootenanny input formats that support bounded reading:
+hoot info --formats --input-bounded
+Unless the reference data is being read from a direct connection to an OSM API database (osmapidb://), reference input 
+datasets containing linear data should be slightly larger than the replacement AOI, so as not to drop linear features in the changeset output 
+(osmapidb:// reference inputs handle this issue automatically).
+==== Strict Bounds Handling
+The following describes how the AOI is interpreted by the command when the +--lenient+ bounds option is absent.
+===== Points
+- Only reference features completely inside the bounds will be replaced.
+- No secondary feature on or outside the boundary will be included in the output.
+===== Lines
+* No reference feature crossing the bounds will be modified outside of the bounds. Reference features may be split.
+* No parts of secondary features crossing the bounds will be included in the output.
+===== Polygons
+* No reference features crossing the bounds will be modified.
+* No secondary features crossing the bounds will be included in the output.
+==== Lenient Bounds Handling
+The following describes how the AOI is interpreted by the command when the +--lenient+ bounds option is present.
+===== Points
+N/A - Point bounds relationships are only handled in a strict fashion.
+===== Lines
+* Reference features crossing the bounds will be completely replaced by secondary features.
+===== Polygons
+* Reference features crossing the bounds may be modified. They will not be split, and will only be conflated with secondary features.
+* Secondary features crossing the bounds may be included unmodified in the output or conflated with reference features.
+=== Versioning
+If the target of the resulting changeset is an OSM API database, all input features from the reference dataset must 
+be populated with the correct changeset versions or application of the resulting changeset will fail. 
+For Overpass API queries, add "out meta" to the query retrieving the reference data.
+=== Unsupported Formats
+GeoJSON output from the Overpass API is not supported by this command, since it does not contain way nodes.
+=== See Also
+* `changeset-derive` command
+* `changeset.*` configuration options
+* `snap.unconnected.ways.*` configuration options
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