UserManual - nexxx/Database-Analyzer GitHub Wiki

System Requirements

  • Java 1.7
  • Windows, OS X, Linux

User Manual

Welcome Screen

After starting DBA you will see a welcome screen, where you can open an existing project or create a new database (with defined datatypes)

New Database

File/New or Toolbar New will show a popup screen where you can select the datatype of the new Database


Options can be found under *Extras/Options


The used language (currently english/german) can be selected

Show 'Tips of the day' at startup can also be (un)selected

Setting of the used Look and Feel


The colors for the graphical representation can be selected and there is also a button to reset to the default colors

Editing Database

You can edit your Database, via the context sensitive toolbar or via right-clicking a element in the tree. See imgage.

Functions on Database:

  • Create a new Relation with a Wizard
  • Create a new (empty) Relation
  • Check (inspect) the database for errors, warnings and the current normalform

Functions on Relation:

  • Add Attributes
  • Add Functional Dependencies (only if 2 or more Relations are in Database)
  • Edit the selected Relation with a wizard
  • Delete Relation
  • Rename Relation
  • Inspect Relation
  • Optimize Relation (up to BCNF, only available if Relation is 1NF, 2NF or 3NF)

Functions on Attributes:

  • Delete Attribute
  • Rename Attribute
  • Set Primary Key
  • Set Foreign Key
  • Set Data Type (Toolbar ONLY)

Function on FDs:

  • Edit Functional Dependency
  • Delete Functional Dependency

Customer Informations

Customer informations, contact data and note to the project can be stored via Edit/Customer Informations

The current date, contact persons and relation name can be inserted into the note, for a faster change tracking.


The created Database can be exported (File/Export as...) to the following formats:

  • HTML Report: contains customer company, address, contacts, notes, ER-Diagram, FD-Diagram and a textual description of the database. HERE is an example
  • PNG: a picture of the ER-Diagram and FD-Diagram
  • TXT: a textual description of the database

Folder Structure

All DBA relevant data are stored under your home-folder/.dba

  • Export: All exported data can be found here
  • Options: Here is the options file located
  • Save: Saved files are stored here