Conflation Algorithm Information - ngageoint/hootenanny GitHub Wiki
Below are Hootenanny slide presentations and docs presented over the last several years. Much (but not all) of the information is available in a more detailed format within the Hootenanny Algorithms and User Guides that come with each release (eventually most of the info should be migrated to those docs). However, the slide presentations are sometimes a more manageable way to introduce a Hootenanny capability to a new user. Be aware of the presentation dates when reading the slides. The Algorithms and User Guides will always have the latest Hootenanny information and take precedence over these slides as far as accuracy is concerned.
Algorithm Detail
Attribute Conflation - 3-20-19.pdf
Building Conflation 2014-08-19.pptx
Business Logic 2014-02-10.pptx
Conflation Quality Assurance v2-11-15-16.pptx
Multilinestring 2014-01-03.pptx
Network Based Conflation - 2016-06-20.pptx
POI Conflation 2015-08-07B.pptx
POI Implicit Type Tagging Based on Name - 121417
POI to Polygon Conflation 2016-11-15.pptx
Rule Based Conflation 2014-08-15.pptx
2013 Evaluating conflation methods using uncertainty modeling.pdf