2. ARC initialization - nfdi4plants/ARCCommander GitHub Wiki

  • The basic ARC folder structure can be created using arc init

    • .arc auxillary arc commander files
    • assays storage for raw data
    • externals storage for external data
    • runs storage for processed data
    • workflows storage for computational workflows
  • The flag --repositoryaddress (-r) followed by the URL + ".git" of a remote repository lets you connect your local ARC with the respective remote repository, e.g.

arc init --repositoryaddress https://github.com/nfdi4plants/ARC.git
  • Using arc get -r followed by a URL + ".git" enables you to clone an already existing ARC as local repository, e.g.
arc get -r https://github.com/nfdi4plants/ARC.git

In previous versions of the arcCommander, the subcommand get allowed you to retrieve information from the ARC, e.g. arc assay get or arc study person get. This function is now available using the command show, e.g. arc assay show or arc study person show.