Sprint Report 5 - nford18/spherical-easel-w24 GitHub Wiki

Prepared by: Nick Ford, Caleb Roe, Travis Johnson

Intended Progress

Sprint 5 planned goals were: Testing the functions created during sprint 4, resolve continued bugs and errors seen with local deployment, and starting the final project material.

Nick planned to finish the task left over from the last sprint, complete a smaller database cleaning task, and get a start on final sprint deliverables.

Caleb planned on completing testing with the starred construction instance, testing the list item filters and filters for displaying the item option buttons, and starting on the final poster material and report.

Travis planned to work on testing functions made in previous sprints: makePrivate and updateStarred. Along with this he planned on working on final deliverables.

Progress Reflection

Being the last development sprint, we spent a lot of our time working on getting bugs squashed and testing a lot of the logic and features we implemented the previous sprints. Each team member contributed well to testing their own features and we had some great meetings with the sponsors who helped us resolve the major bugs. At this point, all features or tasks are complete and ready for presentation day.

Nick feels alright about his progress. The task he wanted to finish ended up being canceled by the client, but he was able to resolve other bugs found while developing the task. The other task he had slated was swept into a PR by Caleb since they were related issues.

Caleb was able to complete all his Jira tickets and was able to resolve several larger bugs present with the construction lists. He also was able to work on the final report before leaving on vacation.

Travis got most of what he planned on doing done, but realizes the importance of merging all of the branches created into one branch so the group can present a final product for clients/presentation days. He also did the bulk of the poster work with some help from Nick.

Problems Encountered

We encounter no major problems during this sprint other than some bugs in our new back-end code. The bugs were manageable and we had a lot of help from the sponsors to complete them. The only issue encountered was making time to start on the final report and poster, given the tighter deadline presented.

Nick had trouble finding time to work on things in the second week of the sprint. Several projects and his other capstone had due dates this week or in the beginning of next, so these had to take priority.

Caleb only ran into having less time this sprint due to vacation time at the end.

Travis encountered some problems with time; it was limited due to work and other large projects in other courses. He has also been waiting for some front end stuff to be completed by other members to test things.

Project Progress

We completed all outstanding tickets, features, and major bug fixes in time and on target for the semester. Testing will continue as any last-minute issues arise, but we are confident that we have everything in order for the final presentation and a successful project completion.

Nick added fixes for bugs caused by regressions and completed in-depth PR reviews and Git management. One PR from this sprint had a regression and Nick worked to amend the lost code. At the end of the last sprint, we discovered that some structural code was lost to regression as well, Nick amended this issue as well.

Caleb worked on testing all the new UI components, filtering items in each construction list, and new instance creation for starred constructions. He also worked a lot on the major bugs encountered when adding the starred instance as well as some other bugs seen with the original sponsor code that was impacting UI elements not displaying correctly. He also worked on getting the final report framework setup and adding content, as well as starting on the poster material.

Travis has created functions that will interact with Firebase which is a vital part of what the clients wanted delivered to them with this project, all that is left to do at this point is merging branches together and making sure everything that has been done individually works together.

Update of Burndown Chart

Our burn-down chart is primarily smaller testing tasks that we were able to pick away at consistently throughout the sprint, we feel really happy with how consistent we as a team got with pacing the jira sprints as the semester progressed.


Teamwork Reflections

Nick thinks that the teamwork was good for most of the sprint, but could have been better towards the end. We communicated well for the first week, having a meeting at the beginning -- separate from our client meeting. But at the end of week two, due to other commitments, we did not end up meeting as we planned to work on the report and poster. Most of that work was on our own.

Caleb is satisfied that the team was able to continue the push to get all major goals and milestones completed for the last sprint and is happy with the teams progress and what they were able to accomplish in the 10 weeks of development given the issues faced, the lack of knowledge the team had going into the project, and the struggles to find time during each sprint the team faced.

Travis believes that this sprint was a little light on communication and certain things in Jira were set to "done" before they were actually done. This left a bit of confusion for certain group members because they were not sure if things were actually completed by others or were just set to done for the sake of it. All that being said the things that were supposed to get done this sprint got done and now we just need to wrap things up.


Reflecting on Sprint 5, we improved on team and sponsor communication, grew in our knowledge of a full stack project like this one with the technology and development pattern limitations we all had, and developed and streamlined features that will leave a lasting positive impact on the project in the years to come. We are super happy with how we as a team managed the project and we feel, even though there is a lot that we were unable to complete for the sponsors wish list, we left the project in a really good standing for the next group of students to jump in with a better footing than we had going in.
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